Wife is strangered | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She wanted a child so much, now on holiday, it should work there she decided. She had dropped the pill, actually she only took it to have fewer problems with her rule. Susanne, called Susi, had become 28 in the previous month. The so -called seventh year was over, yes she had married twenty after only half a year that they knew each other. That her husband was ten years older than her, she didn’t bother at all.

On the contrary, she felt comfortable to be able to lean on his shoulder. Well and in these Vacation Should it happen, it had to happen, she had made it so firmly. She remembered the many attempts on her most loyal days, hoping her hope had always remained hope. She remembered the huge dispute when she had suggested to see a doctor. It was clear to her husband if there were health causes of her childlessness, then they would not be looking for him.

So she was the guilty one with times. Then her secret visit to the doctor did not bring anything, except that she was confirmed that she could give birth to children without restrictions. This vacation had to happen, but what if … she didn’t know what, she could and did not want to imagine it either. But subliminal the thought smoldered when it was not with her, then only her husband would be an option. And then what? She couldn’t replace him so easily.

She shot herself for this thought, but born in her head, he was also unable to get out again. Now on the plane, her husband slept in Mittelplatz, she was able to follow her thoughts. She carefully let her look hiking, oh yes there were some men with whom it was worth watching twice. Until she risked a look too much. Just when she inspected the well -built man, he opened his eyes and smiled at her.

She got a red head, she quickly looked in a different direction. She also no longer dared to look at him. She was happy when the plane initiated the landing. She saw him briefly when she left the plane, but then this brief event was displaced by the arrival to her holiday destination. Her rooms were big, cozy and in a impeccable condition. She quickly showered and tried to move her husband to an inspection through the system.

But he put them off later, he wanted to lie down for an hour. At first she was angry, but then her mood turned over, “then I just go alone. The terrain was very generous. In addition to a large pool, the system had its own Beach, And she didn’t think you could see properly, there was even a nudist area. A little struck with her, she decided to take a break, the next bank is mine thought she thought.

It was so wonderfully quiet when she sat down, she dreamed of a strong man who kissed her. While she was doing so, she didn’t get the movement behind her. It was only when two hands put her up over her eyes, a small pointed scream dated her. “Psscht, who is so terrible. “A fixed voice that also spoke German took the first fright. “W …, who are you?“Were their first words.

“Well think of the flight, you were the one who almost pulled me out with my eyes,” she heard him laugh. “No I didn’t, I just looked around,” Susi tried to defend himself. “Could she now take away her hands so that I can see something again. “” Hm, against a small kiss and a Prosecco at the bar behind, I could be softened. “Susi felt his breath when he whispered his proposal into her ear.

“That doesn’t work, I am married, that can’t be serious to her. “Susi tried to get up, but she didn’t succeed. “Well then we are waiting for the husband to miss his wife and seek her. I think that could take a long time, I have right. “Her eyes were still kept, Susi noticed that he seemed to have pretty big hands, she was now also sure that he had to be the passenger who was looking at her while looking caught had.

He dares something, she just thought when she felt him again, he smelled well, freshly showered and male. “Well, give your hearts a shock, after all we have vacation, please” Susi was completely electrified of this voice, you really can’t be angry, she thought she thought. “If we agreed on Prosecco, I could think about it. “At the same time she is already going,“ You can’t go with a stranger here.

“But now it was too late and also what should happen here. “Agreement,” he whispered in her ear, again she felt his physical closeness, “was not lifted. As a matter of course, he handed Susi his hand when getting up and as a matter of course he put his arm around her waist when she was on the way to the beach bar. Susi had trouble putting his hand away, “He young man,” she turns him, “I am a married loyalty wife.

“In doing so, she had to grin over her choice of words. “Ooch,” it came from her companion, “who doesn’t try it. “He already had his hand around her waist again and conducted her to one of the somewhat hidden tables. In any case, her new acquaintance did not seem to be missing from self -confidence. He had received the trip from his employer because he had saved the company from great damage through his actions. She had just noticed that her opposite had only become 24.

She would not have believed it, after talking, she would have thought he was older. It was pleasant and even a bit tingling with him too entertaining. He was really a good narrator. He often underlined his words with his hands and more and more often she felt his hands, like unintentional and chance, lay on her hands, stroking her back and now even on her thigh, where she lived and stroked her with his thumb.

Only now did she woke up from a dream, yes they were sitting here for over an hour, she already had the third glass of Prosecco. She took his hand tentatively and pushed her from her thigh. “But they also have big hands,” that was just that she slipped out of it. He smiled at her: “Nice that you notice it, but there is more what is big, you want to feel. “Susi got red spots on his face,“ I have to go, look at the clock.

“” Yes I too, “your companion also rose,” I think we have the same way. “Susi was uncomfortable, she had just arrived here and already accompanied by a stranger. You might have only gone 500m when your companion put his arm around her waist again and pulled her to herself. “I thought about it, I still want my kiss today. “She couldn’t react that quickly when she already felt his lips on her.

Only now did she succeed to push him away. She wanted to scold her companion, but he looked at her with such loyal dog views that she had to laugh. With once, Susi became pale: “I think there is my husband who comes there. “She quickly gone one step further,“ what do I tell him why I go with them?”” Nothing more than we have already met on the plane, “said her companion,” Let me do it, I know my way around with curious spouses.

“And really, Susi was amazed at the sovereignty with which her companion acted. “Uwe,” he introduced himself, “Uwe from Oberstedt, I am the one who almost torn her nice mistress on the plane. Do you remember?”” Yes, “it came from her husband,” Günter, “he introduced himself. And he hit the offered hand. “And then I took the opportunity to do some reparation,” says Uwe. The rest of the path then made three of them, with the two men talking stimulated.

Now before the reception, Uwe said goodbye to Günter with a strong handshake and at Susi with a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for the nice afternoon,” he fled, “I hope we see each other,” so that Uwe disappeared towards the elevator. Susi became red again, while her husband was blasphemed, “Well, just the first day here and already a admirer. “Susi did not do it to answer, on the one hand she didn’t know what her husband had seen and on the other hand she felt guilty of simply spending the afternoon with a strange man.

Susi decided not to start any further activities for this evening. After dinner, she just wanted to send a few greetings and then disappear into bed in time. So Günter had to explore the bar alone. When Susi went to bed, it only took a short time until she slept. The next morning, her husband suggested taking a trip organized by the hotel. Only now did she think that her husband had to get to bed quite late.

“Where did you get your knowledge from, it is nowhere to find a notice?“Asked Susi interested. “Well, your admirer from yesterday gave me the tip, no actually a tip, he offered us the place, that was a special offer what his employer had completed. It was really a worthwhile excursion, Susi and Günter were thrilled. “What do you think of it when we invite Uwe to dinner tonight?“Günter looked at his wife questioningly.

“But not here, we should look for something local,” came from Susi. And so they left the department in the afternoon to explore the local market. Susi felt comfortable between the two men. Even when Uwe put his arm around Susi at some point in the afternoon and said to Günter, “Actually, I should borrow your wife for a day,” all three laughed heartily at it. And when Günter, it sounded very seriously, replied, “actually you don’t bend your wife, but I would make an exception with you,” it came across so seriously that an embarrassing silence was created.

“So I’ll take the offer,” announced Uwe a moment later. While Susi was still trying to pull everything into the fun, she felt how Uwe she was firmly used. What Günter couldn’t see was that Uwes was right arm so far around her and he could stroke her chest. It was like an electric electric shock that drove through Susi, exciting and at the same time frightening. Their nipples were really so tight they had become.

Her husband didn’t seem to have noticed anything, at least he laughed at Susi’s red face. The hand was further crawled, two fingers pressed her nipple, Susi didn’t know if she trained Uwe, or should she ignore his hand. The fact that she reacted to his touch showed her nipples. And what about her husband, who did as if he didn’t notice what Uwe was doing with her. She decided to wait and see a little to enjoy the closeness to your companion.

They found a nice somewhat hidden restaurant, sat something in the background, Susi in the middle, Uwe right and Günter on the left of her. They talked about anything until they landed again after the third glass of wine on the “topic of one”. While Uwe and her husband talked, Susie compared the two men. She was torn out of her thoughts when a hand lay on her knee and slipped up her thigh. Susie was still to be considered how to react, the hand was already under her skirt and was only inches from her pussy.

What should she do now, try to push his hand away, that would have been noticed, uwes hand was so tight on her leg, she wouldn’t have been so easy to push away. Now Uwe started crawling her with her fingers there. She tried to prevent the worst by pressing her legs tightly. Nevertheless, Uwe’s fingers slowly continued. Susi tried not to show any emotion, but Uwes hand slowly had an effect.

Three glass of wine and strange fingers, who pushed themselves closer to her pussy, had an effect. She felt how it started to tingle. What if she just opened her thighs. What would Uwe do? Dear not, she was sure he would take advantage of it. Günter wanted to go to the toilet, then it should go back. As soon as Günter was out of sight, Uwe Susi pulled up with his free hand. Susi could not prevent the fact that her thighs opened.

“I think your husband like it when I ran you a little,” with these words he now pushed his hand completely between her thighs. Susi could now feel how his entire palm was on her gap. Uwe could only whisper her, then she failed her voice. Only the fabric of her briefs separated him from this point. Nevertheless, she feels his crumbling finger. She felt her moisture flowing, was almost in the trance. Only the returning Günter could be separated and initiated the way back.

Uwe also used the way back to shake with Susi. Susi it got almost scary, why does her husband say, otherwise the jealous guy, this time nothing. That can’t be due to the few glasses of wine. Uwe was cheeky like all day, he took advantage of every opportunity. Now that Günter had briefly put in the bushes, Susi felt how she was tightly pulled to Uwe. His kiss was intense. She closed her eyes and gave herself to the cozy feelings that left his tongue with her.

The fact that Uwe comprised and rubbed her right breast and not only just took it, rather she even enjoyed his hand. She was just amazed that her husband did not take the situation into the situation. Now Susi couldn’t stand it in her room, “Tell me what is going on in you, it seems to me as if you want to couple me. You would have been romping at home for a long time. “”Do you find?“Günter tried to get some time, he was not in the least prepared for such a direct question.

Of course he had seen how Uwe had approached his wife. But strangely, he wasn’t freaked out, no on the contrary, he felt turned on. He even got a stand. But he could say that badly for his wife. So Günter tried to avoid the cliffs that have now opened. “He is likeable,” Günter continued to look for words, “Leave him a little fun, I like him, he is always so carefree. “” “You just do it,” thought Susi, “that’s how I have the black Peter again.

“” “What if he suddenly wants more, I mean, he is in the bloom of his years, you saw the bay in his pants,” Susi asked directly now. “Yes, I did,” said Günter, “only in the toilet, he was greater than mine when he stands, I wonder if a woman can take up such a device at all. “Susi refrained from further throw -in, which would be if, this thought went through a short moment.

No, she shook herself, she was in the middle of her hot time. She wanted a child yes, but it should be Günters, another possibility was out of the question for Susi. That had already reached its limits today, she found. In any case, she had to be careful. She was still surprised when Günter announced that he reserved places at the bar. You could see Susi that they had loved a quiet evening here.

Since they were here in the residence, Günter hadn’t even slept with her and what it looked like it would be nothing more today. Accordingly, she also took care of the evening. Only when Günter moved the face caught Susi. Uwe seemed to be waiting, he shone particularly Susi, his laughter was contagious. Susi was also carried away by Uwes for a good mood. Uwe really seemed to be an organizational talent.

Not only that he had got this table in the back of the bar, no he did even mysteriously. “Come a poet, not everyone has to notice everything,” he whispered. “So tomorrow there will be an exclusive VIP excursion throughout the day. I happened to notice how two places were canceled. I immediately thought of you and accessed you. “Susi grinned at Uwe“ And what would you have done if I didn’t feel like it?”” Quite simply, this: “Susi felt packed with times and pulled over Uwes knee.

Since she was sitting between the two men in the middle, Uwe had pulled her left to her. Her legs got caught under the table while his left hand held her upper body. So an ever increasing bump felt under her abdomen without really doing anything about it. “And now a few slaps on the bottom, that would have done miracles,” Uwe grinned. And just as quickly as he had pulled Susi over his knees just as quickly he had helped her up again.

“With you there would probably be no woman to laugh,” Günter’s words gave the conversation again the kick that Susi actually wanted to avoid, but which made her lamps glow inside her inside. “What do you mean?“Uwe grinned,“ You have to be a little more precise, or?“He looked at Susi, who grinned cheekily, precisely because Günter had to explain himself more precisely. “Well, I only mean,” Günter stalled, “because because you have something determined by you, you say where it goes.

I think if you want a woman you get her too. And there is still something, your penis, he is not just a god, he shines over your body, he is that talking about your personality. “There was silence for a moment until Uwe laughed,“ I’m admitting something there, but by no means as dolly as Günter says it. “” I want to dance, “Susi interrupted the conversation. Susi now wanted to know more about Uwes Penis.

Günter, the topic was actually uncomfortable, he had to admit that there were much larger specimens than his. Since Günter was not as happy as Susi it had hoped, she only commented on Günter’s words, “Then I just have to ask Uwe. “After a short break, Susi Uwe looked questioning. And he knew what was expected of him. Susi was surprised she was good uwe she led. It was new for her how tight and firm Uwe she led.

His leg was not only pressing against her hottest place once. They ended the round something out of breath. The next round of dance was a slow. Uwe looked at her, Susi felt how it tingled into her abdomen, something was different, it was the look or the gestures of Uwe, she didn’t know. Already at the first dance his hand was deep on her buttocks. She had no chance of getting his hand away. At first it was embarrassing to her, but nobody took note of it.

Uwe had led her into one of the dark corners. She had put her head on Uwes shoulder and enjoyed his body. She felt his hand tried to pull her panties through her skirt. But she only became restless, where she felt the right hand between her body. The hand went full of her chest, “Pscht,” calmed her down, “everything is good. You have nice breasts, firm, round, with small nipples.

“Her nipples straightened up under his hand. It tingled in huge in her. “Pull out,” she heard “what” Susi believed to have interrogated. “I want you to obey, do it for me, your bra. Do you hear, do it for me. “” “I can’t,” Susi trembled, “but you can, go now I’ll wait here. “Uwe Susi pushed towards the toilet. Susi went towards the toilet with soft knees.

There she concluded herself. “No, it can wait a long time. I don’t do that, I a married woman. Of course he will be disappointed. Whether I try how it feels. “She cautiously pulled the basket of the bra up. Her nipples tensioned and scratched the fabric of her dress from the inside. “A crazy feeling,” she thought, “if I try it. What should happen, nobody knows me here.

Whether Uwe calculates it, determined. “She had to expose her entire upper body to take off her bra. She felt like after a victory that she hadn’t thought that she had had to take her handbag with her. So she had to try to scroll her bra as small as possible and get up to Uwe inconspicuously. Alone the way to Uwe reached to make her another woman, it was a victory over her own self.

Susi was converted. Expectations of expectations stake their nipples through the thin fabric of the dress. Günter was amazed when he saw his wife without a bra. “It doesn’t look chic!“Uwe looked at Günter, then he took a hand to underline what he had said and thus lifted Susi’s breast. Günter didn’t say a word, he just had Uwe made. In one of the next dances, Uwe finally managed to get so far under Susi’s rock that he could reach her slip.

Her breath caught when she felt his hand on her bare buttocks. “What do you think of it without a slip,” asked Uwe. “Better not, I think it’s time, we want to take part in the excursion tomorrow. “Susi wanted to end the evening. “Ok, then let’s take a nightcap in the room,” Günter was already a bit drunk. When Susi looked at Uwe she already knew what he was expecting, he would want her panties there and he would get him too.

Your resistance was already no longer available on the way back. She was already wet and she was horny for the game she wanted to offer Uwe. Only what would come afterwards. Susi’s thoughts struck disk trees. What if he wanted to sleep with her now, she was definitely in her time -ready time. Uwe certainly wouldn’t have to forgive the worst genes. In the same breath, however, she scolded with herself, you can’t lead your husband behind the light.

With a short outcry with once, then a “damn”. Susi and Uwe ran to Günter who was sitting on earth in front of them. “What is?“Susi was clearly to look at the fright. “Crap I’m over with my leg, I think you have to help me the rest of the way back. “And again it was Uwe who organized a car from the practical side via the reception and a doctor. Nothing was broken, just dragged. That meant to put your leg calm the next few days.

And that now where this excursion was up to. It was no longer possible to think of an abscuor. Susi wanted to cancel the excursion but Günter insisted that Susi takes part in the excursion. Günter had suggested her vacation and thus also the excursion to enjoy her at night. What he meant by it when he said: “I put you in the arms of Uwe until the end of the excursion. “Each of the three of them certainly had their own ideas of that.

Uwe took care of it, the day went like in the flight. They were only by bus and then on the way with a winged boat. They were traveling to an island, here there should be a very old culture. It was already around noon when Susi noticed that her companions were quite nervous. She made Uwe aware of it. “I’ll inquire,” said Uwe and went to her leader. When Uwe came back he also looked a little worried.

“Terrible?”Asked Susi” Well that is relative, “it came from Uwe,” the engine is said to have damage, the captain tries to reach the next city. But whether we will come back today … “And now” asked Susi. “Nothing and now, the tour guide, was already on the phone to organize accommodations for the night. Let’s see what he trends in the little kaff. “That means that we can’t get away here today?“Susi now wanted to know exactly.

“That can happen,” so Uwe “No I don’t think so, I can’t leave my husband alone. “Now Susi was really nervous. How right Uwe had showed up after an hour after they had run into the harbor. Now it became official, it was not possible to return, they had to wait for a replacement ship. They were asked to explore the place independently. In an hour the guide would be able to tell you more. Curious, but also nervously, the passengers gathered in front of the ship’s berth.

Your tour guide had a big note in her hand. “As expected,” he said, “we won’t come back today. The problem we have is that we cannot provide regular accommodations for all of us. We were only able to book hotel rooms for the couples. Everyone else has to move into an emergency shelter. Susi was nervous, “stay with me, you hear, I am alone here, who knows what are the emergency accommodation.

“And then the tour guide began to split the accommodations. They listened carefully and didn’t think they were trusted by their ears. Had the tour guide made a mistake, was wrong, at least they were called as a couple and thus received access to a hotel room. “No,” Susi called, “that doesn’t work, we can’t both. Or…?“She fell silent. “So dear emergency accommodation?“Uwe grinned,“ I personally would be a soft bed, the hard lie preferred. “Susi was now also clear that she would then have to go to the emergency accommodation.

She didn’t want that either. Was it a hint of fate, a coincidence, or just a coincidence. They were not set up for this situation. In the hotel they received an emergency pack of sanitary and their keys. Now in the hotel room Susi left the courage. She almost fled into the bathroom and she was grateful to Uwe that he gave her time. Now that they had freshened up and showered, both went to the dinner. She was nervous how it would be.

She tried to win some more time, still drank a glass of wine, but she was excited like a young girl before the first rendezvous. Then they were in their room. “Na princess excited?“Uwe was now behind her, his hands lay on her shoulders and began to hike to her breasts. Their nipples immediately stood. His hands tightly covered her breasts pulled her upper body against her, then started to open her blouse.

Once again, the thought Uwe came to ask her a condom, but maybe it was just a hint of fate. In no time her blouse fell, then her bra. She had to moan when Uwe taped her breasts firmly. She had closed her eyes when his strong arms lifted her up and put them across the bed. Her pants were up in no time. Together with your panties, they lay in a corner. “Uwe I could get pregnant if you come in me.

You still have to know that. “” No matter, “Uwe growled and tore the rest of his things off the body. With big eyes, Susi saw how Uwe sank between her legs. His hands opened her lips wide and when his mouth inserted her clit, a first “Jaaaaaa” came out of her mouth. It didn’t take long for her to receive Uwe. In a hot kiss lane he came across her. It tasted and his tongue tasted.

She wanted it, “do it, do it in,” she asked. She felt how Uwe raised herself and his hand with one hand tail positioned in front of your hole. She had only seen his device briefly once and he hadn’t yet extended. But what was now pressing at her gate began to really be expanded. It was a completely new feeling of how she gave way, slowly lay around Uwes Eichel and she had his penetration followed.

After several breaks in which she could get used to his size, Uwe was in her entire length. She listened to it, felt an ongoing end orgasm, “Uwe I come” then she twitched under the waves of her orgasm. Slowly he began to move in her, then faster you rough. Susi started singing in the rhythm of his bumps. Uwe became more and more violent. “Yes,” Susi screamed, “Give me it, I want it,” Susi felt his seeds come in, always new pushing.

She had a new climax. They were exhausted, still on top of each other, on the bed, until Susi felt that Uwe began to grow back into her again. This was the beginning of a new round of togetherness, that night. The next morning Susi had dark circles and she uses the return trip to catch up with her sleep in Uwes Arms. Of course they have already been expected. Susi said nothing about the night and Günter didn’t ask.

Maybe he could imagine his part when he looked at Susi closely on Uwe. Anyway, he came in Susis this night wound pussy and Susi played an orgasm for him. They were not at home for a fourteen day when Susi got bad in the morning. Nine months later she was released by a healthy boy. Uwe was ordered as the godfather. A new vacation together was also planned, her Son After all, shouldn’t grow up as a single child.


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