The missed bus [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Andreas slowly increased the pace, he varied his bumps and Steffie felt like in the seventh heaven. In the meantime, Stefan had stood behind the sofa that his pelvis was in front of her head. It was not a special request that Steffie took the half -tire cock, which she had served her so excellently, put it in her mouth and licked clean. It tasted the salty taste of his seed and her cunt and when she alternately licked his eggs and tails, grew up again to new life.

Stefan took her head in both hands and pushed his cock deep into her greedy mouth.

She cleverly licked her tongue over his glans and enclosed her lips. Andreas let his cock drive into her cunt and deeper, so a third party orgasm to shake steffies body. A wave of hot excitement rolled through her body and almost simultaneously with the gush of seeds that flowed into her mouth, she reared up to experience the third climax. Andreas gave her a few more bumps, sprayed and then the young woman could no longer: she sagged together and Andreas Schwanz slid out of her cunt.

All four young people sat on the sofa, cuddled closely and breathed heavily.

Steffie felt more wonderful than ever in her life. All of her dreams and longings had come true. The nights with Lars, the evenings with her masturbation, all of this was nothing against the triple climax that these three men had just prepared her. She would never have dreamed that the sucking of a penis could excite her so much.

Nothing could be felt by the disgust that the seed could cause in her mouth. She felt everything as a sensible enrichment and it was clear to her that further evenings of this kind should follow.

Stefan was the first and asked if Steffie wanted to take a shower. Spontaneously she wanted to say “yes”, but the thought, her sweaty and from sperm To enjoy the folded body another night, made her proud and happy and she declined. However, she did not reject Andreas’s offer to bring her home now.

Both quickly got dressed and to say goodbye there was another hug and a kiss for Thomas and Stefan, then both went to Andreas Auto and he started the car. Slowly he drove through the small town both of them had no hurry while her hand rested on his thigh.

He stopped briefly on the last street corner and both hugged again and kissed intensively, then he rolled quietly for her parents’ house and she jumped out, the door was as quiet as possible closes as possible. Without turning over again, she opened the front door with her key and disappeared shortly afterwards in her room. When Andreas saw the light, he drove the remaining 200 meters further.

Steffie quickly took off in her room and lay down in the cold bed. Her body was still invited with erotic tension and how magnetized her right hand moved to her lap, as she had often done.

Only this time her lap was still wet with her juice and the sperm of her lovers. She gently stroked her labia and when she touched her clit, she found that he was still swollen. She massaged him with tender movements and did not stop until she had experienced another orgasm.

Then she fell into a restless sleep. Part 5am next morning Steffie woke up with a pochin in her cunt. A erotic dream had packed her and let her roll back and forth restlessly. Slowly the thoughts came back to the last evening.

Everything was just a dream? This most wonderful fuck in her life is just a dream?She carefully sliding her finger into her lap.

Her pussy was already damp again and she carefully pushed a finger between her lips. He was received warm and moist. She pulled her finger up and sniffed on him. No question! She had had sex tonight.

She remembered the sperm that had been sprayed on her body. She struck the ceiling back: indeed, the sticky remains were still easy to see. She hit the ceiling again and closed her eyes.

“My god, it was horny!“, It shot through her head. Pictures came up and she remembered Thomas Schwanz, whom she had blown and who even came in her mouth.

What kind of taste was that? In any case, salty and otherwise almost nothing else. And in the past she had disgusted herself!Stefan, this guy with the big cock, had licked it so fantastically and then fucked and Andreas, how was it with him?Oh yes, she thought, he had taken her from behind and massaged her breasts so wonderfully. She involuntarily put her two hands on her tits and began to stroke her lovingly.

They straightened up and groaned quietly. Her right hand went down to her lap.

It felt like she was cooking, it was so hot and moist in her vagina. She worked on her clit and masturbated to a little orgasm. Just when he was abbot, it knocked on her bedroom door and she heard her father’s voice: “Steffie, please come to breakfast immediately?!“Oh dear, it was in a bad mood!The young girl jumped in the shower hastily, then put on and after 15 minutes she sat with her parents at the breakfast table. “The latest court” was not long in coming.

She just sipped her coffee when her Father, only laboriously dominated, from her wanted to know when she came home yesterday.

After all, today is Monday and she knew that they are in the School must. “Just don’t yawn,” thought Steffie and squeezed: “After one”. “I said half past fewer,” summed up her father. “The bus drives so that you can be here on time.

Why didn’t you take the bus?“” “I missed him… just wanted to dance for a few minutes… then the driver from driver just drove away from the driver!“Oh, should he prefer to wait for his late passenger princess?“, Her father mocked.

“No, of course not”, Steffie Kleinlaut returned. “Honey, how did you get home now,” hung up now Mother a.

“Hopefully you won’t be tramped, or? In any case, you didn’t take money for a taxi. ““ No, Mommy, that was not necessary. Andreas from our street came by accident and took me with me. “That was not a lie – at least not very much.

“Which Andreas?“, Hairy her father. “Andreas Müller, the Müllers live five houses further. Number 23, I think. He came when I was about to call myself a taxi.

“” Well, that was fine, “her mother stated relieved.

“Still”, her father remained hard, “she injured the rules: half past two is half past two!“And to Steffie, he said:“ The rest of the week will stay at home in the evening! You are here at eight o’clock at the latest and stay here too, okay?”” Yes, Paps, “confirmed Steffie. Phew, she just got away again! Hopefully the weekend was not one of them, but it would have been stupid to ask about it now. She wanted the exemplary one for the next 5 days Daughter be and then ask again. The hours in school tortured themselves.

She was shortly before the Abitur and always a good student in, but today she could hardly be interested.

Again and again individual pictures of the evening came up. She would have loved to rub off one constantly, but that was probably bad at school. Finally the 6 hours were over. All the time she thought about what to do.

She wanted to meet Andreas. He was a funny guy and she had always observed him secretly when he drove past his car. But since he was two years older, she hardly knew his friends. He had a girlfriend? She didn’t know.

It would almost have been overwhelmed by silent jealousy. She got her cell phone out of her school bag and stopped.

She didn’t know the number of Andreas at all. She stormed to a telephone booth near the school. After some search, she found the given address under “Müller, Helmut”.

She chose the number and a woman highlighted: “Müller. “” Yes, Hello … uh, I am the Steffie, Steffie Baum from the same street. The Andreas ”, she hesitated,“…

I took me with me yesterday. I wanted to thank you for that. Is he there?““ No, he’s in the university. You can reach him tonight.

“” Mmmh, he has a cell phone?”” Oh yes, of course, wait a moment … “, it became quiet in the line, then the voice came back and gave a number through.

“Thank you very much, Ms. Müller,” said Steffie well and interrupted the connection. She quickly saved Andreas number and tried to call him. However, only the mailbox reported. She left a short request for recall and put on.

Her friends had already gone to the ice cream parlor and Steffie went after. She sat down with the apology that she had to think about a single table and did what she pretended: thinking. As she spooned out her ice cream parlor, the brilliant idea came to her. The sudden sums of the cell phone shook her out of her thoughts and Andreas Name stood on the display.

Exccited she accepted the call and Andreas reported.

“Hello Steffie. “”Hi Andreas. “” What is there, my little one?”A hint of an trouble came into her because he called her” little one “. But then she remembered that it was certainly just fun.

“I am opposite our school in the Eiscaf Bomba. Can you pick me up? I would like to talk to you. “” I actually still have an exercise … but of course, I will pick you up.

In fifteen minutes, okay?””Understood. “She waited impatient until she finally saw his red golf coming through the street. She had already paid and stormed out. She quickly ran to his car and opened the passenger door.

“Please drive to the Allersee,” she instructed him and he started without asking.

Finally, after a while, he interrupted the silence: “What do you want at the lake?”” Talk to you, “she said briefly. He gently put his right hand on her thigh and was excited about her reaction. She kept her eyes closed and laid her hand just as carefully. Because Andreas had to switch, he soon pulled her away, but the feeling of solidarity between them was immediately restored.

Once at the lake, he drove to the empty parking lot. She got out and ordered him to the boathouse.

There was a sailing club that belonged to the terrain, but because it was very peaceful in this area, there was no fences or grids, but only a friendly sign. There was a bank in front of the empty boathouse, and they took a seat on it. First they sat side by side in silence.

The young woman had put her head on his shoulder and he hugged her tenderly. Then she put all her courage together and told him about the tremendous lust of the steady evening, of the lust that she had grasped and which she could only breastfeed through masturbation and … and that she loved him and wanted to be with him.

The two looked at each other and kissed. It was a long and intense kiss that gradually became a “French kiss”.

“I also like you very much,” replied Andreas. “The evening with you was so … cool and as fantastic as I have never experienced it before. Not even with Sandra, ”he added.

A pain pierced steffies heart. Suddenly she remembered his girlfriend. Clear, Sandra, who worked as a seller in the boutique. She looked very good, was big and blonde.

Her breasts were small and petite and the job brought it with it that she was always dressed extremely well and well -kept.

Suddenly her Lars remembered her again. Your own friend was still there too!”Shit,” she groaned. “Is that complicated with us. “” Are you still ..

cool?“He asked carefully. “You mean now?“, She wanted to know. He nodded. “I am so mega super hyper all day and all day horny that I would like to stroke my pussy all the time.

“So far, such words had never come over her lips. She couldn’t talk to Lars like that, but Mitangreas seemed to be the most natural of the world. She looked Andreas in the eye, kissed him passionately and whispered in his ear: “I want to sleep with you.

Now. “” Steffie, listen, “he started hesitantly.

“You have a friend and I have Sandra … how should that go with us two?“The seventeen-year-old looked directly into his eyes:“ Yes, you are right, but as far as Lars is concerned … I could never experience something horny with him as with you yesterday evening. “She hesitated something and Andreas waited silently.

“I like Lars. He is really a good friend, but in this regard he is something … Before yesterday we were both, but today I licked blood and wants more of it.

He can’t give it to me.

“Andreas replied her gaze, then he said:“ What we two experienced together with Thomas and Stefan was really incredibly cool. I have never experienced what I have experienced with you with any woman. “Steffie grinned into himself when she heard the word“ woman ”. It was right, the day before yesterday she had been a girl, but yesterday’s day had changed her: she had become a woman.

To a woman who knew what she wanted at least in sexual and determined it. “But I don’t want to lose Sandra. She must never find out what happened yesterday.

She would probably leave me immediately and I don’t want that because I love her. “The two sat quietly side by side, nestled closely together and let what had just been said.

“How about it …”, Steffie began without completing the sentence. “How about something?“Asked her counterpart after a while. “How about we both were your friends, Sandra and I. “Andreas looked at her questioningly.

“What do you mean?”” Well, as I say, “explained the young woman,” we can both be with you. “Andreas thought briefly, then he announced:“ That doesn’t work well! How should I explain to her that I don’t want to be with her from time to time, but with you?”” We could both be with you at the same time, “insisted Steffie.

Only now did she realize what she had just said: she had included Sandra in her relationship, she had nothing against going to bed together with her and Andreas. Andreas was just as surprised as she was. “You think we live in three and do too Sex for three?“Steffie swallowed.

Memories of her early school days came up when she had curiously looked at the other girls while moving to physical education. When she secretly watched her breasts and pubic hair and how she had dreamed of sleeping in a bed with her friend at the time and spoiling each other.

She became fire red. “I used to think about being with another girl,” whispered Steffie. “How is it with you?“Now it was Andreas to get red.

“So, if I’m honest, I have already thought of having sex with two women at the same time. I think every man does that at some point. “” And did you talk to Sandra about it?“, His neighbor wanted to know. “Yes, but she didn’t take it seriously at first.

Later we talked about it again and she said the out of how much trust she would have in me and the other.

““ So she is ready for it?“Steffies breath went faster. “Wait, I didn’t say that,” he brought her back to the ground of the facts. “She has and had big problems with the idea of sharing me with another woman, but …” “But?“, Steffie insisted. “But it would come to an attempt …” For the time being, the two left it in these words and only after a while after a while of silent neighborhood repeat test effect: “I would like to sleep with you.

Here and now. Sandra will not find out about me, honestly. “Andreas looked deep into her eyes again, shook his head as if he wanted to drive away bad thoughts, then he took her face in his hand and kissed her hot and intimately on his forehead and on his mouth.

Their tongues shot and for minutes they were playfully interlocked. The excitement in Steffie’s body was suddenly back as if you had put on a switch.

She felt her juice shot into her pussy and made her moist. She felt her breasts suddenly tensioned and pressed against the sweater. She was sure that the nipples had stiffened and clearly emerged. A sudden greed recorded her.

Her hands slid over his T-shirt, reached his pants and opened his zipper. With damp fingers she rummaged into his panties and grabbed the growing cock.

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