In the monastery | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The story takes place in a small Sued German town. Today Maria’s big day was.

After a long supervision, she could finally get through to enter the Oertliche monastery. Certainly, it was not an easy decision. She hadn’t seen much of the world at the age of 23, but she was sure that she wouldn’t miss anything.

She was in this city too long and so far nobody had prepared her for the “true” life. Certainly this behavior could be considered to be foreign to the world or even naive, but Maria was sure to do the right thing.

There was definitely a lot of thirst for adventure. After all, the monastery was built over 1000 years ago. An old castle ruin in front of which Maria had already played as a small maedchen and was finally able to experience what was going on behind these walls.

And then there was the prospect of getting to know a lot of new friends, because this monastery was something extraordinary: the new pastor, a young and creative man, knew how to do conviction and also inspire a number of young girls from the monastery life. So far, Maria had had few friendships. So it was not too difficult for her to say goodbye. When the big goal opened, she looked back towards the city again, but quickly turned again and stepped into the courtyard.

Immediately she was welcomed by one of the fellow sisters: “Come on, let your spotted just stand, the ceremony has already started. I am called Stephanie by the way.“Maria stepped into the chapel, where she was solemnly introduced to her new office. Then her new room was shown her. It was not particularly large or noticeably furnished, but it was at least a separate room where you could also be undestoed, and the high stone gear conveyed the feeling of burgrom.

Maria sighed briefly and threw herself on the bed. That was your stay for the rest of her life. But soon she got up and tried to adjust to life at the farm. She was welcomed very friendly and was quickly connected to her comrades.

Above all, she was amazed that there were only a few more old women at the castle. It was a handful of long -established administrators who lived in another part of the baud or were even housed in a new building in front of the walls, and with which Maria therefore rarely Contact had. So Maria lived with about ten to Zwoelfi of the same age, with whom she was pronounced. But after almost four days, Maria was missing something.

She felt a peculiar pull in the groin area, which she had regularly removed by hand due to lack of lovers. But now behind the monastery walls she found it a little freight to put on her hand, and so she tried to distract herself by reading. But the regular visit of the pastor and his ongoing presence – at least Maria felt this – made that Maria could soon think of nothing else. Today was Friday.

After the common evening mass, “leisure” was announced. The work at the farm was done for this week, dinner was a good two hours back. Mary found leisure as a good word, but here in the monastery, where the possibilities were relatively crazy, Maria longed for work again, especially since she was no longer distracted and the slight but certain demand for her abdomen.

But not only Maria knew nothing to do with her free time. Stephanie knocked on the Tuer and asked if Maria wasn’t for have a shower come to come.

They had to start with extensive washing the weekend through extensive washing. Maria was actually not so enthusiastic about this idea, but in order not to be considered insufficient, she took her towel and followed Stephanie in the big washroom. There were already the rests and rubbed themselves with soap, cleaned the tendon, or let the warm water trickle over their young bodies. Stephanie and Maria undressed and Stephanie took part in the last of the free shower.

In order not to stand around completely useless, Maria moved in front of one of the washbasins and began to clean the tendon. In doing so, she was able to watch the other girls through the big mirrors again and again. Maria admired her friends’ flawless body. Your tendon cleaning slowed down.

She saw Stephanie distributed some shower gel on her hair and then slowly drove over her body with the hair ends.

First over the back, then over the legs, then slowly stroked the bruest, and faithful between the legs and extensively lingering with circular movements there. Maria was visibly excited. She gave up how slowly the triangle between her legs became more and more damp. Your clit must already stand out.

Maria pressed her legs together to hide their excitement to the rests. Stephanie took off the shower and came up with Maria. She stroked with one hand over his girlfriend’s shoulder: “You can now, I’m done !”. Maria didn’t dare to move.

The girlfriend’s hand did her. Stephanie’s hand slowly slid between the bruest of her fellow sister. Stephanie stood all behind Maria and now also took her second hand to help. Pruefend she weighed Maria’s brueste with her hair ending to knead her slowly.

First pronounced, then always becoming a steerer. Maria’s Nippel became more and more Haerter and stood up vertically. She put her head back, hardly moved.

She simply enjoyed the girlfriend’s references. Stephanie spread my knee Maria’s legs, who were still shamefully pressed together until then.

Maria trembled all over the body. Her clit came out of bright red and gave the other girls the sign to be active themselves. They carefully pulled Mary away from the sink and put them in the middle of the room. Haende stroked over Maria’s Ruecken, the legs, the brueste, grabbed their crotch and massaged the labia.

Maria got nothing from all of this. Her body winced with excitement. Her abdomen baumed to be closer to the caresses. Maria no longer thought of the abstinence of the past few days.

She only felt the ceremonies of her friends. A orgasm after the other she through. Elisabeth, one of her fellow sisters, knelt in front of Maria and began to penetrate with her tongue in Maria’s moist Hoehle and to lick the juice, which is increasingly flowing. Maria threw her head to side, her hot pussy I was twitching under the ceremonies of Elisabeth’s nimble tongue, in front of her eyes: stars, an undersum of stars.

Other sisters covered their tense body with Kuessen. Her body was baising again. One last orgasm flooded her.

The friends let off her from her. Maria could hardly hold herself on her feet.

It was carefully placed on the tiles used by the shower water.

A slight smile went through the bystanders. Stephanie’s brueste had meanwhile become stiff and their gait handles between their legs. While she penetrated with two fingers, she began to cook Elisabeth in demand in order to get some of Maria’s moist juice. Elisabeth returned by carefully into Stephanies with her hand anus penetration.

The bystanders now also warned each other and began to satisfy each other. The whole group sank to the ground and fell into wild stoeing.

Haende and Muender wherever you could see. Again and again the twitching of a maede body that once again experienced the magic of an organism. Maria slowly came back to herself and watched the hustle and bustle, while her having turned her most intimate places.

But this wild orgy also came to an end. The women gradually fell apart, stay on the floor, stroked between their legs. The weekend had already started well. Ploetically, the Tuer opened.

The young pastor stepped in and looked down at the surrounding. “Ah, I see, you have already prepared your new roommate for the customs and consumed here,” a wide grin passed his face. “I think it’s time Sister To learn Maria, or ?“Even before Maria could say something, she was captured by the friends, and her legs were spread wide apart. The pastor let his cloak slide from the body.

He didn’t wore underneath. Maria’s eyes shone.

Certainly, he did a lot of sport, you could see that, but she hadn’t expected such a body. He knelt between her legs. The mere sight of his tight link left her nipples upright, and she felt that she was getting wetter.

She could hardly wait to be taken by him. But he let himself be all the time in the world. He looked at her damp hole extensively. With his plump glans, he kept taking her clit.

Maria’s body baeed up. Just one left tail In itself, she was still missing that. “Fuck me !“, She shouted with all your strength. “..

Just slowly with the young horses, ”he laid out. The bystanders giggled. “You know that you have to live steadily in this place. I think you should be punished for this.“Approval of the bystanders.

He lifted Mary into the hooding position and rammed his hard pipe in her butt. A raging pain through Milia’s body. She has never had Anal sex made. But at the same time she felt the meat in her intestine and an indescribable pleasure of pleasure spread in it.

“You already have your Suces ?“A haemic laugh behind her. Maria couldn’t answer. Stephanie began to massage Maria’s brueste with her hair ends. Maria chuckled easily.

“I take it up as no.“The young pastor pulled out his trunk to put him back in. Traenes stood in her eyes, although the pain was no longer as strong as the first time. A slight whimpered Maria. “A little bit,” laughed the pastor and immediately pulled out his hard member again.

Elisabeth could no longer hold herself and slipped under Maria to flee the fluid that Maria’s legs slowly ran down with her mouth.

Maria began to Stoehn evenly. The pastor penetrated her again, but now there was no stopping. Maria moved her back slowly and back to spur the member. The pastor also started to Stoehn evenly: “I see that you learn quickly.

We will still have a lot of fun together.“The resting maedchen began to stroke each other between the legs. The couple’s sight was too exciting, who had to come to orgasm at any moment. Maria’s breath became faster and faster. Your body seemed to burst.

Then the pastor pulled his stake out of her.

Maria’s eyes shone in horror. He couldn’t do that to her, not now.

But Stephanie’s fingers quickly took the place of his mallion, while the pastor Maria, kept his wet red acorn in front of his mouth. Mary immediately took the tip into her mouth. Her tongue circled the glans, then she bent her head to absorb the entire shaft.

Her rough tongue played around his throbbing member. With her right, she stopped on the ground while Maria massaged his testicles with her left hand. She would like to have been put out loud now, she would not have been fully filled. Their loins began to twitch.

The fingers of Elisabeth and Stephanie were only separated from each other by the skin of the skin and drove Mary’s lust into the height. Slowly blows the picture in front of your eyes. Maria was about to orgasm, when the limb suddenly began to twitch in her mouth and the pastor released his entire load in her mouth. Maria was looking for hucking herself.

Thrust for thrust the pastor pumped his cream into her little mouth. The slightly salty taste ripped on her tongue. How long had it not tasted him anymore. The seed ran from her mouth and flowed over her face, but there were quickly other girls who did not let the precious fluidity drop uselessly.

The young man wanted to pull his limb out of her, but she did not release him without the last drop of seeds from him to “get” out of him. Then he got dressed again and disappeared with a wink as quickly as he came, while the maedchen still knew extensively time to distribute the taste of his seeds evenly. Then they showered briefly and put on too.

Maria was like never before. She knew exactly what was going on her next Friday and was sure that she had made me the right choice to enter the monastery.

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