Under the black moon | Erotic sex stories

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Under the black moon

(c) Krystan

Her eyes were enveloped by black silk. She followed the steps in the dark helplessly. Her wrists were tied together in front of her body. The hemp rope was criminal and cut into her delicate, slightly tanned skin.

She wore high heels from black leather, which she reached to her thighs. That was all. Her shoulders, her breasts, her shame and her buttocks were blank. Open and open delivered The eyes of the unknown viewers.

Belinda entered an unknown world full of foreign noises and fragrances.

Everything she knew, what she thought she knew, appeared to her at once in a completely new perspective. Why had she only persuaded her by Nina? Why did the young woman have tie up let? Why had she asked Nina to take no to your knees to take her with her?

Your older one Sister Routed in these circles. She was a child of the night. But for her, Belinda was something completely new, scary and yet too horny.

Yes, it was lust that she smelled and that got her nose like an exotic perfume. The fragrance was enriched with its own juice, which had formed between her thighs and was now a thin film on her freshly shaved labia. Every step with the high heels let her struggle for air, and cost it to overcome because she was afraid to overthrow. Fear was a central point of her world of thought that was sworn in the dark.

She was really a prisoner of the unknown man who had picked her out of Nina’s apartment? Where did he lead her?

She sultry heat did not stop at her bare skin herself. Sweat formed on her pores and gathered into treacherous, shiny drops on her forehead, on her breasts, even on her thigh. The voices around them became louder, frivolens, and still seemed strange.

She smelled that strange fragrance mix of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat, as it used to be in almost all pubs. Had actually been brought into such a public space.

How many people, men would look at them and delight themselves in their exposed body? A shower ran over her back. Nina was still with her? Since they left the apartment, hadn’t been talked about a word. The silence made Belinda almost insane. She fulfilled the young woman with another inner tension without her fragrance that she fragrance.

The gentleman who had come to her when Nina had connected her eyes had told her to keep her mouth when she was not asked.

Then she had to talk him into the words “Lord”. Her name was simply “whore”, while Nina was honored by him as a slave. The words caused her an excited shower. She never thought that “slave” would be an honorary title, because it was important to earn.

How far did they drive with her? Half an hour or longer? Belinda felt the shame to expose itself to the public looks.

But she also felt lust. Naked lust as they liked the strangers on their slippery. Did Nina the same? Her sister also exposed herself? She wore the massive, black collar, the honor of her submission? She was only available to her master as a slave? The same gentleman, who now also bid over them.

The door fell behind her. She twitched together.

Wanted to turn around, instinctively look. But she was blind and a jerk on the rope, which was connected to her handcuffs, had it tumbled forward. She stumbled, and if a strong hand hadn’t suddenly torn her up, she would have fallen through the unusual high heels. Belinda groaned when her hands were now held over her head.

Her arms were slightly overstretched and her back curved into a hollow cross. The pear -shaped, solid breasts of the young beauty stretched forward. How mature, lovely fruits now offered them to the unknown views. She noticed how the rope of her bonds was attached to something over her.

Belinda now stood upright like a statue that stretched into the sky.

“Value guests. Welcome to the Black Moon. Tonight I will bring you a special treat. Today not only my slave proves our services to us.

No, her whore nurse has also come to multiply your desires.“The voice of the Lord echoed vigorously in the unknown space and overlaid all other noises. Belinda’s blindfold was removed with a jerk.

She blinked her tied woman and tried to find her way in the unknown environment. Only candlelight illuminates the room. Her eyes looked up.

The ceiling of the room was reminiscent of the moon. The light caught in the craters and contours of the impressive structure. Belinda hung on a chain that hung down from the center of the construction. Numerous glasses with candles surround them like a fire belt.

In the rear area she could see a counter.

Between the two large grave lights, a woman was in a black leather corset. Her long black hair was smooth and fell slightly over her back. Belinda couldn’t see her face. There were still three men on bar stools at the counter.

They looked well -groomed, but something a **** sparkled in their eyes. They looked at their eyes, the tied, delivered woman. She hadn’t always dreamed of it? She felt a tingling between her thighs. A desire that was so often hidden in everyday life.

One hand touched her shoulders and slowly slid down over her back until she finally felt the crunchy buttock.

Belinda swallowed. She turned her head to the side unsafe. She wanted to see who touched her. Her eyes scurried over a few men who were hidden in the smoky twilight of the room on their chairs and gained them.

Finally her eyes caught her sister. Nina stood next to her. She almost wore the same boots as her. Her waist was constricted by a leather corset, which emphasized her bare pretty breasts even more.

Her sister’s hand slid through her welding wet Poispalte and stroked her asterisk before a finger slid between her clearly visible labia.

Belinda bit her red lips. She didn’t know what she was more likely. The fact that her own sister is so intimate or to be at the mercy of countless, strange men. But shame was by no means everything she felt.

No, when the fingertips slid through her damp gap, she unconsciously pressed her pelvis of the sisterly hand. Lust flowed through her body. She trembled with lust. Your hard Nipple shone in the light of the candles.

Then she saw the hand of the unknown gentleman.

He stood on the other side and wore black leather all over the body. He held a candle in his hand. The flame was approximately at the level of her breasts. Slight panic rose in it than was getting closer.

She thought about pleading or even screaming, but she didn’t do it, fought against the fear that spreads into it. She pushed herself against her sister’s finger, who stroked her clitoris, and gasped loudly while she walled against the bonds.

The flame reached its left nipple and Belinda shrugged violently. She felt the warmth on her sweaty skin, but before she felt the pain, the flame moved away again. The young woman sighed relieved and at the same time lustful.

Nina pressed another finger slightly into her moist, hot column. Her sister was really a spoiled beast. The men present hucked up with the sight and even the bar woman didn’t seem unimpressed.

Nina’s Lord raised the blood -red candle and led it at eye level. Slowly he tipped her in front of Belinda’s eyes and a gush, hot wax dripped on her already sensitized, left -wing chest.

The hot liquid quickly poured over the skin that is shiny with moisture. Belinda pushed out a toneless scream while it was also heard around her, also excited murmur. The red wax had laid around her stiff chest nipple like a second skin, while small drops had formed on the skin.

The gentleman took his distance from her, so that all guests could see her well. Suddenly Belinda noticed how the floor moved under her.

The area in the middle of the room was apparently agile. Slowly she turned together with her sister on a huge presentation plate. Everyone could see how Nina continued to pamper Belinda’s little pussy, because her sister fingered her vagina clearly visible. Over time, her knees became soft and she groaned in the rhythm of the finger movements.

Her left chest hurt, but it was not a real pain, rather a pulling. One which seemed to rob her of the rest of your mind.

When they made a round, the black dressed gentleman climbed to them and started playing with the candle of new things. The fear in her eyes had given way to simple lust. Belinda almost longed for the kiss of the hot wax.

It would pains, But the subsequent pull on her chest would complete it again. Yes, it was horny in an inexplicable way.

The first drop let them groan loudly again. She twitched and wrote in her bonds. Her sister took this as an opportunity to only pour her deeper.

Nina’s delicate finger slowly dripped out Belinda. Yes, thick slimy pots of their lust nectar had found themselves on their swollen labia and now slowly fell to the ground with long threads.

The pain of the hot wax slowly decreased and Belinda almost believed that it was passed out with lust. The guests’ eyes could hardly get enough of the game of the two sisters. How much they would have loved to drip the wax on Belinda’s body? How much would have loved to elicit lusty screams to the young woman, they would have licked the hard nipples of the two sisters and cost them from their shiny labia? But it wasn’t that far yet.

The game in the black moon had just started.

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