My new mistress | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Boredom after 7 years of marriage

Anja and Lukas, Luke Gennant, are an almost normal couple. He married her when she was 17 and he was 19. With the support of both parents, she was able to move together to her own apartment and still end school and training. Anja became a housewife and Luke worked in various positions.

They were married for almost 18 years when they first noticed that something was wrong in their relationship. By showing a program on television, they came up with the idea of creating each other chastity belts and only if both wanted to let each other out again. That also worked quite well and slowly the game developed further. At first Luke noticed that when Anja captivated him and played with him, he was more excited than ever before.

Anja also wanted to experience this and soon there were almost arguments who was allowed to play the passive role.

At some point she had the idea, since both preferred to give her friend Susi’s keys. She was extremely dominant and might play along.

Luke didn’t like this idea at all.

So far, they had only played their inclinations in the home area without an audience and outing was a real problem for him. He also asked where she knew so well about her friend’s inclination. But she told him that she had often talked to Susi about her mutual inclinations. Luke was speechless, but promised to think about it.

Two months later, they fought again about who had to use whom when Anja said that the next day she would bring her key to her friend. Luke got involved in this game and said she could then take his key with her.

Handover of the keys

Anja knew Susi from school. Even then they were friends and that had been kept all the time until today. Anja knew that Susi was lesbian, but so far she had never tried to get Anja to bed.

She had inherited a well -running agricultural company from her grandparents, but soon gave it up. She sold everyone Animals and machines and read the entire property.

Anja knew about her dominant tendencies and fantasies, but Susi had never shown her dungeon. The whole property was under cellar during the renovation work, so that you could now reach all the buildings without having to go outside.

A large part of the basement was now the dungeon. Susi had never played in him, but she had professionally equipped him. Often she sat there and satisfied herself to raise her slave here.

When Anja called and wanted to come to her one morning, she was pleased with pleasure.

They had definitely not seen each other for 2 months and only talked to each other on the phone. So they agreed a visit for 11 a.m.

Anja rang with her girlfriend on time and was left in. They quickly made themselves comfortable in the living room when Anja burst out with her story.

Susi didn’t trust her ears. She should get the keys to her friend and husband? How should that work?

Anja had already thought something out: Susi should only give out the keys if both came to her separately and she, susi, then determined the roles.

Susi did not find this idea practical and suggested that the two could play under their “supervision”. She would even have the right play room for that.

Susi led Anja to the underground dungeon and saw the enthusiasm in her eyes. Back in the living room, they discussed what an agreement between them should look like. Susi asked what she had from the matter, whether Anja would submit to her and Anja agreed. She had always wanted to go to bed with Susi to see how it would be, but never dared.

Now she wanted to be forced.

Susi gave Anja something to write and both set rules:

• Duration of the contract: 3 years

• Moving to your house to be able to jontroll both

• termination only possible by susi

• at least 24 times “come” a year

• Long -term abstinent times possible than punishment

• Lukes Sch ** NZ alone belongs to Anja

• During the days at Susi, Luke and Anja have to be naked or in clothes provided by Susi

• Both, Anja and Luke voices too tied up and if necessary. to be beaten.

Anja should explain these points at home Luke, sign it and then have Luke signed.

Anja was in high mood and put her signature under the lines.

Susi smiled when she saw her girlfriend excitedly let the ballpoint pen drive over the sheet. When asked whether Anja still had time, she replied that she should only be at home in a few hours to give Luke the contract. Susi smiled on and said she had just signed the contract and she should then be directed for the next few hours.

Anja looked surprised. But Susi only pointed to the penultimate point.

Anja stood up hesitantly and pulled out her blouse, shoes and skirt. Susi pushed her further and soon her bra fell.

Anja crossed his arms in front of her chest and, after the request of Susi, handed her key to the new one mistress further.

Susi brought Anja back to her dungeon and let 2 chains from ceiling with Knpofruck print. She put on Anja wrist cuffs and attached them to the chains. Then she read the chains up until Anja could be stretched, but could stand comfortably.

She knelt down and attached cuffs to the ankles. Now she pulled her legs apart, which immediately became uncomfortable and Anja started to beg. Now she hung more than she stood. Her right toes just touched the ground, but couldn’t give a stop.

Susi now led the key to Anja’s chastity belt into the castle and opened it. Anja saw with wide -open eyes as Susi removed and inspected the virtue guardian. Then she grabbed Anja unabashedly and said that the jungle should go away. She left the room briefly and came back with a latex suit.

“Since you can’t put on yourself, I will take over this. By the way, you won’t get out of the suit until tomorrow, “she smiled and loosened one leg out of his bondage. She pulled the suit, which even reproduced a foot, up to her knees before she loosened the second leg and was the same. Slowly they pulled the tight suit higher.

In the crotch the suit was wide open and the contrast was strongly emotion. The suit was already sitting up to the buttocks where the zipper started. Susi loosened the left arm, pulled the suit, with an incused glove, over it and chained it again. She made the same with her right arm again before she troubled the zipper in the back and higher.

Once at the neck, she took a small lock and thus secured the suit.

“So, done. Do you actually know how great you look in latex? I’ve already bought so many things for you, but never dared to touch you. Now it’s a little different … ”she laughed and drove her hand through Anja’s step and saw how she trembled trembled.

Susi took a little out of the next room and stepped behind Anja.

“So now it takes some getting used to.“She said and put a latex mask on Anjas Kinn. She pulled her over her head and closed the zipper. The mask was completely open on the face, but turned her friend Anja the rubber doll Anja.

“Cool.“Susi said and Anja put on a blindfold with soothing words. Then she loosened the hand cuffs from the chains and closed them together behind Anja’s back. She pulled her friend into the adjoining room. Susi hadn’t shown this yet.

He was completely white and had a converted gyn chair in the middle. There were cupboards on the edge and there were rings everywhere to fix people. On one side there was a wet area with shower, sink and toilet. However, never was a privacy screen.

She led Anja to the gyn chair, closed the Tie up Up, help her to sit down and combined the bonds far above Anja’s head on the chair. Anja didn’t know what kind of device she was sitting and was waiting for more actions for Susis.

“So now I’ll examine you a little,” said Susi and put Anja’s legs in the shells and strapped it there.

“Please don’t” heard Susi Anja’s first words since pulling up and the chains.

“Now not be like that. I also want my fun, ”she said and stroked Anja tenderly over the clit. Anja would almost have come again. She has never had such feelings.

Nobody had ever dealt with her body like this!

“OK. But please don’t hurt me ”

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to punish fun with you and you.“Susi said and foamed Anjas Scham. She quickly pulled the razor over the sensitive skin and removed all hair. She also did not miss the poker and when she deliberately started moaning over the Anus.

“Have you ever Anal sex?”

“No – that’s disgusting!”

“You still have a lot to learn.“Susi laughed and read her in peace there. She massaged an oil into the freshly shaved shame and excited Anja until she was orgasm.

“Look that is your first orgasm with me. But no fear of what happens today is off-limits.

It is counted from tomorrow.”

Anja was in a state in which she did not even notice how Susi liberated her, put on a belt and made your hands on the belt at the back of the belt. She also put on a collar to her and carefully pulled her friend out of the room. In the dungeon she took her blindfold again and led her to her bedroom.

“Come on we want to lie down a little.“She said and promoted Anja to her bed.

She quickly put on her short ankle cuffs and climbed onto she’s sheet.

Susi didn’t want to rush anything and asked Anja for her condition. Anja confessed that she had found the treatment horny and asked hesitantly whether she should now be seen clearly.


Not now. I just want to hold you in my arms and cuddle, ”she said and pulled Anja itself. She kissed her friend on her mouth and looked at her in love.

“Do you know how long I have wanted it? Since school I have been wondering how it would be with you and now you are tied up in my bed … and I will soon not dare to touch you …“Susi started to gorge and the first tears ran over her cheek.

“Just try it. I can’t defend myself, or?”Said Anja and pushed himself closer to Susis dressed body.

“Ok – wait I am right back.”She said and disappeared.

Anja heard like Susi shower and handled in the bathroom.

Then she came back into the bedroom. She had the same suit as Anja and posed in front of her friend.

“You are beautiful,” said Anja and recolored.


We have to change something, ”said Susi and loosened arms and legs and then binding them onto the bed spread outly. “Are you sure you want that?“She asked again and kept a strange ring with two straps in front of her face. Anja Nodted and Susi asked her to open her mouth wide.

Anja did not know what came to her and followed the instructions unexpectedly.

Susi placed the ring behind the front teeth and closed the straps behind Anja’s head.

“My darling is a ring gag. So your mouth remains nice and wide. And you don’t bother with unnecessary speeches, ”said Susi and kissed Anja through the gag.

She put her tongue deep in Anja’s mouth and explored her oral cavity extensively. This experience was new to Anja and despite the aching jaw, she tried to reply the kiss as well as possible.

Now Susi got on the bed and knelt over Anja’s head.

“Now start licking slowly.

Just do what I’m doing.”She said and leaned down to Anjas lap.

She tenderly licked anja’s outer lips and then waited until she felt the same thing. Now she started to edit her friend’s clit and soon she felt her tongue stroked her tongue over the lustknops.

“Finter!“She groaned and now began to lick and suck on the v *** e in front of her.

When she put her tongue deep into Anja, the body flinched under her in another orgasm. However, Susi hadn’t come yet. So she sat up and conducted Anja with words. She ordered her to lick her lips or gently caress the clit.

But Anja had never done this before and soon her tongue sagged. Susi noticed how the efforts became weaker and kniffed Anja firmly into the nipple.

“Further! You only stop when I allow you!“Ordered her and began to tremble. For a long time she could no longer master herself and got an orgasm like not for a long time.

She got down from Anja and took the gag from her.

“Thanks. That was really nice, ”she said to Anja and snuggled up to her.

“Can you please let me go? I want to wash myself.”Said Anja.

But Susi just put a finger on her lips and stayed next to her.

Soon Anja heard Susi’s breath evenly and she knew that she had fallen asleep. She did not yet know if she had liked it or not. The sex with susi was great, but the gag had hurt her and that she couldn’t wash herself bothered her very much.

Sleep was out of the question and when Susi was not waxed after 2 hours she whispered softly Susi’s name until this woke up.

Immediately Susi put a hand on Anja’s chest and was delayed with it.

“It’s really nice to wake up.” She said.

“You have to go.”Said Anja.

“Wait, I’ll help you.“She loosened her bonds and looked at how her girlfriend got up and stretched out.

“Come here again – I’ll take the mask off you. Then you can freshen up.”She said and read deeds to her words.

Anja went into the bathroom and relieved himself.

Then she wanted to take the shower, but remembered the lock on the neck.

“Can you unlock the suit and the belt?“She called through the door.

Susi did not answer immediately. The door soon opened and it appeared in the door frame.

“No. I told you that you will hold it until tomorrow.” She said.

“But …” “Nothing – but – Wash your face and then come into the living room” ordered Susi and read her alone again.

She followed the instructions confused and soon stood in the living room.

Since she could not move out the suit, she had also not solved the hand and foot cuff and the Hansband. Susi now came with a few other little locks and secured them against unauthorized undressing. She pulled Anja the chastity belt over the latex suit, closed it and pulled the key on a chain and put it around her neck. She gave Anja out of her closet and let her put on again.

“So now to your job at home,” said Susi and began to plan Anjas evening.

“As soon as you are at home you pull yourself out and just run around in latex. You will cook something good and as soon as Luke comes in the door you can fall on his knees in front of him and give him this envelope and key to his chastity belt . He will want to f ** you tonight, but will have to make do with your mouth.

You will tell him about the contract and that you have already signed him. Explain to him how cheap it would no longer need rent and that you want to move as soon as possible. Now go and try not to attract attention.”She said and already Anja to the door.

Anja wanted to say something else, but Susi did not react, but she simply pushed her out of the door with the envelope in her hand.

When Anja arrived at home, she took off asleep. She liked the look of the suit, even if she had preferred to shower at the moment to rinse the sweat. But that had to wait until tomorrow. She fell in the kitchen and soon Lukes dinner was ready.

She covered the table for two people and just lit 2 candles when she heard Luke opened the door. She quickly took the Susi’s envelope and knelt, hardly that the hat had closed the door to him. He only got a “wow” and took the envelope out of her hand speechlessly. He opened it and took out the leaf and a small lock.

He read the letter carefully and then ordered Anja to put himself. He turned it over, led the open lock through a ring and right wrist, because through a ring on the belt and finally through a ring on the left wrist before which the lock snapped.

“Where is the key to my chastity belt?“He asked and Anja showed him the key that she had been ready on the dining table.

He pulled himself out in no time and got rid of his virtue guardian.

Anja ordered himself to kneel again and immediately pushed her stiff sh ** nz in her mouth. It didn’t take long and he sprayed in Anja’s mouth. She didn’t like that and normally she didn’t let him come in her mouth, but today she had no choice. He captured her head and when she tried to pull her head back, she did not attack his strength.

She swallowed his seed with reluctance and when he let go of her head she would have loved to rinsing her mouth, but her hands were tied up and Luke didn’t want to know anything about it. He sat down at the set table and filled his plate. When Anja wanted to sit down with him now, he said that she should better sit on the floor next to him. He ate slowly and fed Anja in between with food and the wine provided.

He then cleared the table and brought his wife into the bedroom. They lay down and she told about the day and the contract. He was still a little reserved, but when she had spoiled him with his mouth again.

Then she wanted to be liberated, but he thinks he was laughing at.

“Did your Susi not told you that only she has the key? I should bring you to her before work. And now good night!“He lovingly kissed Anja on his mouth and deleted the light.

It was still very early, but both were exhausted and quickly fell asleep. The next morning they were awake at 5 a.m.

Luke got up, showered and put on. Then he threw a coat over his sleepy wife and put her in his car.

At shortly before 6 they were at Susi, who had already been waiting for them. They sat down in the living room and Susi took out the contract.

Luke frowned a few times and looked at his wife. Then he signed and asked how it would go on now.

“Anja stays here from now on. You will be a week Vacation Take and sell the things from your apartment or throw it away.

You can store special pieces with me, but not more than 4 pieces of furniture. When you are done with everything, pack the suitcases and call and move in here. Your room will then be ready. I get the key to your chastity belt immediately.”She said and stretched out her hand.

She pulled the key to the same chain as the Anjas and accompanied Luke out.

“We’ll see you in a few days,” she said and let Lies drive to work.

Get used to

“So now I have you for a few days for myself,” smiled Susi and stroked Anja. This still looked completely sleepy.

After all, she hadn’t washed herself yet.

“Come on, let’s make you a handsome nature.“Susi laughed and took Anja back into the dungeon.

From her pool she took a blind latex blindfold and brought Anja into the tiled room. Here she loosened Anja’s hands off the belt and pulled her cuffs, the chastity belt, the bond belt and the Hansband out of her.

She opened the rubber suit and pulled her arms out of the rubber. Then she took her hands, closed the prepared rubber cuffs and attach them at a height of 2 m to the opposite sides of the shower cubicle. Then she pulled the suit completely and closed her legs on the side walls. Anja now stood in the cabin with his face to the closed part of the shower.

She started to freeze slightly when Susi left the area and turned the water open. First cold water came from the many nozzles, but it quickly became pleasant and Anja relaxed. Now Susi closed the water again and began to pull Anja. She played with her breasts, pinched slightly into the warts and stroked the curves.

Anja groaned comfortably and enjoyed her friend’s donations. Then the hands wandered deeper and Susi led her through the soap slippery fingers over the lap. She stroked her lips and always penetrated with one finger slightly into Anja. However, she made sure that her friend did not come.

That was only intended for later – and not for the shower.

After half an hour Susi was tired of the game. Anja needed to calm down for longer and that was too boring for her. So she showered her friend and ordered her to open her mouth.

She cleverly plastered her teeth and put the water off. She dried Anja and knocked on her fingers every time Anja wanted to help.

She led Anja back to the chair and tied her strictly on it. At the push of a button, the legs rose until the buttocks still just lay.

Then the supports continued and Anja was far open in front of Susi.

“The next few hours can really hurt. Do you want that or should I numb you?”Asked Susi.

“What you up to? I don’t want you to hurt me!“Anja protested.

“Among other things, you get a few piercings.”She said and played with the nipples.

“You can now choose between anesthetic and gag.“Susi said Ernst and held a biting rod in front of her face.

“No – please anesthetize. I don’t like pain.”

“And I don’t want to hurt you.“Comforted Susi and went out.

A mint later she came back with another woman. Anja didn’t trust her eyes. How could her girlfriend show you someone like that? She just wanted to say something when Susi crouched next to her head.

“If you talk now you don’t get anesthesia.

Betty here is a specialist for body modifications – or you believed I wanted to pierc yourself and possibly distort your body?“She whispered.

While Susi spoke to her, she felt a stab in her arms and noticed how she became unconscious.

Anja woke up when someone struck her slightly on her cheek. She was lying in a bed and couldn’t stir.

Betty looked down at her and said that she wanted to look for her again before she went. Since she would be fine, she would go now. She said goodbye and went. Susi came in shortly afterwards, but Anja Döste was back in.

Susi loosened the bonds a bit and lay down in bed for Anja. The following night Anja woke up and also woke Susi through Irish movement.

“Hello, together again” asked Susi and put a hand on Anjas covered with a sheet of a sheet.

Anja wanted to answer, but her tongue hurt and was strangely swollen.

She also noticed two foreign bodies that were not there before and immediately had fears, which Susi then also confirmed.

“Yes, I know your mouth will hurt a day or two, but the tongue plugs look great. Take your mouth open.”She said and looked into Anjas opened mouth.

“You will stay here for the next two days so that your body can heal again.

Unfortunately, everything is not possible with it either. You don’t need food but the infusion lies for that. I’ll add some narcotics right away – then time for you will quickly deal with.”Susi said and kissed Anja on his forehead. Then she got up and handled the infusion management.

A short time later, Anja was back in the realm of dreams.

When she was finally allowed to wake up again, she felt like it was and loved to move her muscles, but the bonds were tight again and left little die -up room. She called to Susi, which, due to the lack of practice, fell heavily with the two plugs in the mouth and strangely sounded. But Susi had heard her and appeared in the door.

“Hello Men Schatz. Nice that you’re back.”She said and gave Anja an intimate kiss.

“Are you curious to see what your piercings look like?” she asked

So far, Anja had only felt her mouth and looked a little irritated.

“You got more than just tongue piercings.“Susi laughed and pulled the sheet a little down.

Anja saw her breasts and the two 2 mm thick rings in the warts. She shivered. But Susi enthusiastically pulled the sheet down and took her hand in Anjas step. Anja felt like Susi played with rings in the labia.

It was Merh as one per side, but how many could she not determine. Maybe three? However, when Susi came to Anjas Klitring, Anja cried out. This ring had not yet healed and hurt the most.

“Oh, forgive! But if that hurts so I can’t take the catheter out of you!”She said and plucked it easily.

Only now did Anja notice the foreign body in her body.

“You also have a hole in the nasal septum, but I didn’t want to have a permanent ring but just had the hole reinforced. Nobody notices that if you don’t know what to look out for.“Susi stubbed Anja’s nose when the. Susi was with her immediately and held her tight in her arms until she calmed down.

Then she loosened her bonds and helped up Anja. She strapped her a bag on her leg and connected the catheter with it. Both looked down how it ran out of Anja.

“Isn’t that cool.”Asked Susi.

“You can’t do anything about it. I find it extremely exciting to be able to control you like this.”

She helped Anja to the bathroom and there while washing. When she was restored, Susi said that Anja would now need some training and went into the fitness room with her. There she strapped Anja’s hands on a treadmill and slowly put it on.

“By the way, Luke called. He will only be released in 3 weeks and only agreed to come to me until everything else is clarified. That means we still have about 3 weeks entirely for us. Is not that great?” she asked.

Susi undressed and worked on another device. They changed the devices several times, but Anja was always tied to the device. Then it was time to eat and Susi captivated Anja again with a belt her hands behind her back. She wondered how she should eat, but since she only got soup, she was easy and quick with a batch cup.

They didn’t have sex, even if the morning shower ritual Anja stimulated again and again. But as long as the Klitring still caused problems, Susi knew no mercy. She washed her girlfriend, changed the catheter daily and cleaned her onto the toilet after walking. Every day Susi rubbed her girlfriend with a foul -smelling liquid from the neck to her feet.

Anja didn’t like the smell, but the massages liked her very well. What should she have done about it too. She was tied up at all times. Susi strictly paid attention to free an arm from Anja.

If Anja’s arms, as it was almost constantly the case, were connected behind her back on the bond belt and if the arms were to be tied to the gyn chair, Susi now even went so far that she was one arm after the other on the sideThe belt chained, Anja helped on the chair and only then attached one arm to the other to the chair.

On the other hand, the days were pretty boring for Anja. She trained a lot in the fitness room and relaxed on the tanning bank. But whenever she wanted to change her position, she had to call Susi, who then came promptly and helped her.

After a week it was time. The morning plucking on the ring in Anja’s clitoris no longer hurt, but excited it.

“So, then we can start with your real training,” said Susi when she removed the catheter.

“You will now wear these rubber pants,” she said and showed Anja a shapely trouser with a bag in the crotch.

“After the catheter was in there for a week, we will first start with the toilet training,” said Susi and laughed at Anja’s puzzled face. After a short superiority, she said that her bladder probably needed some training again until the sphincter worked. She didn’t have that wrong, but Susi’s ideas went on ..

Anja’s abdomen was quickly stowed away in her pants and when she was just looking for the waistband above it dripped out of Anja.

“Come on, concentrate.

Stop.”Susi said and saw how dripping dried up.

“From now on you will only pee if I allow you. And when I stop commands you stop immediately!”Said Susi.

“For what should that be any good?“Anja dared to ask.

“You will see. Since you are now in training you will make all comments in whole sentences and address me with mistress Susanne. I will punish misconduct – and believe me, you don’t want that.“Certain Susi further. “You will also answer all commands with yes, mistress or yes, mistress Susanne.

Did you understand?”

“Yes – but can …” Anja tried to protest, but Susi took the rings on her nipples and slowly turned it.

Anja cried out and beg to stop. But Susi only asked if she had understood.

Again she only replied with “yes” and Susi turned the warts a little further.

“That means mistress, I understood.“Susi informed her and let the warts go again.

“Yes, mistress, I understood.“Anja sobbed and looked at Susi co -conducting.

Anja got a collar again today and Susi pulled her friend into her bedroom with the guide chain. She got a few 7 cm high ankle boots out of her closet and started putting on this Anja.

However, this did not agree and maker. However, Susi only took a large, red ball gag and soon only unarmed sounds came from Anja. After the shoes were put on, Susi laid her cuff around the ankles and the thighs and connected them as an Anja stood with one rod each. Easy bending of the knee was still possible, but it was no longer possible to think about it.

“So now you have 2 hours of getting used to your new shoes. But don’t dare to set you somewhere or just to lean on!“Susi ordered and pushed Anja out of the bedroom.

Anja’s feet started to pain almost immediately, but relief, she knew that she wouldn’t get it. So she is slowly and very careful of it.

But just half an hour later, Susi a look with her. She removed the poles and let Anja rest on a stool. She also took the gag from her and praised her for her good control over her bubble. She hooked a finger in the ring at the front of Anja’s collar, pulled her to herself and kissed Anja Lange.

She played with her free hand on the Brustringen and held Anja on the collar all the time.

“Do you actually know how horny it is to own you?” she asked. “We will have a lot of fun with each other. Oh before I forget it I have something for you.“With these words she got up and got a small box from the fireplace.

When she opened it layers two 3 mm thick half rings in it. Anja saw the spring mechanisms and wondered how this mechanism can be solved. But Susi claimed that this would not be a problem with the right key and ordered Anja to put his head back. She pulled a half -ring through the nasal septum and put the counterpart on it.

Now she pressed this firmly together and Anja’s nose was decorated with a thick 2 cm ring. This lay on Anja’s upper lip and ended where the mouth begins. Anja knew that she would not be able to forget or ignore this ring as she had done with the others. This was too obvious and omnipresent.

“So, for the time being you don’t need your collar anymore.“She said and hooked the guide chain from the collar to the nose ring.

“Please Susi! Not that!“Asked Anja and immediately screamed when Susi turned a nipple again.

“I allowed you to talk to you? And how did you talk me about?“She asked in a serious voice.

“No, Mistress Susanne, you didn’t allow me to speak, but the ring It’s… ”tried to be mild anja Susi.

“The ring stays and there are 10 blows for your illegal speaking tonight. Better to take care of that no more.“Susi said and read Anja alone with her feelings.

She went into the kitchen to cover the table and then got Anja for breakfast. This had now kneeled next to her on the hard, cold, flowered kitchen bobs and was thus fed by Anja.

During the past week, Anja got used to feeding but she was allowed to sit next to Susi in the chair. This was something else now. She felt humiliated and cried as she ate Susi out of her hand.

After breakfast, Anja said “Mistress Susanne?”

Susi looked at “Yes, Anja, what is?”

“I have to pee,” she said

“I will refrain from doing the right salon again.

But think about it. I want to hear every time you call me mistress Susanne.”She said and helped Anja on her feet. She got a spreading bar and soon Anja could no longer close her legs.

“So, then I will now explain what I expect from you: every time you have to pee you come to me and ask me to allow you this.

Then you stand in front of me with my legs spread, like now, and wait. When I give you the command: piss! Then you will pee off. At Stop you stop again. Understood?”Asked Susi.

“Yes Mistress, I understood” the answer came promptly.

“When I said Piß you have 20 seconds to pee and stop at stop for 10 seconds.“Susi continued and then said“ Piss!”

She got a stopwatch out of her pocket and started it. After 23 seconds, Anja pissed into the rubber pants. Susi made them grant a few more seconds and then ordered “Stop!”.

Anja managed the Susi praising in 5 seconds and stroked her.

“You took three seconds too long, but you’ve been quick to stop. So I will save you the punishment. But for every second there will be a blow next time!“Susi whispered quietly and lovingly striked about Anja’s helpless body.

“Come on, let me show you how your leak training works.“Susi said and pulled Anja behind her nose ring to the dungeon. Here Anja had to lie on a bench with her belly that hung her head fore freely in the air. When Susi had so fixated, she pushed a metal frame in front of her on which a rubber -dimens. If Anja now lowered her head her nose was exactly over the rubber litoris.

“In this small part there are over 100 pressure sensors. They register exactly where you are licking and with what pressure. Come on the right lip here.“Susi explained and showed Anja after doing this a diagram on a connected laptop.

“Now lick a little tight and from below to the top of the lip.“Ordered her and again she showed Anja the result.

“I have now saved this lick as a standard. Deviations of more than 15 % are not counted. You will now alternately lick the two rubber ribs until the laptop shows that you have done this 1000 times. Try not to become too fast, because time is also a factor that is controlled.

So that there is no sleep but licking it nicely, you will also get a nice incentive: If you are not finished in 1.5 hours, you will get a blot for each lick. So that you also point out what is coming. You now get the 10 promised blows.”Said Susi and took a whip from a shelf. She took out and hit Anjas Po with full force of the whip.

This was relatively soft and would not hurt the skin, but it was still well and already with the 5. Anja ran down the tears. After the 10. Susi said “Now thank you for the punishment and say that you deserved it and what for.”

“Thank you for the Hiebe Mistress, I deserved punishment for not really talking to her.“Anja cried.

Susi crouched next to her friend and whispered her in her ear. “I will never give you more than you can do. As long as you give your possible as long as you won’t be punished.“She patted the rubber pipo again and left the dungeon.

Anja didn’t want to lick this stupid rubber *** e but the fear of the whip was right around.

First she licked the rubber ribs tentatively. But the computer did not count the first attempts. Then she remembered Susi’s words that the slow licking would only be counted with a little more pressure. So she tried this and saw how the counter turned one to two.

Unfortunately the laptop did not show the time and so Anja continued – but when she arrived at 800 her tongue was completely dry and her neck hurt from the unusual attitude or. Movement. She put her head on the rubber shower and rested for a moment when Susi came in.

“What’s going on here?“She asked and checked the laptop.

“You were really hardworking! The time is only over and you almost did the workload! Come on something first.“Susi said and held the bound Anja a straw on his mouth. “Drinking nicely” she said when Anja wanted to stop. Anja didn’t want to worsen Susi’s good mood and obeyed. When she had drunk the container with about one liter of water, Susi left her again and only came around when the 1.5 hours were completely around.

Of course, Anja had still done the last 200 leak movements and was praised accordingly.

“For that you can work so well, you can rest for an hour now.“Susi said and removed the rubber *** from the stand. She got a different essay for the frame and assembled it. It was a negative form of a face, only that for the mouth was a short but thick gag.

Susi pushed Anja’s head into the mold and saw Anja put the gag in her mouth.

“Do you actually know that gagging is the best thing about captivating? Not only that you are now helpless – no, you can’t say anything about it … ”

Anja felt how two ligaments lay over her back of her head and knew that she was now tied to this gag. But breathing worked well through the large nostrils in the mask and the gag was not that bad. Exhausted from her leak services, she relaxed her neck and did not even find this position as uncomfortable.

Susi patted her rubber pipo again and left the dungeon.

When Anja was finally freed from her prone position, she asked Susi to be allowed to pee again. She received permission and Anja stood in front of the susi sitting in the armchair and waited. When the command “Piß!“It only took a few seconds to let it run, but to keep it, she needed the allowed 10 seconds.

Susi praised Anja again and stroked the inside of Anja’s thigh, which Anja praised to close her eyes. The rubber pants were now well filled and Susi led Anja into the wet room and chained them in the shower. Then she undressed and put the water. She pulled her pants down and let the * urine * disappear in the Gulli.

Susi stood behind Anja and washed her lovingly. Then she whispered her friend’s command “Piß!“In the ear and actually Anja let it run a short time later.

When both felt clean, Susi put the water off and dried both. Then she put on Anja a collar that had a strange mechanism in the back.

The hand cuffs created were attached to the back of the collar on a cable and Anja pulled the hands slowly towards the neck. Anja began to moan at the level of the shoulder blades and Susi hired her efforts. Back in the high ankle boots, she led Anja into the kitchen and fed her. Anja was allowed to do the rest of the evening what she wanted and could do.

In bed, however, this time Anja’s hands were not freed and tied to the bed but remained tied up in her back. She tried to change Susi, but she had only waved it with the beef and brought Anja to mention this.

When the two woke up the next morning Susi took a key and turned Anja’s hands a few centimeters higher again. Then she put her cuffs around the forearms, directly above the elbow and pulled them together a little closer with a strap.

“So that your hands don’t tear on the collar,” she said and led Anja to the shower. This time, however, Anja’s hands remained as tied up as they were. Anja again on the command “Piß!“Very quick and pissed on Susi’s hand.

After her morning sports together, Susi Anja brought her back into the dungeon and prepared her for the next leak.

This time Anja should edit the clit of the rubber -dimens. First lick around the clit tenderly with your tongue, then harder over it and as the third gently suck on the clit. Susi hired the specifications for this by making this forward. Then she asked again 1000 passes and gave Anja 3 hours.

She would come by every half hour and make her drink something to drink and read Anja alone with her task.

In fact, she brought something to drink every 30 minutes and ordered her friend to drink this every time. After 2 hours and 40 minutes, Anja had managed her task and was freed from the bank. Naked, only the hands behind her back hooked her susi a leash on the nose ring and pulled Anja with herself.

She put on the 7 cm high ankle boots again and pulled her outside. There she led her to an unimaginable, fenced meadow, and suddenly ordered “Piß!”. Anja was surprised that she was just peeing, but was happy about the praise and the pats that brought her this. Susi took a ball gag out of a bag and put it on Anja.

“I have to go. You stay here for so long. You will stand here, crouch or walk around. But woe to you you lie down! Since you can’t wipe the dirt, I will definitely find this said and closed the fence behind her.

Anja didn’t like to be outside. Although the small meadow was well protected from looking, she felt watched all the time and shrugged with every smell. So she was happy when Susi came back after about 2 hours. Susi went straight into the house and came back with another woman who was completely dressed in rubber.

“This is my girlfriend Katja ”she introduced Anja the stranger. “I have to go for 3 days and she will take care of you in the meantime. She knows about everything and will continue your training. Please be obedient – it is very strict … ”

Anja whispered the last words and disappeared into the house.

A few seconds later she came out with a small suitcase and left us.

Anja was not confused how Katja picked up the chain on the nose ring and went to the house. The sudden jerk on the nose hurt Anja so that tears immediately shot her eyes, but Katja didn’t even look back, but continued to continue.

Anja followed Katja in the dungeon and, like Susi, was strapped onto the goat.

“Susi told me that you do an intensive leak training. Of course I will be happy to help. You will address me when I speak to you and you are not gagged with Mistress Katja and answer in whole sentences. You will only speak if I address you or you have permission to do so.

Each misconduct is punished with 10 blows with the cane!“Katja’s speech could be expected. She searched my leak device and built it up in front of me. However, the whole thing looked a little different. A little water flowed from a container over the rubber dimens.

“I don’t intend to keep you up and soak you. You will keep looking at the laptop screen and follow the instructions there. You will lick enough water. If the lower container overflows, you sleep tonight!”

Katja turned the laptop so that I could see it and let me start.

She rummaged a little in the dungeon and I heard some enthusiasm from her.

“Oh, by the way, the container above holds 2.5 liters and the lower one just one. So you only need to lick 1.5 liters in the next 3 hours. The laptop will show how many instructions you have not followed.

For all 100 misconduct you get a blow with the cane … ”she laughed and disappeared from the dungeon.

Anja thought she hadn’t heard properly. You should lick this rubber -dimensite for 3 hours here? She was afraid of the blows and tried to follow the instructions from the laptop as much as possible. One point showed on a graphic where Anja should lick and a bar on the edge with what pressure.

It was now a very tiring job and after an hour Anja took the first break. She only wanted to expose 25 instructions – after all, she had reacted 34 times with false pressure or too late – but her neck needed a longer break. So she only started the next Duchlauf when the penalist was 76. She licked it like the laptop, but after just 30 minutes her neck asked the next break.

In total, the counter had increased to over 500 after 3 hours! For this, the lower container had only filled up to 2 thirds. Anja had licked the rest.

Katja took her time and only came into the dungeon an hour after the end of the training.

“Well, that makes 6 blows,” she said and immediately pulled a blow on the stretched buttocks with a cane.

Anja roared in pain and asked and begged, but Katja was just waiting for her to recover from the first blow and then hit her butt again with strength.

When the punishment ended, Katja left the Dugeon again and read Anja alone. It was only after another half an hour she came back and freed Anja from the buck and pulled her into the wet room. When she stood in the shower tray and Katja ordered the “Piß!“Gave, Anja peed off immediately.

It was as if her body obey Katja and not her. Katja was very satisfied and showered Anja from.

“Can you please free my arms?“Asked Anja and Schrak in front of Katja’s horrified face,

“You dare to speak? That will cost you al 10 blows!”She said and moved the crying Anja to the dungeon. There the punishment was immediately carried out and the sobbing Anja was then shipped to bed and chained there.

The next few days were similar to the previous one was only the Katja Viel Strager and all punishments immediately took place. Only one thing changed on the second day. When Anja lay in the dungeon above the goat and waited that Katja was built in front of her with a rubber pug in front of her.

“Susi said that you would be trained as a leak.

I think you should now practice on this beautiful butt so that we can go to Susi when she comes back.”

The laptop determines how Anja had to flatter the anus or how deeply she should put her tongue. Anja learned all of this very quickly, because Katja had flipped around a bit in the operating instructions and then connected a few cables to the clit and the labia of the slave. With every misconduct, Anja now got power bumps in increasing strength (but always painful) into her gender. A third bar on the laptop showed how strong the next circuit will be and only when this bar was at the bottom could Anja rest for 5 minutes.

Anja’s arms were still cramped, but she began to get used to the strict captive of her arms.

When Katja finally said that she was expecting Susi soon and that Anja would definitely want to show her new skills, nodded them because she was almost constantly gagging and could therefore not answer. Katja fetched a mask with nasal hoses and pulled it over Anja’s face. Then she led The slave To a frame and captivated her in a kneeling with a covered head.

Anja was confused, but when Katja put a seat in front of her, it was clear what this was. Her head was so far back in this chair that she could not reach the cunt of the seated, but the butt very well.

She also felt how cables were again attached to her clit and the labia. Then Katja’s face appeared in the limited visual field.

“You will be allowed to show what you have learned.“She loosened the gag and disappeared.

Then Anja heard the front door and how Susi and Katja talked. Then Katja and Susi came to her.

“Actually, I only wanted to start this training much later.

But Katja said you had learned it well and would have a lot of perseverance.”She said and stroked Anja’s face.

“Katja was …” Susi started but she stopped when she was in the eyes of her friend and how she was now a mistress, looked.

“You will get your blows afterwards!“Susi said and pulled out the travel matters. Finally, the sweaty rubber panties fell, but Susi took no note from Anja disgusted face.

She sat on the chair and positioned herself that Anja’s mouth was in the right position. The smell of sweat, wife and urine was overwhelming and Anja could not overcome her tongue to stretch in the dark gap in front of her. But Susi only pressed a button and a strong steering impact helped Anja to overcome her disgust.

Susi must have licked her butt for an hour before getting up and Anja freed.

She led her into the bedroom and now let her cunt lick until it fell asleep. Anja Robbbt now, so that she was lying next to Susi and slept in crying too.

The next morning Susi woke up and woke Anja.

“I still have to tell you something.“She started. “I met with your husband.

It seems that it thought differently. He found another woman who is dominant and just wants to belong to her. We also talked about how it should go on. I told his girlfriend that if she wanted to marry him at some point, the divorce should be processed quickly.

Then we were three at a lawyer and prepared everything. Tomorrow we will go to a notary and make everything clear. That means you and your husband.”

“You don’t need to worry about your future. You stay with me and will belong to me – what I always wanted and didn’t even dare to dream.

You will no longer need your chastity belt, because you will only use your hands in this bed anyway. At all other times you will be tied up and will be dependent on my help. What are you saying? You can think about it until tomorrow – then I would like to know if you want to be my pleasure slave or want to be free again. – think about it.”

Susi stroked me during this speech, but hardly that she ended I pushed my body to her and kissed her violently on her mouth.

“I had wished for that,” she said.


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