Horny fuck with a good friend | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

If you want to learn or read more about my stories, you can inquire in my profile. I am still happy about every criticism. Many thanks to my wife for the many suggestions and hints. ———– only the artificial light of the monitors penetrated the half -darkness of the basement room. The sun would open in about three hours. Since the evening before, the friends have been crouching before their computers and had spent almost endless hours with a wide variety of games on their computers.

Kevin was increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open at all, since his eyelids now felt more and more difficult. A doubtful look across his screen told him that his best buddy Jake was still tirelessly deepened into his game at the table opposite his best buddy Jake. ‘How does he manage to play this first person shooter after so many hours without being shot down constantly?‘He was amazed. A look over his shoulder showed him in turn that the other friends had not proven so much perseverance.

Already two hours ago they had crawled into their sleeping bags completely exhausted on the provisional night camps. And he too had already attracted his sleep outfit with boxer shorts and T-shirt in order to be able to sleep soon. As every year during their semester break, the friends had met for a LAN party. Usually, they got involved in the basement or the garage of the respective parents’ house, which was just storm -free and merged their computers into a network.

This was followed by endless hours of strategy games, racing simulations or first-person shooters. Finally, news was exchanged during the break breaks. This time they had spread in Jake’s basement. In principle, the hobby room with a refrigerator and several sofas was ideal for their gaming meetings. A long table in the middle of the room formed its base and offered enough space for the six computers. And since Jake’s parents were currently traveling, the sporadic winner’s roar could now only be the younger Sister disturb the host.

Jennifer had just mastered her school leaving certificate and shone more often with her absence than that she had portrayed a disruptive factor. In addition, Kevin rarely found Jennifer, two years younger, to be disturbing anyway. Rather the opposite was the case! Since Jake and he not only were the best friends but also direct neighbors, the three had spent their entire childhood together. Only recently had he realized why it had never really worked when it comes to relationships at the university.

He had to admit that he had somehow fell in love with her and had to think about her all the time. Every time he was at home, he was particularly looking forward to it with her again. In the meantime, Kevin was already completely tired, but he absolutely wanted to take the opportunity before going to bed and quickly browse through his fellow campaigners for porn. This could effectively use the bedtime with the lengthy downloads and would have brought his own collection up to date until after getting up.

In his search, he always had to smile about the creativity of the choice of name. In order to distract the parents from the dirty films and pictures, incredibly imaginative camouflages were necessary for the over -folders. After countless LAN parties, he now knew the data herself of his buddies and searched specifically “,” Favorite quotes’ or “recipes”. He rubbed his tired eyes again and clicked on the network environment. He briefly thought about whose collection should begin when his eyes suddenly fell on a new computer name.

In the list of computers that were currently connected to the network, he was actually able to identify Jennifer’s computer. He hesitated for a moment of conscience and then turned uncertainly whether someone would notice his push into her privacy. But his buddies were sleeping on their night camps. Even Jake still seemed to have no appearance as if he were noticed by the real world at all. Finally Kevin overconduct his concerns and opened the released folders on her hard drive by his curiosity.

After a brief exploration, a striking folder in the eye. Jennifer had apparently been relatively careless here and had a clumsy with “XXX” labeled. These three letters were often used as a synonym for hardcore or other things with a sexual reference and told him that there were probably very piquant things here. He clicked the mouse nervously twice on the said folder and opened it with it. He started his sniffing by scrolling slowly through the files there.

First he found a list of image files that were not said to be numbered. He opened one of them to get a better overview of the secret data treasure. To his surprise and satisfaction, he was able to marvel at a slightly dressed Jennifer who had photographed himself in front of her mirror. He hastily opened the other pictures from the list, in the hope of being able to spot more of her and her body. In the pictures she hit a wide variety of poses and tried to show her figure.

At the age of 19 she could call a very slim and still female body her own. Kevin would have had to lie if he had claimed not to have imagined her before. Also, she had often been part of his sexual fantasies and damp dreams during puberty. So he was delighted that the photos became more and more freely, the further he worked down the list. Finally he reached a picture on which she had also put her bra.

Only her hazelnut -brown curls had placed so cleverly that they covered their views of her breasts. He clicked through the provocative self -portraits in order to explore more of their body. In the meantime, an impressive bump had also formed in his pants. His heart pounded as crazy about excitement because he was aware that he had crossed this campaign some limits. He looked again at his buddy to make sure that the air was in and continued to look at Jennifer’s body despite his concerns.

When he finally reached the end of the list, he had to find disappointed that the photos were all very provocative, but the relevant parts of the body always remained covered. Her hair was always draped in front of her breasts or she had turned to the mirror so that only the side contours of her well -shaped hemispheres could be seen. Also she had always kept her panty on. He wanted to close the folder when he discovered a film file at the end of the list.

With the growing excitement he opened the video. He looked banned on the scene, which now developed on his screen. Jennifer was still in front of her mirror in the same place and apparently had just finished her photo session, whose pictures had just burned his memory. With the camera in hand, she filmed how she turned around her own axis a few times. In doing so, she wiggled lasciviously with her butt and examined her sporty figure satisfied satisfied.

It almost seemed to him that she was practicing a striptease in front of the camera. Although she obviously was still wearing her panties during her dance performance, but at least she had now exposed her beautiful breasts to his satisfaction. With her right hand, she stroked the excitingly protruding nipple and began to knead her breasts alternately. Then she continued down the side and finally pulled out her panties with a lively movement. Kevin almost stayed away when he was able to marvel at Jennifer’s fully bare body for the first time in his life.

He estimated that her breasts corresponded to a good C-cup and also marveled at her completely shaved pubic area. His limb was now swollen for the full splendor in these prospects and tensioned uncomfortably against the fabric of his boxer shorts. So he pulled his stand straight back and continued to watch Jennifer kept her legs slightly spread and made her hand disappear between her thighs. With a pleasantly transfigured look, she went over to stroke her shame.

Kevin was now able to hear a quiet groan of her about his headphones. * * * * Suddenly he heard steps behind him on the basement staircase. He just made it frightened the window Minimizing with the hot video before turning around to determine who came down the stairs behind him. ‘Who can come down from above at this time?‘Shot him through his head. His initial hope that one of his buddies would just be returning from the toilet was suddenly disappointed.

At the end of the corridor he saw Jennifer as she caught her hands on her hips. Panically, he tried to make out her facial expression whether he was blown up. ‘I will have noticed anything now and will make me hot right away?‘He thought briefly. But he couldn’t read it about her facial expressions. She did not make any appearances to make him a scene and grinned at him in a friendly manner. More even: she seemed rather pleased to be able to see him again after a long time.

Only now a lot of Kevin on their sparse outfit. Jennifer had put on an oversized top that was cut so far that it fell diagonally to the elbow and completely exposed one of her shoulders. In the half -darkness of the room he can see that they do not wear a bra underneath. The contour of her bust size clearly distinguished under the loose fabric and it was certain that it was also outlined by her firmly set nipples. She wore long woolen stockings on her legs that reached over her thighs.

Her top was so large that there was a lot to over her lap. Therefore, he was currently hidden what she was wearing below. “Well, you are still playing so late?“, She finally asked and pointed to the computer with a nodding nod. “May I also play?“She wanted to continue knowing and strolled towards his seat. Startled, a new knowledge was now spreading in it. If she came even closer to him, she would certainly quickly notice his now stately erection.

He cursed himself to sit at the table with a boxer shorts and T-shirt. So his predicament had to be unmistakable. He just wanted to skilfully turn away to hide his bump when Jennifer had sat on his lap. She did this in a way that seemed to express a friendly familiarity. But as she positioned herself over his left thigh, her shame also came dangerously close to his member.

Due to the thin fabric of his shorts, he literally felt how her intimate area radiated heat on him. The fact that she slipped back and forth on his lap did not detract from his excitement. “Hey brother heart, you would like to compete against me?“She asked Jake, who hadn’t noticed that she had joined them. She leaned a bit to draw her brother’s attention past the monitor. Her top slipped aside and Kevin saw his assumption confirmed that she would not wear a bra.

The full splendor of her breast has now been exposed in front of his eyes. A few minutes ago he had been able to marvel at her entire body in the video, but to have her breasts live and in color in front of his nose was something different. Be for the bursting swollener tail twitched with anticipation in his pants. ‘What a bitch! Do it on purpose of rubbing on my erection so much? Or does she have no idea that I was just before the burst?‘He considered when she settled on him again.

Jake had apparently opened a new game server in which she could now log in. Perplex observed Kevin how she started to move her character in the first person shooter. But he didn’t really get much from the game. Rather, he was busy freeing himself from the sensitive situation and getting his stand from the traitous position. But the more he slipped back and forth in the chair, the more it pulled his shorts back.

Finally he saw that his efforts were in vain and harmed as if paralyzed. However, he had made his bill without Jennifer. With a jubilee she threw herself back and grinned proudly. “It stands 1 – 0 for me!“, She explained to him with a smile. “Aha!“, On the other hand, was everything he brought out. He had desperately noticed that his plump glans had been exposed by the jerky movement and thus peeked his erection out of his pants.

Here one of his most sensitive places was held between her warm lap and his thigh. If it went on like this, his penis tip would soon touch her slip. ‘She certainly wears a panties?‘He thought casually. In the meantime, he was caught in a whirlpool of curiosity, excitement and banger tension and became aware of the forbidden situation in which he was currently. In the end, however, his lust was greater than the fear caught to become.

Apparently deepened into her game, Jennifer kept rubbing her lap over his thigh and the unexplained tail tip. Once again he turned all his concentration on the touch that his glans was currently exposed to. He noticed that he could even make some moisture on her lap. Again he was surprised whether the situation was pure coincidence or rather intended. “Head Shot!“Jennifer suddenly excluded and slid again with her thighs over his stand.

She still did not appear that she had recognized the dangerous situation in which both were just. So far his glans had never joined her panties anywhere and he felt more and more confirmed that she was currently distributing her juices on his lap. With a mixture of lust and excitement, he realized that it was undoubtedly the outlines of their gender that were on his thigh from time to time. With this perception a lot like scales from his eyes that she was really naked around the bottom.

When he processed this knowledge, he decided to just let the things run and meanwhile enjoyed the cozy heat that exuded its entrance. When he concentrated again on his overseless position, he could clearly feel how his glans came to lie between her labia. If he now moved his hips forward, he could easily penetrate her Blessed Sacrament. ‘She can’t be deepened into the game that she doesn’t notice how I almost fuck her here!‘He considered.

And all of this happened in front of her brother. ‘Or I am so tired that I just imagine everything? Maybe I’ve already fell asleep and have a damp dream?’He continued to doubt. His considerations were suddenly interrupted when Jennifer suddenly rose from his lap. “So, I do that I come to bed!“Stated soberly. Then she threw hers Brother A kiss and turned around Kevin.

With a mischievous smile on her lips, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear: “Nice to see you again! Maybe you have a little time for me later?“Then she ran the stairs upside down and let it be amazed. ‘How did she mean that again? “Maybe you have a little time for me later” … ‘He considered cramped. Somehow he had perceived a strange emphasis in this sentence, which gave the said something ambiguous.

‘She now wants us to do something together for the days or do she even think I should come up now right now?‘He tried to become desperate. His brain was simply no longer designed for such thinking processes after so many hours of computer games. A look at his body down at his still considerably swollen limb has now clearly shown him that she had left something shiny shimmering there. With a shake of the head, he decided to count one and one together and to count the situation in his favor: ‘Jennifer wants me to visit her right now!’So he waited the perceived eternity of five minutes to hide his intentions in front of his buddy Jake.

Then he moved his half -swollen limb back in the boxer shorts and rose from his seat. “I’ll cut myself on the ear then. Before that I go back to the toilet. Don’t do that long anymore, after all, we need you tomorrow for the three-against-three match!“, He announced to his buddy and left the basement. * * * * * On the way to her room, his heart drummed against his chest. When he arrived in front of her room, he stopped briefly.

He quickly wanted to come up with a good saying if his presence should be undesirable in the next moment. Even while he was looking for a clever excuse, a lot of him that her door was only based and was a little open. He approached the gap carefully. From inside a steamed flickering light penetrated into the hallway. He also thought he could hear a low moan. He gently leaned his head forward and curiously pounded into her room.

Through a large mirror on her wall, he saw that a porn strip was running on her small monitor. ,Now or never!‘He spoke courage and slowly entered the room. He needed a moment to be able to orientate himself in her room because the light of the monitor blinded him a little. When he arrived in the middle of the room, his attention was drawn by a moan towards the bed. There was the completely naked Jennifer in front of him, who rolled back and forth on her ceiling with ecstasy.

With her right hand she rubbed her eagerly between her slightly spread thighs and kneaded her chest with the other. Her face was characterized by an excited expression while she kept her eyes closed all the time. Dem porn, who flickered on her screen, she no longer gave attention. Kevin drew attention to his presence through a quiet clearing of the throat. To his surprise, a panicked screeching failed. Slowly she opened her eyes.

“But you took a long time. I already thought you couldn’t avoid me anymore!“, She gave him to understand in a reproachful tone. “I didn’t want to go away empty -handed after the campaign!“, She explained to him in response to his questioning look towards the erotic film. “You can see the film? It’s from your collection!“, She asked with a smile on her lips. Kevin didn’t know if he should look ashamed with this statement, or whether it was an appreciative praise regarding his film taste.

“You came up with a great hiding place. But since I know how much you hate math, your folder, formula collections’ already made me a little curious. “, She explained to him the fact of her discovery with a mischievous grin on her face. In the film there was a pretty actress that just licked on a link with the typical porns. As is so often the case in such stripes, she made the act of the actor completely disappear in her mouth and suppressed any agitator.

Her tongue then skillfully streaked her eggs. “Come here and don’t stand around there so idle. We can do that better! I want us to make our own dirty video. “, She confessed to him. “I still lack something like that in my collection! You have already found the folder, as I saw earlier!“, She stated with a cunning grin. He couldn’t think of that of a quick -witted answer to that. However, the scope of this statement made his head dizzy and further swell his penis.

On the one hand, she was just completely undressed in front of him and continued to stroke her shame, on the other hand she invited him completely openly into her bed. Finally he tore off from his rooted attitude and stepped towards her to the bed. Jennifer turned to her night’s cabinet and rummaged out a small camera, which she immediately switched on. Without saying anything, she threw the digital camera to him and instructed him with a nod to start turning the video.

Kevin was able to tear himself from the admiration of her crunchy rear part and caught the device skillfully. He now obeyed her silently and pressed Play. First he directed the camera on Jennifer. This was at the other end of the bed and had turned back onto her back. Without a wague she spread her legs again and continued to massage her clit. With an enjoyable slow movement, she distributed the moisture there over her column, which in the glow of the screen was now formally shone.

He zoomed up on the action in front of him. Suddenly she turned and came to sneaking onto all fours, a caterchar. When she had arrived with him, she gently stretched out her hands after his link, which was clearly bulging in his boxer shorts. He consciously aimed at the scene in front of him. She began to stroke his stately erection through the fabric. In doing so, she drove her tongue over her lips with her tongue.

Finally she pulled his underpants down and let his stand jump out. She cheekily grinned through the camera and opened her lips slightly to stretch out her tongue. When she bowed over his limb, many of her curls in front of her face and blocked his view of the plot. But even without seeing anything, he noticed how she licked her tongue tenderly over the underside of his erection. Finally she made his cock disappear in her warm mouth.

Despite the incredibly intense feeling of her lips on his stand, he managed to gently paint her hair from the camera’s point of view. This ensured that the entire action was later recorded on the video later. Jennifer was so deeply deepened to irritate him by caressing his limb that they hardly noticed anything from all his camera -minded efforts. Throughout the time she was sitting on the edge of the bed and continued to rub over her gender uninhibitedly.

After a short while she let off from him and crawled back on her mattress. Kevin waved the camera and followed her movement. Again a scene was offered to him that almost let him cum. In front of him, his childhood friend crouched on all fours and wiggled Kess with her backside. Between her buttons he clearly saw her wet column, which she was almost inviting. “I like it best doggy style!“, She whispered to him in a documented voice.

His stand twitched again. Not only begged her to be taken by him, but also confessed her sexual preferences completely freely to him. ‘Such a dirty little bitch!‘He summed up in surprise and put his cock tip at her opening. Without interrupting the film, he pushed her labia apart and penetrated completely into her. Jennifer pushed out a hoarse whimper and expressed her favor. With his free hand he picked up her butt and began to be tidy to be kneaded.

Then he pulled out his limb until only his glans was enclosed and then slide his pelvis backwards. His action elicited her a loud groan. He made his bumps become more violent and his pelvis clapped in a constant rhythm against her backside. Jennifer pushed her butt further towards his abdomen and seemed to want to take up more and more of his cock. She had put her hand on her clitoris again and drove over it with a circular movement.

Her moans became louder and more excessive. And Kevin also became braver. Slowly he had the hand, which had her butcher massaged towards her back entrance. As in a trance, he now put a finger on her rosette. With a gentle pressure he had his finger roamed over her dam to the forbidden entrance and waited for a reaction on her part. With an excited whimper, she seemed to show him her consent. This sign was enough for him and he dripped a trace of his saliva on his finger.

Slowly he pushed his thumb and stretched her sphincter. In the meantime he did not let his bumps slower and drove them to one orgasm to. Jennifer groaned under his donations and groaned her lust and louder. In the meantime, Kevin had sunk his thumb and massaged her rosette with circular movements, while he pushed his stand deeper into her. He noticed how she enjoyed being stretched at both openings and so filled.

“Uhhh I’ll come right away!“, She called and pressed her pelvis again to his pelvis sperm to be able to receive. This incentive was enough for him and he sank his stand with a final effort to the stop before he succeeded a few seconds later in a warm gush. His tail was literally milked by the continued twitches of their abdomen. Exhausted, he let him sink forward onto the bed.

In the meantime, he kept his stand in her warm cave and enjoyed the cuddly warm feeling. The last thing he remembered was that he was still picking up the camera and exhibiting it. Then his fatigue forced him to fall out into a comfortably deep sleep almost passed out.

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