Tobias and Gerda [7] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was woken up by a quiet rustling next to me, which could only come from Tobias. He had put himself in the middle and still smashed with Gerda when I had fallen asleep. They certainly had a little petting together, as I know my two pretty. Well, in the early morning, my friend seemed to be there again to satisfy each other.

In any case, the duvet moved rhythmically, and its suitable breath also lively indicated this. He once told me that this was his preferred way of starting the day, which was already offered because he wakes up with a stiff anyway.

I had to know exactly and therefore put under the ceiling, first of all to his thigh. My friend turned his face to me and we looked into our eyes silently. Meanwhile, the movements remained unchanged.

My hand had also reached the scene in the meantime, but I was still much tired to take the work of Tobias, and so I only kept my fingers on his plump scrotack to gently knead through it. It is always a fine feeling when someone else keeps your sack while masturbating;In this way he rounds off the picture downwards. Yours and his hand are at work at your most intimate place, and you can be sure that you enjoy all your attention when he packs you there. So it was here too.

While it was extremely excited to feel my friend’s testicles, I was slowly awakening during this exercise, so that my penis had also extended to his full length and my glans bumped into his thigh: excited, almost tender, he looked at me.

“It’s totally horny to jerk off with you in Gerda’s bed,” he whispered to me. He was right. It was like if we, two naughty boys, at the Mother were allowed to spend the night in bed and in the morning we got down next to the sleeping mother. That this “mother” was still naked and one with us last night several times orgasm Had together, made things so sharp again – and also crazy.

“And I think it’s totally horny to touch your body while lying next door,” I replied to him in the same whisper.

We grinned at each other. And then something like a miracle happened, something that I would not have thought possible yesterday: because suddenly Tobias ’left hand, who was not busy with his member, lay down on my penis, who rubbed his thigh! He, the Superhetero, who was just bubbled by Vonmir out of need so that the time passed the time more comfortably, took me to the tail! It was incredible – and accordingly I winced a little bit.
The following words from his mouth irritated me even more: “And I think it’s totally horny to rub your cock!“I looked at him in astonished one. I would have loved to kiss him now, but I didn’t think he had also participated. And Tobias jerked me off as if he had never wanked before and now would have to make up for everything.

“You do it well,” I whispered to him, “where did you learn that?“I already accompanied this turn with a grinning grin.

I pulled the duvet away so that we could look at our beautiful bodies and had more freedom of movement. Our two cocks stood in the air like two ones, held and waxed from his hands. In the meantime I not only took care of his, but also for my sack, so we had set up a perfect division of labor: he was busy with our two stand. “Just don’t do it that we cum, Tobias ”, I whispered to him,“ because I definitely want to go in Gerda before breakfast.“He looked excitedly at my penis, which he carefully rubbed.

“With this beating here?”He gave back.

I nodded. “But I can introduce it, yes?“Again I nodded in agreement. We both looked over at Gerda, who laid in half asleep and was now on the back.
Apparently our activities had woken up, and she was on the bed, as we were exposed, because the duvet that went over the whole bed was dismissed, and certainly felt the coolness of the morning. “Come on, do it now! It is exactly in the right position.“He let go of his penis and put his hand on Gerda’s pubic area, with the middle finger he immediately slid between her thighs.

Very unconsciously, but to the sake of him, she opened Gerda a little so that he could put his whole hand on her vagina. With his index finger he rubbed the clit and with the middle finger he drove her column.

Gerda kept his eyes closed, but breathed much more violently than Tobias started his good work. She lolled and stretched, but willingly opened her thighs. Of course, a stiff tail was just right to get from the sweetest dreams of everyday life.

With a little sex in the early morning, the whole day looks different.
“She is now damp,” Tobias whispered to me, “I checked it a few times.“Obviously the rascal had already worked with his fingers.

After reluctant to let go of his testicles, because they were so good in my hand, I knelt between Gerdas Legs, which she had now spread across the block, always led by my friend’s hand. And he steered my penis in exactly the place of her body, where he was testing her willingness for a fuck with his fingers. He pulled her labia apart so that I could make the entrance in the pussy very clearly, and with his help my shaft was completely disappearing in a few seconds.

I caught my shock movements deliberately.

However, Tobias did not seem to have enough of my genital part, because now he grabbed my testicle with one hand, with the other he grabbed the seam, where my cock immersed in the vagina, at the same time masturbating the clit of our loved girlfriend.
Gerda only got it in a trance, because she had still closed her eyes and said no sound yet. However, their violent breaths indicated how much they enjoyed the morning sexual intercourse. I don’t know whether she was aware of who of us just slept with her. It was probably not that important to her, because she was taken with both of us.

My friend’s pats and the exciting and moist column that my member had entered brought me to the climax relatively quickly.

I was in her inside for less than five minutes when I sprayed my seed in her with a loud, shock -like sigh. Tobias noticed it from my restless tremor that I came and pressed my testicles with all my might to support. But the effect was that I sprayed much more often than usual – and that was certainly due to its healing influence!

When I had unloaded everything I had in me in me, I willingly let my friend continue, who was already waiting impatiently that I pulled my penis out of her and made him space. Now she had to get from mine sperm be well oiled, and Tobias also had no trouble to bend his genitals into her.

“Wow!“He only made an appreciative one, which certainly referred to the fact that it was heavenly wet and slippery in her and his cock really slipped in it. I had cost this feeling extensively the evening before – and it’s a really good and sharp feeling! I can only recommend it to everyone in pairs Wife or spoil the girlfriend.

Gerda meanwhile opened his eyes and looked at the change of partner tensely. She now knew that it was my sperm that was in her body and, if she had been even younger, might have made her a child. And she also knew that Tobias continued where I stopped.

Both started to moan like crazy. The sight of the fucking boy on the mature, sensual woman brought me back almost immediately erection, And while I was slowly satisfied and watched her sexual act, my friend also came to his climax.

Insensively – as I was a few minutes ago – he was flabbergasted in Gerdas, and I was as if she also had her orgasm at the same moment. Because she reared up panting, pressed the boy on her arms like a wild one and literally pulled him onto her upper body, so that he almost got together and came to lie on her body.

Like two crazy people, they kissed, enjoying the last moments of their common orgasm -as if their tongues could continue fucking, which would soon come to rest below. Gerda’s fingernails clawed on Tobias ’back, while the abdomen twitched again and again, probably to pour other fountains in it. I in turn had his butt under control, which had a nice curvature and made myself crazy during their climax. How I would love to push my pint into this beautiful asshole, it went through me while he is coming in a woman and I at the same time in him ..

The thought of this perverse pleasure immediately brought me to another effusion, which is surprising, since it was not a quarter of an hour ago that I had fucked and inseminated Gerda.

However, my two lovers were so busy with themselves that they didn’t notice my departure at all.
After a few minutes, peace finally stopped in our bed. Tobias had loosened from Gerda and was lying on his back between her and me. I was also exhausted and exhausted after two departures, and Gerda had again closed her eyes dreamily.

“I haven’t seen such a nice morning for a long time,” she produced after a while in a slightly roughened voice. “By the way, what do you think of a breakfast in bed?“Matt but happy, we both grumbled our consent.

Naked as we were, we wandered into the kitchen to help Gerda put together things together. On our love camp we built up a few serving tablets, put rolls and coffee on top and made ourselves comfortable. I asked Gerda to let the thighs spread during breakfast so that we boys could take a look at their genitals from time to time. With a cuddly grin, she even fulfilled my wish, when Tobias looked at her with loyal eyes.

“You still don’t have enough?“Gerda seemed really amazed.

“Now we had sex together all the time – and you are still not satisfied?“Despite the protests, she had her thighs spread nicely and even asked us if we could see everything. Fortunately, we could do that, and occasionally I used my big toe to be able to tickle your vagina during breakfast. But Gerda didn’t seem to have enough either, because she stroked the inside of Tobias ’right thigh all the time, which had made it comfortable at the top of the bed. Her hand came suspiciously close to his limb, which was first lazy and unmistaked until it finally swelled back to a half -cooked erection through her caresses.

But we did not really notice all of this, but spoke of everything possible, of men and women and their needs, of Sex for three and from my personal inclinations that you still employ and interested.

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