Two women and a dominant man! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was bored on my couch. Brooded about what I wanted to tear this weekend. Like the last, it shouldn’t be. I had kept the weekend free for Tina and Lisa. For more than four weeks since Tina’s wedding has passed and she has not yet reported. Strangely, it has also become Lisa. We had spoken daily until last Friday and they wanked me with their horny and dirty anecdotes almost every evening, so there was radio silence since Saturday.

‘Who does not want it, already has it. ’I thought a little bit. Although I would have loved to see them again. Tina with her greed and wildness and also Lisa who was in no way offset her. On the contrary, with their inclination to give submissive and to let everything endure about themselves. Everything is not helping anything. It was as it was and I had to make the best of it.

If I couldn’t think of anything better, I could still join a few buddies and go a cup. I switched on the TV and zap through the programs. I got stuck with any transmitter when I suddenly shouted. I must have fallen asleep and was now awakened by the ringing of my phone. I looked over asleep. A look out of the window and I realized that it was already dawning. How long had I slept? The phone rang again.

I grabbed it now and looked at the display. No number. Who could that be? I picked up. “Hello?”, I asked. For a moment it stayed calm, then I heard a voice. “Gary? Are you Gary?””Who wants to know that? Who are you?”” “Who I am does not do anything. “What should that? The voice was adjusted and it was clear one woman at the other end. I only came to mind there.

“Tina? Is that you?”I asked in the listener. “Naaein! Rate again!“It sounded to me and heard a giggle at the other end. “Lisa, you Luder!“, I said delighted. But tried not to let me know. “What do you have to wait for you to wait and not report you? Your luck that you are not here, otherwise … ”“ What else?”I was now interrupted by a different voice. “Tina, sweetie! … you are not better either.

You belong both on the knee!”“ Then do it!”, Came back from Tina. “Ha ha, only weigh yourself in your Bavaria to safety. At some point you will be here again and then get on something!”” Who says I am in Bavaria?“, Replied Tina and heard the two girls laughter. “Are you … you are not? Don’t say in your parents?!”“ But we are. Just arrived. I had sooo homesickness!”, Again I heard the two laughter.

“And? Do you have time for us?”“ Hmm, nöö!“, Came from me short and short. I wanted to annoy the two now and also punish that they had to hang me. “How, nope?”, The two called horrified by the phone. “Just, nope! I already have something. “, I flunkered. “What?”, Came back from both at the same time. “Don’t be so curious, you’re not concerned with that. “” You meet another?“, Called Lisa. “You don’t really care about that either, but if you want to know … yes!“I didn’t hear anything from the other side, except maybe being entered.

“After you have put me and didn’t even think it was necessary to report, I started and I was looking for someone else to have fun. “, I continued. “And in an hour we meet again!”“ Oh, shit!”Tina almost screamed through the phone and probably to Lisa’s robe,“ You and your stupid idea to surprise him. I still said let us call us beforehand. Now we hang all weekend with my old ones.

And can do it myself or get it from you. I wouldn’t have to go that far ”“ Why am I to blame now? How should I have known that he birds a new one. All the time we had made on the phone, he had no other and now at once. I couldn’t smell that. In addition, we should have been here last week, but who didn’t dare Stephan to whine?“I really had to help myself to laugh when I heard the two of them.

To go one more thing, I said to the two of them, “Hey, don’t argue. Women’s power is also nice too. And next time calls beforehand and I’ll see that I can push you in between. “As soon as I ended the sentence, I started. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Asshole!”, Tina screamed through the phone. ‘Does does does’ has now hung up the bitch? At first she moves me and does not report and now played liver sausage?! Well wait girls you come between my fingers.

My phone rang again. A look at the display. Tina. Should I go on it? Shit or ignore? Ignoring is not that good, I still think. Not that she is still going and someone else enjoys popping it. I wanted to have fun with them, so I went on it. “I hear!”“ Do you have no time for us?“, It came small from the other side. “Didn’t you forget something?”I asked against.

“Hmm ….“Then silence. “Sorry,” I heard Lisa Tina stuffy. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Honestly!”, Came from Tina now. “Do you need a souffleuse?”I asked her, to realize her that I had heard like Lisa whispered her. “And what are you sorry?“, I continued. “Um. I’m sorry that we will only come this weekend and report so at short notice and did not cancel last week. ”“ Well goes!“, I said, and was surprised that Tina let her talk like this.

Actually, she did not like to be dominated and let it feel that it still tried. “So … how did you imagine that now? Should I cancel my date because of you?“I had to grin again, they still didn’t know that this date did not exist. “I don’t know. “, It came hesitantly from Tina. I said nothing, silver silent for a moment. Wanted her fidget. “OK.

I say my date. But…. “I took a break. Wanted to see if and how the girls react, but they were silent. Waited what I had to say. “But …”, I continued emphasizing. “I determine the rules. You do what I want. Lisa does it anyway and you will do it too. …Are we clear?””Yes Mr!“Lisa came from the background and I had to smile because it was our game to Tina’s wedding with the‘ Lord ’.

“And what about you?”I asked Tina after. “I will also do what you ask. “, She replied grumpily. You noticed that she didn’t really fit it. But now I went one step further. “… ask what?”Be silent! Then she said “Lord. ”“ In the whole sentence please. Is that so difficult?”Silence again. I noticed how she was fighting with herself. “I can also meet with Lisa alone!“, I pushed one again. That was well, because Tina already came from Tina the desired wording.

“I will also do what you ask, Lord!””There you are. It works. So in … “, I looked at the clock. “… In 1 ½ hours with me. See you soon. “I put on without waiting for an answer. 1 ½ hours! That’s enough to finish me. Just jump into the shower. Then shave. Face and intimate. Since we will probably spend the evening and the night with me, I don’t need to clean myself. Jeans and shirt is enough.

We can order something later. Just good that I got the booth up to shape this morning. Ok, now I just have to be aware of it, I play my little game with the two or I will end it right away?Lisa felled yes. At Tina I know exactly that she won’t take part long. Sometimes see and wait as the girls, especially Tina is on it. I can still change the ‘rules’.

Freshly showered and shaved, I was sitting on the couch and waiting for the ladies. I looked at the receiver at the receiver. They still had five minutes. I went to the window, looked out but there was nothing and nobody to see. The hedge that stood around the building did not allow a clear view of the street. There it rang. I looked again at the clock. Two minutes. They have been on time. I pressed the door opener and opened the apartment door.

I stood in the door expectant, excited and joyfully. I didn’t want to show my emotions right away. I heard her coming up the stairs. The last paragraph and they came around the corner. I was spending the language when I saw them two. Both girls wore a catsuit. While that of Tina a cleavage had reached far below the navel and was only interrupted by a few cross beams, Lisas was closed up.

It was only open to the breasts, so that they were now hanging out. No, stood. There was nothing to Lisa. The feet of the two were in 12 cm heels. Lisa’s neck also adorned a 5 cm wide collar with Swarovski stones. There was a leather line that was held by Tina. My mouth was amazed at me. “What did I tell you, mistress? That will be the language to him. “, I heard Lisa say to Tina.

“I see it. He is already drooling. ”Tina answered her grinning. They came up to me, I took a step aside and let the two past me past the apartment without a word or gesture of the greeting. Not out of rudeness, I was unable to say anything. Slowly I closed the door and followed the girls into the living room. Now I stood in front of them, shook my head, felt the rising excitement in my pants and still couldn’t feel it.

“Wow! You, you … madness!“I stammered. The two grinned at me. “Don’t you want to welcome us?, Asked me Tina. I went to Tina, hugged her and gave her a kiss. Immediately our tongue pushed into the other’s mouth and snakes around each other. Then I left Tina to greet Lisa, but couldn’t help her to take her to the tits. During the hugs I could now also feel from what material the suits were.

That from Lisa, as I suspected, was over latex And that from Tina should be from Lycra. In my pants it was more and more tense. Tina handed me the leash on the Lisa. “Here! After all, it belongs to you!“I took the leash and didn’t really know what to do with it. In order to cope with the situation again, I took the two place, so I could let go of the leash.

I would ignore her next time. “Girls. You look awesome. I call that a successful surprise. ”“ You can see the ‘hammer success’!”Said Tina and looked at me unashamedly between the Legs. I now offered the two graces something to drink. After having served both of them their desired drinks, I sat down with them. My gaze was still incredulously wandered from one to the other. “Are you hungry or have you already eaten,” I asked them the two.

“I could tolerate something. How does it look with you? We could order from the Italian. “The girls agreed with me. And so I ordered two large salads for the two and for me a pizza without garlic, of course! After I hung up, I told the two that we would have to wait about an hour because there were still so many orders. “No problem. We can use the time differently. “, Said Lisa, let himself slide on his knees from the sofa and came up with me.

When she had arrived with me, she crouched in front of me, put her hands on my knees and pushed her apart. Then slowly slid over my thighs to my strips. Now she grabbed my pants without witness, opened her and already dragged her to take her off her. I picked up my pelvis to help her. With a jerk the pants and boxers were pulled down to my feet.

Lisa immediately grabbed my more than half -stiffer tail. Turned him with her hand easily in all directions to be able to take a close look at and then said, “Well, you are already looking forward to me?!”At the same time, part of him disappeared into her mouth. So far, Tina had sat on the sofa and watched Lisa’s hustle and bustle. Now she got up and came over to us. She crouched behind Lisa, reached her breasts and began to stroke and massage it.

In doing so, she kissed her shoulders covered with the latex and licked her back. Lisa sucked and sucked on my penis, played with her tongue on my glans again on my shaft. Always depending on how deep she had in her mouth. She slowly increased the pace and started fucking my belt with her mouth. I felt like I was already pouring on the palate of the palate. And all the more Lisa tried to take care of my Lümmel, the more intensely Tina took care of Lisa’s breasts.

She literally kneaded her. Pained her nipples, massaged and turned her between her fingers and pulled her in length again and again. Lisa groaned on my cock. If the two went on like this, there would not be enough time to delight at least one of the two before the food is delivered. Lisa now let off my joy donor, took him in her hand and massaged him with her fingers. She put her lips over my sack, sucked a testicle and played it around with his tongue.

The little bitch knew exactly what she was doing. I last watched Lisa I looked back at Tina. She was still crouching behind Lisa. Kneaded and massaged their breasts with one hand only. Lisa had opened her legs and now I could see that the catsuit had an opening in the crotch. The fingers of Tina were in this opening. Drove in and out in Lisas Pussy. They already shimmered very damp. There it rang.

The pizza rabbit. He couldn’t have chosen a less favorable moment. The girls immediately hired their activities. I got up, pulled my pants up, packed everything and closed my jeans. Then I had an idea. I wanted to punish the delivery messenger for the fact that he was bothering us right now. Even if he couldn’t do anything. I took my wallet, took over enough money and existed Lisa. “You go to the door as you are and take the delivery towards!“She looked at me in horror, then cleared her eyes, shrugged with her shoulders and went to the door with a cheeky grin on the face.

Unfortunately Tina and I couldn’t see anything. We only heard the messenger greeted Lisa, called her the price and thanked her for the tip that she gave him. Then we heard how the door closed and Lisa came back. As soon as she was with us, she started. “You should have seen his face. When I opened, he was crouching on the doormat and getting things out of the transport box.

When he started, he looked at me exactly in mine pussy Then on my bare tits. I have never seen someone to set up a tent so quickly!“Tina and I laughed with her and regretted not having seen it. I went into the kitchen got cutlery and plate. Opened us a bottle of wine, sat down and started eating. As we ate, I let the girls tell me how they came up with the idea with the catsuits.

Lisa saw her on a shopping spree in the shop window of an erotic shop and Tina told about it. The two found that it would be a great idea to surprise me with it. When they wanted to get the Suits two days later, they also bought the heels, the collar and the leash for Lisa in the shop. Now the two were sitting next to me and I saw that Tina’s Suit also had an intervention in the crotch.

I pushed my hands between her legs, put my middle fingers into the still damp pussies, pulled them out again, crossed my arms and kept my fingers in front of their face. Both sucked the juice of the others from my fingers. Then I introduced them to their fingers again in their cunt. This time Tina started opening my pants and pulling me out while Lisa pushed her tongue into my throat.

Tina sagged her pants after her pants the couch and got over my cock. She jerked and kneaded him until he was back in its full size. Then she let him disappear in her mouth. She pushed him into her mouth the first time until the attack. I felt a short swallowing, then the acorn had disappeared in her throat. This repeated them continuously and persistently.

No choking no cough. Only the grooves and gurgling when she took a breath. Slowly the saliva ran out of her mouth in long tough threads, ran over my sack and dripped onto the sofa. Lisa had gone to my nipples, sucked and sucked on one and massaged the other. What did I have two horny babes here next to me. I already knew that night I wouldn’t have an eye to do this night. So now I had a girl on the left and right of me and every deal with another game of my body.

I had the two granted because I was sure that they knew what they did and I would get my expense. Lisa now lay on her stomach on her side as well as Tina. While Tina continued to me. Lisa licked and sucked on my sack. In doing so, she recorded the saliva, the Tina ran out of her mouth. I let my hands hike over the bodies of the young women and tried to reach every CM² as best I could as I could.

I stroked them over their backs, massaged the buttocks and breasts. The two now started to blow my cock alternately. They seemed to make a competition from it. Who gets it deeper and can get him more firmly into the throat. Lisa tried to get my nuts in the mouth every time. Slowly the whole thing became painful for me, every time my cock in the throat was stabbed and dipped. I grabbed the two of them with the hair, pulled their heads back and subordinate their actions.

“Heyyy”, they called out like a mouth and looked at me. “What are you doing?”“ “Mädels, you hurts me. I’m afraid that you brech my cock as you ram into your throats. “Both grinned cheekily at me. “OK. Then stop something new. “, Said Lisa. She straightened up, swung one leg over me, reached for my stand, put him on her wet pussy and let himself be slided on it.

“And you stand over his face with your ass to me, then we can both lick you. “, She conducted Tina. Tina could not be asked for long either. She stood wide between Lisa and me and offered us her ass and pussy. Lisa now slowly started riding me and licking Tina from behind while I dug my tongue from the front into her column and tried to massage her clit.

Gradually Lisa put on the pace. If she had started with a loose ‘step’, she had now reached a quick ‘trot’. She had long since stopped her treat on Tina’s downside because she no longer met the goal anyway. Suddenly Lisa groaned and paused in her ride. “Puuuh! I can not anymore. I’ve got to get out of here!“She rose from me. My penis slipped out of her and her pussy gave a quiet smacking sound.

She took a step back and now stood in the middle of the room. Tina and I first and then Lisa confused. She looked really finished. We hadn’t driven it so long and so violently. “This shit catsuit. I sweat to death. The sweat is up to my neck. That is worse than in a sauna. ”She pulled and dragged on the suit. Tina and I inevitably had to grin.

“Don’t laugh out here. I’ll be crazy about. “Tina who was still wide -legged above me, now climbed off the sofa and went to Lisa to help her. Together they peeled the little one out of the suit. Her whole body shone with moisture. Whether of sweat or oil so that it came into the latex suit in the first place was not recognizable. But you looked at her relief when she was out of this ‘second skin’.

After the real extreme warmth in the suit, it started to freeze now. Her whole body was covered with goosebumps. “I can have a shower go?“, She asked me almost feastly. “Secure. Second door. Fresh bath towels are on the shelf. ”Lisa turns and disappeared. Tina sat down with me, cleaned up some wine and took a sip. “What do we do two pretty ones now?“Tina looked at me with a smile on my face.

She answers her question in which she now asked herself after my sagging penis, who had lost its stability while she had lost Lisa from her Suit Pellen. With a few wanking movements and some finger massage, however, she quickly put it up again. She now spat in her hand, smeared my glans with her saliva and then crouched over me. With the second hand she opened her pussy by pushing her labia apart with two fingers.

Now she let herself slide on my pint and pushed out a quiet moan. As before Lisa, she started riding me. Put her arms around my neck and kissed from my neck to my mouth. She enjoyed this slow ride. Without changing the pace, she kept and lowered her pelvis. Stay the close hug and let her tongue with my games. I also enjoyed the close connection that surrounded us at the moment and had closed our eyes.

“Am I interrupting?“Lisa suddenly asked and sat next to us. We hadn’t even noticed how she had returned. We both looked at them. “No, not dear!“, And to reaffirm my statement, I tended my head to her and gave her a kiss. Tina had solved her hug, but not the slow and soulful movements of her pelvis. Even now when I kissed Lisa, she continued to rode. Lisa noticed that she would probably bother now, at least Tina when she got involved.

She now leaned back on the sofa. Lifted a leg on the seat, the other left it on the floor. So she granted us a clear view of her little tight pussy that she started massaging. She let her fingers slide over her lips. First they followed the slot up and down again and again, then they circled over the pussy and she pushed her labia massively back and forth.

In between, she sank a finger or two in her greedy hole every now and then. Tina and I watched her. Tina had changed her rhythm. She had adapted to the fingers of Lisa. Sometimes she circled with her pelvis when Lisa had her fingers circle on her pussy. Then she raised and lowered her pelvis again, whenever Lisa pushed her fingers into her plum. Lisa also seemed to have noticed that and smiled Tina.

Tina now started to moan more, her breathing got faster. She seemed to approach her first climax. She had set the circular movements. She raised and only lowered her pelvis. A first light twitch went through her body. This started to repeat. Her moans grew louder, the respiratory rate rose again. Then came the wave of the orgasm. Her vagina cramped, the abdomen twitched. She had left herself down as deep as it went and enjoyed how her vaginal muscles massaged my cock with every contraction and kept it tightly clutched.

I watched her fascinated. I not only felt, I also saw wave about wave of orgasm wave. Lisa had also started to change her actions to face her climax. While two fingers continuously slipped into her cunt and she fucked herself, the fingers of the other hand massaged her clitoris intensely. Her breathing now also became heavier, groaned louder and occasionally pushed out a quiet cry.

Then she came too. Your body started to shake. She cramped out of her gut. He withdrew deeply, so that the pelvic bones were found to open up the next moment. How different orgasms I thought I thought with myself. Tina who had calmed down, was still sitting on me and leaning against my chest, now watched with me how Lisa processed her climax and then slowly sagged together.

I took Tina on my hip and raised her from me, which commented on her protesting. “Hey what are you doing? No more desire?””No fear. We can continue right away, but I think a break would do you quite well. We still have the whole night in front of us. We could also use something. ”After I got drinks and poured in, we toasted and started in round 2. …

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