Overtime | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Actually, Sibyll would have had to feel the crackling tension and the strange atmosphere immediately, but since it was Friday afternoon, and she was already thoughts in the weekend, she thought nothing about it when she with her three male colleagues in the Archives of the AnthusesThey worked and that was in the basement of the house should work a few overtime. It was oppressive and actually too hot for the beginning of September. All four sweating and were happy to be able to stay in the coolest rooms in the old building villa. Sibylle was 19 years old and prospective lawyer assistant.

She was wearing a high-necked, linen-colored summer dress corresponding to the summer temperatures, which was mixed with colorful floral motifs, and almost fell to the feet cladding with lace-up sandals. The airy fabric denied a look at her feminines decollté but the male eye was more than compensated. The reason for this was primarily its lush bust, which, since the dress had a covenant at the hip height and thus nestled on its waist, clearly appeared through the linen. To the special joy of all male employees, Sibylle BH´s loathed.
She enjoyed the eyes of her male colleagues who steal not only their well-shaped breasts but also her beautiful butt at every opportunity to make a look at.

Her blond long hair carried her up to a braid during work and thus allowed the view of her exhausted neck. In dealing with make-up, she was sparing, watched by a dark red lipstick. As she had a tan as a regular visitor to a solarium on the whole body, which she was envied by many of her colleagues. She was strikingly large for a woman and these 181 cm were the cause of her very good performances in the volleyball club, which in turn benefited her slim figure.

In short, Sibylle knew that she looked good and gave a healthy dose of confidence from it. In principle, the archive was nothing more than the large cellar vault of the Wilhelminian style villa, in which the well -known law firm was located. At the beginning of the 1970s, a temporary heating that failed regularly was installed and the floor was laid out with carpet tiles. The walls were almost exceptionally equipped with shelves, the overflowing of files and index boxes filled with client information and relics from past legal disputes.

In the middle of the room there was a large dark-brown Mahogonian freetic, which had belonged to the late senior of the law firm and probably no longer suited the image of a modern law firm. Under the ceiling, a meter -long neon lamp surfed that flickered at intervals and dipped the room in a bluish, unreal light. Nobody from the law firm really liked to work in the archive, but since there was no air conditioning in the entire building, none of the four was completely averse to staying in the cool walls for two hours.
So much time they were estimated for their search for documents of previous Pro-Zesses, which their boss, who also held lectures at the university, needed for his remarks. All four had received a list of keywords and should now search adequate documents from an unimaginable contingent of paper.

Sibylle had given her male colleagues to the place at the desk, the only one who had a seating area in the form of a wooden chair with roles that came from the 1950s and was almost ridiculously looked, everyone else had to go to the ste-Hen work before the shelves. She had acknowledged this gesture of the strong gender with a lä-Scheln. After a short time, she had to find out that the men were not quite right and apparently more about the issue intended for them. The conversation moved, although all three prospective lawyers were, on one, as she found, very strange level.

The jokes and teasing were hardly to be beaten on frivo-latities and indications, and their appearance and their figure represent the central conversation substance. She smiled tormented and tried to ignore the pointed sensitivity and to concentrate on her work. Since the desk stood in the middle of the room and acted on its front opposite the drawers as a file shelf, Sibylle stood up and went around the table. For a short moment, she tended to go back to the gray Leitz file folder, which she had just leafed through to his old place in the lower compartment of the desk.

When she straightened up again, she was suddenly surrounded by her male colleagues. She looked around confused. Thomas and Ralf who had just been five steps away next to the starting door were now left and right next to her. Michael, who seemed deeply in a index box in the back of the room until a few seconds ago, suddenly stood in front of her in front of her.

Before she knew what happened, she felt the hands of Thomas and Ralf to upper and forearms. Michael, came a step closer and looked into her eyes. “My god, you look stunning again today.“His two colleagues nodded in agreement. “What is the nonsense,” replied Sibylle Harsch.

“You let go of me on the spot” but none of the three made institutions to change his behavior. “I’ve always wondered if these two have a gift from the Mother Nature or the masterpiece of a first -class cosmetic surgeon are “. With that he lowered his view of the two breasts, which he almost touched with his upper body.
“Don’t make no nonsense, boys and let me go,” Sibylle replied, who suddenly recognized the unpleasant situation she was in. She sparkled the three from her green eyes, but immediately noticed that if she didn’t quickly come up with something, she would lose control of this dangerous situation.

“Listen, I’ll make you a suggestion. You let me go on the spot and I will not tell the boss, ”she warned her colleagues. Michael laughed compassionately. “Three to one, that should not only be enough for the boss but before each court.

As an expert, we probably don’t have to tell you that?”. With these words he raised his right hand and tenderly drove her through her face. “You are really beautiful,” he said and looked at her with opened eyes. His hand sank over her chin and now carefully slid over her neck.

Sibylle was electrified. She had been involved in a motorcycle accident three years ago and the state of shock was comparable to the current one. She did not get a sound and couldn’t move. Michael’s hand had now reached her decol tea and slipped almost slowly about the curvature of the dress.

He lifted his left, shaped two large semi -circles with his hands, and began to massage her breasts gently. Your nipples straightened up.
Sibylle was stiff. Michael now pressed more firmly against her breasts with both hands and the other two reinforced their grip on their upper arms. He started kneading more intensively.

Then he grabbed the two warts with thumb and index fingers, which he now felt more and clearer due to the thin fabric and rubbed it very slow. He looked into her eyes. Sibylle drove through an adrenaline shock that she had never experienced before. She came back.

She thought about how she came out of this number. “Okay, okay,” she said, “I’m already seeing, you can no longer get you with reason. I’ll show you my breasts and then we forget the whole thing here. Agreed?.

“She would show them what everyone in the outdoor pool could see and then disappear quickly. She looked at the three desperately. Michael looked at his two koles briefly and nodded. Sibylle loosened from the clasp, in which she took a step back in front of the big desk.

She gave the men an angry look, gave a moment and, because no saving idea wanted to come, grabbed her neck with both Hän-Things to open the button there. With a short handle she had opened the waistband on her neck. Slowly she dropped the fabric over her shoulders to her hips. With crossed arms she held the dress that now threatened to sink to the floor in front of her belly button and now revealed a clear view of her breasts.

Their cheeks blushed. Ralf groaned loudly. They look like apples “. Thomas nodded.“I haven’t seen anything like this yet.

Too bad to hide them under a dress “. Despite the situation, Sibylle felt something like proud of her beautiful body and although she had long recognized the danger in which she had recognized herself, she even felt flattered for a short moment. Her showers ran all over the body. Not only the shape of her breasts corresponded to the ideal but also the proportions of the nipples, the five-mark piece-sized tender pink in the neon light of office lighting shimmering.

Michael came a step closer. He stared at him spellbound. “Craziness. You are right how mature apples.”.

He looked at his two colleagues and winked at them. “Ripe to pick”. At that moment Ralf and Thomas took one step forward and held Sibylle again on their arms. She vehemently tried to get away from the clasp, but the two men were far too strong.

“I scream the whole house together”
She screamed and realized that she had just lost her last rest of sovereignty. Mi-chana slowly shook his head. “Mouse, you seem to forget that we are practically in the weekend. In addition, we are in the basement.I doubt that even if someone else was in the house, someone could hear you – so, I would suggest you relax a bit.“Sibylle got over hot and cold.

Michael was right.. She was at the mercy of the three of the three. “Make on” asked Ralf Michael with impatient. “I also want to see the rest.”.

But Michael initially tilted his head forward, lifted her two apples with his hands, although not necessarily small, could not completely span her breasts and began to suck carefully on her warts. Sibylle threw the head to the side. “No – stop” she shouted, but without a result. Alternately he played around the warts with his tongue to suck them powerfully the next moment.

Her breasts now shone from his saliva. The nipples now stood out like small antennas. Your legs tremble.
Michael slowly sank to his knees in front of Sibylle. Almost slow -motion, and against her angry protests he pulled the dress that was only held by a light rubber bond, over her hips.

It slid quietly to the ground. “What a chassis” he murmured. All three sample their excitingly long, sun-tanned legs. Sibylle felt a toilet in the throat.

Tau broad thoughts raged through their heads. Once again she reared up to free herself out of the hard grip of the men, but it was pointless. Her long blonde Haa-Re, which she had braided into a strict braid, now fell wildly in her face. “Continue, further” now demanded Thomas, but Michael, who is still kneeling in front of Sibylle, stared at the flat belly that a fine blonde fluff decorated, the cotton brip that gave up the venus hill with ruffles and endlessly long brownLegs.

“Do not sleep” warned Ralf. Michael grabbed with his hands after the covenant of the briefs. Sibylle threw her hip forward. She immediately turned and turned her arms so vigorously, which, in order to encounter the pressure, she had to put candles straight on the tips of the toe and pushed her breasts forward.

She heard to fight back. Michael took the hem of the briefs on both sides with thumb and index finger, and began to slowly pull it down. Sibylle breathed heavily. Her breast raised and lowered.

She was now except for a golden chain with heart pendants, which she carried around her neck and her sandals up to hers Tie up were laced, completely naked. The three stared stunned at the sight of them that offered them. Except for a narrow blonde fluff that ranged from the bottom to a hand’s breadth under the belly button, it was pussy shaved. Thomas moaned.

“That can not be true.”
Sibylle started to whimper. “Please no further”. Nobody reacted. Michael now slowly drove up on the inside of her legs, starting from the bondage of her right foot.

Gentle over the lower leg and almost tenderly, then the thigh until he reached the pussy with his right hand. He lifted his head and looked into her face as he started to press the two fingers into their gap very carefully and with rotating movements. His finger crests gently pressed against their labia. It increased the pressure gently so that he overcame the tension of the Pfor tate and dived his fingertips into it.

His fingers felt the soft, warm milieu. Sibylle closed her eyes. A mixture of reluctance and sexual excitation made her knees tremble. That couldn’t be true.

Again and back and back his right hand drove. His fingers now disappeared to the ankle to come to light the next moment. He pulled it out to put them out leisurely and piece by piece. He fucked her with his fingers.

Sibylle felt her despair how she became damp. Again he drove in and out again. Sibylle failed for a moment. When Michael immersed his now shiny fingers deeply into her, she would have gone to the ground if the two left and right had not captured them.

She bit her teeth together when he again pushed his longest fingers into her ever damp column and turned carefully. She threw her head back and groaned loudly “No – oh no”. Suddenly Michael was pushed aside. “Square there” sounded Ralf.

Sibylle opened the eyes. In front of her stood in front of her, who had exchanged the place with Michael. To her horror, she saw his pants on his shoes. In his hand he held his stiff cock.

The foreskin Had he pulled behind his rosa nash, shiny glans. From the gap of his glans a drop of sliding fluid. He only jerked briefly three times and then occurred.
She felt his glans on her cunt. This was the moment she loved so when she was with her boyfriend.

With a strong push he penetrated to her standing up to the stop. Sibylle cried out loud. She was now on tiptoe. Ralf took up her buttocks with both hands and cut his lower body against her, so that her butt bumped into the edge of the desk.

His mouth was open, his eyes closed, his face twitched ecstatic. He threw his hip back to hurl it up again the next moment and to piss it up with his long link. Sibylle began to breathe violently. She felt that his bumps became more and more powerful and her big tits bid in an ever faster staccato.

Your gender got hot and hotter. She smelled his breath and turned his head off him. His movements became more and more powerful, so that it was raised a few centimeters with each impact. Her hair hung on her face and stuck on her chest.

Sweat ran down her legs. Ralf now grabbed her hair and pressed her head backwards. She screamed and at that moment he pushed his tongue into her throat. She tried to turn her head, but it was no chance.

She felt his raging tongue, noticed how his excitement grew. With a throaty moan he pumped his seed into the uterus. He hammered his link into her cunt for six or seven times, then he swapped out with Thomas exhausted. This had now completely freed from his textiles.

He raised her Link thigh with his left and grabbed her left buttocks with his right, so that she inevitably leaned against Michael’s shoulder, who held her on the left side. His cock was a bit crooked than Ralf’s, but no less long. Now he rocked excitedly. Thomas took half a step forward and leaned his upper body slightly backwards.

Again she felt his glans on her grotto. Slowly he pushed his lower body forward. Sibylle almost lost reflection. Her cunt smoke loudly as his stake immersed in her.

Thomas now fucked his colleague in even bumps.. Your whole body trembled. The blonde long hair bust in front of her face. Thomas fucked slower than Ralf, not as fast and animal.

Again and again and again at the same intervals, he drove into them. Her head hung forward and wiggled like her tits every time his lower body drove against her. Her cunt was now red and unbearably hot due to the friction. With every immersion in her vagina, she took out a pressed Stöhen.

Again he pulled his strap out almost completely. Then he slid again into her smacking vagina. Her eyes were closed, her mouth shaped an groan: “Oh God”. Thomas fucked her in the rhythm of a slow waltz and she felt the ecstasy, which was created against her will.

Again and again he drove into her until after about three minutes from one orgasm was overwhelmed and unloaded in it. Sibylle felt the sperm beam in her abdomen like a raging hurricane. Thomas pulled his limb out of her and kicked welding wet and to the side with a turf -red head. He took Michael’s place.
This rated Sibylle, which had given up every resistance, her shoulders and turned her so that she had to bend over the massive desk and stretched out his magnificent part.

In order not to overthrow, they support herself with both hands on the table top, their upper arms still in the clamp of their two male colleagues. Her Big tits drained over the desk. Her long hair danced on the desk pad. Michael opened his pants and jerked his cock.

Then he pressed his big red acorn carefully against her cunt. Sibylle, who was now sweaty, moaned: “Please not, I can’t do it anymore.” sperm dripped out of her vagina. He penetrated her very slowly and started sewing her with relishes from behind. With each impact her cunt became hotter.

Loud smack noises testified to the spermals that she had already absorbed and that ran down in a trickle on her leg. Michael moved his hip slowly but powerfully back and forth. He pulled his cock out of her cunt every time and then re -introduced at the same pace. He looked at her welding back.

A trickle had formed between her brown shoulders and now slowly flowed down to her poreates. Her head nodded forward at the same time of his movements. Her golden chain with the heart follower waved back and forth. With every bump, a loud sigh was out of her “Oh, Oh, Oh.“His hands rested on their hips.

Sibylle lost reflection. She felt how a gigantic orgasm formed in her abdomen. Her eyes were closed and she groaned with every blow with a wide open mouth. “I can not anymore”
Her face glowed dark red.

Michael drove into her again. He felt on the contraction of her vagina that she would come right away. Despite the sperm wing, she was getting tighter. Again and again he pushed his bursting hard penis into her boiling vagina.

Sibylle became short of breath. Their rear part began to vibrate and her legs started to tremble. He leaned a little forward, gripped her sweaty breasts and began to knead her. At that moment Sibylle threw her head back and screamed towards the orgasm of her life.

“Yes, oh yes” she sobbed when she felt how Michael’s Stakkato became faster and faster and he started his last bumps. When she felt the first cry of nasty in her vagina, she lost reflection. Her cunt contracted, her entire abdomen exploded in an infernal orgasm and she screamed from body strength a single, elongated:. “Jaaaaah” she twisted her eyes, her legs failed and she fell on the desk with her upper body.

Her butt always twitched his tail from her dripping vagina long after Michael had pulled his tail after Michael. Then all four sank to the ground weakly. Sibylle woke out of her coma by the sound of a cutting scissors. She lifted her head and looked into Michael’s grinning face.

In the right he held paper scissors in which the left three of her pubic hair Michael laughed ”as a memory of the most beautiful overtime of our life.”

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