Seduced on vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For the categorization of history, I was based on the English original ‘Mature’. The older character is not ‘tedious’, but would surely go through as a ‘mature’.


Lukas was the first time Alone in the Vacation driven. He used to accompany his parents, later he was traveling with friends. For the past few years he was traveling with his ex -girlfriend Sarah, who had left him shortly before the vacation.

Of course only after they had booked bindingly. Sarah had decided to throw himself on the neck of an older man, who was also well looked after, which is why she could easily cope with the loss of the travel allowance. Lukas could not assert a travel resignation and was faced with the election before the election or to compete alone. Since none of his friends could raise the necessary money to pay Sarah and since she did not want to give anyone his crazy buddies, he decided to climb the plane on vacation alone and make the best out of the situation.

He had saved on this trip for a long time and assumed that he would be able to fly back to Mexico as soon as.

The program included two weeks of beach vacation, which should be interrupted by day tours to the sights of the area. When he reached his goal and visited his hotel complex, he was initially speechless. Only now did he realize what his money was offered. The weather was incredible Beach Was breathtakingly beautiful and the entire hotel complex and room presented itself in full splendor.

A shine that clearly exceeded its usual vacation budget. This vacation should be a special one for him and Sarah. Now he would spend this alone while Sarah her rich guy Egg scratch. If he was honest with himself, he had to admit that their relationship had wobbled for a long time and that the vacation together should be an attempt to put the cracks created between them.

Somehow he was about Sarah like in Xgerman.Net website and the type of dusking she hadn’t made him more likeable anyway.

Lukas set up in his double room. The hotel room was not rebooked. He stowed his clothes in his closet and moved around for his first day of vacation. With short pants, a T-shirt and a baseball cap, he made his way to explore the hotel complex.

An hour later he stopped at a bar and ordered a cocktail. He was allowed to enjoy all-inclusive services and had planned to indulge it with a lot.

Even before the first dinner, he was no longer sober and dragged himself into the large dining room. According to the requirements, he had thrown himself into shell and put on a shirt to dark trousers. No seating arranged was given and he sat alone on a two -table and enjoyed his food from the buffet.

The food was good and by the way he tried one or the other local beer who continued to promote his amused state. It was not unexpected that he no longer had his senses entirely and fetched the buffet with a vacationer at the buffet.

The woman in the summer dress just wanted to fill a plate when Lukas junk and threw her piece of meat on her dress with sauce. The woman was startled for a moment and gave Lukas a blazing look. When she realized that Lukas was no longer sober and looked guilty, her facial expression became friendlier and she took the misfortune of the young man calmly.

She accepted Lukas sorry and explained that there were worse things. While Lukas still wanted to sink into the ground with shame, she placed the plate and left the dining room. Lukas considered whether he should follow her and apologize again, but let it stay.

She returned to the hall fifteen minutes later. She was now wearing a white summer dress with a wide neckline that brought her good body tan.

Lukas, who had returned to his table, immediately recognized her again and examined her in detail. The woman was much older than him and he appreciated her around 50. Her attractive body would have made her look younger if her slightly gray hair would not have made the classification easier. Her face showed that she was no longer 30 and apparently she didn’t try to be thought to be younger.

Lukas found it attractive and handsome. She went to the buffet again and was able to fill her plate in peace and quietly without the troublemaker. She took cutlery and looked around the dining room. Lukas winced when she discovered him and looked at him on him.

She put on a smile and went to Lukas table. He had ended his dinner and enjoyed a cappuccino as a sacker.

“Can I sit next to you?“, She asked and before Lukas could return something, she took a seat in the chair opposite him.

Lukas was speechless and wondered why she was looking for his society. The woman took a bite of her dinner and looked at Lukas directly. “I think they owe me some company after they threw me with their dinner earlier.”

“Of course I would like to apologize again for that,” said Lukas and tried to conceal his drunken state with well -hit sentences.

“No problem …

I took enough to put on, ”replied the woman. “By the way, my name is Erika and maybe we should duke ourselves?”

He did not get along with this direct kind at first. She reacted anything but expected and searched for the drunk types Contact, who had previously tossed her with his meal. He found the constellation interesting and decided to respond to it.

“Lukas … my name is Lukas.”

“Hello Lukas,” she said and pushed the second bite into her mouth. “Are you here alone in the hotel?”

“Uh, yes. It wasn’t planned, but ..

Yes, ”Lukas stammered nervously.

“What went wrong?”

“I actually had booked with my girlfriend …, ex -girlfriend. At that time she wasn’t my ex, ”said Lukas truthfully.

“That’s a shame,” she thought. “But you are not always for each other for life all of life.”

Lukas nodded in agreement and wondered if he should ask for dinner after the reason for her only appearance. Erika came before.

“I’m here with my husband. But he has been doing a boat tour with a friend since yesterday and I didn’t want to accompany him.”

Lukas was amazed at why a married woman chose a man for more than 25 years than her company for dinner. Apparently she was bored without her husband and had become aware of him at the buffet because of his mishap.

“How do you like your vacation so far?“Asked Erika curiously.

“I’ve only traveled today, but so far it looks good,” commented Lukas.

He watched his table neighbor and, to his surprise, found that he found the older woman attractive and exciting. He didn’t know whether this was due to her direct way or his alcohol level.

Erika was slim and burned brown. She had narrow arms and an inviting cleavage with two inconspicuous breasts. On the eyes and around her mouth, he could make wrinkles, but they did not detract from their attractiveness. Erika had applied a subtle lipstick.

A pearl chain was hung around her neck and suitable earrings were stuck in the ear holes. She knew how to dress and looked confident and confident. The woman had that certain something and Lukas felt taken by her.

Her relaxed nature made her sympathetic on the one hand, but also a little unapproachable on the other hand. Lukas admitted that he was impressed by her appearance.

“We’ve been here for five days now and there will be two weeks,” said Erika, who cost her food again.

“How Long do you stay here?”

“I booked for two weeks,” said Lukas.

“Have you planned a few trips?”

“Yes, a couple … the usual well -being.”

“Some excursions are really worthwhile. Some others can be saved, ”said Erika.

“Do you know yourself?“He asked curiously.

“I’ve been here for the third time now,” said his conversation partner. “My husband always wants to come here because he thinks it is so great here and can do his boat tours.”

“But that doesn’t sound like you would have fun,” said Lukas.

He was amazed at how loose he could talk to the older woman.

This pulled his shoulders up and said: “You just have to make the best of it. I enjoy the sun, the food … and every now and then the society of other vacationers.”

Lukas wondered how this statement was meant, but was too drunk to be able to think clearly. He was curious about how Erika put two more bite in his mouth and after her mouth was empty, she surprised him with a question.

“What else do you have before tonight?”

“No idea. I’m new here and therefore I don’t know what to do, ”admitted Lukas.

“They have an excellent wellness area in the basement,” explained Erika him. “Would you like to accompany me?”

Lukas believed to have interrogated. Had the married woman just asked him if he wanted to spend the evening with her? “Uh, maybe.”

“Come on …

I would like to have some company and I would like to show you everything in the hotel for that. OK?“, Erika asked him to.

“Yes understood. It actually does something that I’m no longer sober?”He asked unsafe.

“But no … In the sauna If you sweat that alcohol Anyway again, ”Erika said with a smile on his lips and Lukas was slowly becoming aware that he had slipped into a situation that he was slowly but surely lost.

“So let’s meet in half an hour below?“Asked Erika, who had already risen.

“Yes, good,” replied Lukas Wachkarg.

“You don’t have to take anything with you.

They have everything there, ”she added, moving away from the table. Lukas looked after her and focused his gaze on her slightly swinging butt.

Lukas retired to his room and went to the bathroom. He used the toilet and brushed his teeth. Long before the agreed time, he made his way to the basement, where he was waiting nervously for his vacation acquaintance on a bench in front of the wellness area.

He wondered why Erika had such an effect on him and why she was looking for his society. He found that he looked quite passable and when he was sober, you could talk to him well and nicely. The age difference alone made it unlikely that they would get along well, he accepted. Still there was something that he couldn’t deny.

Erika had her very special charm and he decided to get to the bottom of it.

Erika joined him with a five -minute delay. As announced, she had nothing with herself. Instead of her summer dress, she had put on a blouse and a short shorts that brought her long and brown legs into its own.

“Hello! You have been waiting here for a long time?“, She asked Lukas. This log.

“No, I just just came.”

“Ready for the sauna?“, She wanted to know.

“Of course,” replied Lukas and hoped that it had convincingly sounded. They registered at the entrance area and since everything was included, they didn’t have to pay anything. They were given two towels and Lukas followed Erika, who had apparently had visited the premises several times, for a series of changing rooms.

“Tail yourself and you can then accommodate your things in one of the lockers,” Erika asked him.

A little later Lukas had put his things and laid a white bathing towel around the lower body. As he deposited his things in a locker, Erika joined him, who in turn was covered with a large bath towel.

This went from the breast approach to just above her knees and she looked seductive.

“Let’s start with the first sauna session. Then we can swim a round, ”she suggested. Lukas still couldn’t believe that he would share the sauna with the almost strange woman. And since he hadn’t brought a swimming trunks with him, the question asked him how indiscreet the bathing addressed would be turned out.

He followed Erika through the aisles and they reached a large glass door through which you could see directly into the sauna.

Lukas saw several saunas inside, who showed her body freely, which seemed to be natural in view of her project. Erika opened the door and greeted the other guests briefly. Lukas followed her and nodded the three other guests. Next to them two men and a woman stayed in the room.

It seemed to be a couple and a single guest. Lukas spontaneously wondered whether it was a real couple or whether they had just met in an unusual way.

Erika sat on a free bank and meant Lukas next to take her place. As soon as he had set himself, he realized the change in his companion. Erika had relaxed the bathing towel at the top, so that it had slipped down and had released the view of her breasts.

Lukas forced himself not to camouflage, but he compulsibly had to look next to him and take a look at Erika’s bust. The two arches were attractive and nice to look at. Compared to a 20-year-old, she would have done poorly. The breasts hung lightly and had lost the good form of earlier years.

But they were lavishly trained and could easily fill a men’s hand without any problems. The breast tips adorned dark warts with small nipples. Lukas could hardly get enough of the sight and was only able to break away from the female splendor with a heavy heart.

Erika had leaned back and seemed to have no problems with the curious eyes of the men present. The second woman in the sauna also gave an insight into her treasures, whereby she had completely avoided the covering of her body.

Lukas eyed the other woman curious, especially to distract from how much he was interested in Erika’s nudity. The woman seemed to be the Mediterranean descent. Her skin was bronze color and it was well built. Her long black hair stuck to her head, which suggested a longer stay in the sauna.

She seemed to relax and had loosened one leg over the other so that Lukas couldn’t look at her most sacred.

Nevertheless, Lukas felt irritated and hoped that his libido would not be a disadvantage and that he was excited in the middle of the sauna. Her companion, like him, had covered his genital with the bathing towel and didn’t seem to have any interest in the other guests. The woman looked at Lukas and smiled kindly to him. Before Lukas could turn to the other man, he rose and left the sauna.

“It’s pleasant here, or?“Asked Erika suddenly and interrupted Luka’s mind game.

“Yes, ok,” he replied.

“I don’t usually go to the sauna.”

“I find it so relaxing here in it,” she said, and took her bathing towel.

Shortly afterwards she had freed her body from it and lay down loosely over her bare abdomen. Lukas still couldn’t recognize her intimate area, but the fact that he got more of her skin had his blood flowing into the lower body region. Lukas was happy that he could hide his masculinity under the bathing towel. He wanted to save himself this embarrassment.

Why was this situation so stimulating for him? He was on Erika or was the special situation responsible for it? And what did Erika had in mind when she just went into the sauna with him and gave him revealing insights into her female advantages?

“Let’s stay a few more minutes?“, Erika wanted to know.

“You are the expert,” said Lukas and he secretly hoped that he would calm down in the next few minutes.

They did not talk to each other and after almost a minute the other couple rose and left the sauna. Now he was alone with Erika and Lukas wondered what would happen right away or. What his companion expected from him. Did she want him to seduce her, or just searched her company, albeit in an unusual way? After all, she was married and hadn’t indicated that she wanted to get involved with him.

He was annoyed how little he could assess the situation. At least his head seemed clearer because he no longer felt drunk.

“So … let’s take a little refreshment,” said Erika and got up. She waived the bathing towel to change and had loosened it over her arm.

Lukas stared on the asserted butt and he also cut a good figure in view of his age. In general, Erika had an excellent figure for a woman around 50. Erika opened the door through which the other couple had left the room. It was not the entrance through which they had come and Lukas assumed that it led to another area of the wellness area.

Together they achieved a room of good and happy to.

In the middle of the room there was a three by four meter pool in which the couple was out of the sauna and was deepened into a conversation. Were on one side of the room have a shower attached, on another stand with red light beams on which two bare female bodies were located. Incidentally, the room was tastefully decorated and decorated. Erika hung up her bathing towel on a hook on the wall and turns Lukas head -on.

“Let’s cool down a little after this heat.”

For the first time he was able to admire all the naked splendor. Lukas stared at Erika’s naked front and was immediately tied up by the sight. Erika was not the most attractive woman who had presented himself naked, but by far the most unusual. Just the fact that he got her naked made everything incredibly attractive.

The tan was missing in the places where Erika wore a bikini during the day. Lukas could clearly see the different skin coloring. When he looked her lap, he missed any pubic hair. His gaze drilled into the hairless column that was inviting.

How would he have loved a finger or worse one.

Erika turned and went to the water basin, where she rose down the steps of a ladder. Lukas hesitated briefly and followed her example. He had realized that all guests were undressed and apparently nobody seemed to be bothered by the nudity of the other. Lukas spontaneously wondered if he had come here with his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend,.

If it were right for him that other guys from his naked girlfriend stared on the ass?

He also hanged his bathing towel and followed his companion in the pool. Erika’s gaze followed each of his steps and he was sure that she carefully examined his bare body. At least he was no longer excited, which saved him an embarrassment. When he had reached Erika, she turned to him and asked: “Do well, or?”

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