Women WG part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The rental trap “smart women’s shared apartment is looking for 3. The roommate ”stood there in the initial line of the advertisement. Melanie looked at the address again on the advertisement to make sure that she was standing in front of the right house. She looked up again and looked at the old villa, with her long, slightly wavy red-blonde hair around her shoulders.

The building was old but otherwise in good shape. It seemed to have been renovated even a few years ago. The Garden was surrounded by dense bushes that even blocked the view of the property at the beginning of autumn, so that you could only see the upper floor.

The location was also good, only 10 minutes by bus to the FH. And the price that was in the advertisement, 250,-DM at around 20 sqm, was also okay.

Melanie was looking for an apartment in Wiesbaden or the surrounding area quite urgently, as she had received a place of study at the FH in Wiesbaden and would start the semester in a week. She fasted her heart, went to the property door and rang. After a moment of a female voice from the intercom: “Yes?”. “Here is Melanie.

I had called because of the apartment tour!”. “Ah yes, come up!”. The buzzer sounded and she pressed the door open.

The heavy door fell back into the castle behind her. The garden made a good impression, very well maintained and a lot of lawn.

Melanie reached the front door that was just opening and from where a brunette young woman smile at her from her. It was a little smaller than Melanie, about 1.70 m, had a sweet face with a snap nose and might be around 22 years old. “Hello, always pure with you!””Hello!“Melanie replied a little shyly. “My name is Nadine, I hope you don’t bother you when I duze you, or?!”She said and grinned mischievously.

“No, no problem. My name is Melanie, as you know!”” Yes … Come on, take off your jacket first and then I’ll show you the room and if you like it, I’ll put you too Simone before … however, she only comes back in half an hour.

“After Nadine had taken the jacket from her, she led Melanie to the upper floor.

“So it would be left. It is freshly renovated and the 20 sqm also includes the little one bathroom Besides. War rent of 250 DM. Look at you, ”she said and interpreted with her arm into the room.

The room was cut well and had 2 large windows that let through a lot of light. A great room thought Melanie. She looked for the bathroom briefly and found that it was also freshly renovated. I want that…

Hopefully there is no hook on it. “The room is great and the price too,” smiled Melanie hopefully.

“Yes, not? Then come down into Living room, Then I’ll tell you something about us and I want to find out a little bit of you. So that we know if you suit us!“Nadine went down the stairs in front of her and Melanie now examined her more precisely. They wore short skirt, similar to their own but a bright blouse and Mel, on the other hand, a dark sweater.

Na-Dine seemed to have a good figure and a relatively large breast … A little smaller than her own, as she recognized with a slight pride. Melanie himself also had a good figure. She had a crunchy bottom, long legs and wore bra Size 75 C.

The two young women came into the living room, which was quite modern and expensive.

Oops … I thought that would be a flat share?!, Melanie thought and sat down first. Nadine just wanted to sit down when the front door opened and then heavily fell into the castle. “Hello, Simone, we’re in the living room!!“Nadine called.

“Hi … I’ll come right away!“It sounded back. Shortly afterwards a blonde, tall woman came around the corner. Almost 1.80 m tall, short, blonde hair and a well -trained figure, with a fairly large breast.

She smiled towards Melanie. “Hi … so you are our potential new roommate?”” Yes, my name is Melanie! Nadine has already shown me the room and I would like to have it!““ That sounds good!“Said Simone and sat on an armchair lively, sliding her short skirt briefly up.

She doesn’t have a slip..? Oh well…. Is your thing.

Simone said that the house belonged to her, a Uncle From her, whom she hardly knew, she bequeathed it to her. And since she didn’t want to live alone and no longer had any living members, she decided to set up a shared apartment. So she was the first to arrive here 3 months ago. Nadine, on the other hand, ended up like Melanie because of studying and, as she emphasized, she was lucky enough to have found a room here.

They both hadn’t had friends and did not want to buy any. This was followed by a slightly amazed view of views, which Melanie didn’t quite understand, but no matter.

Now Melanie began to tell about himself: “Well. , What should I tell?… I got a place of study at the FH and I am therefore forced to move here from Berlin.

Just like you ”, she nodded briefly towards Simone,“ I no longer have relatives, so that it is not so difficult for me. My things are still in my small apartment in Berlin, but the rental agreement expires in 2 weeks. ““ It is difficult for you to allow your friends back?“Asked Nadine compassionate. “Well, I have to admit, I never had a lot, but I’m not out of the world and I can visit them during the semester break.

“”And your friend?“Simone now threw in, who now observed Melanie very carefully.

“I don’t have a friend of what makes things easier!“Melanie replies with a smile. Nadine and Simone looked at each other briefly. “Well, I think you have the room if you want it!“Simone smiled at her. “Real? Excellent!“Melanie was completely out of the house.

Simone got up and got a sheet of paper out of. “Here is the contract“ she put him in front of Melanie and showed her the rental amount. “There, 250 DM, the rest is the usual gibberish. “She leafed through backwards.

“Here you have to sign. “Melanie did not hesitate long, took the pen that Nadine was enough for her, and signed unseen … What shouldn’t be right either?“Okay, you can get your things when you want.

But let us know, we will help you with the move. “She smiled at Melanie and then Nadine, who threw back a cheeky grin.

“I’ll give you a copy of the contract, okay?””No problem!“Melanie replied with a beam of joy. 3 weeks later it was time. Melanie had moved in, her apartment was dissolved in Berlin and she had the feeling that she had already settled in well. Nadine and Simone were very nice and courteous and had helped her move into it as promised.

The first lectures and seminars were also okay and she was really happy. Until one evening she came home and saw the contract on her work table in the living room.

Uh. , The promised copy … she first pulled out until only a top and a short trouser stopped, took the contract, lumbled on her bed and flogged it. She read around it …

Until she came to an addition that committed her to pay of DM 5000. Melanie swallowed heavily. Why had Simone said nothing? And where should she get so much money from. She had no job yet and her money just enough for 2 months to live with rent.

Another addition tied her to the apartment for the next 5 years.

Melanie was perplexed. That could only be an oversight. She got up and went towards Simone’s room. She knocked on.

“Always in!“It sounded from inside. Melanie entered and closed the door behind him. “Hi Simone” she smiled hesitantly. Simone sat on an armchair and had read a book.

She was wearing a white blouse and jeans, but no socks. “What’s up?“Asked Simone and looked at her from top to bottom, and her gaze briefly lingered on Melanie’s breasts. “Um … because of the contract ..

A little mistake must have crept in … there is something of 5000.

-DM deposit … ““ Yes, it’s really like this until the month ends!“Simone looked straight into her eyes. “Yes but…

I don’t have that much … “” Not for bad, Melanie “interrupted the blonde” but the contract is a contract!“She looked into her eyes firmly. Melanie thought the sky falls down on her. “But ..

what if I don’t … “” … can pay?“Simone ended the sentence for her. “Then unfortunately the room will have to clear, whereby the right to rent for the next 3 months and a contractual penalty from Loooo would exist. “Melanie didn’t understand anything anymore … Why did Simone do that?..

It was another week by the end of the month and if she didn’t pay … she could not go anywhere and would have more debt.

“Hm …” Simone thought “but we could agree, I’m not a inhuman!“She smiled at Melanie. “Oh … Yes, of couse!“Melanie replied Schnell.

“For the time being I could do without the deposit if you … Hm … no .. I don’t think you would do that.

“Yes, please! I do what you want!“Melanie quickly threw in, whipped by fear. Simone smiled broadly. “How did you guess that?“The smile disappeared and Melanie stared at Simone. ” You will …

Let’s call it my servant … and of course Nadine’s! Go to your room and think about it. Tomorrow morning Komesnadine and I to you and expect your decision!“Melanie turned like a robot and went.

What happened? … she now had the choice between servants or debts plus homelessness.

She thought back and forth all night, but saw no other way than to agree. Then the time had come, at 8:00 a.m. it knocked on the door. Melanie went to the door and opened it. Simone and Nadine entered, Simone had a blouse and a skirt, as well as high-heeled shoes, Nadine a short skirt, t-shirt and sneakers, and she also had a shopping bag with you, but it could not be seen what was in it.

“So?“Asked Simone without wiring and lurked. Melanie hesitated. “I … okay, I agree!””Good!“Simone looked briefly towards Nadine, who was obviously happy when Melanie also ran a cold shower over his back.

What’s all this about?Nadine now spoke: “You will do the household, wash off, vacuum, vacuum, wash and so on.

“A stone fell from Melanie’s heart”, I do!”But remember, you have to follow our instructions, otherwise …” Nadine left the sentence open, but what she meant was completely clear. “And now to your work clothes!“Nadine took clothes from her pocket and put her on the floor in front of Melanie. Melanie bent and picked her up. It was a kind of maid uniform, it seemed from the beginning of the 20.

Century to come. If you don’t completely from shiny paint and latex would have passed and the skirt would have been extremely short.

And the high -heeled pumps didn’t seem to be part of the original either. Great Melanie stared at the uniform. “I should put on that??”” Yes, and only that!“Simone fixed her.

“What are you waiting for? Pull them on. “”Now? .. But … “” Now don’t be like this!“Nadine Einmelanie started to undress after a short hesitation. After a short time she stood there to the panties naked and tried to cover her breasts with her arm as she reached for the maid uniform.

After she was finished with a skirt and blouse, the skirt just walked over her crotch, she slipped into her shoes. “Almost finished.

“Said Simone. “If you wear the uniform, and it will almost always be here in the house, you don’t have to wear a bra or panties. “Before Melanie could say something, Nadine stepped forward, grabbed her under skirt and pulled her black panties down.

She raised the Feet so that the slip could be pulled away. Nadine’s gaze lingered briefly on the shame of the bare and her gaze took on something voluptuous. Then she stepped back, but did not make any institutions to release the slip again. “So far so good.

One more thing: if you do not make something full of satisfaction to our fullest, we will punish you … by different means and paths?“Melanie could only nod stiffly.

“Well, then you should start with the washing up now … and make an effort!“Both turned and left a confused melanie behind. Melanie cleaned in her life for the next few days.

Nadine and Simone apparently did not allow any opportunity to make dirt or disorder. She also noticed that the two observed them and in different situations either looked at their step or excerpt. At 4. Tag Melanie started to wash her once again and was just in the process of putting the white small pieces in the machine.

She heard Simone calling that she should first clear the dishes.

So she let the clothes be and went into the kitchen. When she came back after 10 minutes, she put the remaining white laundry in the washing machine and switched on. An almost hour later she heard Simone’s anxious voice from the laundry kitchen. “Melanie! come here right now!“She hurried and saw Simone with 2 blouses in her hand, both discolored and with gray spots.

“Can you explain that to me??”” I don’t know how that could happen … “Simone rummaged in the tumble drum … and pulled out Melanie’s black panties that Nadine had kept 4 days ago. “… But … Nadine has to …” “Now you want to blame Nadine? Were you responsible for the laundry?””Yes indeed but….

“” And is that your slip?“Simone she sparkled.

“Yes …” “Then stop wanting to talk yourself out. You only dealt with more punishment … And since you wanted to accuse Nadine, she will decide what she looks like!”A penalty?? Melanie thoughts whirled around. “Get the homework ready and then go to your room and wait!“Simone turned over and went out and went out.

Melanie finished the laundry to the despair and then sucked. Nadine had cheekily walked past her and her hand slipped over Melanie’s naked butt as if she bent forward briefly.

Then she was already over. Later she pondered in her room. What punishment would she come up with? Nadine intentionally did her panties and conjured up this situation.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and the two young women entered. Simone still with an angry look and Nadine with a calculating smile on her lips. “I would like to throw you on the street right away, that was a few of my favorite dresses. “Melanie flooded panic.

” No Please not. I do it well again!“Simone hesitated briefly. “Hm … If you accept Nadine’s punishment and do what she says, and without exception, I can see it over it.

““ I will do everything she says, I promise it!“Melanie Eilig replied.

“Well…. Then I’ll leave you both alone now. “When turning around, Simone took a look at Nadine, and Melanie believed to recognize a smile on her lips for a short moment, but then she was already out of the door. The woman who was supposed to determine her punishment closed the door and turned to her, wide smiling.

“First of all you will be silent, unless I ask you something, understood?“Nadine came to the point without wague. “..Yes..”Said Melanie Leise. “First of all, we should avoid that one …

Misfortune no longer happens. “A lurking look now rested on Melanie and waited for a mistake on her part, but it stayed still.

“Get all your briefs without exception!“What does she have before?Melanie went to her closet and took out her entire underwear and put her on her work table. “These are all of your briefs?”” Yes, all I have!””Good!“, Nadine rummaged through the browsing and sorted out her 2 lace briefs and the 3 tangas. “I will keep it, but as far as the rest is concerned …”, she hesitated briefly and looked around on the desk. Then she took the big scissors that lay there and handed her Melanie.


Cut the briefs, but don’t let it out!“Melanie hesitantly took the scissors and stammered:“ … But … that doesn’t work. “Well, I didn’t ask you a question, that gives an extra punishment.

And now cut them cut!“The person addressed hesitantly took the first slip and slowly cut, once in the crotch and once on the federal government. So he really couldn’t be used or patched. When she had cut the last cut, Nadine took the floor again. “Very good, Melanie! We will fire the remains in the fireplace tonight.

But now we come to your 1. Penalty!“Nadine now smiled viciously and Melanie wished very far away.

“I’ll be right back. “Nadine went out and came back shortly afterwards, with a bag in his hand. “First you get a new uniform.

“With these words, she took out 2 pairs of high pumps, a white and a black. Then followed 2 pairs of straps, one of the owners and knows, the other with a straps belt and black. In addition, 2 bras, also one black, one white. However, this was such a bras that only ripped up the breasts and presented the whole breasts in almost complete nudity.

Melanie noticed that there was no slip. “Put on the black combination right away and give me your old uniform.

“She obeyed and undressed. After giving Nadine the old maid, she put on the black lingerie. Now she stood there, humiliated by the fact that she had to cut all of her briefs, and then humiliated that she had to stand in front of another woman like a light girl.

“You look great! But take your hands away from your shame, yes!?“Melanie slowly took his hands aside and revealed her pubic hair. Her labia could be seen, full, rosy and voluptuous. Nadine looked there unabashedly and drove his tongue over his lips briefly. “Good Good.

And now to 2.

punishment. We will do it tomorrow morning in the lecture hall. I will accompany you there. “Nadine grinned again again.

What does she have before???“You will wear the black suspenders tomorrow, a bright blouse and the shortest skirt you have. I probably don’t need to mention that you are not allowed to wear a slip, no more!“She giggled quietly. “So until tomorrow morning!”She said and disappeared through the door. Melanie insisted the heart to his neck.

What would happen in the lecture hall, what devilry she has plans?

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