Tied up in the stable | Erotic sex stories

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Spontaneously she had made the decision to go there. Since childhood she has fascinated everything that had somehow to do with horses, just as almost all girls rave about it. And now she saw this ad in a relevant magazine!Her pulse easily accelerated at the idea of being able to spend a whole weekend on a real stud and dealing with horses, ponies and foals, ride, and with nice people who have the same hobby to simply make a few nice days.

Perhaps, at least that’s what it was promised in the advertisement, you could also be there at foal breeding!Since Jessica had nothing to do at the weekend specified, she immediately took her phone on hand to find out more and register her visit ..
The weekend approached, it was finally time! She was exuberant when she returned to her little hen apartment from work in the city on Friday afternoon.
Jessica was still unbound, so it could have her free time alone, only her best friend informed her in a short call that she wanted to spend the weekend at a stud.
Some things were quickly packed, the new black -polished riding boots and the right pants put them on for it right away.

After a few hours of driving, she had reached the somewhat offside and hidden stud and just turned her little speedster into the courtyard entrance when she noticed a woman in riding costume.
“Welcome to Stud’ Ponyhof, I am Renate!“She smiled winning and did not seem to disturb Jessica’s curious views with which she eyed the extravagant clothing of the lady: black -glossed paint streak covered her feet to the legs below the knees. She had put the very well -cut black breeches into the tight -fitting shafts of the boots.
The material of the pants, which shone matt in the last light of the sun’s rays, could not define Jessica as well as the red riding jacket, which seemed to be out of the same fabric, and between whose reverse white satin -like ruffles.

The mandatory riding cap and shiny black gloves, which held a thin whip, completed the extraordinary appearance of the mid -forties.
Jessica gratefully accepted Renate’s offer to make himself fresh.
Renate rustled rustled with Jessica’s travel bag to show the main house to show her room for the next two days ..

After an hour she was picked up for a tour.

It led her Renate, other participants were not there.
“They will probably arrive later,” fed Jessica in silence.
“You have to put on gloves now,” said Renate when they were almost at the end of the tour.
“We are now coming to the foal breeding stable and because of the risk of infection we advise all visitors to this measure!“Jessica saw that, and she was then stripped over to her tight -fitting mooring gloves made of black rubber.

Wide leather cuffs closed Renate Fest with the end of the gloves around their wrists.
At first Jessica did not notice that stable leather straps were incorporated on both the thumb and finger side of the gloves.
On the wall to the ‘breeding stable’, which now approached it, she recognized two windows despite the dim light prevailing here, which were built into the stable wall, for example, in the stable wall.
The holding stick that is put horizontally underneath, she stood on the tips of the toe to spying inside the ’breeding stall’.

What she saw, she captivated so that she forgot her surroundings for a moment.
Renate seemed to have been waiting for it – a few experienced handles, and Jessica was strapped to the bar with her own gloves!Of course, she protested violently, which only brought her a rubber bite stense, which, after she was placed between Jessica’s teeth, was closed with straps behind her head.

She dragged on the glove cuffs and Zeterte over her gag, but neither gave up the bondage, nor did the woman present impressed her indistinctly sound even in the slightest!Suddenly it got very dark around Jessica, intense rubber hunghole she perceived and at the same time she felt her an eye flap from her latex overstriped.
With horror, Jessica had to find out how Renate’s rubber -treated hands slowly her pants, sweaters, panties and bra pulled out.

A wide cool leather strap now lay down around her neck, her waist was laced together by a very tight girdle, she heard the clicking of carabiner hooks, and as if that weren’t enough, she felt how the Lady present packed her right legShouted shoe and pressed her foot into a boot -like hose, laced this festival and also moved with her left.

It was certainly a mistake to exchange the new riding boots for a few more comfortable moccasins before she started the tour of the premises, it shot through her head a little late. These ’special boots’ could not have been put on so quickly!Jessica was still rigid with a surprise and frightened that she was already tied up and tied before she could even think of resistance. Now of course it was too late for that!She couldn’t get any further, because the various belts around Jessica’s body were just pulled in, the straps of the gloves removed from the pole and their hands immediately closed behind their backs.

She felt pulled forward on the neck and trouble not losing the balance with her ‘new’ boots.
What kind of footwear could this, which kept her delicate feet in such a forced position, that despite the apparently missing heel, she still had to balanced on tiptoe so as not to overthrow!Finally she heard Renate’s voice again: “So, dear horse lover, you probably didn’t think what? We only let girls dressed in a functional foal breeding into the stable!“Jessica still puzzled over the meaning of these words when she was probably brought to the actual stable, because now it was significantly warmer and a strange mixture of rubber search and girls’ sweat was in the air.

The eye flap was removed suddenly, and after some blinking into the glaring neon light of the room she froze: she saw real horse boxes, everything, even walls and blankets were built with rustic wood or at least covered with it!But the most strange: there were real horses in the horse boxes, but that could be impossible! The boxes were too narrow for real ones Animals. Breathless she realized that a girl had been put in every box, all of them were bridled up immediately!It was difficult to tear off Jessica, but it was like this: she looked down at herself and noticed that, like the other girls, she was wearing small black-lolled boots that had no heel, but had a platform sole in the front, but had a platform, butwhich was reproduced to a real horse hoof!Thereby also the horse -like gait! She did not even notice how two of the employees approached with a rubber lodge.

The biser was removed from her, but she could not be happy about it for a long time, because the rubber mask immediately took strong hands and pulled it over.

Jessica was already afraid to be robbed of her eyesight when Renate Barsch explained: “This is a” special mask “, she is reproduced to a real horse head and has real nostrils! These and a back opening are the only holes of the hood through which air can come in.

Your hair will hang out like a mane for the rear opening of the mask, so she too that you can put your head into the right position, because the nostrils represent the only air supply for you!“It was astonished she thought that she was still her mouth, but immediately had to see that this was a wrong hope, because a rubber ballon that was not too small up to her defiantly bitten tough up.

“The Miss does not want to make any difficulties?“Renate, Renate, because although she walled and struggled with all the strength, it was easy to keep her service tanker, and the next time she was fetching her mouth she sucked the unpopular rubber ball with an audible’ plop ’! Helpless and revealed how he expanded through a number of pumps on her palate and could no longer be expelled.
Through the plexiglass couplings that the horse eyes were supposed to represent, she was able to observe that the woman who filled the gag only stopped pumping when Jessica’s cheeks arched significantly outwards and tormented with a suppressed, tormented, that her entire mouthwas filled with rubber now!Now the printing ball was removed and nothing was revealed that his wearer had been made completely silent.

After Jessica’s tongue felt the huge ball, she tried to put it together, but soon had to see that this was completely impossible. A check valve, it shot through her head. The tight mask also had real horse ears that stood on the side of her rubber head. She got blinkers now, which means that she was not blind, but her field of vision was limited!Next, Jessica, pulled by the chain on her neck, stumbled into the last free horse box.

While she was still considering why she was led into the box, she felt her hands loosened by two of two in black rubber.

As before, they were attached to a holding bar anchored there, which was about thirty centimeters above the straw -covered pit base.
The resulting forced position (upper body horizontal, arms and Legs vertically) tried to compensate for it instinctively by slightly to his knees.

At the moment, however, she stretched out her bare butt again) again as if a few blows with the riding crop fell on her most valuable most valued with the riding crop on her riding crops.
In order to keep them in this position, the ‘Mägde’ first clinked into a carabiner on the front of their narrow waist belt, afterwards a rope pulled through their two thighs, carefully plucked the two labia of the girl with their rubber fingers and put the rope asideSo in the middle of her already hot and excited meat!At the top, just below the ceiling of the stable, it was well knotted, so that despite Jessica’s broken legs, there was always a light train in the rope!On the one hand, she was so forced to always stand in the irritatingly horny position, on the other hand, the rope, which was pulled by her crotch.

Her breath was therefore faster, which was only expressed by deceptively real horse, because in the air channels to the nostrils in the horse’s head, there were any valves that produced this sound.
She herself was surprised that she was not uncomfortable for her previous treatment! Memories of the games she had experienced with an expired friend were awake ..

Jessica still didn’t know why she was connected in the box, but slowly dawned to her when she heard Renate’s voice again: “So, dear guests, friends of foal breeding, maids and servants. Now that we have the last ’mare’ in the box, the demonstration can start now!“In her box, Jessica turned her rubber head to the side of these words, as the tight harness was allowed to catch a quick glance, on the illustrious crowd of extravagant to bizarre -dressed people, which she only now noticed behind her.
Renate continued unmoved: “As you see, we have prepared five’ mares to foal breeding again. Each of them is certainly connected in their box, their insemination opening is available to you in terms of use and loud time -consuming ’is also not to be feared, since the’ mares ’freely pumped rubber fog are located in the’ mäulern ’!And that none of the ’stallions’ is wrong in the hole, we will close the ‘properly’ that is not necessary for breeding, ”she added with a laugh.

The blood shot Jessica in the head! She wanted to scream, but the flat -mentioned rubber fog degraded her hysterical geria!How scales fell from her eyes now!She should be the ’mare’, the rubber -packed gentlemen, represented the ‘stallions’! And what stallions do with mares was too familiar as a horse expert!As soon as she became aware of this when what was just heard was already put into action: slippery fingers made themselves on her butt and creamed her sphincter. Cool spread out on the treated skin.

“Until now very pleasant,” Jessica was thinking of feeling a pressure in her intestine at the same moment and finding that she is a rubber hinge in her anus was pushed.
In unstoppable, he slid into her, unable to put the smallest objection, she had to let this happen.

With belt the Dildo Attached on the back of your waist belt.
Two thin leather cords lay on the right and left of their sex lips through the crotch and were tightened tightly on the front of their belt. Suppressed moans could be heard through the mask, otherwise there was no statement about this measure.

Due to the horny forced posture, her cunt has now been pushed out between her thighs, and free opening in her body was offered to the greedy eyes of the ’guests’.
What Jessica had seen as her highest good to preserve was now completely defenselessly delivered to the bizarre actions of the rubber area! Again she offered all your strength to escape the box.
The present Tie up not only held excellent, but were still added to wide leather cuffs, the nimble hands were quickly strapped around their ankles and attached to strong eyelets with carabiners.
Little by little her resistance and snorted deep out of her rubber horse head, she was in her position.
That’s why no one else had noticed her at the stud.

Everything was well prepared, she was expected to be able to present them in the ’breeding stable with the other girls consciously with the other girls!When these thoughts shot through her head, a rubber hand roared over her butt, pushed the rope aside, and almost at the same time another pulled her second back halfway apart, and now – Jessica frozen – a bursting ‘stallion tail’ bored into her long agoAlready wet vagina!Slowly the huge intruder pressed her labia to the side and the hot stake was unstoppable up to her inner!Jessica groaned into her gag uninhibitedly when the rubber mineral tail Redged again and again that his rubber suit clapped on her welding wet butt.

So it has to be marginalized, she still thought that they are not asked before insemination, which stallion they want to be covered by! The mares’ also insembled in the other boxes, the noises revealed it. The anxious-patching snort mixed with the moaning and gigs, in between bound and clapping when the ‘stallions’ moved into their elasticity, or on the back baking of the ‘mares’.

The hot piston in Jessica’s pleasure channel was faster and faster.
Suddenly she felt rubber fingers on her clit, who massaged her there in a circle. For a long time she had put her hopeless fight against this meat cone and gave herself all the lust that the hot ’stallion tail’ gave her.

“So a foal breeding runs off,” she thought when the ‘stallion’ finally pumped his hot seed in her ‘mare slit ’.
“Now I only have to be ‘pregnant’, then the ‘breeding success’ is guaranteed”, it was difficult to combine this conclusion in her perception, which was already very clouded by the excitement, when she shaken up by a crazy superorb, almost fainting into her bondssank.

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