Taboo group sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Our short vacation with our friends should be something very special. I had, Miri, my two friends Ela and Sandra invited to discuss what I had come up with. Our respective husbands are bowling tonight, so we all have the time in the world. “Now say Miri, what have you come up with now?“Ela asks me. “Well, good. Do not be mad.. promised? OK. So.. I’ve talked to my Jens a few times that I would like to try something new in terms of sex.

How is that with you?“I ask the two. “Well, recently I am in one with Anton Swinger club was … it was really cool, ”admits Sandra. And Ela thinks that her Tobi would have suggested something like that, but she couldn’t overcome herself. “It’s a pill palle of you two. Jens recently asked me if I … is almost embarrassing to me to promise something like that.., I didn’t even want to let him spank my butt.

I did … was crazy horny!“After that I give my secret prize. I’m really surprised by the reaction of the two! Because they unanimously said that she would really irritate it. “Well then … what do you think of it if we really surprised our guys at the hut? So I could imagine fucking myself from your two boys and also having my ass spanked, ”I let the cat out of the sack.

“Really now? Whether you believe it or not, Miri … so … I would participate. What about you Sandra?“Asks Ela. “Oh, if you know … so good. I tell you. I am … Anton’s … slave! So, now it’s out!“We look at her with big eyes. “As now, slave? Right? With Haue and whip?“I ask in astonishment, I realize that I am very excited. “Yes you two, have a look..“Sandra replies, gets up and raises her skirt up.

It is naked underneath! And on their ass cheeks, three thick stripes laugh at us. “Ouch! Doesn’t hurt?“Asks Ela curiously. Sandra says “yes … but.. I even love that now! Sometimes I even beg him about it!”” Madness “says Ela and adds that she couldn’t really imagine her husband with the whip in her hand. “You, that’s almost every man. What do you think, courageous enough to allow our guys in the hut?” I’m speechless.

Sure, my proposal would have gone in this direction, but to hear that from Ela’s mouth ..!I get the word. “Well, girls … if you are in favor of surprising our men to suggest that we want to serve them as willless and taboo -free slaves during the upcoming vacation together on the hut, please use”. Two or three seconds pass and I almost think that I am probably too research.

But then my friends also join my raised hand. We all notice it to ourselves and also to the rocky nipples of each of us that we are pretty excited. “Decided! We three give our men absolutely free, what they want to do with us. Each with each of us. Agreed?”” Yes “,” yes “… in the next two hours we are silling around, reveal every secret to every intimate secret and ponder how cool we find what we have just discussed there! I am sure that the next night was not just “different” for me … our decision is certain and soon it will start.

The train that takes us to Innsbruck is on time. The landlord of the booked hut too. He already awaits us on the platform with a sign in hand with my first name. I had organized all of this. Kiss here, kissing there, then luggage in the trunk and it starts. Is a bit tight here in the VW bus with six passengers plus drivers and luggage but it works. After an hour the Pirmin drives to a parking space.

“So dear ones, get out or change. From here we only come to the hut with a chain caterpillar. Too steep and too much snow for the bus!“Says Pirmin. I just said that the bus would be tight? Not even close! The just as sufficient loading area of the chain caterpillar brings us together much closer to us. And although it is quite cold at three degrees plus, cuddling brings us enough warmth as not to freeze to death.

Sometimes it goes steeply with a 24% slope. Just good that we are more or less sitting on our luggage! “We did it immediately. Only left around the corner, then you can see the cottage already lie above. The sun is good, you can see everything great, ”says Pirmin, the Felscke is already free to look at our goal. “Hammer … Miri, you chose well” I get a big praise from Anton.

Only again across a steep slope, then we are there. “Welcome to Paradise” says Pirmin. We look around. As a matter of fact. Nothing but wide fields, covered with snow, above the hut a rock massif in the sun … perfect, paradise hold!We wave our driver for a long time how we brought our luggage into the house. The big moment is imminent. We girls look at each other briefly, nod all three. And then… Show time! “Guys, hear! We have something to say to you, ”I address the three gentlemen.

“So we three … we three want … no, become … oh what! Los girls!“I call out. Immediately afterwards we start to take off our things. Much to the amazement of our three guys! We just got rid of the last piece of fabric, so they are already on it. Everyone goes to one other than his own husband and parks him carefully and yet demanding hastily out of his clothes. As soon as the gentlemen are also naked and.. Have set up their joy donors because … they are already enclosed by damp lips!”Hey.. What’s then … with you … uhhhh jaaa, put it in you deeply, ”I hear my Jens say to Ela.

Well, he seems to like. After two minutes, we girls change the tails, but still have not arrived at the lances of our respective men. And again the magnificent slats slip into our fuck mouths. After another two minutes … let’s let off from you, turn around and keep our bare asses you. “Well go … Finally fucks us …” People Sandra and get Tobis seconds later tail pushed into her cunt. Meanwhile, Anton speaks me up, my Jens rams his hammer in Elas Fickfotze.

“Change …” I whine and lie on my back. Then I pull Tobi over myself and let my gem. Each of us three women gets an orgasm quite quickly, which, like loudly, roars out. “Change … now your own guy” grabs Sandra and grabs her Anton, puts it on his back on the floor, sits on him and lets a magnificent ride follow on his tail. Just like we two others do with our husbands.

Not long, but long enough for our second climax.., Stop it before pouring out in our cunt. Then we say down on them, smooch like teenagers and really cuddle. Certainly for ten minutes. Then I take the word. “So guys, something like just now … we want to have every day now! At least twice. Every single day. You can do that?” “Yes, of course! Only twice??“Anton answers and everyone laughs going.

Then again I: “But that’s not all gentlemen. Have a look at what we brought with us, ”I say with a promising grin on my face. The girls quickly get out of the souvenirs from their suitcases and together we come back to the living room. In our hands … each paddle and a whip … our boys really didn’t expect that. And certainly not with what we will tell you then. “So gentlemen.

We three have decided something. Unanimously decided! We will three during our time together up here at the hut … as … Serve slaves! You command, we obey. Your slaves now have another wish … please please … Consume with the paddles and the whip now please on our asses … We want all three! Sometimes for the first time! But it is our wish to be available to you for physical punishment without complaint.

So please very much, you gentlemen … spank us, beat us, whip us!“We haven’t seen such large men’s eyes for a long time. Huge question marks seem to float over their heads, “you are serious, or?“Asks Jens, who is the first to see himself to speak. “Yes dearest, yes lord, we mean that exactly that way!! We belong to everyone up here! Do what you want with us. No matter what … that should be our way to say thank you. Thanks for the years with you.

Thank you for your loyalty, love and horny sex. But from today … level 2 applies! We want to belong to you all three! Terrible?“I ask back. Tobi grabs Sandra, presses her on her knees and lets her butt stand up steeply. The two others do the same with their own women each. “You want it? You get it!!“Anton calls out. Sub -feritus later the flexible leather paddle claps on my ass. I hadn’t expected that it burns so much! But I stay steadfast like my two fellow sufferers.

Your ass cheeks also reduce just like mine. After 10 “loving” blows, Anton pulls me up and turns me around. “Legs apart … slave!!“He is at me. “Yes Lord” I answer, a little surprised. But now seriously, you girls out there. If you have never experienced anything like this if you have never been processed your cunt beforehand … you really missed something! Of course it hurts when the paddle claps the unprotected cunt! And yet it is more of a pleasure pain that comes over me and my two friends.

Because they are now on the floor with legs that are spread wide and get their cunts edited. Even the pussy juice splashes through the area, five times we can experience that. Five well -dosed blows with the paddle. Then the men put the things away. If that was already amazing, what the boys are doing with us is again a step better! They lick the pussies to us, put our fingers in there and at the same time in our back entrance! Each of us three experiences this pleasure until we again roar a third, fourth time, this time louder, our lust, even louder!!! It’s a good thing that nobody will hear us here!!“So your horny chickens.

Now we are hungry! Go, cook us something. But woe, you are wearing something! Here at the hut is now a ban on clothing! You are and always stay completely naked! And now off to the kitchen. Or do we have to help you with the whip??“I’ve never experienced Tobi like that! He really enjoys that. The other two too! While you get dressed again and smoke on the terrace, we snip and bruch three in the small kitchen.

Today there are veal schnitzel with sneaking beans, potatoes and for dessert ice cream, we let ourselves go really well, feast to your heart’s content. And we girls enjoy feeling the greedy looks of our men on us. That makes it at least as horny as us! There is also a hand under the table and ensures glassy eyes at one of us girls … what do I say … with everyone!! Oh men of the world, as soon as you have a few bare tits around you, there …. Should you calm.

As I said, everything is allowed. Always everywhere. Just make us really finished your sweet beng!!!It was delicious. And since we are girls like the boys, it demands for a cigarette. “Lords, your slaves would now also like to smoke. May we?“Asks Ela. Jens answers promptly. “Of course, you can do that. But in front of the hut … and … naked!!! And if you are already in the fresh air, it also brings firewood and checks whether the electricity generator runs properly, ”he says and grins.

“Boah ey … We women don’t have to get out naked, or?“Sandra moves up. Anton’s answer is non -verbal. He grabs the whip and thrashes his marriage slave on her back three times. “Anyone else to complain?“He then asks provocatively. Of course not … we as naked out in the cold. Now in the dark, so without the sun … I just say.. A wonder that there are no icicles on our already or still damp cunts! Well, has something good too.

Is not smoked for that long! Past the quietly grumbling generator, let’s go around the corner to the wood. Of course deep snow in front of it! We sink there to the knees and I also have to fall over the stupid cow!! I have a squeaky and at the same time laughing my trouble getting back on my feet! And the gentlemen laugh behind the window panes!Every three logs on the arm and freezing without end we come back to the warm room.

“Was cold?“Jens tumbles. At least he takes me in his arms and rubs me dry with a towel. Slowly the feeling comes back. Anton the fiesling has to bite me into my nipples before I am completely warmed up! Not firm, but damn easy! “You scoop … take advantage of everything right away..“I complain quietly to myself. Of course he hears that and.. So I also get to know the whip! And directly on my tits! But I don’t dare to give even a single sound from me!After that, daily planning is announced for tomorrow.

Skiing, better skiing hiking is on the agenda. The well -read cards are welded on the table and we choose a route. “Become around 12 km.. With a few nice descents in it. Better we go to sleep, or?“Says Tobi. General approval and a little later the kitchen is tidy, everything from DN men (!!!) rinsed and a last cigarette smoked outside. We were even allowed to put on our thick winter coats! Then we go to bed, where we will soon fall asleep happily and satisfied.

Nothing moves with us anymore!At 7 in the morning the brutal alarm clock tears us out of the springs of our double -stick beds. Yes, nothing with cuddling at night! Good and cunning one above (in bed!!) and one below. Tobi threw the fireplace half an hour ago, so that cozy warmth in the living room comes towards us. The little radiators in the bedrooms only prevent nothing from freezing. Warm is different! But here in the room it is nice and cozy! Breakfast with baked rolls and delicious hot coffee.

A good half an hour but only. Anton is already driving. “Is a groovy daily stage today. Let’s get rid of “. As a matter of fact. It goes around 5 p.m. like us, the last half hour in the dark, we fight our way up over the inclined slope. Always the trail of the chain vehicle. It’s a good thing that it hasn’t snowed, the trail is clearly visible. The climbing skins are hung in front of the quickly lit fireplace. It is comfortably warm here within 10 minutes.

“Girls … what had we said about the dress code for you yesterday? Go … down with your clothes!!“Mädel’s Anton snaps at once. So what did we have any other than being obedient and undressing us. It has a good thing when you face men naked as a woman. They will then become so quickly … “Hihihi tangible” … In any case.

Always in the day of the day it goes back and forth. There are potatoes and brew sausages today. Simple, but delicious! In addition a pot of mulled wine. The luggage radio brought with you has great music on it. So we even dance in a confined space in the hut. At Lambada … of course with real physical contact. So really real contact … soon we will not really be interested in the music anymore. Only the pleasantly steadfast “candy sticks” of our three fuckers! And they need them too! We three girls are so good that we can’t get enough of them.

We are messing it wild on the floor, on the table, even on the sideboard in the kitchen!At some point we crawled into bed totally finished. But somehow my Jens probably didn’t have enough! Anyway, he climbs down from the bed above me, pulls the duvet away and nailed me again right away! Somehow that must be related to the mulled wine, because on the left and right of us in the other bedrooms it is not quiet either!For the next day we agreed to just go down into the valley and there to eat something in a restaurant for lunch.

Then up with the gondola lift and two or three descents. The last one from the mountain station to our hut. We were on the move, so we could look down from top to our hut at half past two in the afternoon. It would not be our guys in their new roles if they didn’t have something nasty again! And so it is said at once, around 600 meters deep snow in front of us: “So you horny women. If you want to eat something tonight, down with your clothes! Only the skis and the ski boots are allowed.

Well. Gloves and scarf too.. hurry up”. The nasty grin of Anton. But what should we do about it. We swore to do everything for our gentlemen! They collect our ski clothing and go off. We have to wait until you give us the sign from below. As best we can, we keep the time with gymnastics “warm”. Then the GO from below. Buckle up and… go!!!You love kindness is cold! Hinge! Our nipples are about to freeze how we reach the hut.

And Jens, the crazy guy also filmed the whole thing and took photos! So we go straight in front of the fireplace. Warm chatter! This is pleasantly quick and so we can bend down after five minutes to take off our ski boots. Well, if three naked women bend down … to the dinner, a brettet snack with a delicious beer, it will take a while! So honestly, I don’t know how our boys do it! In exceptional cases, with our own men … um.. we can sit on their lap at the Brobelsenjausenenen! And again the joy of the men can be felt damn well in us!The table was quickly cleared and “added to another use”.

On both sides of the head and on one side side, three whipping women’s heads soon hang down and enjoy their dessert! Nice fresh men’s cream directly from the noble donor! Splendid! Then our fuckers need a break. But that doesn’t mean that we girls they have too! Not even close! “Come on your horny women! Half an hour of lesbian action! Well, do we want to see and hear something!!!“Ask us my Jens. So we get up on the table again and licked the cunts, fingers pushed into the pussies.

And with me there was even a premiere! The first time In general, there is a fist, luckily a delicate women’s fist, in my fuck column. How cool is that!!!!!The boys even applaud us for our hot show! But then pack bubbles are announced again! Always just a few relapses, then changed again and again we juice highly horny naked girls our fuck sticks! Panting, the gentlemen then sink together. “Break.. grace.. Break “Bean Anton. Now we’re on the pusher! “No way.. Break … well.. Lick our pussies! we do not have enough, yet!“Towns Ela and grabs my Jens.

He then buries his face in Ela’s column without grumbling, puts his long tongue into her or two centimeters. Tobi nibbles Sandra in the same way, I get my pampering unit from Anton. It is moaned, squeaked, licked, licked that it is a real joy. Two more highlights included!Now it is Sandra who asks for a break. If she gets, we can’t get! We have to bend over the table. Then the whip dances on our asses! Uhhh as pulls, burns.

But we don’t care now. We are so horny that we endure that with joy! We know that we will be rewarded later in “liquid, sticky form”. And we will do that twice that evening! As I said, it is extremely amazing and extremely gratifying what our guys bring about again and again!!!The night then runs in absolute silence, apart from Tobi’s snoring. Well rested, the next ski tour is.

Unfortunately we somehow get lost … so we had to call Pirmin to get the chain vehicle picked up at half past eight in the evening and had it brought up and brought up. Until we are finally upstairs, it is pitcher and it is snowing in a tour! Pirmin said that in total darkness and in the strong snowfall, he could not possibly drive down again. Of course we agreed that he could stay here in the hut and could only drive back in daylight.

So we sit around the table together and treat ourselves to a hot tea. Jens speaks up. “Well Pirmin … The fact that you are our guest today do not release our three girls from their duties. So you three … you know what to do! Pirmin will certainly have no objection to “. Where he is right, he is right. So we raise three girls and present the men a hot striptease! “Yes, my dear Primin, that’s how it works with us here.

The three have undertaken to always be totally naked for us up here in the hut. So today! Let’s go three, show our guest what you can do on it, ”Anton calls the round. The visibly surprised stately Almbauer is amazed at how all three girls make themselves out of their pants. I said earlier that our three boys have really big joy donors? Forget all of this.

Because what we “dig out” before our eyes turns everything we have ever seen! Not only that the one (immediately measured!) 26 cm! No, the part is almost as thick as my forearm! Hota, what a hammer! And I didn’t say earlier that our husbands would have given us the hottest fuck ever? We were wrong … What Pirmin does with us with his “Hammer Deluxe” is literally breathtaking!! We never had to open our fuck mouths so far to bring the prengel between our lips through our lips! And first our cunts! Craziness! With each impact, this peasant lout irritates our clits so much that we can get one orgasm after the other in the shortest intervals! And each of us! The lance just doesn’t want to be weak! But then we didn’t let it into our assholes! Instead, our boys were allowed to get there, at the same time as the monster tail of Pirmin in our pussies! You certainly guessed it … how he was (finally) so far to cum, we were so overwhelmed by the huge amount of delicious men’s cream that we had to swallow a few times in order to be able to process everything!Ela just couldn’t help it.

As everyone then slept, Pirmin in the living room on the floor, she just had to crawl out of her bed and “to” pour up “this natural boy again. Sandra and I were no longer able to do so that night. Somehow our cunts hurt… Around seven the next morning, luckily it had stopped snowing, Pirmin then made the way back. “Unfortunately, the cows are waiting now. And my wife too.

Hopefully I’ll make her … you three have demanded everything to me! I thank you very much for that. And you guys … Really horny grenades you have there! congratulations! A few more nice days for you. Then I’m away ”he says goodbye. Oh yes, nice days (and nights..) In fact, we still had. On Saturday noon, Pirmin picked us up and took us to the train station. His satisfied grin spoke volumes! And our boys can no longer get the grin out of their face! When we arrived at home, we went to Heia quickly.

We were able to use sleep well! Well, then we got it too! By the way, I have been still a great week since this great week The slave my husband! And that of the other two gentlemen too! As Ela and Sandra liked it, whenever, whenever, offered the opportunity to indicate to their men and their best friends as marriage slaves. We are already a horny group, or?END.

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