Putten in the gold frame! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A busy week was behind Victoria and Daniel. Monday conference on the monkey rock;Tuesday presentation and discussions with the agency;Wednesday short trip with the plane to Munich;Thursday author talks in the house, schedule design for new projects;Friday, finally after the house was slowly being emptied, calm, telephone and PC fell silent, they were finally able to devote themselves to reading manuscripts – could say yes, reject, edit texts. A stressful week was behind both.

The free, long weekend was ahead of them, it should compensate you, you wanted to let go. No guests, no gallery visit, no poet reading.

Chill like pubescent adolescents – everyone wanted to do what they just wanted to. After the usual work in the household, in which everyone had their firm obligation, dan zapped through the programs up to Maroc 3, did not hang on in any program until a program was held: a documentary on the recent past of the country-refurbished history, both of whichinterested.

In the evening, Vicki and Dan wanted to come together again at Candel-Light dinner, red wine and at the end a peaceful, stress-free fuck-the usual program on Saturday evening. But everything turned out differently: both agreed on the film, he was longer than expected with all additional contributions;The shallow red wine was empty, everyone was putting their thoughts, they couldn’t forget pictures and impressions so quickly.

The bedroom;A bedroom without comfort, no living landscape like in the film. The wardrobe in a white grinding flack, the bedside tables with the usual utensils books, alarm clock, lamp, stored jewelry.

The beds, brave marriage beds, whose mattresses have witnessed some storms, some frustration;soaked with sweat, sperm, Exceptions of heated bodies. Two oval pictures over the beds. Floating putten slightly dressed, modest. Cheap prints in the gold frame, bought somewhere at a flea market – not to adorn the bedroom, to think frivolous – irony against bourgeois thinking of unspoken, never realized, abysmal sex.

Or still? Victoria was awakened by the first rays of sunshine, her dreamless sleep let her forget the working week.

Spirit and body were now set to reception. From the tips of the hair to their toes to deep, lusty, powerful fuck.

Her neglige had already put them in the bathroom. Slightly slipped into the bed to Daniel, nestled with her bare body to him, against his back. Dan had in Summer Founded to sleep naked – just under a light down ceiling – it gave him a feeling of freedom, he was not restricted in his pajamas, did not need to go wrinkles smooth.

Vici’s hands slide over his skin, the fingertips touch the hair straight – looking for her way on the body out. Hip, thigh, buttocks. Stroke over his hair wreath, over the hair on the bag. Both Egg still rest – small, motionless.

Then it feels it, lets it go and murmurs half awake “Vicki-Ficki/Ficki-Vicki”-secret word game that only she and he understand.
And then Victoria passes to the attack: with thumb and index finger it forms a ring that encloses it close below the glans. The remaining fingers follow this movement to its root. So that the fingers become more sliding, she dipped her fingertips into a vessel filled with olive oil beforehand.

After Victoria the foreskin has freed from the glans, she moves his skin with her hand carefully, slowly up and down – back and forth.

If he had been stiff before, now he stretches and stretches again, stands out of the body like a branch, the blood also fills the last chambers, the sack is rounding up, tightening up full of expectation.

Daniel let everything endure comfortably, lies quietly in front of her and waits patiently for his commitment. Victoria’s fingers move up and down in a well -rehearsed rhythm, cling it weaker, pulling his skin down to the painful, lustful border. Thumb and index finger massage the glans, irritate his mouth and the skin of the skin that connects it to the glans.

Press, caress, jerk off -Vicki-Ficki masters the flute play of her hands, also knows when it will be too much, it has to stop in order not to irritate the volcano. She wants to play with him for a long time, but also feels her excitement and the moisture between her lips.

Warm seeps cunt juice on her thighs, spreads out in her column, grabs her fire thorn. Nevertheless, keeping it passively with him, keeping him on a point between lust and redemption: This technique dominates them, they agree on them, have got used to rules together by long, mutually agreed play.

Vicki’s finger exercises no longer meet her – she wants to play the flute play with her mouth, repeat her lips and lips, live out her desire to do it, dan’s body reduce it, control him.

In the meantime, Dan is on the back. He still stands straight;The glans shines blue -red, expectant. Juice drizzles out of her mouth. Vici kneels between Dan’s legs, comprises his cock at the root between the sack and the stomach, picks him up in her mouth.

She sinks it into her oral cavity as deep as possible, feels it deeply, breathes through her nose.

Your tip of your tongue feels the glans, feels the opening;Play where fingers seemed shortly before, with tongue and lips. Even and firmly, your lips move up and down on and off, touch the glans, suck between the glans and shaft, freeze freely and slide slowly, soulingly back to the root.

This flute play makes Vici even hotter. Dan knows and lets her lick his cock as long as she likes, suck, suck.

He feels overwhelming strength but Vici has far from reaching her goal, even that knows that. She still lacks the sack with its soft, wrinkle -rich skin and its valuable content.

Her tongue gently strokes hair and skin. Hair in the soup, she thinks involuntarily, must be one of them.

Snipped Vici sucks the sack into her mouth, closes her lips and massages the eggs with her tongue. Sucks up, releases the sack while her fingers keep it alive. His lust dies quickly when he no longer pays attention. Vici knows it and deals with tongue, lips, hands again.

Dan can hardly hold back, the seed builds up in the sack, waiting for redemption. Slightly erected, it succeeds Dan, Vicis Freudenhügel, to find the rose cereals with his hands. Strict, press, massage, more cannot do his hands. How deep he wants to be in Vici, her innermost feeling, drinking her juice, kissing her lips, kissing the fire thorn – your tongue diving into her soaking wet grotto.

Vici slip between dans is higher, grabs it with his right hand and leads him to your dripping wet column in front of the correct opening.

Slowly, soulfully, she glides on his stirring stick to his base, sits on Dan’s stomach, feels his sack between her thighs. Through pelvic floor training and feed back, she has learned to move her muscles in a targeted manner, to move them together, to expand them. Actually developed against incontinence, this resulted in a wonderful side effect for a substantial fuck. What is good for the bladder also uses the neighboring organs.

Vici-Ficki massages Dans tail with her muscles as skilfully as with her lips and fingers. Up and down, before and back, narrow and wide – Vici takes time, the stiffness of his tail costs concentrated concentrated. Juice drips on dan’s hair wreath, Vici accelerates her movements, takes up pace. Your breasts clap wildly against her skin.

She groans, throws her head into her neck, hurls the upper body in front of and back, circles with her lower body on the dans belly, screams, whines, moaning, gasping.

And Dan can no longer hold, his stretches Legs from, she pulls together. His whole lower body is also in uncontrolled movement. He tries desperately to follow her rhythm. His belly is pressed against her buttocks, his hands lie on her hips, hold, hold onto.

And then a hoarse scream redeems the hot ecstasy into which both have ridden: Dans cool juice shoots in rhythmic twitching in Vicis. She rears up one last time and sinks to dans body in sweat. He lies limp between her thighs, as soon as he touches her lips. Her breasts, just kneaded by dan’s hands lustfully, massaged, lie weakly on his chest, the rose ceremonies are pulled together.

Everything powerful has left the two bodies.

Solved, satisfied is vici on Dan, her face on his neck, mouth on the ear, his hands on her buttocks. “You are my hot stallion” are her last words and falls asleep satisfied.

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