Reading evening | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I made a visit to the venison settlement of a big city, in a normal row house. The author lived here. He greeted me at the foot of the stairs to the front door and led me into the house. And inside I also greeted me so warmly Wife.

She was a somewhat rounded woman in a long Laura-Ashley country dress made of colorful printed, thin cotton fabric. Under the high -clad cleavage, a few remarkable suspension breasts wiggled in every movement, which gave their otherwise rather unobtrusive appearance a special erotic charm.
We went through the small hallway into a spacious Living room, Where we chatted for a moment about trivialities such as my journey.

Shortly afterwards she said that I would have arrived to speak to her husband and left the living room. We sit down in the cozy seating group on the terrace window. The Maisonne seemed through the window And although it was a bit cool outside, here behind the window it warmed up pleasantly.
We sat at a diagonal.

A short silence occurred. How should I just start to learn something from him, his personal life, his way of life and his living conditions? Actually, nothing indicated something extraordinary here.
I looked around in the room: the living room was set up as normal … maybe not quite, because I hadn’t necessarily expected a crucifix. Then a small photo gallery on the wall.

Two adult children seemingly adults. Nothing indicated a special erotic mood or the like. Not even a picture of a naked woman painted in oil or similarly tasteless.
Soso, so you want to read stories? – he started, the silence interrupting.
Yes, erotic stories.

Like a fairytale uncle? Just for adults? Yes, that’s how you could see it.
And think there are still people today who can develop enough of their own imagination and could enjoy read fairy tales and stories? Where there are easily affordable video films in the area of erotic quantities. Starting with the soft porn, over Hardcore up to all kinds of special inclinations, even the most unusual.
I guess so.

There should still be people with imagination who do not want to experience a prefabricated image, but want to experience the peculiarity (and above all skills!), to feel an unreal but nice experience in yourself from the spoken words and your imagination.
There will not be many of them these days.
Oh yes, I think it will be enough for my Vörlesee evenings.

Yes, a erotic experience of feeling in yourself, I try to initiate with my stories with my readers. But do they think that you can stories that you do with them butterflies in the stomach Or expected a tingling between the legs, it is not better to read alone? I mean alone because of the feelings.- I don’t want to hide the fact that when I read such stories, I also play my physical feelings at me and then indulge in these sensual feelings. By the way, my wife is the same. – It is difficult to imagine that you could experience this in such a reading as an erotically stimulated individual.

Well,- I can not imagine that my readings could be sooo largely encouraged, but I find it interesting to say that the visitors come with a corresponding expectation and erotic tension.
In any case, it can be assumed that the audience is interested and certainly comes with a corresponding expectation.
Yes, otherwise it would not come.

And it will also be motivated and open -minded audience.
Motivated and open -minded … Do you think that the audience can be found differently at such an erotic event? I think of the gentlemen with particularly wide casual trousers and the ladies with particularly wide cleavage and with suspenders, widely widen or short skirts.
Oh, I don’t accept that. Maybe discreetly hidden here and there, but ..

Well, you don’t put on a rococo dress if you intend to listen to a Mozart concert …
Even…!Years ago I had once experienced in a city near Lake Constance how the visitors of a porn cinema could be animated. However, it apparently already went there, especially motivated, to be encouraged to be encouraged.

At first everything was as it was always in the pale half -darkness of a porn cinema: some people were sitting over the rows, mostly men. But also a middle -aged woman underneath. In the back in a corner that was particularly illuminated with candles, a couple cuddles, which was a bit extraordinary for me. In the ongoing film, as not to be expected, one was right at the matter.

The scenes of the cheerful, exuberant fucking went into passionate fucking, moaning became more difficult. The uniform ringing of a bracelet behind me previously hardly noticed became more intense until it dissolved in redeeming quiet groans and shortly after that a package of paper towels rustled.

Well, so far my lectures will hardly come. You sit closer together and certainly there is more brightness and light than in a cinema.
Yes, certainly the lighting conditions were enough to recognize that a large part of the other visitors seem to be wanking. Even the lady at the end of my row of seats had her hand quite clearly under her raised skirt between her legs.

I was encouraged by myself that I also opened my pants and put on my awakened pleasure in pleasure.
Now a reading will certainly not be encouraged to inhibitance as a porn cinema. Some are laid out directly on it.
It seemed to be the case there. The wife of the couple sitting behind was already uninhibited with bare breasts, in which her companion rolled out excessively. And in the corridor, next to the disease, there was a young man who watched them and jerked himself off as unabashedly..The over-wake part of the visitors sat on the side in the dark and also watched.

For me too, the porn film that ran across the screen was uninteresting. I watched the live program. After all, we see porn movies at home too.
Well, that sounds like an erotic story.

However, it is a story from life!But with my readings it is also nice if a couple just listens to the reading and can be kidnapped together by the feelings spoken in the words. This does not necessarily have to include a widely raised cleavage with naked breasts.
I, as the author of the read erotic history, wish you such a stimulating effect – with a wink, of course, of course! That some cocks become firm and hard and not only is rubbed discreetly by the pants themselves, but also let a lady be hired and feels this hardness to build up and to the joy of the gentleman.

Or if a slightly higher pushed skirt is secretly stroked with your finger under a discriminated skirt over the center of the joie de vivre.

And if a glass of sparkling wine is then drunk and a lady holds the glass with wet -shiny fingers in the hand, it would also be a sign that the history and its intended effect have arrived at the listening audience.
But now your imagination overturns a little!!! After all, the readings do not take place in a puff. What they tell here might be a new erotic story, but none in the area of the reality that is possible to me.

Of course, – we want to stay on the ground of reality. But I love to hover in a cloudkuckucksheim. It is mostly very pleasant to me there.
Yes, I also wanted to ask her: How did you actually get to write erotic stories?Well, that was about ten years ago, when my wife and I actually discovered my wife an erotic book series in a normal bookshelf in a department store.

Later there were a number of the Heine publishing house and others who are particularly close to this topic. We read these books with enthusiasm. But as is always the case: at some point the most attractive time becomes irrelevant when a stimulus overflow occurs. The books always had to be “sharper”, which did not occur.

Finally my wife once said: “Nothing happens in it!!!”And because I have always liked to write stories, I just tried myself on such, but in which” something happened “. First of all, I only wrote the stories for them, mainly experiences from our real fascinated erotic tape. There was really sufficient writing material. And my wife enjoyed this – mine and her reading, as she often told me, with a spoiled hand between her legs.

Later I noticed that I would have fun also writing to others how beautiful our erotic love is.

Some boasts somewhere in a pub or tells his work colleagues how he fucked his wife again last weekend … Of course something like that is far from me, no I wanted to make nice stories, who inspire the imagination and awaken and animate in this lustindulge.
So I started to paint the stories a little more to the real background to the real background … I started choosing the words, interpreting dreams … the imagination of my reader should float and swing ……….

Yes, that’s what I do and what you intend to read! —Amen served us a coffee. When she prevented something, her loose breasts rocked in front of my eyes Under the long dress.

I also noticed that the bottom buttons of the buttoned dress were open from the bottom to the crotch. But as much as I tried, she only revealed her not excessively pretty Legs, However, I didn’t even let me catch a look at her magical triangle for a moment. The rabid, frivolous slit struck wide, but the most crucial place remained hidden, despite the many, outrageously daring, open buttons.

She sat down with us. When we were sitting at the table together and drank the coffee, she had broken down the skirt again over her legs.

But suddenly I thought that the typical, rolling sound of love balls from her lap. Not clearly;But at least I thought I could make it out. In one fell swoop, my conversation partner’s attention was there. Again and again the quiet, barely audible hollow-rolling sound captivated me.

Obviously, she dominated the discrete game of her long -term muscles in order to deal with these stimulating toys and to be able to enjoy them without a particular sensation.

The thread of talk was lost to me. The short silence, which occurred due to my lack of concentration, was embarrassed. But on the face of the likelihood of such an outrageous woman, a woman now seemed to be inconspicuously coming up a very secret smile.
I desperately ran after a new thread of conversation. Finally I spoke to the large, striking crucifix on the wall against: “Yes, I am religious.

In my understanding, eroticism is an important part of creation, ”he said. “If nobody fucked anymore, that would be the end of human history. And if there was no pleasure experience … the Motordes life would be there: Most would refrain from fucking out for convenience, perhaps forgotten because of many work or because of their many worries.

“It is good that fucking is fun, it is not true Grandma!!!“He said over a wink to his really not Omahaft woman over, and it seemed as if the balls in her voluptuous lap were immediately rolling intensely.

But that was probably just my own imaginative assumption. In any case, she was still casual and apparently not particularly committed to our conversation in her sofa corner and, even on his hearty remark, did not show anything.

And how does your environment react, which Family, Friends and neighbors on their writing activity?Oh, they don’t know anything about it. For them we are what we are also for ourselves a normal family from which the children have grown out and go their own way. Certainly we could “do one thing now”, after all, we now have a “storm -free booth”, from which you have always dreamed in earlier years.

But it really is when you get older..It really becomes, if you don’t want to admit it, slowly calmer. Sometimes even “let us fuck. Then we get a porn video … And when we are ready, we agree in the fucking.

We need a slightly longer “warm -up time” and let the other “lead 1. But all of this played here in the house and among us both. Thoughts about debauchery or horny, lustful excesses you can remove yourself from us – yes, they dream with us in my stories!When I left the two of the two hours of chatting and coffee, she stood with a little increased on the entrance stairs, one leg higher than the other. Now finally her skirt continued to open accordingly.

I finally had an uninhibited insight into what made me so curious about her all the time.

To my delight, she even had no panties. And suddenly I noticed how they enjoyed my excited eyes. It was as if she was still showing herself in these last moments and wanted to have all of her erotic flair played back so distanced so far.

Her shaved shame shone brightly and white, and moreover I clearly recognized a bright thread between her plump lips, which, despite her almost frozen posture, moved and seemed to wave to me – so!!!!But then it was over. She came down the stairs and she and her husband said goodbye to me at the garden gate. Shortly afterwards I sat in the car and started towards home. The two waved to me.

I tried to look back in the rear -view mirror again. But even though she gave her skirt heavily, her skirt waved closed and didn’t even let her legs flash out …

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