Late revenge | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In my childhood my friend and I had an exciting adventure area very close to our apartments. We were boys at the age of about 6 or 7 years and often stayed in a factory area, in which new things were to be discovered again and again. The factory produced any sheet metal parts, which were often stored in boxes in the courtyard. Tools, forklifts and all sorts of boxes that were interested in us were also available everywhere.

It was a pretty grubby complex. It was limited from around the turn of the turn of the century. The courtyard area could only be reached by a superstructed entrance. A gatekeeper office was installed in the entrance so that incoming and exit vehicles, mostly trucks, could be handled.

The gatekeeper office was occupied with a young woman who probably also had the task of guarding the courtyard area. We knew a different approach, namely through a fence piece that bordered on our property, but the courtyard could be overlooked from the gate. The cheapest was the opportunity if the factory followed Quitting time empty.

The problem was only the woman in the gate, she often stayed there longer to accept late deliveries. We have often acquired uncomfortable acquaintance with this woman.

She probably thought she could play the boss if she was alone and opened us while playing. I thought she was pretty, she had great Legs;We already recognized that back then. Unfortunately she was very strict, hissed around terribly. She was rarely able to harm us, because we had disappeared faster when she was able to follow us.

We still had bad luck, once very special.
I remember the experience for a long time. She caught us trying drilling devices and pulled us into her gatekeeper next to our ears. She explained to us that she must now call the police and hand over to us as a burglar. We were chalk, I thought I was now a criminal.

I also thought of my parents if they could probably keep me from prison? We were completely intimidated when she opened us the alternative to carry out the punishment in place. We should then no longer let ourselves be seen and the thing would be done. A little relieved I stammered my consent, my friend probably too.

We both had to put our stations on a stool at the same time. She fiddled with our pants and pulled them down to the ankles.

I suspected bad things as she was rushing us to never move us. She also threatened the police again if she had even heard one tone from us. Then the ordeal started. We got very violent blows on the bare butt with a thin bamboo stick that she had previously pulled out of a flowerpot.

First it was my buddy, then me.
After about five blows he came back. It hurt hellishly! I had never known such pain before and I was close to roaring a few times. I almost didn’t care about the thought of the police and the fear of it. After an endless long time, the procedure was finally over.

We were both teared tears, were allowed to dress.
Despite the horrific pain, a stone fell from my heart when she pushed us out of the gate again. In the next few days my only problem was to the butt full of streak in front of the Mother to hide.

This event was memorized deeply in me, I had thought about it for a long time and had this woman in mind with shudder. We later moved to another city, and over the years I grew up, I gradually forgot the matter.
When I found a place of study after graduating from high school, I went looking for an apartment in the city where I had lived with my parents as a child. I then found a student booth very close to our former apartment and was pleased to be reminded of my childhood days.

Only a few weeks after I had moved did the thought come to me to look at the old factory site to see what had become of it.

When I strolled to the courtyard entrance, the gatekeeper came to my mind again. I turned around the corner into the entrance and looked through the glass pane, behind which the gatekeeper had been sitting. Everything was just like back then, only inside everything was modern and newly renovated. You probably broke out a wall inside and also installed a reception with a telephone center there.

The pane for the courtyard entrance was the back of the reception. Now I also looked at the lady behind the reception counter.

Elegant, blonde shoulder -length hair – I appreciated her around forty. Right next to the Hoflaufahrwar now the official entrance with a modern glass roof.

I thought you would go in there and ask if you can look around here a bit. When I entered the entrance area, the path led directly to the reception counter, which I had already seen from outside through the gatekeeper window.
I spoke to the lady, introduced myself to my concern: “As a child, I often played in the back of the yard, but it certainly doesn’t matter if I look around for old paths a little there?””What do you want? That doesn’t work! If you cannot show an invitation, I can by no means leave you on the site unattended.”” Of course I have no invitation, maybe you can accompany me, I don’t want to stay long “.
Slowly in me the assumption rose that this receptionist actually had to be the young woman, who used to be supervised only the gate. I now looked closely at the facial features and came to the conclusion that she had to be. She was visibly older than then, but as a child I couldn’t assess the age.

Back then, women from 20 to 40 were adult women. That I saw in front of me was actually in the late thirty, in my early forty. Quite attractive, a completely different haircut than then and actually an appealing figure, big and a very decent bust. And then this snippet species.

“This is completely impossible, you cannot visit the factory premises without permission.“She thwarted my considerations.
“No problem,” I threw in, “then please approved it to me.“” Now want to provoke me? What do you want here? I already told you that it doesn’t work!“She said this in a very sharp tone, it reminded me of the customs women, as they were often found at the GDR limit.

I suddenly had the idea of editing the bare butt with a cane. The old memory, as she had harassed us guys at the time, climbed up in me, and I found it very natural and as very erotic to turn the process around. I saw that I couldn’t get any further with my sightseeing concern, put my imagination for the time being, and said to her: “You often regret what you say. I think that will be the same for you too!“With that I turned to walk and left the building.

I still spent a lot of thoughts with the idea of turning this female right through the deficiency, which I found very exciting.

In fact, I was far from implementing something like that. Weeks later, I was sitting in a cafe on a Saturday afternoon and enjoyed the newspaper reading, I noticed that a lady was looking for a free place and sat down at a small table near me – my gatekeeper! I watched her and made various considerations, which is probably done privately. She is married? Probably not, which man could endure that? She has hobbies? Then she clearly confirmed that she is a right ponderous boulder at work like privately.
The coffee was probably not brought hot enough, at least she insulted the waiter in a bad way. At this moment I seriously planned to put my considerations into action to put her head into action.

The same weekend I worked out a plan that I set in detail the following week.

Carola’s experience – a weekend, a nightmare was at the end of the week, 4:30 p.m. on Fridays. I put the telephone center on automatic announcement, then I had to open my final tour. In addition to completing the main and ancillary inputs, the system had to be set to weekend circuit in the heating room. As always, I went to the basement as last.

The stair exit ended in front of a fire door through which I had to go through to get to the heating room. When I opened the door as usual and stepped into the corridor behind it, it hit me like a flash. A hand grabped over my mouth from behind and tore the head back with a jerk. At the same time, a pistol run was pressed onto the left temple.

“No mucks if you want to get out of here again!“, A voice hissed in my ear.

I was completely frozen. Now the moment has come, I thought, like most women, I feared myself so horribly.
“Place your stomach on the floor!“, I was narrowly instructed. A strong pressure on the neck gave my movements emphasis. I got on my knees and lay flat on the cold concrete floor.

My right hand was pulled onto the back and I felt that a strong leather strap was strapped around the wrist.

Then the other hand. The guy now sat on my thighs and also attached such bandages to my ankles. Oh, my god, what does he have with me? All my advice shot through my head that should help you in such a situation. I couldn’t sort anything or hold on to anything.

I was panicked. Now there was a lot of time on my handcuffs.
“Stand up!“, It growled. I had trouble getting up, because as I quickly noticed, my Füj3e were held together on a short chain. When I stood, I was pushed forward.

“Go on, along the passage!”.

I could only go in small steps, rather tripped. I had to be careful not to stumble. Shortly before the end of the passage he picked up a door on the left. At that moment I noticed that he had put on a mask, the way the motorcyclists wear them.

The short sight continued to fuel the fear.

While he pushed me into this room with a strong push, he switched on the light. The room was otherwise very dark, it had no windows. It was a very large room, with thick metal pipes on the walls and blankets. I knew that he also had something to do with the heating or air conditioning, but only knew him through fleeting looks when the door was open.

He now pulled me backwards on the wrists in the middle of the room. Here was already a rope down from one of the pipes. He carried out the rope on my handcuffs and pulled his hands on the top.

Then he knotted it and let go of me.

Now I stood in such a shameful position, my hands pulled up almost vertically at the back, so that I almost had to stand on my toes. I had a dress patterned with large flowers, with a V-neck and buttocks in front. Although the dress was not cut particularly short, I had the impression that my legs were far visible at the back. Due to the streamed attitude, I could not prevent my excerpt from giving deep insights.

I could mine myself bra look completely freely.

The guy ran very slowly around me, I felt all his looks that looked at me. He didn’t say a word. I took all my courage together and tried to seem very determined: “Let me out here immediately! If you knew how the house is secured here and what consequences you would face, you would not have started this at all. You still have another chance if you stop immediately!“I was surprised about my manner and hoped that he would become unsure and gave up.

“So, you threaten me!“He took a bucket out of a corner, put it about 2 meters in front of me and put it on it.

His gaze was immediately directed into my neckline, so that I turned slightly away from him. Then he jumped up and gave me a slap in the face. It clapped really loud.

“Don’t move, only when I tell you!“He grabbed my hair, turned back to the old position and took a seat on his bucket again.
“Listen!“, He started,“ it has a deeper cause, which is why you are here, but I’ll explain that to you later. I actually intend to let you get out of here again.

Ultimately, this is up to you. You will be released on Sunday at the earliest, and until then I will make you a obedient thing that is happy to be able to fulfill every wish.“I was pulled down as if by heavy stones, so much the courage suddenly left me. By Sunday with this guy? And what does he want to do out of me? The wildest thoughts shot through my head.

“I think it’s better I’m button your dress on. What do you think?“” Just leave your fingers away!“I hadn’t really spoke out yet, I had already got a slap in the face again that I was brief.

“You should formulate your statements a little more positively, you bitch! Again: I think it’s better when I push your dress up! What do you mean now?“I couldn’t find a different answer than this:“ Yes, maybe it’s better.”I almost got angry with the” bitch “but I understood that he was pushing for such an answer and saw no hope of warding it off.

“Ah, better, but still not good.“He suddenly had, I don’t know where from, a whip in my hand that he pushed into the neckline at the front.

The end of the whip was closed with a leather tab. With this he started playing around my breasts.

“You now say: Please button my dress, gracious gentleman!“It’s amazing what he demands! I think he wants to humiliate me here, he probably wants to take a lot of time for it. I just can’t say that to this pig. My hesitation was probably too long for him, because suddenly he moved me with his whip from the left of the left such a strong blow against my chest that it pushed my tears out of me.

“A little bit brisk, you bitch!““ Please button my dress, gracious gentleman.”” Yes, that sounds much better.

You make the first progress.“He got up, stepped next to me, leaned over me and reached around me from behind. Then he began to open a button after the other one from top to bottom. I felt endlessly helpless. I am not the woman who just lets a man approach, if I already, then I take over the activity.

And now, I stood there and noticed how my dress opened, completely at the mercy of a stranger. With a handle he gathered my dress on the back of the waist and pulled up with swing. He pulled it up to my hands where he wrapped it together around the rope.
I stood there now, with my dark blue high heels, white bra and a panties. I started crying.

“Well, well.

We haven’t started yet, when the bitch is already going on. You stop immediately!“While I tried to choke my howling, the whip banged me terribly on my buttocks.
“Yes, gracious gentleman, that means! Do you understand? You always have to confirm when I tell you something! Understood?“Without hesitation, it added one on my buttocks.
“I hear!”” Yes, gracious gentleman, I understood that!“, Was my quick answer now. The blows bitten horribly, I really wanted to prevent him from repeating it.

“Well, we come to the actual topic.“He went to a tool box that stood on the wall on a table and rummaged around something in it.
Then he took out a scissors and came back to me. I immediately understood what he wanted with it.

He stood next to me and average the wearers of my bra. Then he reached for the closure and loosened it. But he kept him with two Finger together. Only when he had bent down to the side to better my breasts observe He let go of.

The bra fell to the ground with a short jerk.

“Well, what tits are dangling? These are heavy devices. But it seems to me that they tend to hang slightly? Or how is that?“I could have sinked sinking, someone has never spoken to me like that. My breasts were always very firm. But I soon became forty when they lose a little tension.

I knew that, but I was still proud of my shape. This pig here was widely.

From the corner of the eye I saw how he suddenly runs his arm wide and the whip with full force on my butt. Yes, I forgot: “Yes, you tend to hang easily, gracious gentleman.““ You are just too slow and I have to say everything twice. That doesn’t fit me, if you don’t get any better, it will be very hard for you.“Then he grabbed my right one for my wart, took her very hard between two fingers and started shaking.
“Just too Schwabbelig the udder.

We will have to work on it.“Then he pulled my wart again and gave me a blow against my breasts with the flat hand. I felt so humiliated, so injured in my intimities, I just had to get rid of it. He now stepped behind me and seemed to examine my butt.

“You have an attitude;There is nothing you do!“, He pressed with his whip against my cross.
“Make a hollow back so that yours ass presented better!“I had no pantyhose, just a normal slip. He had to be able to see me in the crotch now, I’ve never been so ashamed.

I also knew exactly that he wouldn’t let it stay. I already felt the cold iron of the scissors pushed on the right of the hip under the panties. And the federal government snaps apart, a second cut on the left and the panties fell to the ground. He went forward and fetched the bucket to take a seat behind me.

Complete silence, he looked at my butt, I tried to put my cheeks together a bit to give as few insights as possible.

There was a terrible blow: “You shouldn’t move! Press yours cunt out! I want you to present yourself completely “.
And to confirm that it makes no sense to oppose it, he banged me a prank on the other cheek. The pain was so biting that I tried to correct the attitude immediately. At that moment my feeling of shame was gone. I just wanted to miss another blow.

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