Thoughts about love, lust and passion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was one of these typical weekends where I had to ask myself again what is so popular as it could become a successful one. There are already its possibilities as you can make it really varied so that there is no boredom. More precisely, I do not want to go into it, but rather tell how I imagine it in thoughts and in my imagination, so that it becomes a very special, unforgettable experience.
But now I have to go a little further and first report from the past 5 months, which have contributed to what has become so important to me today, which has become part of me today, which has become so important to me today. The 5 months experienced also play here in actual history, a very important role.

But first of all I want to tell how it all started.

It all started in the fall of the last year, although the exact time / date is not necessarily important than the person who has become so important to me today. We got to know each other about one of these many chat boxes here in Berlin. In order to make what is meant, I want to briefly explain this in a few sentences.
Internet I would have to be familiar with everyone, just like the beautiful word data highway. There is also data on the Internet that also report chat areas on a wide variety of topics, where you can meet and exchange ideas, computer freaks (users) at the same time with other people, computer freaks (users).

The name user simply means users, the person who is currently on the Internet or one of the other mailbox systems, which is currently under their own name, or a so -called pseudonym (account) (account). The fascinating in the Chat area is that you can talk to many users about the keyboard at the same time. There it is possible to either meet in a multichat, which is easy to compare with a CAF, or you write private messages (Messis) to very specific users. These messages can also be received and answered immediately if the relevant user stops and is in the box at the same time as I am in the box.

I guess it should be enough as a brief explanation of what you have to mean by chat boxes.
But now back and continue in the actual text.

I can no longer say exactly who of us had now written to whom was the first to write to whom, which does not play the significant role either. It is much more important that one of us did and dared to do it at all. I just have to find out that I have not yet mentioned our Na-Men there. I just call myself John here and I call the person in question as a Pia, which of course is not our names there.

Similarities or even the same names among the users here would be pure coincidence, for which I do not accept any liability. That would be mentioned quickly. But now on. It didn’t take long and we were deepened in a nice conversation.

Often you only get short and rather unimportant answers about the weather, or what is not particularly interested in you when you write someone down. But at Pia that was not the case right from the start. We both quickly realized that we really enjoyed writing, exchanging things, and wanting to learn what the other person is for a human being. Age, job, hobbies and finally, of course, the most important thing to be able to learn about the exterior.

Who doesn’t want to know that.

Of what she told me, I was very soon taken with her, as was her lust for life and openness. I could really talk to her about everything. There was hardly a topic that was taboo for us, which we didn’t talk about. That was also, which somehow fascinated me more and more about Pia, without being able to talk about any concerns about everything.

To counter trust and understand each other, yes, to build a real basis of trust between the two of us. In the following weeks and months, such a familiarity developed that was not only said to be able to release his heart to the other. Everyone learned so much from the other that has now been a thought stronger and stronger. Not only to write, but also to hear the voice, just to make a phone call.

Proofed, said and done.

For some time now, so much had been written in the Messi and also in letters that the excitement to finally make calls, was no longer the big one. Although I have to confess that I was already a little excited, everyone would have been the first to call. But this slightly excited feeling, it evaporated very quickly. We then also found ourselves in conversation when talking on the phone, as we did not have any problems in our messages at the beginning.

I can only say that I always enjoyed the first calls with her, where nothing has changed to this day.

I had developed a feeling, especially with me, which then no longer left me alone. This feeling finally wanted to get to know Pia personally. We both could feel that this was unfortunately not so easy. Again and again there was something in between.

It was already desperate. Pia hardly believed that it could work with us at all. But the ice was finally broken and in early February, it was a Saturday, then the long -awaited moment came, we really met.

We had made an appointment in a cozy pub, which was also a user meeting and is also available. Then it finally happened, after a good 5 months we both could look into our eyes.

If you say that the look can hit, then your eyes have hit me fully. Your eyes just have something that always makes me restless, but in which I really sink and come into dreaming. I have loved it for a long time, but since this moment when we both wait for a long time and hope that we will ever meet personally, since that moment I have not just loved it, no, noI love a lot more and very much. She has become the most important thing in my life that I never want to miss, I just won Pia too much too much for that.
Since the first meeting, a good 4 weeks have moved into the country again, where we both spent very nice hours in the box and in the pub.

I particularly like to remember one thing when we both met at Lake Tegler. We had agreed with our dogs there, although mine unfortunately got a little sick and I had to leave him at home after all. But even without my dog it was the most beautiful hours for me. I guess myself, for Pia certainly too.

It was also a successful and beautiful morning in the weather, which we then ended with a Chinese meal. Now we have in early March and Pia wants to come to me here this week. You are sure to be surprised now because I talk about a weekend at the beginning of my story. That’s right, because when I sat down to write this story, we had Sunday.

In the meantime, however, one day has already passed, so we are at the beginning of a new week. That just mentioned here for a better understanding here.

You can now imagine how much I look forward to when Pia comes to me this week, then see how I live here. I can hardly wait to finally welcome them here in my 4 walls.
The history ends here now and now I come to the actual section of my story. To something that has been buzzing in my thoughts for a long time, in my imagination.

Something that takes place especially in sexual imagination. What is going on in my head, I want to tell that now.

Sn «man is already a strange but quite interesting creature, which you can argue about, whether he is now one of the animals and there is a special one for the genus of the monkeys. In order not to give up such a dispute here, I will not go into it more. Rather, I want to come up with what you are sure to be very interested in, just the most varied and quite unusual needs. Everyone has their special features and special preferences regardless of whether it is now only in imagination, or in real life/love seven.

Mother Nature has now equipped us with many endings.

Whether all of this can be seen positively, everyone can form their own opinion about it. But we are honest with ourselves, a special feature, a not only human need is mostly or often the focus, namely the human drive. We could imagine a life without sex?, probably only very difficult.

It is now part of how we take the air to breathe, water and food for survival and interpersonal Contact need. Without that we are not viable. Humans are not being created alone, he is looking for the proximity of the other, although it does not matter, whether to his own or just like me, feels drawn to the other, female gender. Especially with freshly in love, the urge to togetherness is particularly great.

It doesn’t take long, and this and those thoughts that will become more and more determine come and you will quickly let your imagination wander. I am no different with Pia.

Even if our feelings and sensations have so far only been expressed in cuddling and gentle kissing, it is still a lot more to happen in my imagination. I can just let myself go and enjoy all of this and live through what I really long for what I would like to experience with Pia and not just in my imagination. So that there are no misunderstandings here, I have to mention an important thing beforehand.

My sexual tendencies, as you prefer to give sex and live out your own, they are quite versatile for me and sometimes go to SM practices. But no worry, this will not be a pure SM – now Hardcore The matter will be when there are also some elements of it in this story.

When I think of Pia, I’ll see her directly in front of my eyes. It is not necessarily just the exterior, from which I am very impressed. Your entire appearance, I would also call it aura for myself, that’s what fascinates me and attracts me like a magnet.

Who didn’t let it go through your head mentally, how to seduce your loved one or just with me, your loved one with all the art of love. There are no limits in the imagination, especially in the imagination. You can live out everything that you might not trust yourself. So now I will make my imagination here and now a reality.

Sn «It is a warm spring day and that in March.

It shines down from the deep blue sky. You hear the birds and hear a quiet noise of the wind. I look at the wall clock from the open window, which only shows 9 a.m. This day will be a very special one, I am sure of it, because today I have made an appointment with my favorite Pia.

Yes finally has come and how long I was looking forward to this day. So far she had never been with me. There was always something in between, but that will not be passed today and now. The weather is created for a romantic day, no matter how it may go and ended.

I can hardly believe a clear thought now, I always have to think of her. How beautiful it will be, how will I feel overjoyed when I can finally put them in my arms. This tingling in the stomach, this feeling as if the heart was shattered with happiness, I now feel all of this in me.

Oh why isn’t the doorbell rings yet. You can hardly stand that anymore.

Now it is almost halfway up and still the doorbell does not rings then I will go to the kitchen first to get something to drink. Just when I want to open the fridge, the doorbell rings. Should it be Pia??. In the rapid step I go to the door and open it.

How rooted my eyes hear this wishful creature that stands in front of me. Of course it is. Pounding heart, a tingling sensation that doesn’t want to end. She takes a step into the apartment and while I quickly close the door, we are already in our arms.

Pressing, almost crushing, cuddling and kissing does not want to end. How I feel now, no words should be necessary for this. A feeling like a storm that grasps you and doesn’t want to let go. A really indescribable feeling for more, after a lot more.

But first of all, I now want to show Pia the premises, which unfortunately you have to let go of each other from each other.

So I then lead them through all the rooms, then we then bedroom First of all. Now I don’t ask how it happens, but suddenly we both sit on my bed, a nice big 2 × 2 meter bed. I still ask her how you like the apartment so, which she means, very, very good, is a great, nice and large apartment. At that moment our eyes meet and I can’t help but hug them again.

We touch, stroke and now kiss full of dedication and passion. Somehow it is getting more and more violent and we are already really on the bed. This apartment still has a big advantage, because it is in 9. floor.

So you can do without hesitation and leave what you want without anyone could look in the window. Our touches are now particularly violent and where our hands feel along, you can certainly think of that. We quickly opened the other trousers, whereby I pull their pants down with the panties. Yours and my eyes are closed and we really measure it to feel the excitement of the other.

It doesn’t take long and we got rid of all our things. We are both now, very naked and totally excited. We kiss more and more violently and very slowly I hike deeper and deeper.

Now a real lips and tongue exploration begins, although I do not take a centimeter of your body. My lips hike along the neck, touch the shoulders, arms and caresses then their little solid breasts and sometimes suck gently, sometimes tighter on the really hard nipples.

In doing so, I can groan your soft groans and hear her movements, which now makes me even hotter. In between I keep going to her lips, our mouth wants to really devour the other. I haven’t felt such a strong and intensive desire for a long time. As in a dream I feel like now.

We lie there, love each other and hardly hear anything from what was happening around us.

She doesn’t notice at all how I get something next to the bed. They are leather straps, with which I gently gently to the bed of their two hands tie up become. With two other longer straps that are attached to the feet and also attached to the head end, I can now pull your legs a little further into both directions. So it is now ahead of me.

Power and legs spread. She does not defend herself against it, I feel through my head, which of course more than pleased me. Now Pia can hardly move and if so, then she feels it on hands and feet. Now she is completely at the mercy of me, can no longer defend herself what she is expecting and feeling now.

But if you believe that it would have been, then you are very wrong, because with other leather straps I am not only susing your stomach, but also your breasts.

Two more go down the shoulders to the most beautiful place I mean by that. Of course yours pussy, Pussi or what else you say about it. I have my own concept, for me it is the fluffy love triangle.

Immediately she will feel it what the additional pleasure is given to her. Siemir likes so tied up, although she looks at me in the eye slightly. I can really recognize your strong excitement in your eyes and I myself am no different.

This sight, seeing them so helpless makes me really frenzied of feelings. But they are not usual feelings, rather a thought, a desire that far exceeds everything so far.

I can only think one thought of letting her feel something that cannot be put into any words. Love and passion can go beyond all previous borders and want this limits, yes, we want to exceed here and at this moment.

I can hear her groan, see how she is almost motionless in front of me. A tension that is hardly to be stuck has built up, which is also based on both of us. I feel how it becomes a torment for Pia and I can correctly measure this.

There is nothing worse than being delivered so helplessly. Not to know what will happen next. I, too, can hardly stand this pent -up tension, Pia no longer wants to torture. Next to the bed I have a small container with honey, plus a somewhat wide brush.

Now I’m going to put your whole body with honey starting with honey. With every touch with the brush your groan becomes louder and I can hear the attempt at a movement. But this is hardly possible so tied up and tied.

With my brushes I am now withdrawing their breasts, touching their nipples, which steeply and hard out. It is a real pleasure for me to hear her louder and loud groan at that moment.

She tries to defend herself, but she did not feel the touch of a chance of how I let the honey drip the honey on her body and then distribute it with the brush. No place is left out. Your whole body is almost covered and covered with honey. I let your stomach run down between her legs.

I can hear from her excitement how Pia is almost cooking. With my hand and especially the fingers, I now distribute the honey over her hot love triangle.

The honey can be distributed particularly nicely and I let my fingers easily penetrate her, as always she becomes, she will. All signs of a volcanic orgasm are given, so I will stop and go to my legs, because no part of the body should be left out.

Now I have already arrived at your feet. Your whole body is now covered with this sticky but well -tasting mass. It is a sight that you do not explain, but rather have seen.

What comes now, you will be able to think safely. Now the hottest, hottest and at the same time tastiest comes that you can imagine.

With my mouth, lips and especially the tongue, I will now lick, suck and lick the honey from your skin. If you still have not become hot with the thought, it is jammed, sick or probably has no imagination.

There is nothing that I now have more cravings on any smallest drops of licking honey from her. In no way can she oppose it in any way. But let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be so for his partner to be fully delivered to her or him.

You can have it the same way if you use more your imagination and not always keeps a position with this monotonous and listlessly. That can only mean location -making and that is fatal in sex and for any kind of partnership and relationship.

With damp fingers and an indescribable tingling sensation, which I not only feel in the belly area, I now hike with dog, lips and tongue full of devotion, lust and passion over your seductive body. Light suck changes with powerful licks. Especially with her breasts and nipples, I completely forget everything around me, whereby her increasingly violent moan and hardly to be oppressed lives me more, even no clear thought.

My hands and fingers touch and massage the sides of your body, which makes you even hornier and more lustful if you want to cross the limits of lust, this will happen at that moment. In order to be able to experience this fully and enjoy this in order to see her indescribable look in the eyes, I keep looking at her.

I could never see so much in her eyes beforehand. A begging for mercy so that I can stop taking your eyes now. But for me there is no mercy, no stop.

Rather, I now become even stronger and more intense than ever. I want to give her everything, let her feel everything, don’t treat her to take a deep breath. My mouth, lips and tongue games are now becoming increasingly violent. It’s a totally cool feeling to see them trembling while I keep moving, deeper and deeper and enjoy the honey with my tongue with my tongue.

A woman has many places and areas of the body, where she can be excited particularly quickly. You just have to know this in order to be able to give it as she wants and like.

Now I have arrived at the most beautiful place. She can hardly hold it back either, so much really doesn’t seem to be necessary now to let them feel this total climax. With small and only short interruptions, I now spoil them in this hot place.

Where I had previously massaged in the honey, I get it back with my tongue. Now my lips suck properly so that I can penetrate my tongue really deeply. After that you get really addicted, so horny and it tastes good.

I can now really feel how always wetter she becomes.

Then her juice is mixed with honey on my own. I can almost drink her now, so wet it is. Your body now leans more and more in the rhythm of how I let my tongue, mouth and lips play. The moaning is getting louder and faster, so I will become more faster and more intense even.

Despite that she is totally tied up, she tries to defend and move. In this total climax of your lust, I now give my last, suck and lick it undusing it, with my hands massaging your tied breasts.

So that she does not already get her climax now, I will let go of a time and continue hiking to my legs and feet. Due to all the honey, it is licked enjoyable. I particularly enjoy it on your feet, so I can really suck on all toes, which she also enjoys her reaction very much, even more and more boils.

I quickly go higher again and come back to her most beautiful and more and more wet and wet place. Now I will get her last and stop when you roar out of feelings, lust and pleasure. With a redeeming scream that makes almost all bitches go beyond, which almost turns me around, I experience their total explosive highlight, their orgasm.

Now I quickly solve all the bonds and straps, put Pia into my arms, cuddle me very closely to her. While we kiss passionately and enjoy what we have experienced, we are already sleeping closely and totally happy in the other’s arms.

If there is a total climax, then we have just experienced it and it will not be the last one.
This was only a imagination here, which Pia and me concerned, but this fantasy is still part of my life, how I just live out my sexuality. I think to myself, who wouldn’t be able to live this out like that. Try to get a change to love seven and, above all, to remove your fears. Life is simply too short than being unhappy and bored in a relationship or partnership.

Talk to your partner about your wishes and quickly the imagination will really be really keen, you liked this story. Maybe a new erotic fantasy story will follow soon. That lies alone to you.

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