Unexpected whisper of my girlfriend | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Netzfundich, my name is Torsten, I am 33 years old, my girlfriend Christina is 32. She is my third long -term girlfriend, but she is the first to say: she is the right one. At the beginning of our relationship I was totally in love. Everything in our partnership seemed perfect to me. Only after a few weeks after I got to know Christina better and the first frenzy of love was slowly sacrificed, I noticed that she was always holding back in bed.

In the beginning I hadn’t known whether she actually did it or whether that was her kind. But then I became more and more sure. In all my previous friends there was the moment in the love game at some point when my respective partner looked at me with a face distorted with excitement that her facial expression said nothing else than: fuck me! I had never reached this level of pleasure with Christina.

In fact, I wasn’t even about to. Christina also felt a pleasure, she too was wet and she too reached her peak regularly. But something was missing. She always looked controlled, never let herself go. There was no amominency with her, no real passion. I was increasingly annoying me. This always attracted handbrake began to disturb our relationship. Conversations that I tried carefully on this topic, Christina regularly rejected a rejection.

Instead of responding to my worries, Christina smiled, hugged me and kissed me. She regularly said something like: “My big one doesn’t get enough sex?“This trivialization bothered me colossal. It was not about the frequency of sexual intercourse! Even if Christina blew me after such conversations, or better attempts to talk, it was no longer entirely satisfied. I always had the impression that Christina doesn’t open up to me and only do that for me.

That was disappointing. Because I had learned several times that I am none of them who are banging wildly and can ignore the feelings of their partner. My lust is closely linked to my partner’s lust. If she was slowed down, it was me too. I was difficult to turn to friends with my problem. They would have brought a saying right away. Something like: “Sex is not for beginners”, or: “Then bring it over to me”.

That didn’t help me. In my perplexity I did something that I had never thought possible before, which helped me in the result. I called on a sexual advice on the radio! The woman at the other end of the line took my worries comfortably seriously. She listened to me for a long time, then considered a moment and then said: “One thing is certain: her friend loves her. ” I nodded. I had no doubt about that. Still, it was good to hear that.

The woman continued: “Next, it is important to know that no woman in the world is frigid. There is no such thing. Your friend also experiences orgasms. That already shows that she feels pleasure. Only every woman experiences her lust differently. It may be that your friend with the behavior she described is already experiencing the peak of her pleasure. That would mean that you, dear caller, chase a desired performance afterwards.

“I was already considering. I didn’t want to hear something like that. But then the woman said on the radio: “On the other hand, it can of course be that you are right and really loves your friend with your handbrake attracted. As they describe it, I even suspect that. Just how you can manage to bring your girlfriend to solve your handbrake and really let yourself go, I can’t tell you either. For us women – I could see them smile through the phone – there is no operating instructions.

“This sentence annoyed me. I really didn’t ask for an instruction manual. I was only concerned with getting my situation from another person, especially since a woman, and in this way it may be a suggestion to get an action. But I didn’t hear about that. I already wanted to murmm and hang up “thank you”, when the woman suddenly said: “I might still have a tip. “Of course I didn’t hire, but listened intently.

“You tried to talk to your friend about her sexual wishes. She blocked that. But since she, like all of us, certainly has such wishes, she has to go somewhere. Some women only keep their wishes in their imagination. Then I can’t help you. But others – and their girlfriend could belong – write them down. So search. Search for a diary. Find for everything it could be.

Maybe you are lucky. “This ended the conversation. My thoughts start immediately. And as soon as I had put the phone on the station, my view of the PC fell. It had to be easy, it fell like blinkers from my eyes like blinkers. For hours Christina sometimes sat in front of the PC without knowing exactly what she was doing. To date I assumed that she was writing something for work. But now I understand: In the PC you your diary.

I had to look there. Only two days later I got the opportunity to search for the files undisturbed. “I’m going to the cinema with Christine,” said Christina and I didn’t mind. As soon as Christina had left the apartment, I was sitting on the computer. It didn’t take long for me to find the folders you were looking for. “Wishes”, he said and that sounded far too promising to be true. Obviously, Christina did not expect that I would look for something like that.

Otherwise she would have given a less obvious file name. With damp hands and stiff limb, I clicked on the symbol of the file – and was disappointed. The file was protected by a password. “Crap!“I tried all sorts of words for a full two hours. Nothing! I gave up desperately. Christina was able to use everything as a password. I tried my luck two more times. Every time without success. The common thing of this nervous type of words is that you never know whether you can get closer to the solution.

It was absolutely frustrating. I briefly considered whether I should buy a first name lexicon – then I could have started all names with “A” – but I realized in good time that this could go through as a high grade nonsense. So I left it and waited for a miracle. This miracle came faster than expected. This next weekend when Christine visited, the conversation came to the subject of cats by chance.

“It’s a shame that you don’t have any more,” said Christine casually. “Panther was so cute. “” You had a cat that was called Panther, “I asked in astonishment. I couldn’t believe it. What I immediately sure, it had to be “a hangover!“, Christina confirmed. It took two more days before Christina went to sport in the evening and I could try it undisturbed. “Panther,” I typed – and had success. As if it were the easiest thing in the world, the folder opened.

I could have cry with luck. There were different Word documents in front of me twenty-three, described only with numbers, and waited to be clicked on being clicked. When I clicked the file with the name “01”, I prayed that Christina did not give any further password. She didn’t have. I could read!In the next three hours I read six stories and jerked twice. My wildest ideas were exceeded. What I read was not a diary. These were flawless porn stories, pure sex.

And what made me inject so often was that Christina imagined things, so I was almost an orphan. I had found out in turn that my girlfriend, who, to my astonishment in the stories, used her own name, dreamed of it or. still dreams of blowing your teacher (“You will probably stay seated. “” You can’t do anything?”” Well, maybe an oral review. “I was very helpless with surprise.

But he just put his large part in my mouth) to be caressed by all possible hands (“They were everywhere. They pulled out me. I couldn’t do anything, didn’t want anything too. The hands opened my legs. I got wet. The hands became cock. “) And to be fucked by a burglary (” Do nothing to me “, Christina pleaded when she hit the burglary in the nightgown who thought the house was empty. “Of course not,” replied the burglar, grabbed her by the ass and fucked her from behind.

))). But the sharpest story was the one with the plate. It was about Christina and and her friend – was that me? – by bike through a village and Christina had a record. Of course, Christina didn’t have a patch stuff with me. But that didn’t matter to her. She just rang the next best door to ask for patch stuff. The man who opened was a giant. He looked at Christina on his breasts and only asked what she wanted.

“Fleeps,” she said. “You mean fuck,” replied the man and grinned. Christina looked at him without understanding. She found this statement stupid and vulgar. But she couldn’t prevent her from gaining a look when the giant now pulled out his pants and with the words “can you have” Christina already stiffly stiff tail presented, which already looked impressive in this state. “You see,” commented the man, who was not unknown to the effect of his cock on women, “and now you kneel down and blow me one.

“Christina’s friend had stayed with the bicycles. He was about 150 m away and didn’t get anything. “Your friend?“Asked the man. Christina nodded. “Good,” said the man, “then I stand so that you see him while you are blowing. “Then he pressed Christina down his shoulders … here the story stopped. Only one remark followed. It is: “I want him to fuck me. “After reading that, I only thought one thing: horny sow!In view of mine despite my previous masturbation, hub -hard cock was completely clear to me that I would fuck Christina if she came home.

Her stories went through my head constantly, especially the last one. “I want him to fuck me!“, She wrote. And that’s exactly what I did, as soon as Christina had entered the apartment. I did not ask what Christina was afterwards by what was read before. Without saying anything, I pulled out her pants, she was called leaning at the dining table and took her while standing from behind. Her wet showed me that I had acted properly.

I took her hard and quickly. In the end I got a thick kiss as a reward. Clearly: I was on the right track. On the following days my reading continued. Whenever Christina left the house, I went to the PC and read. I was unbelievable what Christina wanted – or were there no wishes? Was it just fantasies? I had to be careful, one was not allowed to confuse one with the other.

Either way, the incomprehensibility streamed into my cock regularly. No story that my limb did not stop, no reading adventure without the accompanying movement of my hand. The next time we slept together, I was much more excited than usual. “You’re so wild,” remarked Christina and the shining in her eyes showed me how much she liked that. While Christina was sitting on me, I paid attention to her face. I was never as clear as that day that she was somewhere else with her thoughts.

“What did you think about?“I asked, after her orgasm over, only received the unsatisfactory answer:“ You don’t have to know everything. “It was gradually becoming clear to me that the knowledge of Christina’s wishes did not bring me anything, apart from the lust that I felt when I read. I had learned that I lit her desire to desire a stranger, a stranger who took Christina without asking her. This realization didn’t help me further.

I was difficult to order a burglar and let my girlfriend fuck him! Somehow it had to be able to tear away the reserved facade and to reveal the passionate core underneath. But how?I no longer know in which newspaper I saw the ad in. But I still know exactly what it looked like. It was completely inconspicuous, I almost overlooked her, and only consisted of text: Do you have the impression that you lack something during sex?Visit us: www.

secret wishes. de (note of the author: I have not checked whether there is this homepage. If so, she has nothing to do with this story. ) It should not be surprised that this text addresses me immediately. As a result, I was sitting on the PC only a little later – Christina was in sports – and taped the address. I do not want to reproduce the details of the homepage. In terms of content, it was about the offer to spend a weekend in a villa and to be spoiled completely – tailored to the respective wishes of the guest -.

The premises that could be seen in the pictures were appealing. The text was in keywords: “… stylish surroundings … pleasant atmosphere … trusting introductory talks … sensitive responds to many wishes … appropriate price. “I only hesitated briefly, then I called. A very pleasant female voice explained to me everything I wanted to know. When I learned the price – approx. 1. 000 euros per weekend, dependent on the respective wishes – I had to swallow. But far too promising seemed to me what I had experienced before.

Therefore I made an appointment for personal discussion. This date began with the fact that the woman from the phone – there was also a man, both were an estimated in the early thirties – asked me what I imagined. When I tried to answer this question, it turned out that I didn’t even know that myself. “I want to get my girlfriend’s great pleasure,” I started, then told about her reluctance. The two nodded. But when I finished my litani, the woman asked again what I imagined.

And I had to admit that I had no answer to that. “This is exactly why,” I said, “I am here. “How few concrete thoughts I had thought was shown when the woman passed over to ask me specific questions. I was not even prepared for the extremely obvious question of whether I agreed if my girlfriend had sex with someone else, I was prepared. I only gave my consent after some superiority – actually I didn’t want that, but I knew exactly that this was necessary to achieve my goal.

Then the woman wanted to know which practices were okay for my wife. I knew nothing to say, but nodded when she asked: “Vaginal?“Even when she had nodded,“ oral?“Asked, I nodded, albeit already more hesitant. But then, when the woman asked about the consent with anal intercourse, I gave it up. “I don’t know,” I said desperately. I really had no idea. I myself didn’t like the quietest pleasure on something like that.

I didn’t know whether Christina wanted it to. Before reading your wishes, I would have rejected the question of anal intercourse indignantly. But now, I had read a story in which my girlfriend is fucked in the ass against her will, I was no longer so sure about that. I told the woman about this uncertainty, told her that I couldn’t say all of this. “I don’t know how much of her wishes Christina wants to experience in reality,” I said, “whether she wants to experience anything about it at all.

I only know she has these fantasies. And I hope that she goes more out of herself. My hope is, ”I ended,“ that they help my girlfriend. “” Be sure, we will be, “replied the woman. “I think the best thing is, you email me the files with your friend’s wishes. We then put together a package and then make an appointment. “I agreed with that. Only four days later the recall reached me.

Everything was done. The woman can promise that it will be very nice. When I asked about the details of the program, the woman pointed out that the entertainment factor was greater if I did not know exactly what was intended in detail. That shone me. Shortly afterwards we had made an appointment. Friday evening in three weeks it should start. As a bonus, the woman wanted to send me a brochure. I fended off. “My girlfriend …”, but the woman interrupted me.

“Don’t worry, the prospectus is very innocent. You can use him to get your girlfriend tuned to the weekend. The prospectus is tailored to the wishes of women. “Two days later the brochure was in the mailbox. “What is that?“Asked my friend when I entered the living room with him in my hand. “Surprise,” I said. In two and a half weeks we will go to this hotel for a weekend and relax. ” “Really?“Christina looked totally happy.

She loved such surprises. There was something of wellness hotel, beauty farm and the like on the prospectus. “All your wishes come true,” was the motto under which everything was. No question, I understood it differently than Christina. The day of arrival was soon reached. We sat on the said Friday in the car and reached the “Hotel” after a three -hour drive. “Looks great,” said Christina and I agreed with her. In fact, the building made an impression. The woman had rightly used the name Villa.

We have already been expected at the reception. Our suitcases were carried into our room and as soon as we were there, asked a house employee about our wishes. This home employee was the first thing that clearly looked like sex. She, a colored one, actually wore the traditional maid uniform, white blouse, black skirt. Her breasts were so big that they threatened to smelt the blouse and the skirt was so short that when bending down, it was benting to raise an alleged foot.

As soon as she had left the room, Christina came to me and took me with the words “Well, that was a sight” on the tail – I had the impression of checking whether he shows a reaction. Christina, who saw her presumption confirmed, commented on a grin: “You get lust. “Unfortunately – that was not a request for sex. But it was very clear that the home employee had created the right mood with her appearance.

As soon as we had cleared our clothes in the cupboards, we went for dinner. We ate at a table, other guests – I don’t know if it really were or whether they belonged to the team – on others. The meal was excellent. Christina and I sat at the table for a while and chatted about God and the world for a while. So against nine I asked Christina what we still want to do now.

To my great joy, she suggested going to bed. That was far better than expected. While we slept together, Christina suddenly asked if I would have liked the tits from the house employee. I affirmed the question: “Yes, you looked horny. “Christina nodded. “It’s a shame that there are no more slaves,” she said when she changed position and sat on me. I knew nothing to say about it.

But that wasn’t necessary either. Christina had already closed her eyes and obviously imagined what you could do with such a house employee as a slave. Measured by the orgasm that Christina experienced immediately, her imagination had to be impressive. My question, which she thought of, unfortunately did not answer Christina. On Saturday morning, the woman I already knew – I will call her the boss in the future – sat down at our table.

She announced Christina the program of the day. “None of this is mandatory, but everything is recommended. “And so she said that all women actually start visiting the beauty salon on the first day. “Cosmetics, peeling, massage, everything we women want. “Christina was very enthusiastic. The boss said to me: “The men usually use the time to play golf or hike. I nodded, of course. Back in our room, Christina asked me if I was evil because she left me alone on the first day.

But she looked so happy that no man in the world could have been angry with her. Incidentally, the boss had intercepted me and told me that there was the opportunity for me to watch. In the house there are windows everywhere that can only be viewed in one direction. I had answered that I didn’t know whether I would find peeling so interesting. The boss had laughed: “Perhaps not, but probably the depilation and certainly the massage.

“So I sat in the next room and watched my girlfriend at the cosmetics. For safety’s sake, I had taken a book with me. Reading soon turned out to be superfluous. Even so there was enough tension. The windows were not only visible, but there were also small hidden slots that made sure that I could hear everything. The facial cleansing including pore depth cleaning and peeling were over when the topic came on depilation. I just shook my head and am amazed at the boss’s opinion, I would probably find it interesting when I heard the beautician asked my girlfriend to undress and my girlfriend did this without hesitation.

It surprised me how naturally women deal with each other with their nudity. Men would probably have asked what that should. But more surprised me, however, that the beautician said: “We have to do something with shame”, and Christina nodded. Christina then asked what the beautician suggests. The beautician replied: “That depends entirely on them. As a rule, the men like it when a lot is taken away. I personally find that very pretty too.

“It was clear to see how Christina ranked. “You know what?“, Said the beautician. “I cut a little away, only a little more than the bikinirand, and if you like it, we will continue. “Christina agreed to this. And to my greatest astonishment I saw the beautician, shortly afterwards Christina’s shame and shave. The boss was right: I found colonization interesting!”Oh,” said the beautician suddenly, “please don’t be angry with me.

” “What is?“Christina wanted to know. “Unfortunately, something got wrong. I’m afraid we have to take everything away. “Christina looked at himself in horror. Clearly, it couldn’t stay that way. However, I cheated. It was completely clear to me that the beautician had deliberately blended. And while Christina was still in a version, the beautician is already piling up for the last rest of the pubic hair. When I saw the bare cunt, I immediately had a stiff. She looked incredibly sexy.

I would have loved to fuck her on the spot. Christina also made the impression of being able to make friends with the sight when she looked at herself in the mirror – exactly in the through which I looked through. The beautician now found that everything was ready from her and Christina could now go to the massage. So Christina put on again and went into the next room. The boss appeared to me, explained to me: “If everything goes smoothly, she will now the first time Fucked ”and brought me to my new spectator place.

When I arrived, Christina was already stuck, dressed only with her underpants, on the massage table. The masseur, which looked extremely good, also had a bare torso. When I came, he just asked Christina if she would disturb her if he was not wearing anything above that it was always so warm here. No, of course Christina didn’t mind. The man even had a washboard belly. I saw him burn the massage oil on my back and skilfully start with the massage.

He complimented Christina as he massaged: “It is fun to massage a pretty woman like her. I often have older customers … “, and:” You have great skin. “Slowly the hands worked deeper. When I expected you to reach the area of the POS, they turned over and took care of Christina’s shoulders and neck extensively. Only now when Christina was completely relaxed and almost purred did the hands go down again.

“I assume that you also want to get the bottom massaged?”, asked he. There was no danger that Christina would say no. Too obviously she liked what the masseur did. When she grumbled in agreement, the masseur caught the panties and pulled Christina the panties – unlike me and certainly other than Christina – not just down, but completely out. I could see how Christina was startled, I could see how she fought with her, whether she should say something.

But when the masseur had the oil dripped onto her buttocks, she put her head back and silenced. He is a masseur, Christina may have said to himself. In any case, the hands of the masseur now line up again and again along the outside of Christinas baking. They didn’t even approach a disreputable place. The man of Christina’s Po massaged correctly. “Nice?“Asked the masseur. “Very nice,” replied Christina. Then came the sentence that made Christina solidified: “Please turn around now.

” “I’m sorry, what?“Christina couldn’t believe what she had just heard of there. “I said they should turn around,” the masseur repeated his request, explaining with a winning smile that man didn’t just have muscles on the back. “Yes, but …”, Christina replied. “Nothing but. Thats my job. I see naked women every day. Don’t be like this. It will be good for you. “Christina thought, so she later told me about nothing other than her naked shame.

When the masseur cleared this obstacle – “Now I’m guessing something. The beautician shaved her and that’s why you don’t want. Am i right?“Christina nodded. “I do not mind. You are not the first ” – Christina was ready to turn around despite all the concerns, not least because she did not want to appear prudish in front of the masseur. Christina had never been massaged on the upper body, only on the back. She was excited to see what would come.

A short moment she was viewed by the masseur. Then felt the drizzle of the oil. The masseur deteriorates it on the area between the shoulders and the breasts. It was very pleasant to be massaged there. Only, that could not be denied, it gave lust. The hands hiked deeper, hiked around the breasts, took more oil, spoiled the stomach, returned upwards and touched the outside of the breasts very easily. Christina didn’t mind.

The limit of morality was already exceeded. “Made her,” Christina even thought when the hands had suffered close to the breasts earlier. Now it was the turn of the legs. When the hands began to take care of the thighs, Christina clearly became aware that the masseur would necessarily have the best view of everything. This realization meant that Christina tangled a little. The masseur noticed this immediately.

“Scht,” he said. “Let loose. “Then he stroked Christina over his thighs. When Christina relaxed and then obviously enjoyed how he drove across the inside, the masseur knew that he had won. He was no longer able to hide his gaze between Christina’s legs. He looked very clearly on Christina’s labia. He knew he only needed access. But he hesitated that. First he had something else.

Unnoticed by Christina’s look, she had closed her eyes in a delightful manner, he took the oil and reads it on Christina’s breasts. Christina looked at the masseur surprised. But that was as if it were the most normal thing in the world and now stroked Christina’s breasts. Christina smiled in agreement and closed her eyes again. Then she felt how the left hand got in motion and slid deeper and deeper. Christina did not do anything about it. On the contrary, she even opened her legs slightly so that the hand was better off.

“I don’t need oil here,” said the masseur when he finally reached his hand Christina’s lap. Christina groaned. The masseur strokes their column. “This is a special treatment,” he said Christina when he took off his pants. He pulled Christina up to his thighs. Without saying something he penetrated. Christina preferred nothing at that moment. It gave itself like a ripe fruit. The masseur fucked well. He took his time, praised Christina’s body, praised the nudity of her cunt, increasing Christina’s pleasure by explaining that her husband was definitely looking for her to fuck her like this, then faster to finally unload on Marnea’s belly.

It was nice for me to watch. At first I was concerned that I couldn’t see that. But that was not the case. The masseur went so tenderly with her, the lovemaking was so beautiful that – apart from the fact that I would have liked to participate – I really liked to watch. I looked at the clock when Christina left the room. It was soon time for lunch. In twenty minutes I had an appointment with Christina in the dining room.

The greeting was very funny for me. “How was your walking?”, She asked:” Good, “I replied:” And you, you have relaxed yourself?”” Yes, it was wonderful. “We played our role well. The lunch was pleasantly light. There was poultry with salad. At dessert, Christina then looked at me in a special way: “I have a surprise for you,” she whispered to me. “What?“I was unsuspecting. “Wait off,” she did mysteriously.

In our room, in the prospectus, was planned for the next an hour and a half afternoon, she undressed on the spot. With the word “surprise” she presented her naked cunt. I did my best to look surprised. I didn’t need to play excitement, I was horny until it was no longer possible. Without thinking about it beforehand, I knelt before Christina to lick her pussy. Christina but dismissed me.

“No, I don’t want that now,” she explained to me. “I’m now fucking. I want you to fuck me really hard. “And to confirm she lay on the bed and spread to the legs no longer leaves her legs. I did her a favor. I put all my pent -up lust in my bumps. I fucked her more strongly than ever. And while I did it to the greatest degree, I thought to see that the excitement was also shown in Christina’s face.

I came to her full of joy. At that moment I found it my privilege to inject my sperm into Christina. And just like me, Christina looked completely satisfied after the act. In the afternoon we were both in the pool. We swam and enjoyed the sun. Christina was wearing a very tight bikini. She looked fantastic. When she was in the pool in between, the boss had taken me aside and explained the plan for me.

My job was easy. About 14. So I got up from the deck chair and went into the fireplace room under an excuse, which was always empty at this time. There the domestic worker awaited me. “I’m very pleased,” she said. As an appointment, the masseur went to Christina by the pool and explained to her: “Come with us, I have to show you something. “Of course she followed him. When Christina and the masseur reached the adjoining room to the fireplace room shortly thereafter, they could go through the window see how the domestic worker knelt in front of me and with relish a bliss.

For me it was of course fantastic that I was included in the plan in this way. And it cannot be denied: the lips of this woman were made to blow. That alone was awesome. But know that Christina watches me how this colored one sucks my cock, my lust multiplied by a factor of ten. After Christina discovered what happened, she wanted to storm into the fireplace room spontaneously and make a scene.

But the masseur held her back. “Calm down,” he said. “Just treat him to what you granted yourself. “Christina actually brought these words to rest. “Look there, it looks pretty cool,” the masseur encouraged her to watch next. Christina had to agree with him. The kneeling colored with the big tits made a splendid with my cock in the mouth. After a while, Christina was captured by the action.

So she let it happen that the masseur pulled her bikini pants out and pressed his cock against her slippery column. The other ruled Christina himself. She stretched her bottom back so that the masseur couldn’t help but put his tail in it. In the fireplace room I was able to hear Christina’s moan soon after, which mixed with the typical clapping. This moan gave me the rest. I sprayed it full of lust. The domestic worker did not let a drop go wrong.

Everything took it up. And she continued until my cock had become my little friend again. And while she was doing this, the masseur sprayed his juice into my girlfriend’s cunt. He had fucked her well, hard and strong. It was no question for me: the weekend had already paid off. When going to bed, Christina said to me, and the ambiguity in these words could not be ignored: “It was a strenuous day.

“” Yes, “I replied. “That was really. “We both had to try to control ourselves. On Sunday I declared Christina after consulting the boss that I wanted to play golf today. Just try it. I explained to her that she could come behind afterwards. She wanted to do that. When the time came, she asked what apparently randomly attended home -aged the way to the golf course, of course it did not fail to fail that Christina looked at the woman on his lips and thought of what these lips had done yesterday.

The domestic employee replied: “The shortest way is there over the meadow. But the path is prohibited. The gardener, my husband – this claim was not true, but was very functional, since it increased the likelihood that Christina slept with the gardener – just sowed there. Don’t let him catch you. “Of course Christina went across the meadow. And of course the gardener caught her – he had only waited for her. The gardener, a big, strong man, took Christina by the hand and pulled her with himself.

He scolded it constantly. “Just go over my freshly sown lawn! Actually only children do something like that! They get the bottom full! But an adult? TSS, TSS, TSS. Somehow I have to punish you. “Christina felt challenged by these sentences. She found it ridiculous that this person cared for his lawn while his wife fucked through the area. “Maybe you should be much more likely to punish your wife,” said Christina therefore. The gardener did not let himself be put on: “Now you are getting cheeky too! I know that my wife is fucking with the guests.

That doesn’t matter to me. I think she looks good when she blows. “Christina was totally dotted. “Don’t look so stupid,” said the gardener. “As you talk, you should think that you would still be Virgo. But I heard something else about that. “Christina could hardly believe what she heard there. If the masseur should have told the gardener … the gardener already gave her to her butt. “The way I see it,” he explained to Christina, I also know what I’m doing with you.

And without Christina being able to do something about it, the gardener wrapped it next to Christina’s hands with a rope and brought Christina to a tree. “Let me go?“, Christina demanded. The gardener left it cold. “You don’t really want that,” he said, while he was captivating Christina’s hands with the rope on the tree. “And besides, you are still guilty of me. “Christina couldn’t do anything about it when the gardener now took off her pants and her underpants.

She couldn’t do anything about it when he grabbed her butt. The gardener explained that his wife’s mouth and tits pretty horny that he – the gardener – is above all on asses. And there, he has to say that, Christina has the much hornier ass. Then he asked: “Strect it towards me!“I, to whom I pursued the whole thing from a safe hiding place, could not believe that Christina then actually stretched out her butt.

“Yes, that’s how it is,” praised the gardener. “Show me how horny your ass is. “Christina followed his request and put her bottom back even more. “More,” said the gardener. Christina did it. The gardener took her between her legs. “I knew it that it turned you on,” he stated and buttoned up his pants. “The masseur told me that you fuck yourself really well,” he said. “Let’s see if that’s true.

“He did not consider it, but fucked, knowing that Christina was soaking wet, immediately on it. The bumps were so strong that Christina had to accompany each of them with a groan. “Yes, he is right,” said the gardener. “You fuck yourself really well. “He hit her on her right buttocks with her flat hand. “And I think that your white ass is very excellent for your white ass. “The gardener Christina continued to appeal with his words.

She became more and more awesome. “I would like to put my spanking in your mouth,” he said. “Have you ever blown a negro tail?“Christina shook his head. “Soon you will do it. “Then when Christina was already as horny as I had never experienced, he looked at the clock, pulled out his cock and explained:“ It’s a shame that I don’t have time anymore. “He solved the fully stunned Christina and said:“ I have to go now.

“Christina couldn’t believe it. She found no words, just said: “But …” The gardener picked up the sentence: “But you fuck yourself so well that I want more of you. At 15. 00 o’clock I expect you in my house. “He pointed to the building in the background. Christina wanted to say something, but the gardener determined: “No rejection. I don’t have time now. And as a horny as you are, I am sure that you will be there afterwards.

“With that he continued. Christina no longer went to the Golf this morning. Instead, she went straight to her hotel room and began to masturbate. She wasn’t finished when I came back. But she didn’t let herself be disturbed, just continued to masturbate what she had never done otherwise. Loud groans signaled me that she had reached her point. After that, of course I wanted to sleep with her, she didn’t want to know anything about sex, but immediately fell into a deep sleep.

After she woke up and we had eaten at noon, I suggested that we could go for a walk together in the afternoon. “Oh no,” I received to answer. “I actually plan to go to the beauty salon again. “” Well, then I go alone, “I replied. I promptly went to the gardener’s house to take my hiding place there. Just in time at 15. Christina appeared at 00 a.m. The gardener opened her and let her in.

In the middle of the room he led her to a wooden frame. Christina was as surprised as I was when she saw it. The gardener said: “I got it out. It’s just right for you. “Then he worked up the upper part of the wooden frame. In the middle about hip height were a large and right of them two small holes. Only when I heard the gardener said: “Place in there”, I understood. The middle hole was for the neck, the small holes for the wrists.

Christina hesitated a moment. But then she did it. The gardener folded the frame over her neck and hands. Christina couldn’t help it. She had to stretch out her butt so that she could stand in this frame. “You look good,” commented the gardener. Next he pushed Christina up the t-shirt and grabbed her tits. She was absolutely delivered to him. He could do what he wanted with her. And he did what he wanted.

You don’t have a pretty excited woman in front of you every day. The gardener now pulled out her pants and underpants. “Is my horny sow already wet?”, asked he. “Yes, soaking wet,” he said. Now he undressed in his part. His stiff tail was impressive. He went around the frame, on the side of Christina’s mouth. “Blas him. “Now Christina had the facial expression as I wanted it. She was totally horny.

She opened her lips full of lust, ready to record the tail. The gardener, however. He had Christina braised in her lust, pressed his shaft against Christina’s cheek and then asked: “First you lick my eggs. “To do this, he held his cock vertically up and pressed his eggs against Christina’s mouth. “Suck you nice,” he ordered. Christina did it full of lust. “That’s how it is,” praised the gardener her actions.

“You deserved a reward for that. Unlike I expected it, he didn’t push Christina into his mouth now, but he kissed her. He pressed his mouth on her and gave her a wet horny tongue kiss. Then only after Christina returned this kiss and he had tasted her tongue, did he put his cock between his lips. Slowly he moved back and forth. “It’s a shame that there is no second cock to fuck you,” said the gardener, Christina withdrew his cock and went to Christina’s downside.

He looked at Christina’s butt, who actually looked awesome. Then he grabbed Christina between his legs. “You literally run out,” he commented on what he felt, stroked her pussy and asked: “If you want me to fuck you, you have to say it. “Christina shook his head. But the gardener was not put off: “I know that you want it. Then you can say it too. “To make it easier for her, he pressed his glans into her column.

“Come on, say it. “And when she already felt the tail, Christina actually floated:“ Fuck me. “She said it very quietly, but when the gardener asked her to say it louder, she did it. And finally, while the gardener birded her from behind, she called very loudly: “Fuck me. Fuck me properly. Fuck me how I deserve it “that was the right time for me to implement the plan discussed. So I secretly left my hiding place and went outside, shortly thereafter together with an employee, it was the man who had worn our suitcases also a colored house to enter the gardener’s house.

“What are you doing?“Were the text that I had to say against the background of the very clear event, which I had to say. Christina was shocked. She knew nothing to say. That didn’t need itself either. The gardener, who continued to fuck as agreed, replied for her: “You can see,” he said. “Your horny woman can be fucked through. And should I tell you something: she longs for a second cock. “And then he asked his colleague:“ Come on Pete, she needs your cock.

“Pete opened his pants, picked out his already wonderful stiff cock and pushed him with the words addressed to me:“ If you don’t mind?“Between the lips. When the bound Christina now in front of my eyes was fucked from the front and back at the same time, she lost all mastery. Every centimeter of her body was only uninhibited lust. All of her senses wanted nothing more than fucked. I also could hardly stand it, I now had insane desire to fuck Christina too.

After the boss’s script, I wasn’t on it yet. The script provided something different, something that I should say to the gardener, something that gave me great difficulties to say. But so far the boss had been right, so I said it: “As cool as it is, only one thing is missing now. “” You mean, “the gardener asked. “Yes, that’s what I mean. Fuck her in the ass!“I watched Christina exactly when I said that.

It was exciting to see how she reacted. At first she looked horrified and surprised, she looked at me with big eyes. But then her facial expression changed until he finally expressed nothing else than a voluptuous grin. After the gardener had extensively expanded the hole with his fingers, it was time. He pressed his glans against the hole and then pushed it in to Christinas anus, accompanied by Christina’s violent breathing in centimeters in centimeters. And I saw Christina almost lost reflection with lust when she was actually fucked in the ass.

I saw her enjoyed it. “May I inject her in her mouth?“, Meanwhile, the suitcase bearer. “Sure,” I replied. “That is what she likes. “And he splashed. And Christina swallowed. And then the gardener also sprayed. Fucked, Christina was fucked completely. When she left the frame, I had to support her. But when she came out of our shower half an hour later, she felt better. Just how it is. With the disappearance of lust, the shame comes.

Christina was infinitely uncomfortable, what she had done. Although we both knew how horny she had found it, she had the urgent need to apologize to me. “What can I do so that you forgive me?”, she asked. I did not respond to the question, but acted as if I was thinking to finally say as discussed: “I am disappointed with you. It’s not that I have something against it if someone else fuckes you.

But I want you not to do it secretly. I want you to tell me. You misused my trust. What you need is a punishment. “Christina nodded. Should she say that I also let me blow me, also secretly that I also had a breach of trust? Better not, Christina decided. After all, their breach of trust was a lot more important. In addition, she was interested in how things went out. It seemed to run out of sex, and that liked that.

She asked what kind of punishment she should get. I replied that I still had to think about it. After a while I determined: “You put on the white blouse for dinner today. “Christina twitched with his armpits. She seemed disappointed. I continued: “You don’t wear a bra underneath. “Christina spontaneously turned:“ But then you can see everything. “I replied:” Yes, I know. Everyone should see what you are.

“Christina excited again. She did not know a moment, where to go with herself, therefore looked at the clock awkward and gratefully found that the time has now progressed so far that Christina could already change now. As she finished, she stepped in front of the mirror when she was finished. Their nipples were very clear, and the curves of their breasts were also very clear. “Come on now,” I ordered her soon after.

“It’s time. “That evening two men sat at the table with us. I didn’t know whether it was guests. But that was to be assumed because both stem eyes were given when Cristina sat down. I pretended to go to the buffet and got me and Christina something to eat. When I came back, the men still start on Christina’s breasts. I don’t know how Christina felt this look. I didn’t care at that moment.

I had now learned what I had to do when I wanted to excite Christina. I therefore casually said: “Does anyone want to see my girlfriend’s tits?“The men looked at each other unsafe. “I’m serious,” I added. “She likes to show her. “” If that is the case … “, said the braver of both. So I called the waiter and asked him to open my girlfriend’s blouse. The waiter, apparently used to unusual wishes of his guests, smiled, stood behind Christina’s chair and started his work.

Christina later confessed to me that this was the moment when her lust took her possession. Button for a button, starting from top, opened the waiter. Soon all buttons were open and the waiter struck the fabric of the blouse, so that Christina’s breasts were now completely free. “Now we can eat,” I said. It was very fun to see how the two men did not take a moment out of his eyes during the food of Christina, as if they were missing something else.

When we had eaten to the end, I asked Christina: “You will now blow them a blow. Christina frightened. I now knew her well enough to see in her eyes the tingling of the pleasure that joined the scare. “Where?“, Was everything Christina said to my request. “Under the table. “The men grinned. This grin seemed slightly stupid on me, but Christina seemed to be irrelevant, maybe she just had no look for it now.

She looked to the right and left to the other tables, wanted to catch a moment when nobody watches. Then, when she said it was ready, she slipped under the tablecloth. The cocks waiting for Christina were already naked and stiff. Christina, when she saw the cocks, decided to only jerk off. It was very unusual and needed some coordination to have both cocks in their hands at the same time. The idea of taking the foreign cocks in her mouth no longer frightened Christina after the experiences of this weekend.

On the contrary, she was looking forward to it. And the unusual place where this also happened – under the table – it only turned on more. A punishment was not all in her eyes. The possibility of switching between the tails at will, sometimes to blow the other, then made a possibility of Christina lively, did the rest, so that Christina wanted to be fucked after a short time.

The thought of getting it from two cocks again at the same time, Christina intoxicated. Now she felt nothing more than pure lust. And this desire to blow was to blow in her way of blowing. Always cooler, always lustful she blew her cocks. And this lustfulness was increased by the way I told the two men about it: “They like what she does?”, I asked. “Yes, she blows well,” replied one of the men without Christina noticing which of both it was.

“You need to know,” I explained, “she is sexually quite active. “The men nodded. They also had the impression. “Know the gardener, for example?“They shook their heads. “This is a colored. As big and strong as the man is built, his cock is too. He tied up my girlfriend on her hands yesterday and then fucked her in the ass from behind while she blown one of his friend. “I knew my girlfriend listened to me.

And I knew it turned her on what I told. And now when I was sure that your arousal curve reached the climax, I determined: “You have two minutes to get to the end. Then we have to continue. “After a short time I heard one and soon afterwards the others come. I haven’t seen it, but I’m sure Christina did not miss the opportunity to let her both come in her mouth.

Because as soon as she came out under the table and sat down again, she reached the glass and drank something. Then she looked at me with a facial expression that said: “Well, satisfied?“Indeed, I was. I smiled, rose and asked her: “Come with us. “”Where do you want to go?“Asked Christina after we had taken a few steps. “Surprise,” I replied and continued in silence. I knocked on the door that the boss had previously shown me.

The door was opened from the inside and the domestic worker, again in its black and white uniform, let us go inside. In the middle of the room there was an X-shaped frame about two meters high. There were leather straps at all ends, the surface was covered with black fabric. At first glance it could be seen that this frame served to captivate someone. And it was immediately clear who should be someone. “Perform yourself,” said the domestic worker Christina.

She did what she was told. Even when the domestic worker Christina asked to stand on the X, as she called it, Christina did so without hesitation. With the leather straps, the domestic worker Christina then captivated the X. The domestic tape to this is the wrists at the upper two ends, the ankles on the lower and the hip on the middle. Christina was fixed on the X at all bound points and since the lower ends of the X were about fifty centimeters, I had a wonderful view between Christina’s legs.

With the naked eye it could be seen that Christina’s cunt was wet. The housekeeper checked the bondage again. She was satisfied with her work. Now, the hands of the housekeeper were still at the top, at the level of the bondage of the hands, the domestic worker drove up to Christina’s body with her hands on the outside and then on the front, but with recessing the vagina. “You have nice breasts,” praised the domestic worker when her hands had reached the breasts.

Christina’s Nipple were stiff. They looked tempting. The domestic worker apparently felt the same, because after she had played with her nipples with her fingers for a while, she took it between her lips and caressed her with her tongue, but not without gently biting her in between again and again. Then the house employee stood right ahead of Christina. She was very close to her when she began to stroke Christina’s cunt with her right hand.

The mouths of the two women were at most ten centimeters away when the domestic worker praised: “It is very unbelievable how wet you are. “Then she looked at the face of Christina for a long time, leaving her fingers the time to achieve effect. Incredibly sexy the house employee looked half -opened, the eyes full of demanding lust. Christina was to be seen that the fingers of the domestic workers understand their art. Her face looked much more excited than earlier, and quietly you hear her breath now too.

That was the moment when the domestic worker did something that was as cool as I had never experienced before. Very slowly she approached her mouth that of Christina. Me and certainly Christina also expected that the domestic worker Christina will now kiss. But she didn’t. Instead, the domestic worker stopped her movement just before her lips touched and whispered by Christina: “With these lips I blown one of your friend.

“Only then she gave Christina a kiss. A kiss that didn’t take long. The domestic worker only pressed her lips on Christina for a moment, without Christina returning this kiss, then the mouth of the domestic workers withdrew back. However, not far, but only to where the kiss had come from, that is, the mouth of the domestic workers was still just before Christina. But I have far too long now described.

The action itself happened in a much shorter time. Because immediately after the house employee had withdrawn, she said: “And with this tongue I licked his cock” and shortly afterwards drove her tongue over her lips. It was impressive to see how Christina was captured by these full lips and captured by this lustful tongue. Christina looked at it as banned. And so it seemed to me to be a matter of course that Christina did it shortly afterwards when the house worker now asked her: “Kiss me”, and approached her with half open mouth.

The kiss of tongue that the two now gave themselves was as full of sex as I have never experienced a kiss. I would like to kiss a lot about it. Even today I get a stiff when I think of the sight that the two of them now offered: my girlfriend, naked with shaved cunt, close in front of it the colored house employee with her huge tits, which were only covered by the maiden uniform, her handOn my girlfriend’s cunt, the big bladder lips pressed on my girlfriend’s lips and both kissing, as if they wanted to devour each other.

Without thinking I had taken off my pants and started jerking off. The housekeeper smiled when she saw this. She withdrew my girlfriend’s lips and explained: “And that’s exactly what I’m doing again now. “Then she knelt and put my cock in her mouth. She clearly blew for Christina now. All her actions were geared to let Christina see everything. But she still blew like a queen. More than the first time, she licked along my penis.

From below she smiled at me. From below she also looked at Christina, who watched us braised in her lust. And now the tongue of the domestic workers went to a new area. On knees, the domestic worker overcame the few centimeters from my cock to Christina’s cunt. Christina groaned comfortably when the strange tongue touched her labia. Again and again the domestic worker licked along Christina’s column. Then, the house employee had already spoiled with the practiced tongue of Christina’s Kitzler, she devoted herself to my cock again.

Again and again the domestic worker changed between us. Christina and I became more and more awesome. At some point the house worker asked me to get closer. She then grasped my cock with her hand, pulled it to Christina’s cunt until my glans touched Christina’s gate and moved my cock there with relishly a few times back and forth. With God, I had an insane desire to put my cock in her and to fuck her now. But that was not yet intended.

Rather, the domestic worker Christina asked while her clit with my tail tip: “Do you want to be fucked now?“Christina nodded vigorously. Oh yes, she wanted that. She absolutely wanted that. But the house employee said: “But you are not yet on it. First I come. “And with that she pulled out her panties under her skirt, pulled her skirt up, leaned forward, where she held and presented her dark -colored cunt on a rod whose function I did not recognize.

I think at that moment I would have fucked something else. But this ass and this cunt really deserved it. You were pure sex. I had never slept with a colored one. When I did it now, I found it over all dimensions to see my white cock disappear in her dark skin. Her ass was very different from that of Christina. He was reason and massive. But just like the gardener had found my girlfriend’s butt particularly horny, who was small and crisp, I now found that of the housekeeper particularly horny.

I couldn’t touch him enough. And I loved to see my bumps mirrored in the big buttocks. The fact that Christina watched me fuck only turned me on more. So I did not agree that the house employee escaped me again after a long time. “Now you are experiencing a surprise,” she said to Christina and pressed on the end of the rod, where there was a small switching desk, on a button.

To my and Christina’s big surprise, a flap opened directly under Christina and a huge dildo came out of the ground from below using a small elevator. It was even bigger and thicker than the cock from the gardener, determined twenty -five centimeters long. “Now you are being fucked right away,” said the house employee, loosened the bonds of the feet and operated a small lever. As soon as she had done this, the X moved down and gradually disappeared into the ground.

Christina forced her legs forced. Christina’s fuselage continued to lower. The tip of the dildo, a glans shaped, was only a few centimeters away from Christina’s gate, when the movement stopped. The domestic worker pressed on another button, which resulted in the tip of the dildo in strong vibration. “Believe me, you will love it,” said the house employee. And she kept right. When the vibrating tip touched Christina’s cunt, Christina groaned out loud.

It was not only the fact that the cunt longed for a touch anyway, but it was this vibration that had triggered this moan. The housekeeper, I was sure she had already enjoyed this vibration, knew this exactly. She let Christina down a short piece until the dildo tip entered Christina’s cunt, then she left Christina, where she was. The vibration was exactly in the right place. It appealed exactly the right place.

It didn’t take long for Christina’s orgasm unmistakably just before. The housekeeper Christina did not yet allow him to. She switched off the vibration. Disappointed Christina looked at her. The housekeeper did not make any institutions to press the button again. Instead, she said: “And now you are being fucked. “With this she pressed on another button, which resulted in the dildo began to move up very slowly. “Say stop when it is far enough,” the housekeeper Christina asked.

It breathed violently, while the dildo disappeared more and more in her vagina. Almost twenty centimeters were in when Christina finally said stop. “You are pretty dirty,” commented the housekeeper. Then she pressed on another button, which resulted in the dildo slowly moving up and down, upwards, downwards and always so on. “It doesn’t work faster?“Asked Christina, who apparently liked the matter. “Of course that works,” replies the housekeeper and increased the speed until Christina was satisfied.

She was now really fucked. Now the housekeeper turned back to me. “But now I want to,” she said, leaning back forward again. well finally! I greedily put my cock back in and greedily I fucked her. I could see how through my impacts the left tits of the housekeeper slipped out of her blouse. The rocking of these tits made me crazy. Soon I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was still trying to pull out my cock and prevent my coming, but I realized that it was too late for that.

So I put it back in to enjoy a few more bumps. A few seconds later, the orgasm took possession of me. Moaning loudly I injected my sperm into the housekeeper. “Yes,” said the housekeeper, “that’s how it is good. “Only now did I look at Christina again. She too, I thought, was slowly deserved to redemption. “That,” said the housekeeper, “she had to earn herself. ” “How?”” I always like to see it when a white blows my husband one.

“With these words, the housekeeper opened the door and brought the gardener in. “She has come,” said the housekeeper and pointed to Christina. “Put your cock in your mouth and jerk her full. “That is exactly what he did. I immediately got a stiff when I saw how my girlfriend’s gardener pushed his black cock into my mouth. The gardener jerked his cock right in front of her face while Christina sucked on his glans.

At the speed it won’t take long for it to come, I thought. And right. When the gardener will soon come, Christina’s housekeeper asked: “You don’t leave a drop. “Shortly afterwards he came. And I could see how my girlfriend took up tons of sperm and swallowed to the last drop. As a reward, the housekeeper Christina left Frei. “Now sit down on your boyfriend,” the housekeeper asked from Christina and instructed me to lie on the floor.

I was surprised that Christina still wanted to do so, but I had to see that the housekeeper could better assess my friend’s sense of pleasure than me. Christina sat down on my cock, which was incredibly good for me, and began to ride. But immediately the housekeeper called: “Hold!“Christina held out frightened. “I didn’t say anything about riding,” said the housekeeper. And with a smile she said again: “You have to earn that. “”How?“Asked Christina. “You will see that right away.

“Then the housekeeper stood over me to kneel shortly afterwards so that her cunt was directly above my head, but too far away to actually lick her. “It’s very simple,” said the housekeeper. “Your friend will lick my cunt while he fucks you”, she circled with her lower body, so that I almost no longer stand out with lust. “And so that you don’t get too short, my husband fucks you in the ass at the same time.

“And the gardener was already behind her. I don’t know what I found more horny: the cunt that the housekeeper pressed into my face and licking them at this moment was my greatest wish or the fact that I felt my tail shortly afterwards how the tail of theGärtner’s my girlfriend fucked in the neighboring hole in the ass. Christina later told me that she had similar thoughts at that moment.

She had heard that there was a sandwich and also seen it in porn, but she would never have thought possible in life that she would experience something like that. The fact that she was at the very close nearby, her face was from the cunt of the housekeeper thirty centimeters away, would experience how her friend licks another woman’s cunt. In the middle of being fucked-the gardener had torn the blouse apart from the housekeeper, so that their huge black tits swung back and forth horny, Christina reached her point.

And while the two cocks continued to fuck her, Christina was carried away by the waves of her lust. The gardener noticed this immediately, and after a few quick impacts he also came. I followed myself soon after, and just a few moments later, Christina sank exhausted into my arms. I held her for a long time. I knew the weekend was over. And I knew it was worth it.

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