My 1. Times as a fuck piece | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The rehearsal was not that good, I told myself what could be heard about soundlauts. But you also tried it to better perform better when it comes to the real performance. The one here, Maria above all, that still had to rehearse, I stated. So you don’t sang amber, not the West Side Story and not the famous answer that had to follow “Maria Maria”. Maybe I didn’t just shook my head inside because the heavy tone was not hit as I had in more detail.

No – I’m not a singer, especially not musical. I can hardly play on my own vocal accompaniment at the piano, because I lack the time to do so. And also the piano – since I … but shit again, actually I didn’t want to think about it in the current moment. Actually, I just wanted to dispel my head. Gaining distance from everything that the last few days and weeks earlier my life was particularly dirty.

Yes everything is clear. relationship problems. Shit – also clear. And yes, I’m certainly not the only one. Of course – I know. And he wasn’t the only one who would be intended for me. Also clear. And – who knows, everything was still open. Reconciliation, separation, something new – all clear: I have been through in the mind a hundred times or something. What does a hundred mean here. A thousand times well – a mania equal to me that the brain literally torn me off.

Music – yes, that was always considered a distraction. It was not planned that it should go into the castle garden here, where it slowly started to darken. Of course, I knew about the rehearsals here – but it was rather for me to be in the air. The apartment that I had moved since yesterday was still very spartan and empty. Just the toilet matters and a garnish laundry that just fit into a hand case.

And my laptop, of course – that was my real work instrument. And yes – as difficult as it was, but I had taken out my SIM card, bought a new one. The mailbox had already passed over the other there. I knew who called and what the content was anyway. Because of »now not so!”And” that was nothing serious “and then certainly” but it means nothing to me “… but he had banged her very well.

The bitch, the bitch from the lecture. Not just once, but for several months. And I hadn’t really noticed that – embarrassing, ridiculous. No, I didn’t spy because everyone knew how far he or she could go … and what was compatible with it for a marriage. Shit – almost a quarter of a century that somehow stood on the game. And yet – the children big and almost all in the sense out of the house … so … what’s the point.

What was it then that it meant to live on with me … the laundry I made. Cooking again and again, even if I did a job like him. No – now it started again! I didn’t want to think about it. Better listen to the music. If this Mary was only finally understood that it was in a different key to sing. Moll, dull tones, not major – no light.

No joy, but the impending undertone that had to come over. That’s how Leonard Bernstein had considered it. That’s how his grades spoke … Oh … I think I shook my head, maybe even angry. My gaze slowly went back from the emptiness far above the idyllic stage back into closer spheres. That was nothing there – she couldn’t sing. Ending. Hopefully she was only a replacement that should just step in and practice today.

Only now did I notice how he was watching me. Or that he watched me. And as! Yes – I knew the look. Above all, I knew the look!He looked at me on the side and looked at me from top to bottom and literally stuck to my face. Well then, we were sitting on a bench, not alone – it was almost clear that he was closer to me than I would otherwise have tolerated it. As in the publications – you are almost up to the stranger, or just a distance in between, which was just a hand width.

I stared briefly in his eyes, the color of which I was unable to make out in the incident darkness. He was younger than me, probably to the thirty. His dark stubble stubble let his not angular face but still much harder over. The soft contours of his cheekbones got something angular. His nose was very striking with a light sheet and a hook in it. Romans, I grinned – narrow at the top, continued downwards. The lips were extremely full for a man and formed a beautiful mouth.

He would be even more beautiful if the contours had been drawn with a fine pen, I thought instinctively. But that was certainly not an issue. And no – of course. I didn’t know him, even if he wanted to do it that way, from the body language. Yes, of course, I almost scabbed me out of myself. In a way, not the punch type but then. And you are looking through, my friend, I grin, would let him fidget and then … Oh nonsense.

No – no interest, but you didn’t have to show that so rugged. “Not enthusiastic about the rehearsal!”He stated. The statement was held in general, could be intended for everyone, but only applied to me. And no, he hadn’t spoken to me directly – that was probably like the fishing on which something dangled and you could see if who seizes. I think I shrugged my shoulders. Actually, I didn’t want to react at all, but just wait and see what should come out of it.

“Then nothing turned out of the hoped -for distraction! Then probably shit, so to speak, to shit … that’s really shit!«I was startled how much he analyzed me here and was also correct. I was not so frightened by the vulgar language, which I would have nothing else. No – something else cried me off. I said nothing and pulled on the cigarette, the taste of which I had got used to in the meantime.

It was probably also recognizable that I didn’t smoke. Usually just, as I said. But what is already common now. In times and situations like this – no question!“You are a beautiful woman and are going around here alone. What does that mean?«What, I would have almost shouted instinctively – by you we are already. And that with the praise – of course, that was the matters. I didn’t know that for a long time that I had heard it related to myself.

It was ridiculous – and yes I knew it: that didn’t count. It was like a verbal reflex. A rite, preserved for the desire for mating. I could almost have laughed if I hadn’t been so empty inside. A strange emptiness, almost senselessness, as I thought. I could have told him yes – “Well then – fuck yourself …” Maybe even a pop, which was not me. In any case, get up and go indignantly, at least show him the stink finger.

But no – “Now I wasn’t that” and “now that meant nothing to me,” I heard satirically quote in a reverse role. My husband would have called for the hundredth time in the last few hours. Ha, that was right for him that I could no longer be reached. And damn it, I don’t want to be reminded of him. And shit – you should exchange Maria. She sang really bad. If she died in the end, it was probably not a knife and not poison, but the devastating reviews that had to pound down on her.

I had no idea what he wanted from me now. Or rather, what I could guess behind it was not true for me. What did he think he was, the young sack. He really didn’t look bad, but it didn’t justify that he balanced and dredged there, as in his best years, which I had sure to be behind me … and he … well, shit again.

If I had become pregnant the first time, he could be my son. And like in all over the world, I could only think of such nonsense, I punished my thoughts and shook at least my fluffy head inside. So I didn’t speak again and stared down the hill into the void. What did he mean by that? He crouched on the bench, not particularly relaxed, rather a little bent forward. Again and again I heard a quiet click out of his right pocket.

It was his right hand in it and obviously played with the lighter when I was able to correctly classify the metallic noise. It was actually terrible because it was neither melodic nor was it somehow fit. Especially not to the West Side Story, where Maria’s aria was finally finished. How it could only be clapped was a mystery to me. Banausen all, I scolded the ones who drummed their hands against each other. Reflexes of the people. What the hell – I wouldn’t go.

Should you push the fifty euros and more in your throat here. I would have thought of other locations for the performance of far -fitted and corresponding. My next bar snapped his tilt into the meadow and also put his left hand in his pocket. Pollution, that should actually be able to cost 35 or more euros, was on my lips. But leave him, I tried to calm down. Click, click, click, Klack – wherever the not the same sound could come from the fourth or fifth time.

My eyes fell on his pants. I almost stared on his bib, it shot through my head. I saw the movement. Clear case. The left hand moved rhythmically back and forth. His penis was probably in the groin area and he massaged it through the thin fabric of the jogging pants. Pig, get almost a down next to me. And wants that I know that almost already see. Horny stallion, you! Other culture, others root, thinner skin, Italians or maybe Turk.

Even if he had spoken pretty much without hint of a dialect. The little one he had given so far. The next one would be »you legs wide – I fuck fuck. Fuck!«I probably got upright above myself. I pressed out my cigarette next to me on the bench. Holded the stub a little questioningly, a little searching in his hand. A garbage can was not right next to me, not even in real visibility.

Where I didn’t smoke … especially not!So – shit, what the hell … I did it to him. At least as far as the tilt affected. My mouth felt strange like smoking – no real miracle. That with the cigarettes was a stupid idea. Actually, I should get up and go now. Instead, I gave in to a starting inspiration that I didn’t really want to believe that I started to be derived in this fairway.

I felt something like the simple chance for revenge, for revenge. Already clearly to whom!To be Cheat. By stranging myself. How abstruse was this thought, half of it said in me, regardless of whether left or right in the brain. But the other, who couldn’t even gain any more popular thoughts. The pure idea alone puts me into a kind of inner turmoil that was hard to hide.

It didn’t mean that I agreed, it was like an inner discourse, a dispute that I under myself­threw. Without looking at me, the smoker immediately noticed my state of mind or at least that way, Macho, who he was now. “N/a? You like what you see? Everything possible, nothing has to!«He didn’t look at me. No look. My right hand was shaking and touching him on his left arm, which immediately stopped in his movement.

Then he pulled it out of his pocket and put it on the bench between us. On the other hand, I continued my movement and now disappeared with my hand in his pocket. Actually, I don’t disappear into any pocket, because instead of an inner feed there was only the direct access to his penis, which I immediately felt warmly. He sucked in the air when I touched it there. And I stopped first because I was a little surprised that neither bag nor panties were found.

Again shot thoughts through my head, if I should do this here. But his loins pumped imperceptibly towards me, the global head always pushed me by the hand. So go, I thought. number four! I wrapped his shaft with my hand, my fingers stretched towards the tail root, the glans in the palm. Slowly he started breathing more heavily. He now moaned clearly audibly. I gradually got a feeling for the penis, which of course felt very different than that of my husband.

This one was a lifting, sorry, but another word does not come to mind for the width of the tail and the thick mushroom -shaped head. I accelerated the rhythm and now noticed his hand on my skirt. It followed the curve of the thigh and immediately disappeared in the valley between the two legs. From there she went on a journey to the middle of the body, where she also arrived immediately. I felt upright heat in me. How long I hadn’t known such feelings, let alone leaning? His fingers now demanded my slit through the fabric of my fine white briefs.

I leaned forward and then our mouths touched gently, formed an o and electrifying touched our tongues, which now began to dance with each other smacking. The narrowly adjacent top grazed over my nipples and I knew that they pressed themselves stiff and hard against the fabric. However, his hand demanded significantly more of my vagina. On the other hand, she rubbed, pressed from the outside through the fabric of the pants and immediately took the path to the curve of the thigh, grazed up and disappeared into the waistband.

So now it was time. He drilled in incessantly, first through the waistband, then through the rubber of the panties, then his hand was on my smooth -shaped column. First he led his fingers to the small pearl, which peeled from her housing out of smooth shaved skin, then slid down into the column and shared my middle of the body. I was still moaning discreetly and my breathing accelerated increasingly.

My hand still had it fully under control and danced up and down over his glans and the hard shaft, which too lust­Full sounds. He now started to help me out of my pants, which is why I am under­Body raised from the bank. In no time the hub rubber and panties were stripped over the thighs and I put one leg on the surface of the bank. He acknowledged this with an enjoyable sigh and immediately stuffed my thick fingers into the column.

Two or even three – I was horny and he was no less? I could hardly guess it, I was so damp. I felt a lust in me that I hadn’t expected at all. The stimulus of the unknown challenged me and I decided to indulge in this demand. He now pressed my rhythmic movements of his hand with his abdomen and it was time to finally free him too. So my hand left the opening in which she tail worked on and he rose from the bank.

When he dropped his sweatpants, she immediately wrapped around his ankle, and jumped towards me a not particularly big, but extremely thick and plump tail. He bobbed out of my chest, which I immediately exposed, by roaming the top back over my head. I didn’t take it off, no, it was my neck now. Hesitantly, a little unsettled and yet extremely cool I saw the thick stranger in front of me.

I hesitated, but he decided to decide whether I should suck him immediately and didn’t let me think any longer. He pressed against my lips, which opened immediately and my moist, warm oral cavity, enclosed the thick glans like in a horny erotic emergency reflex. I started moving on the big shaft, captured him in my mouth, sucked him in and, that was never succeeded with my husband, I could completely absorb it in my mouth.

I sucked the entire shaft of the penis’ up and down, smeared it with saliva so that he shone. His hands surrounded the shape of my breasts and massaged them, which increased my lust. My nipples stood far, were swollen and I felt the desire in my body. I sucked and sucked and his gasp was significantly stronger. I snatched his eggs by hand and noticed how tight they were on the body.

I definitely didn’t want him to spray too early, so I released him from the warm prison of my oral cavity. With a smacking pop, he slipped out, rocked up and down in front of my face and insisted clearly up and down. I deteriorate the spit on the glans as his hand reached my arm and pulled me up to him. He kissed me, his upper body pressed my chest together, his penis knocked on the stomach and pressed against it.

I felt my desire and let my skirt slide down with pants and pants over my knees. We both stood in front of each other and had wrapped our clothing parts of the lower body around the ankle. His strong arms grabbed me on the upper body and with a ease he turned me around. He was now behind me, his penis was immediately in my Poritze. He began to push clearly, always through the column. Then he pushed me down.

I sank down on my knees. On my legs I felt the damp -cold floor, my nose perceived the modern smell of earth, grass and leaves. Pure nature, I would have smiled and blasphemy could have sank a few millimeters on the bottom and meadow edge, as I got better for him. I would be dirty, but that didn’t matter. Everything I was doing here was dirty and cool. And today I wanted to be a dirty woman that was struggled to.

And my lust, my oppressed anger and revenge, I wanted to spoil it with it. Oh yes and whether. And how, damned shit again – Maria sang again, still not better. Maybe if you fucked her at the same time, she would meet the high tones better, I was still mocking. He didn’t give me time to think further. His thick acorn drilled, after driving three or four times in the Kimme, incessantly into my chuckling and smacking femininity.

Number four of all of my lovers – shit how little actually at almost fifty years – drilled into me with significantly more force than I was used to. He reached my hips, his feet were right next to me. He doesn’t knelt, no, he pushed his thick fucking stable into my pleasure cavity. That means he didn’t push, no he cut, he hammered, he … he fucked in almost brutal violence. And he split me so far that I forgot everything around me loudly.

As if I started to understand why it was called Gap or slit, as I literally felt between my legs. Always further, always swollen, always wet – what a hammer! Hammer in double meaning now and what a feeling. His cock was not long, but he was fat, probably at a beer can or the like, I thought to feel. He spanned my labia and my vagina very firmly around his massive shaft and fucked me in a kind I was not familiar with.

From above, hard, short and intense. He did not dive very deeply, but rubbed so intensely on my vaginal walls that I was already glowing internally after a short act and on one orgasm propulsion. Heaven, what did he do here, what a feeling explosion in me that he triggered. Which he triggered without having to have put on my column or pearl myself to come to my redemption. His glans rubbed my creation again and again, and the skin fold around my clit enormously, his thick shaft pulled away from me at the same time, due to the steep angle, the labia and stimulated the dam between the vagina and anus in a species unknown to me.

The orgasm that came over me let me sink into ecstasy twitching. I didn’t get anything around me anymore and only heard myself smacked as soon as his thick penis bumped into me again and briefly and slipped out again, in order to keep playing with me in recent attempts. I was healthy, I was awesome, I was willing to him. I don’t know if I screamed and even stuck him to give me more, it didn’t matter.

He had to feel it anyway, as I went out on his sting, which raged wildly in my meat. How I groaned – animal directly. How I grunted and whined, japst and howled and vibrated. I twitched. I smacked. I didn’t know anything about it beforehand, I had no idea that something like that was possible. With my almost exactly 40 I felt like one Virgo, which is banged for the first time. He opened me new dimensions and that should go on right away.

“Oh baby,” were his only words when my first orgasm panted me into the real world. He had now made himself a little more comfortable in me and was now completely in me and only moved very easily out of his hips. His arms had wrapped me up and his fingers kneaded my tits. My nipples were so plump that they almost hurt. He twirled it and gasped gently in my ear.

“Wink him up!”. I did not understand anything. Nothing at all, what did he want. I reached between my legs and kneaded his balls, which are hard on the body. He said this “him” somehow, his cock that I … but what should the choice of words then choose?Everything between my thighs was juicy and wet. Smelled of lust. My lust, my juices. Fuck juices, pussy juices, as I heard him groaned earlier, that I should smear his horny staff.

“Wink him here!!!«, This time significantly more determined in tone. I looked around, looked back questioningly and then I saw that we had been observed. I hadn’t noticed anything from it. Now that the senses were clearer and orgasm, I saw the strange man on the edge of the forest. He had his pants down and jerked his long member. I was suddenly excited and unsure again. What does unsafe – no … torn in a manner that has never been known or a manner.

Should I do that. A second, another, at the same time … so that was absurd. That was perverted directly. Dirty and … but this taste of the non -disputed interest. Lust, oh yes, safe and … damn!A firm hard push in my wet cunt and his words »go now!«Let me do it. I waved him here. God, what did I do here. I was so dirty. And it still felt so good.

The strange man pulled his pants to his thighs, captured his steeply previewing penis with one hand and came directly in front of me, where his pants slipped down again immediately. He had a long penis with a little pronounced glans. Almost like that of my husband, it shot through my head. The idea of how he maybe served my best friend with it let me get stomach pain. I did not think any further, because the decaying and yet concise stinging smell of Pisse spread under my nose and I would still want to open my mouth to suck the long thin penis, which probably just pissed.

“Boah, how horny, you cock litter whore. Small dirty bitch, yes sucks and bladder the neat. «I would never have accepted the vocabulary used by the stranger man. Under normal circumstances. This, no, it wasn’t normal. But it was so extremely good, it felt so good to finally let out what I hadn’t allowed myself for 30 years. Decency, breeding, order, cleanliness. Forget. I wanted to be here, I let myself be fucked by a strange cock, I sucked a strange cock and I liked it.

I allowed it to be used as a fuck bitch. The man used even more vocabulary and I noticed how it made him horny. And damn it, it not only made him horny, but – I would never have thought it possible – it also excited me. Not only the situation in and for itself, but also to get it described, which I might be at the moment and wanted to be quite. A slut at least, one whore, One … Oh no matter … I almost bit him so that he groaned, the horny mul fucker ..I found astonished how long the smoker was standing.

He was still in my column and slowly but definitely moved back and forth there. As hot as I was, I felt the coolness of the juice stuck on my thighs and dried on the air. I sucked long and deep on the strange piss tail. When something changed. The smoker withdrew. He had come? If so, then he hadn’t gotten loud with the orgasm. He hadn’t intensified his bumps either.

I probably wouldn’t have noticed it if his seed was shot into me because I was overflowing anyway. He stood behind me again and grabbed my swollen and dripping column. His fingers pulled my labia apart that I got hot and cold at the same time. He rubbed my column and it smacked loudly. Indecent directly, but I couldn’t avoid it. And I didn’t want to hold it back either these sounds of lust, lust, willingness and the hardly measurable lust that pounded and dripped from me.

“Hottie!”Said the pisser and I would hardly have contradicted him. Then I noticed the smoker on my column again. He continued to spread my own moisture, soaking wet he rubbed the gap between my butt. I wanted to protest because I would never allow that. Never, no. My mouth was already full again, so my other horny goat was pressed between my lips. I struggled with the nausea, so intensely he pounded me.

As if out of revenge, I had the impression that I almost bite him into the testicles that he pushed up to my lips. It’s amazing how deep he was in me – in the length of my husband … The horny man behind me pressed his penis back into the sheath. I will be groaned. He pulled it back and drove through the Kimme.

Immersed in the vagina again. Drove through the kimme again. He stimulated my anus and I groaned. I pinched my asshole, every time the glans scrubbed over it. He should very well know that it was not possible – if that wasn’t a signal enough. The pisser came twitching and surprisingly for me in my orgasm in my orgasm. At that moment he stuffed my “muzzle” and unloaded his hot sperm in strong sparkles in my mouth.

It tasted – I could hardly believe it – delicious. I had never dared, but now I accepted it. Swallowed it down and groaned over his thick penis. The smoker seemed to have waited this moment, because it was pierced my anus at that moment. I slipped forward, the tail slipped out of my mouth and sprayed the last thrust sperm in the middle of the face. His seed ran down on the chin and splashed down to the ground.

The piss continued and I was surprised that another penis was there immediately. There were a number of men around me, they jerked. Not one, not two, no, at least seven or eight. Countless hands suddenly fiddled with me. I couldn’t believe that I had never seen it at all, so much my field of vision was probably adjusted by the pisser in front of me. In my virgin ass, the smoker bored and sperm spilled out of my chin.

An almost sloping globe slipped into my mouth and no longer let me moan and whine, even scream. The pain in my back was enormous. I thought to be torn, felt the throbbing, thought of to be able to push the peg that I raged in me with a toothless jaw, pressed pressively against the thick penis of the smoker, who had half bent over me and groaned into my ear. “Quiet, I’m already in. It’s all ok.

Get used to it. «He seemed to notice that I had never been delighted there in this way. Then he started moving slowly in me. My sphincter was irritated to the utmost. He now pulled my ass cheeks apart and warmly dripped his spit into my poreates that feel so cool. I started rubbing the vagina. What was I experiencing here. I was the passive part of an orgy with strangers and fuck prepares men who all saw the object of desire in front of them and how to masturbate and fumbled by senses.

Some hands gripped roughly, others tested my lust by reaching between the legs. One pushed through my smoker’s legs, kneeling his fingers in the “fuck column” behind me. In the meantime, the men increased in their lust by giving me more and more such dirty names. The smoker had slowly moved in my ass for a long time and the pain had decreased. Now he started to move much more intensely in me.

He started to whine and now shared my ass by opening the anus with my glans again and again, diving deeply and slipping out almost completely again. Again and again he spat on the filled hole in between and took the spit into my interior as soon as he drove up again vigorously. I immediately felt this fine draft that stroked me when he tore his fat cock out of my anal tract. I felt so outrageous that I was open back there.

Open, broken up, fucked and lubricated by his spit and my juices. I … I think I screamed when I really realized that I couldn’t close there anymore. The hands on me, the now no longer sloping cock in the mouth, and three fingers from someone in my cunt were too much. I drove to another orgasm and the smoker noticed that. He was very attentive and now increased his pace enormously.

It slapped every time our bodies met and I now felt what it was called, fucked, banged or used. Regardless of me, he took what he needed and then the orgasm shook me like crazy. I stretched my ass into the air, the penis slipped out of my mouth, I was pressed forward and my tits and the head were now on the ground and were pushed back and forth with each push in front of and back.

I opened my knees as far as possible with the pants around the ankles, as far as possible and received the smoker in the ass. He now gasped massively and felt how my middle of the body pulled and pulsed twitching. Then he poured into my ass. Deep. It ran warmly into me and he pulled himself out in twinches. He distributed the last drops over my asshole and I felt how it ran warm through my column and spill down from the clit and the labia.

He now pulled back completely and I would have needed a break now, maybe gladly smoked one. But now the half -ripe just in my mouth stood behind me and began to drill into me. He used the vagina and immersed in me effortlessly. He pushed tightly and after a few moments it came loudly moaning and how a monkey roaring in me. When I pull out I felt again how sperm ran out of me.

number five. Number six followed immediately. The guys around me all had their cocks in their hands and one after the other took the opportunity to fill up and “mate” “a fucking mare”. I was really amazed at the words that fell there. Number six was long and hit the top when he was completely in me. That had always horned me off when my husband did it and even now the lust spread back in me.

As the devil, he pushed his patches in me, just before I came he pulled it out, stepped in front of me and jerked my entire sperm in the middle of the face. It shot out of the pulsating cock like water from a hose. He met me on his mouth, nose, forehead and just shot over me several times. In the hair and on my back. In the meantime, number seven – I had the number of my engines from thirty years more than doubled in just one hour – was already positioned.

Po-sitioned, because after he had rubbed the damp column several times, he pushed himself into my ass. I gasped again and he started to push. It hardly hurt. My battered muscle showed hardly any resistance and he slipped wonderfully due to the quantities of vaginal juice and sperm. I automatically started to edit my clit, fingered myself, felt the thick behind the vaginal wall and came to orgasm for the other time. The man in me acknowledged this with a cozy sigh and probably noticed how I moved around his member and opened again.

He left my cream thankfully­Valuely as a lubricant for number eight, which now slipped freely into the anus and rinsed my intestine too quickly. I felt like one … almost no longer described. Like a pig that was in lust, which was in the process of completely losing any inhibition. It farted and smacked that he pressed tons of sperm from my “asshole” and splashed his precious estate in the middle of my vagina, in which my fingers were still digging and ran tough.

In my mouth I now had the flap cock for the second time, which I now flow back. I sucked and sucked on him, as if it were a bottle, while number nine nine my cunt continued and further. He was and remained a clever tail – he couldn’t make it anymore … at least I couldn’t get it anymore, because dark clouds slowly began to reduce around me and I was also tired of drunkenness and probably also­nodding began …

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