Business trip to the Black Forest | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Only business overnight stays allows this trip took place at the time of the narrow corona pandemic regulations. Restaurants, hotel and sports facilities were closed to tourists nationwide. In hotels, only business overnight stays were allowed. The establishment of a network specialist application with colleagues in the Black Forest was an occasion for one of my other business trips to the nature park region in the northern Black Forest. My familiar business partner Kerstin at the age of 38 was at the start to train the employees within two days and to get the specialist applications up and run.

The work went quickly. The milestones of the first day were fulfilled. Kerstin asked our hosts for a recommendation for dinner. These informed us about a new opening in the neighboring city. There have a big one Family Bought the castle park from a southern neighboring country. In the entrance area of the Schlosspark, in the former Gesindehaus, the family has already opened a restaurant that is currently being managed as a take-away station due to pandemic. There there are freshly prepared full food with a focus on high -quality meat from the owners in the house in the house.

Kerstin and I headed this park. It lay on a slope, surrounded by old stone walls, interrupted by a huge cast iron gate. The focus was on the stately villa, on the entrance area there were parking spaces and the servant house, labeled in ancient historical script and the reference “Open”. We parked, entered and were greeted in a friendly manner on Schwitzerdütsch. An attractive employee with name signum “Katja” asked about our wishes. I asked back what she recommended for the great hunger. She replied that the noodle-vegetable salmon lasagna had just come out of the oven.

That has hers Mother Prepared for your own dinner in the kitchen. However, two portions of it should be purchased. We asked to pack two portions, plus two mixed salads. Kerstin asked which sweet desserts were available. In addition to ice and Tiramisu Apero biscuits, Katja counted her mother freshly prepared. As we were thinking, a door opened behind the counter, a lady lying a generation about Katja lying with her similar facial features appeared with two plates of steaming lasagna and asked Katja with a laugh today.

Katja replied, the two guests with the Hessian license plate. The life -experienced lady with name signum Kathi spoke to us and asked if we had to transport the food for a long time. The taste quality could suffer. I replied that our hotel was a quarter of an hour drive away. Kathi whispered with Katja, asked for a moment of patience. Kathi disappeared again with the plates through the rear door to step out of a door with inscription “private” a few minutes later and asked us to step in.

We accepted this invitation and found a small room in which the salads and lasagna were served on a table on plates. Kathi closed the door and said that this room is only available to new friends. We introduced ourselves with our names and expressed our joy about this special service. We took a seat and fed with great delights. Finally, Kathi served apero biscuits with sweet and spicy flavors, freshly baked and crispy.

We thanked Kathi for the unexpected service and rewarded them generously. Kathi say goodbye to us with the request to take a look again when we are in the area. The castle is in renovation and will receive a guest floor. We agreed to stop here at the next opportunity and to cost further of the excellent courts. We were also friendly by Katja. Around 7 p.m. we reached the reserved four -star hotel located on a small lake.

The porter informed us that due to the pandemic, only business travelers were present. The in -house Swimming pool Unfortunately, be blocked, even if it has to be heated continuously for technical reasons. I believed to recognize an ambiguity from his smile. From my wallet I pulled out a tens of neuro to retire whether the door to the swimming pool could be open for an exclusive hour from 8 p.m. He nodded friendly and said, for reasons of infection, but at most for two people. I presented him with the banknot.

Kerstin was amazed at the things that are possible despite the prescribed restrictions. The path around the lake was illuminated. I asked Kerstin if she wanted to sniff some fresh air. She agreed. We moved into our two hotel rooms and met a quarter of an hour later in front of the hotel. In the meantime it was Duster, but not really dark due to the full moon light. Thanks to the good illumination, the lake was safe to avoid in half an hour.

Our eyes got used to the new lighting conditions outside of office space and monitor lighting. Kerstin told a woman to live with a woman after her husband moved out at the age of 35 for three years. Arrived again at the hotel, Kerstin said that she would like swimming, but no bathing clothes. I said to always travel without swimming trunks and choose the times when textile -free swimming is possible. She was amazed and said that she wanted to try it, but not really dare to dare.

I offered her to pick her up in front of her room in the bathrobe. Then she could look at everything and decide how far she wants to go or swim. She agreed. Once in the room, I put my clothes off and put on my bathrobe and adilettes. Go along the hallway, knocked on Kerstin’s door. She also appeared in bathrobe and adilettes. We went next to each other towards the swimming pool, down the stairs. Only the emergency lighting burned there, green signposts.

“Swimming pool” stood on a large glass door. I pressed the door handle, the door opened, we entered and closed the door again. In addition to the green emergency lighting, signs with lettering “shower” and pool “. I asked Kerstin if she was enough for her savings lighting. She said clearly that no other hotel guest came up with the idea that the swimming pool could be open. I pulled out my bathrobe, hung it on the cloakroom and went have a shower. The shower room offered space for four roar.

Kerstin looked at me, hung her bathrobe next to mine and also came into the shower room. She started the shower opposite me. Very pleasant warm rain pounded out of the nozzles. Everyone foam from the wall dispensers with shower and had the foam rinsed. For the first time I saw Kerstin undressed, height of a good 1.70 meters, shoulder-length bridal hair, round face, rounded figure and breasts in C-cup size. I ended the shower, grabbed my bathrobe without pulling it up and walking towards the swimming pool.

Kerstin also follow me naked. There was another room door behind the next glass door. Behind it was a small relaxation room with two relaxation. The look ahead went to the swimming pool, a view as if from a balcony. I closed the door again. Kerstin had already gone down the stairs and stood in front of the swimming pool, which is around four by ten meters. There were also two relaxation next to this pool. There we put our bathrobes off, took off the adilettes and went into the warm water of the pelvis.

The lights in the pool and space remained dark. Due to the large panoramic glass panes of the hall, the light moonlight remembered. We were able to orientate ourselves well and discovered the massage jets on the edge of the pelvis and the actuating buttons for it. I found the gliding in the warm water and the massage using the water currents. Kerstin said she was experiencing swimming without a textile for the first time in life and find it very nice. She thanked me to be so informed here, even though we were only colleagues.

She climbed out of the water. Now I could get your body even better than under the shower and look at the water. Her pubic hair was bushy, her breasts bobbed while walking. Their warts were big and dark. Your nipples knob -loving and long. She dried from the shelf with a bath towel, put on her bathrobe and lay down on one of the loungers. I made a few more laps in the swimming pool, then went out the stairs from the water and dried me off in front of Kerstin’s eyes, which obviously watched me interested.

Because of the advanced time, I feel about an hour since entering the swimming pool area, I suggested that the relaxation room go one floor higher. Because of the plexiglass privacy screen, this was not visible from below. Kerstin agreed that we went up the stairs, opened the door, entered and closed the door again. Took a seat on the loungers and snake us into the ceilings on the ceilings. That was wonderful and relaxed.

We were there and silent. I closed my eyes. It was unexpectedly heard how doors were opened and closed. Kerstin already went? No, she was still on the couch next to me. Showering were heard. And vote. Approached us for a contractual penalty for overdrafting the non -existent bathing time restriction? Suddenly the underwater lighting started and made the hall appeared in blue light. The balcony room at the top we were lying remained dark. Kerstin whispered to me that she would like to stay and wait and see what happens.

I nodded and stayed as they lie. We expressed our eyes over the balcony down. A couple appeared there. He ca. 1. 80 m tall, you 1.70 m. Both with a slightly rounded figure. About the end of 60 years old. They were enveloped in white bathrobes and stood on the edge of the pelvic. Whispered, looked around. The lady seemed familiar to me. Kerstin too. She whispered to me: “Isn’t that the lady who just served us the lasagna?Then the cathi put down its bath towel and jumped into the water.

The gentleman sat on one of the loungers and watched his partner bathing. Thanks to the underwater lighting, it was easy to see from both its space and from our balcony. I found it exciting to be here. I couldn’t discover any evidence that the two guests on the balcony have discovered or suspected. Kathi swam a few rounds and then stood in front of the massage jets. She called Peter, her companion, to get into the water too.

This got up, gets rid of his bathrobe and also step down the steps into the water. When gliding through the water, Kathi snapped to Peter’s hand and asked him to stand behind her so that she could hold her breasts in front of the massage jets without being pushed away by the water pressure. Peter stood behind Kathi, who sat in the water. Both looked in our direction, so that we could see their faces and Kathi’s breasts that were deformed by the water pressure of the nozzles.

The underwater lighting made the water basin appear quite bright, our terrace was in the dark. After a few minutes, Kathi turned to Peter and said this breast massage wakes her lust. Peter replied, he too makes him horny to see how her breasts change and the nipples set up. He turned to the side slightly, his protruding one tail emerged. Kathi kissed his glans and then took his cock in her mouth to massage him with lips and tongue.

The facial features show that both had fun. I looked at the Kerstins lying down, there was also joy and astonishment on her face. I nodded her, a consent to stay here quietly and to watch. Kathi released Peters tail from her mouth and got up. Peter hugged her from behind and began to massage her breasts with his hands. Kathi moved her whole body in a slightly swinging wav.

She grabbed Peters Rohr with her hands behind her body and massaged it gently. His firm cock in her hands was easy to see during her side dance movements. I got hot while watching. Kerstin replied my eyes. Without a word I opened my bathrobe and gave my now proudly grown tail space. Kerstin’s looks alternating between the bathers below, my face and my tail. Again I nodded to her. Kerstin now opened her bathrobe and hit the sides next to her couch.

I looked at her bare body and believed that her nipples had set up. She stroked her and opened her legs with questioning. Another nod from me, her left hand slid between her legs. Now my eyes switched between the bathers and Kerstin. I felt that a drop escaped from my pipe, dabbed a finger on my glans and pulled it up. I massaged mine with the other hand Egg.

To see that to see Kerstin to move her hand lying between her legs, only slowly, then faster and with slipper noises. Our eyes discovered that Kathi was now sitting on the edge of the pool. Peter stood in front of her in the water and licked her wet vulva. A hand massaged her breasts, his other hand was inserted to the hand root in Kathi’s vagina. Kathi groaned and pulled his head even more firmly on her abdomen with both hands.

Your deep breathing was unmistakable signs for reaching the orgastical plateau. She lowered her hands, Peter’s hand slid out of her vagina and gave a wide cave prize. Both dissolved from each other. Peter went out the stairs out of the water, his standing tail bobbed to the relaxation while walking. He lay on his back. Kathi sit on his pipe with her face with her face and rode him. With her hands she massaged his nipples, petted her into her and pulled her in length.

Now Peter came over the big moan. My gaze switched to Kerstin. Your hands were actively dealt with with your body. She twirled her nipples and quickly circle in her wet vulva with one hand. I massaged my cock and was driven by the lust of the couple at the swimming pool and my colleague on the couch next to me. A few moments later, Peter’s body shrugged violently. Kathi slide higher and sit on Peters mouth. Peter sucked his white lava and kissed Kathis Vulva.

Kerstin shook it through with these pictures, and I also came to my bathrobe with wide splashes. Then there was only peace to be heard. Kathi had laid on the free couch. Peter Döste on his couch. Kerstin was with him, I was flooded with warm feelings. The pelvic lighting went out. Peter said to Kathi that the hour was over and helped her on her feet. They grabbed their bathrobes and look towards the balcony.

Kathi said in a clear voice “Thank you for watching, was awesome to have you as a silent viewer”. We were amazed, Peter said: “We’ll drink an abscess at the bar”. Then doors opened and closed again and it was quiet. Kerstin and I were alone again. We also got up, our bathrobes attracted. Kerstin said she couldn’t believe what she saw and experienced tonight. I replied that life offered many opportunities when it allowed and brought them to her room door.

She asked if I would like to drink an nightcap at the bar and to recognize us the two late bathing ends. I said that I didn’t want to miss this pleasure either. We went to our rooms to dress again. It was a long evening and a short night.

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