Fuck with a mature woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

And so I declare marriage to divorced!»The white -haired judge had announced in his black robe to add a resigning view over the edge of the sparkling glasses:« What I particularly regret in view of the likeable impression that both opponents do on me. The session is closed!“Is the last word really spoken?God, how long was that ago! Gerd’s divorce was almost a whole year ago. Britta sighed quietly and gave himself a new cup of coffee.

Then she leafed bored in the illustrated. Maybe she still found a contribution that she didn’t know. The lonely Sundays were also really rugging monotonous. What did the other single women want to do on these endless afternoons? Britta lit a cigarette and put the slim Legs high. Whether Gerd had a new girlfriend? Certainly. Or was he already married again? At least he was definitely not missing opportunities.

It was the darn seventh year, thought Britta. We probably got married far too early. At 19, very few girls are ripe for a marriage. She remembered Gerd without resentment. The ugly scenes had long since faded in their thoughts because the pleasant reminiscences were predominated. Today Britta knew that she shouldn’t have taken Gerd’s misstep so seriously. After all, it had been his first slip, and Gerd hadn’t just played the repentant sinner.

As a woman you had to be able to forgive. One. Fort with the wistful thoughts! Just don’t look back! The future still belonged to her. Heino, the head of cancellation and statistics, was waiting for her at half past two in the Café Wagenknecht. Heaven, she had only vague and noted without obligation. But why shouldn’t she go there? It was still more entertaining than staring on the screen at home. Britta got up and went into the bathroom. She critically examined her even face in the mirror.

No, she found nothing out of complaint. In vain, she looked for the first wrinkles or a disappointed expression that began to bury himself. No, she still looked above average. And actually it was no wonder. Sighly sighing she started to put on make -up. It did not last long. Eye shadow, the eyebrows, a hint of blush on the cheeks, she didn’t need more, but this procedure would also have been superfluous. But at least a woman wants to have the feeling that they are cared for.

By the way, a little make-up had never harmed a girl. Definitely not. Britta entered the elegant Café Wagenknecht just in time for half past six. She wore high -heeled pumps that brought her slim legs into their own twice, and a dress that was almost incorporated deeply. Heino was already waiting. He rose behind his tiny marble table, waved to her politely and came towards her in a proud enthusiasm. Men like to decorate themselves with pretty women. “You look dazzling again,” he breathed while he put the chair on her.

«Your sight makes me really dizzy in the crotch. “”So?“She smiled amused. Heino’s boldness liked her. Because he stabbed the other employees of the “Securitas Versicherung” soothingly. She didn’t have much left for colorless office people. «Then you have already laid out a program for today’s evening?””Certainly. »Heino ordered a jug of coffee and a piece of Black Forest cherry cake for Britta before he explained mysteriously:« Because we go to you!””To me? Who determines that?””Of course you!“He made a guilty face.

«But it wouldn’t be wrong. We both could get closer to ourselves. After all, we have known each other for more than a year!“She looked at him in the eye. Her corners of mouth moved mockingly. «In plain language that means that you want to sleep with me?””Yes. “He nodded amazed. A slight redness rose in his face. «You could call it that. “”How else!“She lit a cigarette. «By the way, you are lucky that I have been without a man for over a year! Otherwise you would probably bite your teeth on me!“Heino beamed.

He hadn’t imagined it so easily. After all, Britta was considered unapproachable and difficult to conquer. «Then don’t let us lose unnecessary time!“Britta pushed. She enjoyed his amazement. He seemed to have lost all boldness. Although Britta looked towards the events of the next few hours with curious unrest, she first ate her cake. Heino Trank excited two double cognacs. When they made their way, it started to rain. Britta did not live far.

Nevertheless, the casting soaked them both to the bare skin. Britta nestled closely to Heino. It was indescribably wonderful to feel the muscles of a man next to him again after half an eternity. The first street lamps flared up. The rain became stronger. He pounded monotonous on the pavement. When they had reached their doorstep, Britta behaved undecided for a moment. She could still undo everything. So far nothing had happened.

But then she gave herself a jerk. The course had long been set. “Come!“She led Heino into the apartment. With a quiet hand she snapped the floor lamp in the living room. She put a bottle of wine brandy and an ashtray on the table. “You are nice here,” said Heino. What else should he say? Britta’s willingness also came too surprising, although he should have got used to it in the meantime. “Yes it works!“She disappeared into the bathroom.

Before she closed the door behind her, she called casually: «You should take off your way out as soon as possible! Otherwise you will get a tangible cold in your wet things!“He grazed a suit and laundry without wague. Then he lit a cigarette strangely nervously. When Britta came back from the bathroom, they were both naked. With a left -wing movement he pulled her to him and covered her face with coveting kisses. The pressure of his body strengthened from second to second.

Britta was so overwhelmed that she was unable to defend herself. And she didn’t want it at all. He suddenly raised her and carried her to the well -made couch on the longitudinal wall. He let them sink over caution into the soft pillows. Britta breathed violently. For too long she had had to do without male tenderness. Their full breasts were expecting the upcoming events. Their narrow nostrils were blazing. “Come!“She pushed restlessly when Heino did not immediately attack the attack.

Her knees were impatiently pressing against each other. A sweet tickle flowed through her veins. However, Heino took time. He enjoyed every second of the exciting foreplay and kissed her exciting body everywhere. No region was taboo for him. Britta’s smooth skin felt like tightly tense velvet. Under heavenly showers she groaned over and over again. Now finally she spread her slim legs. She looked like a meat goddess of temptation. No man could have resisted her stimuli.

Heino suddenly knelt between her white thighs, which immediately clung around his hips like a pliers. Britta drummed against his back with the delicate heels. The small rose noctu at the zenith of her step had long since opened as if under a mysterious spell. Heino slowly penetrated into the delicious love stamps. He conquered the warm fairy tale grotto in a slow motion, which greedily devoured him. Britta closed his eyes with happiness. She had laid her head far back.

Clearly visibly visibly pulsed the blood under the thin skin of its neck. It roared in her temples. Owaboring was now on the hot -blooded playmate, who caught each of his wild movements with feathers. Her open step pushed against his lap. The two bodies seemed inseparable to merge together. The young couple quickly got on. The lovering ride increased to an orgastical gallop. Britta’s legs are even more powerful around Heino’s loins.

The twitching bodies crowded against each other. The uncontrolled movements became faster and faster. Britta’s lap had long since got wet. Silver moisture shone on the inside of her thighs, which spread out in powered bliss. The big nipples of the fiery girl had set up steeply. They reacted sensitively like a seismograph to the quietest touch. Britta opened the eyelids a little. But their eyes were absent. He blazed the nearby orgasm towards the fact that it began to announce.

The two bodies were found in an intoxicating rhythm. Ecstatically they swung back and forth. A fumitory caught the uninhibited lovers and tore them away into a whirlpool of euphoric forgetting. Britta suddenly reached the summit of all sensations with a pointed scream. She tried in vain to raise her feelings under the explosion of her feelings. Heino also lost control. All locks opened. It was like he had to burn arms in Britta’s arms. Under overpowering lust, his pent -up excitement in a glowing fountain.

The twitches ignored. One last liberating wave, then the wild movements ended. The shiny sweat bodies remained in motionless exhaustion before they reluctantly dissolved from each other. The lungs are still breathless. «You can really drive a woman crazy!“Britta had completely opened his eyes again. Her gaze was still stroking Heino’s defensive penis, which gradually slackened. «But you also really worse me. “Heino lit a cigarette again and pushed the smoke out through his nose.

With the index finger he pulled the borders of Brittas nipples. «It was magical to you!””Nonsense!»She blushed and hurriedly waved off. «Hopefully I haven’t done too clumsy. As you know, I’ve been quite out of practice for a year. “” You don’t forget something like that, “he said with emphasis. She was still considering whether the relationship with Heino could be permanent when he got up and began to dress again. “What is?“She watched him to bless it.

“Nothing else. “He was already stuffing his shirt into his pants. «Tomorrow is a hard working day again!”” I thought you stayed with me today!“In her voice swung unmistakable disappointment. “Better not!“He shaken his head emphatically. «You would just draw false conclusions from it. »« False conclusions?“She didn’t understand. “As a department head, I could never afford a relationship with an employee from our company,” he said with relentless objectivity. «A short pleasure for two in bed, but there is no objection.

But a full -grown tech mechtel, no, Darling, that only harms my career and your reputation! Hopefully you understand me?””Yes. I understand. »Britta bravely fought against the rising tears. No, she was neither sad nor disappointed. She just felt exploited and insulted. In doing so, she alone was to blame for everything that had happened. What kind of fool I was! She started to organize her thoughts. Heino had only looked for an adventure that freed him from his pent -up tensions.

And you? No, with an adventure alone she was not served. Suddenly she realized that she needed a man for life, even if she didn’t want to admit it. Fortunately, Heino said goodbye quickly and painlessly. He did it as business as he probably also recommended himself in the Freudenhaus after the work of love was carried out. Britta looked him with mixed feelings. But she didn’t regret the course of things. With Heino she would never have been happy with her life.

The insensitive final of his visit gave her what a selfish had to be. In the company he did during the next few days as if something had never happened between them. He gave himself factual and collegial, as you couldn’t expect from a department head. And Britta was even grateful for him. Nevertheless, nothing changed in the fact that it was as alone as before and only an experience richer.

Strangely enough, Heino had aroused her lust. The longing for physical fulfillment that Britta has believed to have overcome for months was rejected. The sweet unrest, which was tickled between the legs, was very specific every day. Britta had gained satisfaction several times at home with all kinds of well -known tricks. But the real salvation failed. Anyone who knows the delights of love is no longer satisfied with half -work. On Sunday afternoon, Britta went to the Café Wagenknecht, although she knew that it was a smooth parquet for single women.

But she didn’t want to admit it, although she longed for an erotic collision deeply in the subconscious. With lascivious movement, she sat down at a tiny table, ordered a cup of chocolate and casually leafed into a fashion book. After just a few minutes, a well -kept gentleman with gray temples stepped in front of her: «Forgive my measurement .. !“She folded up the long -minded Lider and measured it from the head to the sole dismantled from the parting. But he continued to smile: «I am a painter, my beautiful one.

And I would appreciate myself overjoyed if they could be modeled!””Act?“She put the magazine aside. “This would be my biggest wish. “The artist sat down next to Britta. In doing so, he decoratively struck himself through the white shimmering Goethe Necranz, which awarded his head majestic dignity. Then he handed Britta his business card. «By the way, my studio is right in the house next door. “Britta took a fleeting look at the business card and read:” Professor Wolf Gordon, Kunstmaler, Mommsenstrasse 9.

“The cute servant brought the chocolate. Britta stirred thoughtfully in the cup. Interested she asked: «When do you want to paint me?”” I would like to start today!””Good. »Britta pushed the card into the handbag. «Is it right for you if I am with you in two hours?” “Wonderful!“The artist rose and waved The waitress approach: «Write the colliery of this delightful lady on my bill!”” Yes, Professor!“The Miss in the white apron, the oversized loop of which was bound to the back like that of a chocolate box, kinked.

Britta smiled pensively when she saw the painter, who suddenly seemed to be very in a hurry. And she was curious about her role as a nude model. Two hours later she rang with Wolf Gordon. The studio was on the sixth floor. It was spacious and elegant, although it only housed a huge French bed and a no less huge easel. There were numerous African wood carvings on the windowsill. «I am happy that they actually came!»Gordon only wore sandals, a few washed -out jeans and an open, formerly white smock.

«You actually changed again? That was extremely superfluous. Because I paint her naked. But first enter!“Numerous completed and semi -finished pictures leaned on the walls. They demonstrated that Gordon was an above -average artist. Britta looked curiously around. She felt inhibited. After all, she had never moved out in front of a stranger. At least not to be painted. “What’s your name?»Gordon put an updated canvas on the easel.

Then he almost casually stroked the duvet straight. «Britta. »« Britta? Good. I will call her Katja. I call all of my models Katja. I also do it. That relaxes the atmosphere. Agreed?“Britta nodded. «You can call me wolf. While you pull yourself off, I broke a pot of coffee. “He was a problem in the tiny kitchenette. It did not last long. When he returned with two cups and the jug, Britta was already naked on the bed.

Because nothing in the world would have stood around like a left -wing Virgo. “You’re very pretty! And you have an enchanting body!“Wolf put the dishes on earth. Without taking care of the coffee, he already started to touch the colors on his palette. «By the way, I paint you as a symbol of temptation when you understand what I mean. “Britta didn’t understand it. Still she nodded. In doing so, she stretched out in a pose lascivious lust.

«No, Katja! If I wanted to paint dirnen, I would get a hooker!“He put the palette out of his hand to conduct Britta in an aesthetic pose. «I want to bring a pretty woman to the screen that no man can resist. The adorable temptation. Maybe even a goddess that she has never been better. So you should be a goddess and not a slippery nymph. Got it?»Britta started to understand. A barely tangible shower trickled through her veins when she asked: «So you think I’m beautiful?””Beautiful!“Gordon seemed to be satisfied with her attitude.

He picked up the palette and grabbed a thin brush. «If I were only 20 years younger, I would fall in love with you immortal. »« So?»Britta felt his busy look almost physically on the skin. She felt dressed in an indescribable way by this sensitive artist with the wiry, slim figure. “Certainly. “With a safe line, his hands tried on the canvas on the contours of an angelic face with large, questioning fairytale eyes.

All bliss of this world, all longings and all wishes should be reflected in these eyes. He wanted to mate virtue and passion together. Wolf even indicated the outlines of the flawless body with a fleeting swing, which was attracted like sin. Britta did not interrupt him. She knew that she was not allowed to distract him now. Wolf worked concentrated and dogged. Time passed as if he were flashed before he took the brush out of his hand and stepped down a few steps.

“So?“Britta is carefully recovering on the wide bed. She met institutions and admire the art that started. Then Gordon took the canvas from the easel and hit her dissatisfied against the wall. «What do you do, for heaven’s sake?“Britta tried to save the picture. “It would only have been a do-it-yourself template for bachelors,” the painter growled annoying. «A very shallow sex ham without soul, without depth, without momentum. Nothing more than lustful eroticism!””Actually?“Britta now looked at the work.

“I also know why I can’t succeed in the noble expression of human aesthetics,” said Gordon as to himself. «It is because I desire you in a damn sensual way. If you just have to think about fucking, then you can’t paint a timelessly beautiful goddess with the best will in the world. That’s it!“Britta had sat on the edge of the bed. She asked hesitantly: «Would help you if you sleep with me beforehand? I mean, the instinctive desire may be dampened … »« Not a bad idea!“Wolf smiled pleased.

«The pictures of the models with which I climbed to bed always succeeded particularly well. “” Hopefully you don’t paint men?”” No, I don’t paint men. Or very rarely. “He pulled out the smock and grazed the jeans. Britta saw that he had an astonishingly youthful body who punished the gray temples. She was curious whether wolf would hold that what his appearance promised. «Hopefully my sight will not shy away from you too much!»Wolf let the biceps play.

“You are asking too much. “She put him on his phallus and pulled him up to him. «It is not enough for you that you will be welcomed by me with open arms and open thighs?“Her rights nestled more firmly around the root of his wand, which the fingers began to massage. Together they sank into the soft bed. As soon as they lay side by side on the crumpled sheet when Wolf threw herself over Britta and spread their legs with their knees.

The woman walled irritated. Her swelling body relaxed so that Wolfs penis almost entered the lusty fountain of lust. “Splendid!“Britta blessed her partner blessed. In doing so, her abdomen rose in rhythmic twitches. The love arrow drove deep into the thirsty chalice. Britta gasped. Their cheeks glowed. Suddenly she asked him: «Lay on her back!“Gordon silently followed her command. And she was already sitting on his lap wide legs.

His cheeky rascal was in her crotch until the stop. Britta started a weightless trot without adoption, which soon increased to a wild gallop. Her whole body feats up and down on Wolf’s shot up and down. The breasts rocked cheekily and funny. Brittas riding movements were wilder. The phallus drilled deeper and deeper in Britta’s treasure chest that she groaned up with voluptuous. Long covered silver sweat the two bodies. Wolf pushed huge one last time.

Britta joined up. It rode like an Amazon. With flying mane and bouncing breast she hunted the fulfillment. The muscles played tense in their thighs. Her stomach pressed together with every new rearing. Wolf left his feelings free. Britta was also unable to wrap himself. And as soon as Wolf had shot his precious powder, the fiery rider reached a highlight under which she shook herself as in an electrifying cramp.

A wonderful shower flooded Brittas tense body. The redeeming feeling catapulted them in the paradise. “Heavenly,” she whispered enthusiastically. Her thighs still pressed very hard around Wolf’s vibrating loins, as if they wanted to suck out the very last mark from them. Wolf raised Britta from his lap without wague. He got up slightly and searched for a reasonably clean cloth. “You can brush wonderfully,” giggled Britta very much. “Thank you. “He smiled flattered and already rose back into his washed -out jeans.

«However, I can’t paint anymore. “”Why not?“She straightened up and stayed in this pose for a moment before swinging her feet out of bed. “Because a little crackling eroticism is part of it when I immortalize a pretty woman on the screen,” he said. «And after an orgasm it never crackles for me. “” Aha, “said Britta only. She understood her understanding. «Then it’s over for today. Should I come back tomorrow?“He made a face as if he had bitten on a hollow tooth.

Then he explained: «Under no circumstances! In the next few days I have my hands full. It is best when I call you. You have to be patient. Just write down your number. »Britta reached for a piece of paper. «But I can only be reached in the evening. I work during the day. “”Clear. ” He nodded. And he seemed very happy that she said goodbye very soon. A little irritated Britta in the Café Wagenknecht a mocha with cognac.

«Well, the professor painted her?“Wanted to know the pretty servant with an ironic smile. “Why do you ask?”” He started painting me too, “whispered the little one funny. «But when I got into bed with him, he suddenly lost any further interest in me. My nude picture has been unfinished somewhere in the attic for two years. And I bet that it will never be finished. “”So that’s it!»Britta mind. «He is not concerned with art, but only about sex!”Read!“The waitress leaned down to Britta’s ear.

«But don’t make yourself of it. After all, the good professor does something in bed. And besides, completely different women fell for him!” “Yes. “Britta nodded. «That may be. “That evening she was in front of the mirror in the bathroom for a long time. She looked into her eyes and said to herself: «Britta, you are still going to the dogs when you continue! You need a man for life, otherwise you will soon become a girl who drives it to everyone!“And she decided to look for a partner seriously for whom it was worth being there.

There was no defect in bachelors who applied for Britta’s affection. Britta ultimately looked above average. She knew it and the men knew too. But among the few serious candidates who had hopes was not a single one, at the side of which they would have been able to endure it for a few days, let alone a lifetime. In fact, a steady small town offers a single woman with little chance. Not only the occasions, but also the right partners seemed too thin.

Britta had long since understood. In the “Securitas Versicherung”, which Britta Müller employed as a conscientious writing capacity, there was a lack of opportunities. The really desirable men have long been in firm hands. Britta gave a jerk. She was fed up with leaving her future to chance. Tomorrow she would take the jump over her own shadow and immediately after Quitting time The marriage broker Hilde von Buchwitz-Langendorf, who had already donated many durable marriages, even against sounding coin.

But you sometimes have to buy the happiness in pairs. Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf was a ripe, well-groomed lady of the world. With winning courtesy she received Britta Müller like a good friend. She casually referred to a stately series of file folders, in which all the couples they have combined were conscientiously and effective in advertising, and explained with mild pathos: «Her future is in my best hands. Because the pre -selection affects an infallible computer.

And I shouldn’t be surprised if we find not only a suitable man for you, but also rich man. “” He doesn’t need to be rich, “said Britta, stealing the dignified furnishings of the room, which was as elegant as the marriage mediator herself. “I attach much more emphasis on naturalness and …”, she blushed slightly, “… and on a little tenderness!“The marriage of the marriage nodded understood. Then she had Britta filled out a long questionnaire in which she had to describe all the desired properties of the dream partner in detail.

Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf explained: «The more in more detail we feed the computer, the more accurate he chooses a man for her. Incidentally, computers never wrong. “Hopefully, thought Britta. Afterwards they drank a cup of tea together, and Mrs. von Buchwitz-Langendorf casually collected the first installment for their efforts. Marriages are closed in heaven, but Britta saw that neither computer nor marriage broker takes action free of charge. Everything in life has its price. The colleagues in the “Securitas” laughed when Britta told them about it, on which she was no longer entirely unusual, she was looking for a man.

And the company noodle Babsie said compassionately: «That was stupid of you! If you only want, you can have ten on every finger!“But Britta didn’t want ten on every finger, she was looking for a single man, but he was looking for life. She just shrugged and already regretted that she had entrusted herself to the employees. She could do without guys like Heino from the cancellation and statistics department or the lustful professor Wolf Gordon without excessive grief.

The days passed. Nothing happened. The computer obviously took a lot of time. But probably a computer cannot conjure up either. Of course, the painter Wolf Gordon no longer reported. He had got what he wanted. Only Heino always put on a mockingly knowing smile when he met Britta on the corridor or in the company canteen. She would have loved to knock him down one. But that would make nothing better. After fourteen days, a letter from Ms. Hilde Buchwitz-Langendorf came.

She wrote, found a hopefully suitable man for Britta. He has the properties they want in an almost ideay way, and his appearance exceeds the wildest expectations. Whether Britta could find a non -binding meeting on Friday evening in the rooms of the marriage institute? So far, the socialities in a small, manageable circles over coffee and cake have proven themselves extremely, and the present of the brokering host is guaranteed that any embarrassment would be bridged.

It will be sure to be done on the horse market, Britta thought with mixed feelings. After all, everyone of the guests present knows what the others managed. You can feel the intention and you are on your hat. Britta hesitated. But then she decided to accept the invitation. Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf should also do something for her money. Britta was unable to put a curious tingling when she was preparing for the visit on Friday evening. So, as she had taken from the letter, other women and gentlemen would also be present, which undoubtedly relaxed the atmosphere.

Probably like in the dance lesson or in a social club. Britta put on her pretty dress, the smartest with the narrow, pointed neckline and the slim waist, which Gerd had always loved on her. She used almost an hour to complete her make-up, even though she captivated without cosmetic aids with natural grace and attractive appearance. She knew that from sufficient experience. Finally, she dabbed a few drops of Chanel behind her earlobes, on the neck and on the wrists.

Ready. One last, testing view of the wall -high mirror next to the bedroom door confirmed that she was allowed to be satisfied with her. She slipped into her high -heeled pumps with quiet nervousness. In the salon of the wife of Buchwitz-Langendorf it was casual. When Britta arrived, her subdued tangle of voices struck, as at an informal party. Unobtrusive dance music sounded out of the canned food. “You look adorable, my love,” the marriage broker greeted her with an encouraging nod. «You will definitely cause a sensation!“Probably she says that to every customer, thought Britta amused.

Rattling belongs to the craft. Curious, but still discreet, she looked around. Candles burned in silver candles. A festive coffee table exuded solidness. Three women and three men advanced age talked to the distance offered, as is common among people who hardly know each other. Unfortunately, no man was present who found Britta excessively likeable, she was also trying to force herself into concessions. It was not alone in the year. In doubt, she looked over to the hostess.

But Mrs. von Buchwitz-Langendorf only pushed her arm calming and whispered: «No worries, my beautiful child! Your dream partner is not there yet. But he should come every moment!“Such a shop keeper, Britta drove through his pretty head. And she cursed the idea of entrusting herself and her entire future to a marriage institute. «May I introduce you to Ms. Britta Müller?»Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf pointed out on Britta, who was still a little helpless in the middle of the room.

The ladies nodded politely, the gentlemen bent a little too stiff. Teufel one more, that could be good!The host was handed a tray with cognacs to loosen up the atmosphere. Then she pulled Britta aside: «You really don’t need to be afraid, Ms. Müller! And if it doesn’t work today, then at the next or after next time. Love cannot be forced with the crowbar. ” “No definitely not!»Britta tipped her cognac down with a single sip.

The hostess wanted to refill her when it rang at the door again. «That will be your fairy tale prince!“The hand with the bottle withdraw. «Carefully selected by the computer and found for excellent. Incidentally, just like her, he wears the not exactly rare name Müller. If that’s not a good omen!»Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf opened. A remarkably good -looking young man entered and kissed her hand gallantly. Britta looked at him with the open salon door.

That could not be true! The floor under its delicate feet began to fluctuate. The marriage mediator led the new guest in. “Gerd .. !“Britta breathed in disbelief. «Britta .. !”” You know each other?“Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf had nervously folded her hands. The finger ankles appeared white. Gerd was no less surprised than Britta. He stared at her like a spirit. Finally he turned to the embarrassed host: «We even know each other very well. We were married together for seven years!”” Heaven, I’ve never experienced anything like that! God, how is it uncomfortable for me!”” You don’t need to be embarrassing, “said Britta.

She was the first to caught up again. «I am happy to see my divorced man again, even if the encounter Comes pretty unexpectedly for both of us!”” “I really didn’t think anything about the name Müller,” whispered Mrs. von Buchwitz-Langendorf disturbed. «When he is so extraordinarily common. ». «We should have met much earlier!“Gerd dabbed the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief. «We certainly have a lot to tell ourselves!”” But no fault hits me!“The marriage broker only gradually came back.

«I have brought them both the partner who corresponds the most to their ideas! The computer only evaluated its precisely specified wishes. »« With remarkable success. “Without taking into account the other guests, Britta pulled her former man into a quiet corner. “You have become even more prettier,” stuttered Gerd, and Britta moved up a tiny cocktail armchair. «Incidentally, I never stopped loving you. »« So?“Britta felt the nerves tingling everywhere under the skin.

“Are you sure?””Yes. And it is the computer too!“Gerd was sitting opposite her now. Hardly an arm length away. They did not hear the murmured murmur of the other guests and not the music from the loudspeaker. They only looked at each other without a word. And they both thought the same thing. Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf placed two swivels and the half-full bottle of cognac next to them on the low tea. She said so quietly that the other visitors could not hear it: «I am indeed inconvenient! But this unforeseen incident should be an apprenticeship for me! In the future there will never be such a breakdown again!”” Possible that it was not a breakdown at all!“Britta put his head crooked thoughtfully.

«Love often goes strange ways. “Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf discrete. But she wasn’t. “Are you serious?”Gerd looked at Britta testing …” Do you now have another woman?“She replied with a counter question. «Anyone who was married to you doesn’t find an equal partner so quickly. “He scratched himself on the chin. “And you?”She laughed amused:” If we were both tied, we would hardly have met in the rooms of a marriage mediator!””Clear!“He slapped his head with his flat hand.

«I think I still haven’t become smarter! Do you still still have our little apartment?“Britta just nodded. «Then why are we still sitting here?“He rose and put her on her arm. Britta also got up. She still had very soft knees. They left the foreign apartment hand in hand. Like a happily in love young couple. The other guests looked after without understanding. “If you both get married again, I will only calculate half the fee,” said Ms. von Buchwitz-Langendorf.

She had only really understood now. Gerd tore his Britta stormy on the stairs. Her lips found each other. The hot kiss didn’t want to end. You had so much to catch up. Britta finally managed to clear himself. Breathless she gasped: «Now at least wait until we are at home!“Then they sat in Gerd’s car. The path didn’t want to end, although the journey only lasted a few minutes. In Britta’s apartment they did not stay with them.

Unnecessary questions. Gerd raised Britta and wore it straight to the wide marriage bed. «Now take time to take me off at least!“She asked him laughing. But then he had already started to roam her shoes and clothes with flying hands. «And for that I made myself so pretty pretty!»Britta is expecting the soft mattress expectantly. «It wasn’t worth it?“Gerd was now also naked like an antique statue in front of her.

“And whether!“She looked forward to him. He sat down a little awkwardly next to her. Shyly he stretched out his hands after her. «Hopefully you have not forgotten it in the meantime?“She spread her legs invitingly. Her firm breasts trembled quietly. Then he knelt between her white thighs. He felt the warmth of her smooth skin. He drove into her very slowly, who immediately took him up. “It’s most beautiful with you,” breathed Britta.

But Gerd didn’t hear. He was lying on her now and looked her deep into her eyes. And while his lap pressed even more firmly against her step, he whispered in her ear: «Actually we could get married again, what do you think you mean?“Your abdomen walled in agreement. She wrapped her arms conquered around his neck. Slowly her lips moved: «Loyal! But now keep your mouth and love me! We both have a lot to make up for!“He just nodded and penetrated even deeper into her slim body.

Britta enjoyed his tender bumps with all nerves. She no longer wasted a single thought of Hein or Wolf. The present was stronger.

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