Slip overt [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Peter Hochweiler 0 on the carpet the next evening, it was Sunday, Rudolf returned home. While the express train through the cloud -covered evening roared and raindrops formed on the glass -ray -shaped pattern on the car window during the impact, Rudolf tried to arrange his confused thoughts and that secretly To process persons seen internally. After the smoke of his cigarette afterwards, he sann about it. That his Sister And her husband had loved what was so exceptional, because after all the two are married.

But for the Brother It was still a stirring experience, because to think abstractly or to see one thing, there are two very different things. Or was it even a hidden envy on Carmen’s husband that he was allowed to own his sister while the brother had to do without? Despite all the brooding, Rudolf was unable to gain clarity over his feelings. A growing excitement grasped him. Now only Corinna could help.
Finally the train drove in at the train station.

Rudolf couldn’t wait to see his wife again. He took a taxi. “How was it with your sister?“, She greeted him. “It was an interesting weekend,” he said fleetingly.

Corinna was now more important for him. He hugged her, pressed her tightly and kissed her. Willig let her happen that his tongue who was looking for her player played with her until she too came into his mouth demanding. “But you are stormy.” “Yes that’s me.

Come on, let’s do it on the spot here on the carpet.“They flew out of their clothes, and a few moments later, Rudolf was lying on the carpet of the living room with his back, facing his back, Corinna, who sucked on his member. He pulled her bottom closer so that his tongue immersed in like a penis between Corinna’s labia, in the same rhythm as she massaged his link with her lips. “Come on, let us fuck.“Corinna willingly pushed himself forward, knelt over him, raised her buttocks and introduced his limb into her column. A cute feeling grasped him when he felt Corinna’s warm, moist gender and her vaginal muscles soft and flexible, but still encouraged his limb.
While Rudolf observed exactly how his link between Corinna’s buttocks became visible to sink back into her gender, his sister’s picture was in front of his eyes, how Stefan’s link between Carmen’s spreading legs appeared to be open again in the opening of her top pantiesdisappear, he heard her chopped love sounds, he felt the ecstasy in which the two had moved each other.

“Carmen, I inject!“Pressed the butt tightly on Rudolf, his limb sunk deep into her vagina, remained Corinna, while his lust was floating into her body and mingling her juices. While both were still one, Corinna turned carefully so that his smaller member could not slip out of her wet gender prematurely, and leaned over her husband. “You just called Carmen.”” I have that?“He stood in astonishment. “But you know that my sister is called.“Oh, and I thought you were cheating on me with another woman.“Said it and pressed a kiss on his mouth with a smile.

Corinna loosened from him and rose. Rudolf noticed how his half -rifle link slid out of her column and fell on his thighs. “Come to the bathroom?”, she asked.
Rudolf just shook his head. Sufficiently, he crossed his arms under his neck and listened to the noise of the shower, which from the bathroom penetrated to him.
Rudolf had taken the last possible train home, so the evening was already well advanced when Corinna appeared naked from the bathroom, fresh as a May day, hung up in front of Rudolf, grabbed his arms and upright from the carpet.

It was not worth getting dressed again. So Corinna and Rudolf soon snuggled down in bed. “And what did you do this weekend?“Asked Rudolf, more casually, while his right hand played on Corinna’s breast tips. “Oh, I almost weakened on Saturday.““ Like that, tell.”Rudolf’s curiosity was awakened, and Corinna reported on the” Sym-Tthi man “and what was in Swimming pool as well as afterwards.

While Corinna’s story was still loosening from her arms and moving from Corinna’s side. His expression was slowly darkening. “And now you are jealous?“Corinna ended her story and looked for Rudolf’s hand. He pulled her back brusiously.

“Yes, and you only told me the whole story so that I will become.““ By no means for the sake of the truth, because I love you.““ Oh what, in the ‘likeable man’, as you called him, you have crushed yourself.““ Of course not, I don’t even know what his name is. I will probably never see him again.“And if you met him again, and you would continue your romance?“Corinna hesitated:“ I don’t know. Dermann was very tender to me. But when we said goodbye last night, I had great desire for you.“And because I wasn’t there, you did it yourself.

I know my Corinna. Right?”” Yes, and what was bad about it? Everyone has a natural right to fulfill their lust. Look, Rudolf, my body belongs neither that man from the swimming pool, nor you, nor is someone else, but only me alone. Because there is no right to own another person.””What you do not say.” “But.

Look, the story teaches it. Example Chastity belt… “” What’s that about again?” “Listen. In the Middle Ages and also in the Renaissance, the woman was considered a possession that the other wanted to acquire, so he was secured. And how could this happen better in the eyes of the citizens than with such a device?”” A valid argument “, Rudolf reluctantly agreed.

“But say where did you actually get the story of the chastity belt from?“” Read, in a book, that is, the band of Venus ’and about the chastity belt.” “Oh right.“Corinna nodded. “In addition, the wife could demonstrate his superiority with such an instrument against the so -called weak gender.”” Emancon talk!”” By no means. But these instruments were extremely difficult for real protection of loyalty. For this purpose, they were affected with considerable construction errors in terms of securing the woman, the supposed property of the man.

In any case, it was one humiliation, who also felt the woman from back then as such. And she could only endure this disgrace by putting powerful horns in the literature at least in literature, at least in the literature. So they have given themselves nothing – the male and female of that time. This argument between the sexes was carried out in a rather tangible way.

And it was always about loyalty. But loyalty does not mean right and obligation to sleep exclusively, rather the mutual freedom to do this. In this sense I promise you the loyalty.”” A occasional Fling So on your part you do not exclude?“The irony in Rudolf’s voice was unmistakable. ‘Do you for yourself? It is the men -every man is polygam -who take out this freedom.

As for me, I’ve never thought about it before. But if you ask me so suddenly, I can only answer spontaneously: I don’t exclude an affair. Not anymore.” “I’ll remember that.”” Every child wants nice toys, “continued Corinna undeterred. “And it is happy when it gets it, and if not from your own parents, then from relatives or friends or I don’t know from whom.

That’s normal too. Fall as a virtue only preach those who have everything.“” Yes, but what do you want to go out now now?“Asked Rudolf Referred. “Very easy. In a marriage it is the same.

Keyword tenderness, as just one example. If the partner cannot or does not want to offer, what is reprehensible to search for and maintain it from someone else? Rudolf, I sometimes thought about it, whether … “” Oh what, I don’t want to hear anything anymore. I am tired. Good night.“Incly, Rudolf turned aside, took off the bedside lamp and wrapped himself in his duvet.

“Good night, Rudolf.“Corinna could not fall asleep. From one side she threw herself restlessly to the other. She studied the fleeting light patterns on the wall that were caused by the cracks of the blinds. She felt depressed, the creation tormented her.

Her thoughts, half in a dream, mixed with the sound of the blinds clattering in the wind. The conversation – she felt it – had torn a deep gap between Rudolf and her, beyond temporary disagreement. She really didn’t have it? Did she just not noticed this? Corinna’s thoughts revolved around this question until she finally fell into a restless sleep.

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