My disabled brother [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

01 Ambassich inherited two things from my parents: a whole bunch of money and Markus, my disabled person around 18 years older Brother. Markus is now 35 years old, tall and strong as a bear and has the mind of a two-year-old child. Papa died ten years ago, and mom followed him last year. In the will: As long as we have lived, we took care of your brother. Now we hand it over in your hands.

Give him eight and make all the decisions for him that he does not meet can. We saved and put on money: your financial lifting is taken care of, you don’t have to worry. Everything had already expected something like that. Until mom died, she lovingly looked after Markus: that was a 24-hour job full of work and turning. Now it was my turn. Only I could and did not want to be the nurse and supervisor of my disabled brother 24 hours a day for the rest of my life and watch how life runs over with his opportunities and challenges.

So I started looking for a good home place. After a long search, I really found one: a new, modern home: sunny, bright, friendly, modernest equipped, with a committed and loving care crew. Of course the whole sow was – but thanks to the financial reserves by the parents and my own, very good content, it went out. I can still remember the day when I delivered Markus in the home.

I had a terribly guilty conscience and the feeling that mom annoyed me from heaven. But the feeling lay down over time and my brother sank into forgetting. I visited him. He was mostly in employment therapy, was very happy when I came and looked sadly from his brown roe eyes when I went. It had leveled off. I was satisfied.

Until yesterday. There was a letter in my mailbox with the artist -printed sender of the home. I stelled. I had paid the monthly bills regularly on time for a transfer order, so what did they want from me? I hastily tore up the envelope in the anteroom of my apartment. Dear Ms. Dörfer, Bla, BLA, BLA, please contact my secretary, Ms. Reutter to make an appointment. Kind regards, dr.

Hartwig Münster, home manager. That didn’t mean good. Hopefully Markus hadn’t done anything and did not make any difficulties. I was just in the process of falling in love and everything went according to plan professionally and career. The last thing I could need now were some wraps and difficulties that my brother gave me. I felt how the anger and fear rose in me, although I didn’t even know what exactly it was about there.

I had a restless night. I called there the next morning. After the first ringing, Ms. Reutter, apparently the right hand of the boss reported professionally and friendly. She couldn’t tell me what exactly was about. We made an appointment for next Thursday, 6:30 p.m. That fit me well, it wasn’t long there and besides, I didn’t have to take off my job.

On Thursday at 6:25 pm I was at the door of the home management. I knew that in the meantime, since I put Markus into the home, the home management had changed. I was excited to see what I would expect now. Ms. Reutter greeted me kindly, announced me via Hauselephon and let me enter the holy rooms of the boss on time. Mr. Münster was approx. 1. 80 tall, slim, Brown -burned, successful, the success -spoiled and smart management type.

There are no problems, there are only solutions, and I always have the best solution, seemed to be his inner motto of life. Galan and courteous, he directed me to his noble seating set leather and immediately started the conversation. – Ms. Dörfer, you were sure that we approached you with the request for a date of discussion. I liked the guy, he got down to the point and didn’t talk around the hot porridge.

I nodded and was excited to see how it went on. – It’s about her brother Markus. I already thought something like that, what else should it be about. – he develops splendidly in our home and also seems to feel very comfortable?Dr. Münster looked at me questioningly. I just nodded. So he certainly hadn’t asked me. – We are all very satisfied with him,. Now a break came when there wasn’t this special behavior of him.

Now we were ready. Immediately I would know what I was about. But dr. Münster turned a verbal introductory round again. – We are a modern, open -minded home that really tries to satisfy all the wishes of our home. Only in public opinion there are certain taboos and limits that we must not exceed. Now I was really curious. What did you want to do. Münster ultimately out. -Your brother has been piling up recently.

He not only matters other residents, but also the staff and his supervisors. So now it was out. Markus, The horny goat! He had a modern home place, swimming pool, physio and occupational therapist, animation and creative activities, but all of this was apparently too little for him. – Last week there was an attack in public for the first time. The home manager looked at me in the face of this message like a pastor who wanted to emphasize the reprehensibility of this actions from the pulpit.

– The members of his shared apartment were on a trip in the city park. The supervisors heard a girl screaming. Her brother was bothering an approx. 8 year old child!- Ms. Dörfer, we cannot be offered this behavior as a home in the long run. He took a break, leaned back in his armchair and pressed the spread fingers of his hands together. – Of course we tried everything possible. There were countless team meetings of the supervisors on this topic.

But apparently nothing was fruitful. -Last week we consulted our institutional psychologist. She knows the problem in general. Abroad there are occasional homes who regularly use prostitutes to cover this area of life. This is not possible with us. I had brought it far. I was swearing. The whole verbal foreplay was certainly only used to release Markus from the home. Then what would I do? Where with my lover and my career, with this brother by my side.

I turned alternately hot and cold. – Miss Dr. Werner, our psychologist, now said that it is possible that Markus such a big desire for Contact And because he does not yet know the targeted action of auto eroticism due to his intellectual disability. I stared dr. Münster without understanding. What were all in the world “the targeted actions of auto eroticism?“He took my lack of understanding and explained closer.

-Auto-eroticism means psychology every form of erotic self-stimulation, i.e. masturbation. Oh, why not right away. In good German, Markus didn’t know what it was called jerk off. – dr. Werner now said that there may be hope that if Markus learns that it is possible to satisfy himself, stop sexual assault. Exactly, we had the solution. Markus could masturbate in his room as often as he wanted, and I was able to continue my life so far.

Brilliant solution!- The difficulty now is to open up this area of life for your brother. Due to the inner attitude and, based on state legislation. My hopes fell together like a collapsing house of cards. A longer break occurred. Then set dr. Münster deliberately and carefully away. He moved like a walker on the thin ice surface of a just frozen pond.

– Ms. Dörfer, I know your personal situation from the files. For them it would be a significant restriction of their quality of life if they had to take Markus home. The good man didn’t tell me anything new. I got hot and cold all over my body when I only thought of it. – I thought that it might be possible for you to talk to your brother about this topic. Maybe you will succeed as Sister, Markus to calm down.

I stared at him without understanding. Dr. Münster continued in his remarks. – The shared apartment in which Markus is located is in the circus this evening. Markus is alone at home. All supervisors are on the go. Maybe you should take the opportunity to talk to your brother. – It would be a shame if we had to release Markus from our beautiful home because of these sexual assault. Dr. Münster rose. The meeting was over.

I once read a book with the title: the devil alternative. So I felt now. I had two options: 1) I didn’t do anything – then I would get my brother home. 2) I talked to him – of course he would understand absolutely only a train station and continue exactly as before. Back to point 1. As in a trance I got up and said goodbye. Dr. Münster shook my hand briefly.

– I wish you all the best for your efforts. Maybe as a sister, you will succeed in what we have failed as a professional supervisor. Beginning.

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