Sex under the starry sky | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was once again one of the hot days. The sun slammed down almost mercilessly on us and sweated everyone who even stretched one foot out of his apartment door. I got home straight and had previously been on business in Madrid when the phone rang. “Fernando? Fernando you are that?“It was the voice of mine Mother. As every day, she probably wanted to explore whether all limbs were still available to me.

It didn’t matter whether they were on my body or where else. “Of course, who else?”I laughed back. “What is there? You just called me two hours ago. ”“ I know, but a gentleman called me ten minutes ago, who apparently also works in the “Fabra Observatori”. He said that a man from Barranquilla found a planet in Colombia that is very similar to the earth in size and shape.

He wants you to drop by there. ” “What? Just a detour to Colombia?! Do you have an address of this man?”, I asked. “Yes, I don’t know that right now. I’ll send you your laptop by email. “Thanks for the hint. But why did my boss call you? He knows my contact details?”“ I have no idea, my boy. Get in touch when you are there.

After all, it’s a very long journey, ”she said, hung up before I could say something. After a look in Internet After flight tickets to Barranquilla, I learned that the next free machine should only fly there the next day. Until then there was still a lot of time. I decided to further explore the city center of Barcelona. I had recently put my two master’s way in the areas of physics and Romance studies in Cologne, where my mother still lived.

She was German. My Father On the other hand, Spaniard was, but he had never really had it with the German language, which is why he was heavily dependent on my mother. When I was about to leave my apartment through the front door, it hit me like a slap in the face so I had to tumble slightly. It had become so brooding that I wanted to reverse again. A digital table on a house wall told me 40 degrees Celsius.

The last time I felt such an absurd high temperature was in Aragón. But only towards the evening did the temperature decreased a little. As always, the hell was going on on the Rambla, thousands of tourists and locals pounded through these streets filled by artists. In a small café at the harbor of Barcelona, I approved a violent ice cream cup that almost threatened me to cool me the next morning it started very early.

I drove directly to the “El Prat” airport, where I then rose to Bogotá four hours later in the machine of the Colombian airline “Avianca” “Avianca”. The flight was actually quite uneventful. In between I was asked if I wanted breakfast and lunch two hours later. Of course I affirmed both. At the airport – the first time I entered South American soil and was able to wait an hour for the further machine to Barranquilla, which also stood on time on the apron.

Now it was the last stage. The flight was a bit more bumpy because we had to fly several times through violent side winds several times. The weather forecast had predicted a storm, which we only significantly noticed. After two hours of flight time we landed safely at the airport “Ernesto Cortissoz” south of Barranquilla. It was a completely different feeling here. The climate was only more pleasant than in Spain, which was probably due to the slightly lower temperature and the much higher humidity.

A taxi took me to the hotel. The man whose name I had only found out when I checked my emails. My mother had written to me, he was called Horacio Ramírez. He lived pretty much in the city center. But he should only expect me in a week, which I didn’t know until this point. I was annoyed that I had traveled far too early. But there was nothing to change that now.

I also did a week Vacation not bad. So I decided to explore the city a little. But first I wanted to sleep. I had been on Trapp all day, so I needed my peace. The next morning it started after breakfast. I only changed half of my money, which I led with me, to Colombian peso. Then I got into a regular bus and then get out of interesting places.

I was not only very interested in space and everything that might be further outside, but also in history, architecture and people. I had always been so interested in the Latin American people. The mentality, the culture, there was so much to see here. But in addition to all the positive, which was probably so stimulating here, there was also a negative side in this country. It is the worst quality of every person – violence.

Well, I was very shocked when I drove past the completely dilapidated houses of the poor district of this city. I then decided to get out at the next stop to take a closer look. The streets were very dirty and the houses, still colorful, but very fell -out. I found several rubble piles that were apparently never cleared after a house was torn down. For people, however, it was apparently everyday life.

They lived with an apparent satisfaction that I would never have if I lived here. Children went to school with a laugh, men and women drove stimulatingly talking by bus to work. Everything seemed to be completely normal. Was that all maybe facade? I didn’t believe that. After all, a smile does not harm anyone. But what was that? When I just turned into a street because such a delicious smell attracted me, I saw in a small business that sold flowers, probably the most beautiful dream that I had ever dreamed of.

It was a young woman, maybe a little younger than me, who explained with such an enchanting smile of an elderly lady how she had to pour the cactus – namely not at all. Her beautiful long, black hair, which she was wearing quite open, hung over her shoulders and her wonderful dark brown eyes shone full of love and happiness. Without noticing it, she briefly crashed over to me, but did not make her smile disappear.

I was paralyzed when I looked at her. Unfortunately, the older lady covered me the rest of the apparently beautiful body of the Señorita. I took all my courage together and entered the business, I got a happy “¡Buenos días from her”!“What I replied almost roaring. Inconspicuous, while I turned to the different flowers, of which I couldn’t even describe what it looked like, I kept looking over to her inconspicuously.

She had a slim waist, perfect hips and a very crunchy buttock. My eyes continued to go up to her upper body. Two perfectly shaped breasts, not too big, but also not too small, protruded. She was wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans. They were very simple clothes, but they fit very well with her. In addition, she had a beautiful tanned skin and full but natural lips. My knowledge in the floristic area was so good that I could just distinguish a sheet from a needle, maybe also the sting of a cactus.

But did that play a role? I’m afraid. So I looked around for “new flowers for my front yard”, which I didn’t even have when the young lady came up to me. “Can I help you in any way?“Asked, she asked and smiled again. “I … uh … well, so to be precise. Uh, yes. I’m looking for a suitable cactus for my mother, ”I log stuttering. She nodded slightly, but moved her smile into a grin and turned around.

I stood there as if rooted and I couldn’t believe my bad luck at all. ‘Oh, you idiot. It might not be a bit stupid, ’I thought, and briefly buried my face into my hands when the pearl suddenly came back. She had me my story Apparently bought and stood in front of me with a small but very prickly cactus. She recommended it to me, but I shook, still with a lump in my neck, my head.

What followed now ran much better than I was hoping. She showed me a whole series of small to huge cacti, which looked like torture instruments from the Middle Ages. After a while she seemed to have noticed what I actually wanted from her. Because I just couldn’t choose between all the cacti. “I have now shown them every single cactus that we have and they said no on everyone,” she laughed, lifted the index finger and reached for something under the counter.

She took another small pot with a very small cactus. “How about this. This is a “I shook my head. After every head shaking my head on my part, she seemed more and more interested in me. But I only had very little hopes because someone like you. But with every shaking of the head on my part, I felt a little stupid. Maybe she had slowly found me annoying.

But because of the fact that she was still smiling, I didn’t believe that anymore. “Well, if you don’t want to buy a cactus, what do you want here?“She asked, and grinning the arms in front of her chest slightly grinning. “I wanted to ask them if they were already going to do something after work,” it suddenly gushed out of me. It was the right time. In my stomach a real firework of mixed feelings raged.

In some cases I cursed me to say that, but I was also relieved. But what could happen? She could say that she is already in a relationship, or that she is already doing something or that she doesn’t want to go out with strangers. “Oh!“, It suddenly came. Inside I sank together like a fainting falling. “She wants to go out with me?“Apparently she didn’t know how to classify her feelings.

I thought I had unsettled her. I might not have said that. But now it was out. She thought briefly, then she suddenly smiled! “No, I have nothing else tonight. She because?“Suddenly I got black before my eyes. I had interrogated myself? My heart began to insist like wild and let my blood shoot through my veins that I got a headache. “When can I pick them up?”” No, when can you pick me up, “she corrected me.

“By the way, my name is Yasmin Ramírez,” she said beaming with joy and stretched her hand towards me. I shook them and introduced myself as Fernando Álvarez. After a short conversation, when a small swing customer finally snowed in, I said goodbye and left the business. I searched for the bus stop and meanwhile recorded the way between the shop and the stop, also the name of the stop. Then I took the bus to the city center and searched for suitable places to carry them out there.

There were a number of restaurants in question. But for the selection I had up to 18. 00 o’clock just two hours. That’s why I almost ran through the entire city and looked for me to take a taxi that drove me to the “Río Magdalena”, where I finally found a small, cute café. I noticed the job and instructed the taxi driver to drive to the flower shop. It was five to six when I finally got out.

The taxi drove away and I entered. Suddenly Yasmin came up to me, smiling, of course. She was wearing a red summer dress, plus suitable sales shoes. Her breasts were almost at hand in a bra under the dress packed. She looked a little like a flamenco dancer, which made me sweat. Once because she looked so incredibly beautiful and then because I had to think of Sevilla with her dress.

She closed the door and we went to the bus stop together, talking about a wide variety of things. About our origins, the cultures of the respective country and the peculiarities of the two peoples. She told me that she actually only lived in this quarter because she wanted to help people. A flower business would be the ideal to conjure up a smile on their faces. I was very impressed by that.

The bus came a little later than planned, but that didn’t matter. It was pleasant near them anyway, so you could wait hours. But that’s not how it came, the bus rolled up and we got in. He brought us into the city to the café that I had chosen. I was a little looser than before, which is why I was so looking forward to it so much. We stood in front of the café and wanted to enter when a closed door prevented us.

“What?! It is impossible to be closed so early!“I was annoyed and shook the door. “Fernando, that is because today is a holiday today,” she replied with a laugh. “What kind of holiday?”“ Today is the 20. July, Independence Day. A golden day for Colombia and a black day for Spain. ” I sighed. That absolutely had to be that day? The Colombians could not have chosen any other day? Then it should be difficult to find a restaurant.

“Do not be sad. I have an idea. follow me!“, She said and went back to the bus stop. We drove all the way back to your business. “Where do you want to go?”I asked confused, but she pulled me back to a garage by her arm behind her. She opened it and climbed into an old off -road vehicle. I sat on the passenger side and we let go. “Where are you driving to?“In response I only got a smile.

We left Barranquilla towards the south. The sun was hanging on our left side just above the horizon, but it didn’t stop. After the sun had disappeared, there was still no supervision of stopping. Finally she drove into a place that was called Repelón. “I would like to show you something,” she finally said and stopped at a lake. It was still light and the sun was hung just above the horizon.

Suddenly she opened the glove compartment, took out something, got out and disappeared. I also got out and followed her. But where was she? Nowhere was she to be seen. I was looking for bushes and too at the beach. But finally I found her. She lay on her back in the sand and looked into the sky. I lay down next to her and also looked up. “How well the stars look with you?”She finally asked.

I smiled and replied: “Different. But wait until it is night. “She laughed quietly. “I often come here, usually at night, to watch the stars. In the city it works very badly because of the lights and such. I’ve never been here with someone. You are the first, ”she said and smiled at me. “Sometimes you look into the stars?”“ Hehe, that’s my job.

Even regularly. ” “Real?! Wow! Have you ever considered traveling space?”She asked and looked up again. “Yes, several times. But it is very unlikely that this will happen. And you?” “Yes, me too. But we can do that. Just close your eyes, ”she asked me. I was excited to see what would follow, but my little friend began to rain in this thought, so I had to rethink quickly so as not to attract attention.

A bunch of dead fish or a number of old politicians, things that turn me very much were the right one for this moment. It would have been quite embarrassing. But I didn’t need to think about embarrassment. I was still there with your eyes closed and waited. Yasmin got closer to me and approached my head. “Just relax!“, She breathed in my ear when she noticed my tension. I had to swallow vigorously.

Suddenly her lips touched my neck and immediately I started to tremble. An electrical current drove through my entire body and made me tremble like someone who just came out of the ice water. She put her right hand on my chest and stroked it as she continued with her lips and explored my ear area. Slowly she buttoned up my shirt and stroked my bare skin. I was still trying to think of old politicians and dead fish – whyverly – why – whyever.

This experience put my throat at me and I could hardly breathe. When stroking, she used her fingernails, which scratched slightly over my chest. She kissed my ear gently, slowly drove to my cheek and then to my mouth. I suddenly seemed to hover. My body had stopped trembling, but it tingled everywhere. With her soft chest she lay on my and kissed me gently until she slowly used her tongue.

She pushed her right leg my two legs and stroked me with her right hand on my shaved three -day beard. Then she stroked my hair and opened her eyes again. In doing so, she looked at me with a fire of the desire in her eyes and slowly opened my pants. Apparently she had noticed my huge bump and clearly heard the call for help from Fernandito. Yasmin grazed my pants, I took care of my underpants.

Slowly she came up again cheekily and opened her summer dress at the back, which she then threw into the corner more or less carelessly. Then she got rid of her bra and panties. She had a very smooth shaved vagina. My heart insisted even more than I suddenly had the two wonderful coconuts in front of me. They were spherical, the farm was not too big and the nipples are already very hard. She hung above me and her hair stroked my face, then she came down.

“Do you like that?“Asked, she asked and kissed my neck again. I could only moan a quiet “oh yes”. Then she slid down and stroked my thighs and worked his way up to my friend, who has now become a club, who, like me, was just as much as I was to research for us unknown worlds. Slowly, Yasmin drove over the dark red glans and licked her tongue over the little crack. Again a shower of passion and lust went through me.

As if that weren’t enough, she put her lips on it without not looking into my eyes. All the time she looked at me full of desire and lust, as if she hadn’t had sex for years. It was certainly not the first time for them, it was certain. But for me it was that. She sucked on him, licked her tongue and rubbed him in her mouth.

It was a heavenly feeling. I prayed that it would go on all night. After a while, I was so relaxed now that I almost fell asleep, let her off my penis and came up to me again. She kissed me again on my mouth and I tasted my own drop of pleasure for the first time. Her chest pressed her slightly again on mine, which felt wonderful.

Then she did what I had been waiting for all the time. She spread her legs slightly, grabbed my hands with her hands and pressed her to the left and right next to me into the sand. Now she easily played around my glans with the entrance of her pleasure grotto and sat on my lap until my penis fulfilled her fully. Another gush of feelings shot through my body and almost let me blend.

It was indescribable. She rose and sank again. In doing so, she led my hands to her breasts so that I had free railway. I kneaded her slightly and played around her nipples. But I wanted more. As if she could read minds, she increased the pace and slowly started moaning. But that was still not enough for me. I straightened up, hugged her and pulled my legs up.

She captured my head and drilled holes in my back with her fingernails. But that didn’t bother me, I was even more excited about it. I wanted to feel her, I wanted to feel everything. Your inner and her appearance. Her breasts were as soft as pillows who served as a buffer between our bodies. Her nipples play around mine and made them tingle. I was very deep in her. She moved very slowly but intensely, and bobbed back and forth.

In doing so, she whispered with such excitement how horny she thinks and that she wants more. Again kissed me on my mouth, just this time she almost pushed my tongue in my throat. Her eyes burned with passion and she groaned louder and louder. I also slowly groaned because the tingling sensation had increased very much in the southern area. I could hardly stand it. She moved faster on my lap and hugged me stronger.

Suddenly she started screaming and scratched my back. As a result, I tried to move faster in my position, which was difficult for me. Now she suddenly fell silent, threw her head back so that I could take my mouth over her breasts unchecked. I sucked, nibbled and licked over her horny boobs. Her vagina cramped so much that I thought she would crush my penis.

But it was the opposite. I continued to suck on her breasts when my legs suddenly cramped. As if I had put my finger in a socket, my whole body started to tingle and it tingled as much as ever before. My tail Cooked and shot the almost boiling sperm directly into her, whereupon she groaned one last time. It was such an insane feeling that I was only ploping backwards, with Yasmin giggling quite out of breath.

Everywhere I saw stars, not only those in the night sky, but also in the sand, in the water and in the bushes. Also exhausted, Yasmin fell on me with her soft pugs and kissed me again intensively, without dismissing me from her boiling love grotto, which was still pulsing strongly. She also let off my lips and made herself comfortable on my chest. “But that was by no means everything!“, She said suddenly and giggled again.

My cock, which had shrunk to a small size, seemed to have enough. After ten minutes she got up and lay next to me with her legs spread out. “Come on my sweeter!“, She whispered full of desire. At this sight, my friend seemed to be fully ready for action again. I knelt in front of her, but I wanted to take some more time. I gently kissed her thighs, which she accompanied with a moan.

Slowly and carefully I penetrated the clitoris and touched him with the tip of the tongue, whereupon Yasmin groaned slightly. I smelled her wonderful fragrance that climbed into my nose. I now concentrated on the labia and the interior, which she liked very much. I licked and licked until my mouth cramped. After all, I had no exercise in it, but I continued and brought her closer to her ecstasy.

She groaned louder, almost screamed her upcoming orgasm, grabbed my back of my head and pressed me closer to her. In doing so, she stretched her pelvis towards me and let me spoil her until she came explosively. I let her relax a few minutes until she willingly opened her legs glowing red. I was now over her and slowly penetrated her up to the stop. I didn’t have to make sure to come too early, because an end too quickly would not be very advisable, especially since it was the most beautiful night of my life.

With regular bumps we both started to moan again until I shot my second load under violent tremors and tingling into them and we both sit down to be satisfied. I would, wanted, yes, this experience could never forget. For the rest of the night we lay naked next to each other and told ourselves stories, thought out or experienced. But at some point we fell asleep. The next morning I was woken up by her with a kiss.

The first thing I saw were her shiny, beautiful eyes that beamed me. “Buenos dias!“, She whispered in my ear and gave me a kiss there. I returned the greeting and we let ourselves be irradiated a little by the sun until we put each other again and drove back to the city. For the next week we met every day, went out to eat, to the cinema or drove to the area.

After my meeting with the Señor Ramírez, we saw each other at the airport one last time, where we separated after a long but intense kiss and a lot of tears. But the farewell shouldn’t be forever. Half a year later I flew again, this time for two weeks to Colombia, but not business. We finally saw each other again. After we had to separate a second time, she couldn’t stand it and wanted to move in with me.

It finally took a year before we lived together in Barcelona.

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