Jazz concert | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Jazz concert

Was that a music! Heaven! She went straight into the blood, made it to cook. All extremities rocked in the clock of these adorable melodies. Jazz was simply made for her! And now she was sitting here, in the “Kulturcafé” and enjoyed her “gift”. Tina, her best friend, had given her a special pleasure for her birthday.

She had given her an admission ticket to a concert by the Barrel House Jazz Band. On her birthday she hadn’t known so much, but now, almost three months later, she was happy! It was just the ideal gift! She had been looking forward to the whole week and spent hours aligning for hours. The result was: she looked sensational!

Liane was almost 45 years old and slowly she was seriously concerned! She was still single. Actually she couldn’t even say what it was.

She looked good – not to say: she was a really beautiful woman! Large, slim with long legs and a wonderful figure. Most of the time she wore pretty long, tight clothes that nestled on her body, like a second skin. Something like that that most women couldn’t wear! It looked stunning with her. – her boss, the dean of the university, confirmed that again and again.

Maybe she looked too good!? The men didn’t dare! – she had a short gust of wind and bright blue eyes. The only “mistake” of her was the bit. She had had a crooked incisor, but that was done quickly. Today she was flawless!

Liane’s life had actually gone exactly according to plan – except, yes, except for ..! Her career was easy and today, she was the chief secretary of the university! With her boss she got along well with her boss.

He was understanding and absolutely charming. She earned well and her apartment was a gem. She lived in the city center and didn’t even need a automobile. But somehow it was just part of it.

She had a small, two -seater sports car. According to the motto: nothing else is treated! – Liane just had everything! –

Just no man!

It was a problem that was increasingly crowding over the years. At first she hadn’t taken note of it. – Well, at the very beginning, she hadn’t identified it as such.

Liane didn’t want to get married. But over time, all of her friends had married. They had children. – Children! Liane loved children.

For children she would have even thought about getting married! But it didn’t happen.

She was the patentant of Angela, the little one Daughter From Tina and Sandro. Oh it was nice to be able to spoil this sweet girl. As often as she could, she took the time and did everything possible with the little one. And it grew up so quickly! Now she was already 18 years old and did a dance course! And to her, the godmother, life passed! The problem grew bigger! She had already resigned herself not to have her own children anymore – but she would probably get a man up to her feet! At the moment she was almost depressed over her brooding.

But today she was doing well!

The concert was a wonderful distraction! She was sitting on the stage pretty far ahead and had a great view of the artists. They got these rhythms on tours. It hardly kept them in the chair. But not only the Barrel House Jazz Band was a force – the guest stars were also absolutely sensational.

This singer was a miracle! She was a mulattine – and stunningly beautiful. Her wild mane was dyed dark blonde, and she underlined her guy even more. She looked like a wild lion and so she sang too. The whole hall raged.

Liane felt how her tedious temperament worked on the surface in check. She sprayed sparks. No wonder that this music had been forbidden. There was something dangerous to get lost in it.

Then came the next star.

He plays clarinet – your favorite instrument! And how he played. They literally melt away. This man touched her innermost. He was Creole – and looked like a god! Its light brown skin shimmered in the light of the spotlights and the chocolate brown suit, how tailor -made.

Probably he was that too. The black hair shone damp. Was it the music, or this man who brought her blood to boiling? He electrified them. Just the way he moved! He literally merged with the music.

And then he changed the instrument! He reached the saxophone! Liane saw him moisturized the mouthpiece with the tip of the tongue … and she suddenly trembled! She suddenly felt this tip of the tongue in completely different places.

Liane closed his eyes and groaned. Thank god you couldn’t hear that! She would have preferred to storm onto the stage to him and would have moved out this chocolate -colored suit. She wanted to see more of this wonderful body – and not just that! This Creole clarinetist was the most erotic man she had seen in her life.

She reached for her champagne glass – and when she wanted to drink, he had a bottle of water in his hand. He drank her too! She had hallucinations now? She drank – and he lifted his bottle, blinked to her.

– she had to have looked! But he actually looked in her direction. Not only that: he eyed her very precisely! And obviously he liked what he saw! He flirted with her! Liane flirted back – and lo and behold … he really meant her! A miracle happened. This dream of a man, this wonderful, hot musician after all the ladies present had licked their fingers … He meant she! She only had eyes for him – everything else didn’t care! It was already so erotic to have eye contact with him! His black eyes flashed in the light of the many spotlights, which also heated him and also to her. Although she really didn’t need that.

She already broke out the sweat when he only looked at her.

And then suddenly everything was over. He leaned his instrument to the chair and went into the break with his colleagues. Liane had hit his head. She hadn’t expected that he would go – it was not prepared for it.

Not after he had flirted with her. But what had she imagined? That he would get off the stage to take her in the arms?! The prince from the fairy tale? That’s rubbish! But that was exactly what she wanted! Unfortunately he was gone now! So what was her left? She got up and went to the bar. She needed a new glass of sparkling wine and a bottle of water – to cool down. This man made her to cook! She stood in line well and dreamed of him – not so very well!

Darn! Someone had to be in a hurry.

He typed her on her shoulder – and when she turned her head, she saw in bright, black eyes! Your knees became weak. She fluctuated. She almost overturned it, but he had already put his arms around her and held her tight. “Don’t get weak!“He whispered.

“You can speak German?“Liane was confused. He pressed his lips on her neck. “Kiss Me!“He begged between two kisses on her neck. “I told the other one for a long time!“He turned her gently in his arms and Liane couldn’t help it differently.

She kissed him. Craziness! Could this man kiss. “Mine Mother Was German!“He murmured on her lips. He pulled her with him, away from the counter.

She had never been so hot yet. She really had never kissed a man at first and only then asked how his name was. But he – he was not a man: he was a god! And his kisses tasted so good!


The surroundings became irrelevant. Usually she didn’t like to replace tenderness in public.

Here it was completely indifferent to her. Whoever watched it didn’t matter! She just wanted to feel it. His kisses, his tongue in her mouth – the true miracle thing did it. Liane floated into higher spheres.

Dediting she pushed her flammed body to his – and she felt it: he was exposed to his lust as helplessly as she was. What was it that she pulled so irresistibly to each other?

His scent penetrated her nose. He smelled so good! She would have loved to crawl into him! Her lips burned – she felt this mouth like a brandy on her skin, on her lips. If she didn’t tear herself now, she would melt, evaporate in his arms! His hands held her face, so gently and tenderly! His fingers caused a tingling, erotic shower threaded their body.

She wanted much more of this man than just kisses! There she was absolutely sure!


“I have to go on stage!“According to his facial expression, he was anything but enthusiastic about it. He would have loved to kidnap her in his arms – to the seventh heaven, or anywhere else where they could be alone. “Wait for me!“, He whispered to her in a summoning manner. He wanted her so urgently that he would have liked to do without the concert.

My god, this woman was beautiful! His dream of bright skin, white blond hair and blue eyes – all of this would come true tonight.

She was a delicate beauty, flexible like a young bamboo and yet she was no longer a young girl. No groupie! None who didn’t know what she was doing when she threw herself to a musician on her neck. She was an experienced woman and she knew exactly what was happening here! – But maybe not! He probably didn’t know it himself anymore! His entire body burned with longing for her! If he only looked at her, the water in his mouth ran together! How should he play there? Flame wheels turned in front of his eyes! Was that the heat of the lamps or this unique woman?


His sexual greed was transferred to his game. He had never played so rousingly, so passionate and tender! The audience raced! And Liane with – she felt like in a trance, as if she were “high”.

Her longing for him grew: Pablo Mikhantes! She whispered his name quietly. – Where should you go? – No, the question was not whether! The only question was where! To him? Or should she take him home with her? In your apartment? Your mind was still working! – Just! It was a certain risk. After all, she didn’t know him! She only knew that she requested him that she had never desired a man. She couldn’t remember ever so that he was “hot” on a man so “hot”.

She had already started trembling when she saw his brown hand on the light skin of her arm. How would she excite his hand on her white belly, on her bare breast?

Liane groaned – in burning desire! She prayed around the end of this concert! – when was it finally over? When could she take him in the arms? When could she take him home with her? When could she feel it? Finally feel properly! At some point it had to be over after all! – that just couldn’t be true. She loved jazz concerts! And now she was looking forward to the end!


It felt like a century! Pablo wanted to get out of here! He just wanted her. she was the dream, which he had dreamed since he had started to be interested in girls.

She was embodied love. His love! He knew how she was. He knew her! They had created his dreams! – what if she wasn’t like that? – No! He didn’t want to think about it. She was the one which! He knew deep inside! There was no doubt.

At the moment when he discovered them – in the audience – the flash had hit him! The realization that his fate would fulfill in this German city did not let him go. Half he was German! Even if hardly anyone knew that. His thoughts were no longer at work. Thank God he was really a gifted musician – he played out of his stomach.

And at the moment it went high. Time passed too slowly for him. She crept like a snail! But a snail also comes to the goal at some point. He would not give encores! Not today! The colleagues should do that alone.

They grinned at him already outrageously. Everyone could see what burned them on their soul! He parked his valuable instrument and turned out of the dust! His friends would take it with them!

As inconspicuous as possible, he sneaked off the podium and meandered through the audience. Pablo reached for her hand and pulled her with herself. – his blonde fairy! – His heart! They did not disappear through the official outcome, but through the wardrobe.

Behind them the audience raged – his colleagues dropped that the scraps flew! When the door fell into the castle behind them, nothing kept him anymore. He tore her into his arms, pressed her slim body on the wall in her back. They kissed passionately. His lips touched her and he lost every version.

Moaning he bit into her soft upper lip, sucked on her tender skin. “Darling, Oh my darling!“He whispered in her mouth. “I do not know what that is!“He gasped. “I shouldn’t do it! – but I can’t help it! – I want you so much! – come to me – to the hotel – or where you want to go! – stay with me – tonight!“Between his stammed words, he kissed her again and again, pushed her arms up her head, held her with one hand tightly on the wall and crowded to her.

The other hand included her chest. She was not wearing a bra! He would have to rape her right away, as he was crazy after her.

“Come home to me !“She wanted him! She could hardly wait any more! So! Your decision had been made. She would forget everything tonight – for him! Pablo let her go, amazed – surprised – overjoyed! “Cariña – darling!“She smiled at him – magical! “Liane!“She whispered and took his hand. “Come with me!“Together they left the house and looked for their car.

You were in a hurry.

Pablo whistled through his teeth when he saw the red spider. He clamped in – with his size of 1.90 cm not so easy. When she had his hand had already found the way to her thigh. The tight, blue dress had a long slit that gave him her bare legs gorgeous.

Who could resist there? Slowly he pushed his finger up – inside, between these white, smooth thighs. He felt her goosebumps! And! She did not close her legs – on the contrary! She pushed her apart a little further! She wanted him just like he was her! Her hand left the wheel – came to him! Pablo grabbed air. Your hand on his phallus, on his ..! He couldn’t think clearly anymore! Liane stroked him – and he turned through! Immediately on the spot!

With squeaking tires, she kept on the roadside. “So come on!“Pablo jumped out of the car.

When they entered the house, he had already torn her back into his arms, kissed her wildly! Liane laughed. “We still have to go to the fourth floor!“Pressing his mouth on her lips, he raised her and stormed the stairs up. fourth floor! He couldn’t do that! Not with her on his arms. She was already short of breath of his kisses! But he made it! She had never been on the fourth floor so quickly! My god, this man had a fitness! She had the clear feeling that he wouldn’t sleep much tonight! – and not either! Your heart cheered!

But it wasn’t just a condition.

Pablo was full of adrenaline! The hormone cocktail, which circulated in his veins, brought him to cook. If he couldn’t love her now, it would tear him down! But the way she kissed him – the way she smuggled against him and above all: the way she touched him in the car! – she wanted it as urgently as he!

Liane opened the door and pulled it with it. Pablo was found in bedroom. She stood in front of him, beautiful, heated, heavily breathing and with hungry eyes! Fascinated he looked at her, opened his pants, just dropped her! His jacket tore off his body.

Her big, blue eyes grew even bigger – demanding. There was a wide brass bed behind her. Pablo came up to her. Liane gave way back, let himself sink back, pulled her dress a bit higher – up to her incentive, bare thighs.

He reached for it, pushed it up – over her hips. His hands slid under the panties – dark hands on white skin! – and dragged it down, threw it to his pants. Liane spread her long legs and he knelt in between.

“Say yes!“, He gasped demanding. “Yeah!“She groaned, half passed with desire.

Then he let himself sink over her – but before his abdomen touched her, she hit his mouth. His tongue penetrated, squeezed between her lips, took the “different” feeling in advance. Liane trembled when she felt his hard member – on … “Oh yes,!“ – on their greedy pussy! Slowly he pushed deeper, pressed in – felt her soft labia, urged further – was absorbed, pulled in – as in a vacuum! Hot – soft – smooth – wet – tight – horny! He merged with her.

She kissing, she breathes – he became one with the wonderful woman in his arms. Breathless he kissed her, bumped his greedy tail deep in your body. Punched and pushed and pushed and pushed – always wild – always impetuously – crazy about lust. And then he felt that she moved under him that she came towards him, returned his bumps! – “Oh yes!“ – Pablo groaned – insanely with greed.

His hand pushed the dress aside, pressed her bare, milk -white breasts together. He had to lick her – these pale pink tips that are so firm and plump between his fingers. His mouth approached her nipples.

Liane saw his face: crazy about lust, distorted, strained, greedy for her! She had never experienced so much passion. Feeling his hard cock in her abdomen was the absolute madness.

As in a trance, she moved, became faster and faster. Her cunt became more and more hungry, always hornier after him. “Come! Oh please! Come!“She whimpered in Wilder desire! Pablo felt her hard nipples in his mouth and – bit too! At the moment when she reared up with a loud scream under him, pressed his penis, squeezed up, even deeper – at this moment he exploded, poured into this white body that brought him around the mind.

Around air, she was below him and yet she held it as tight as she could only. She wanted to keep it, feel – still! More and more – always further! “I love you!“She whispered, stunned, whether her own words! He threw her up, brought her out of the track completely.

But he was the man she was waiting for since she was looking for love. He was her longing, her dream, the man of her life!

Slowly he let himself slide from her, but at the same time he pulled her into his arms. “Mi Corazón!“She nestled against him – so soft, so narrow, so incredibly tender. All German women were so gentle tenderness? – and yet she brought his blood to cook! It was so cute, so beautiful and tender and yet of excessive passion.

Most recently he had experienced this deep connection with his mother. And now – here – with a woman he actually didn’t know. He knew her soul! In itself, it combined properties that he carried through his legacy – and to this day he had not yet found anyone who understood his so contrary nature. Spanish – South American – German! He didn’t have to explain anything to her – she knew everything! The overwhelming feeling of feeling understood – she gave it to him! Liana! He stroked her back tenderly.

She stretched under his hands. What a woman! What a solid, sexy backside! He reached with both hands! Pressed her abdomen itself.

He just had her! Why only, he wanted her again? Pablo only needed to see his dark skin on her – and his pulse began to lawn. What was it just that he was so excited about this woman? To feel their lips who loved their neck – their rough tongue, which played with his ear. Schauer went through his body.

He felt moaning her tip of the tongue. His cock was big and hard – he shrugged between her bodies. Yet again! Liane felt his desire – reached for it. Pablo pushed out a wild cry when her hand conquered him! “No other! No woman is like you!“Her wetter, soft mouth hit him – sucked him up – kissed him as he had never been kissed beforehand.

Already this passionate connection of her lips appeared to him like an act of love. He pushed into her, slid out again and penetrated again, felt her soft lips, the delicate mucous membrane of her cheeks, felt, licked – with relish! “You taste so good!“His hands had circled her hips, pushed between these smooth thighs, touched her blond pubic hair. “You taste so wonderful everywhere?“He plucked very carefully. Snatched this magical venus hill.

“Let’s take a shower!“He found this idea extremely attractive.

Nevertheless, he reluctantly let her off. But then he got up and pulled her onto her feet. Liane showed him the bathroom. Together they got into the big shower.

She regulated the water and then he suddenly found himself in the middle of a water orgy! It rained down on him from all sides – and she nestled her smooth body on his. Turned in his arms, pressed her butt against his hard cock. Pablo really didn’t know where he would have loved to deal with his hands. Her plump, wet breasts in his fingers drove him crazy and yet he let her slide further down.

The belly – her pub! He gently pushed his fingertips deeper, pushing himself between her wet labia, pulling them apart carefully. When he touched her clitoris, she pushed himself even more firmly – groaned loudly. “Pablo! Oh yes!“He changed hands, quickly licked over his fingers, tasted it! Craziness! That reminded him of another – better idea! The only question was: would she allow that?

Slowly he slid into his back on his back, kissed her buttocks and then he pushed her gently turning to the side. Liane knew what he wanted.

His tongue slid over her hip, further over the flat stomach to her soft “hill of lust”. His hand laid it on it, comprised him perfectly, pressed, massaged – she was increasingly excited! And then he took the second hand to help. She opened – studied her anatomy. While she was thinking about whether she should dare – whether she wanted to reveal herself in this way – broke the excitement over her, spilled over to her brain and deleted all logical considerations.

Just feel it! She spread her thighs on – for him! And then she felt his tongue.

Pablo pushed her between this plump, smooth labia, licked and sucked – enraptured by her incredible fragrance, that makes her feelings about her feelings, the ability to give her desire! He sought her clit tenderly, took him between his lips, pressed gently. He heard them groaned. Otherwise he had actually been more and more on his own satisfaction. Not with this woman.

He wanted heavenly ecstasy – for her! First your lust would make him happy! His fingers enjoyed. He rubbed her firm pearl gently, licking her tight, rosy entrance at the same time. And when he felt that her vagina pulled together under his lips, he slowly pressed his index finger deeper, clumsy his hand into a fist and pressed her tightly between her baking. He pushed carefully, pushed himself against this irritated, sensitive meat, and then he heard greedy whimper.

“Oh yes,! – Oh Pablo, the guut is! – Yeah! – My god, you drive me crazy! – that’s so cool – Oh yes,!“Her excited pussy pushed against him, pressed himself against him – on his hand – against his tongue, between his hungry lips and he did his best to lead her to the highest ecstasy.

Her pelvis shrugged faster and her pointed screams became louder and louder. But that’s exactly how he wanted it – it also made him wilder how she turned into an uninhibited big cat under his hands. It would not take a long time and, too, he would no longer have mastery.

Then he felt her hands clashing his shoulders and pressing him back to the ground and then-came over him-she spread her long thighs, let him see her wide-open pink column. He groaned.

This sight almost brought him around the mind and then she knelt on him – touched his tip with her smooth, wet meat. “Oh yes!”

No more for a second. He grabbed her hips and pressed her on his greedy cock – pushed away – sacrificed! “Yeah, Oh yes,! Yah! Yah! Yah! Yes! Yes!“He sobbed lust, and Liane gained over him like a tiger. She had fallen for him – at that moment she belonged to him – just him alone! And that was what she wanted: just him!

And in the idea that there were only two people in this world, the lust grasped their bodies and gave them the highest common pleasure.

They winced into each other, merged in the embers of their desire. The physical and mental satisfaction that was given to them left them back in grateful salvation. Breathless they nestled together, sank in the arms of the loved one. The warm water that dried it down on her increased her well -being.

And they both knew: it wasn’t just sex. It was more – much more! They had searched – and found! Over continents! You would not separate – not today – and maybe ..

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