Vacation by the sea | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She missed the penetrating warmth of the sun on her skin. As always, the air conditioning was very cold here on the plane. Although Sarah had put on a cardigan in a wise foresight, her body has now been covered by frosty goosebumps. Even if she concentrated and tried the feeling of hot sand at the beach Calling in her memory, it was not much warmer to do to her. It ran through the middle aisle of the plane and continued to search for her seat.

Also a nice one Vacation had to end once. And in general they had to persuade their friends not to get the semester break at home. So she had consented and had flown to the sea for two weeks with her roommates. The first week she had visibly regretted her decision because one party after another was celebrated here. What did she expect from so many students? Quiet and relaxation could not really be adjusted here.

It was only when she discovered that there was also a hot guy from her year with a large tour group on site that she could enjoy her vacation a little more. First she had him on Beach spotted. She had thrown an eye on him for a long time. His strong stature, the dark curls and his silver-gray eyes had already noticed her in the lectures that she had visited together some time ago.

Here he was often on the road with his buddies and she couldn’t say with the last certainty whether he had recognized her too. Because so far he hadn’t greeted her or gave her by nod that he had perceived her at all. But when he came to the beach early in the morning and alone, while his companions still excluded their intoxication, she did not get rid of the feeling that he too had to see her.

At least she liked to talk herself, otherwise they were almost alone on the beach. Her friends were also lazy and pulled it out for a long time. So it had literally become a ritual for her to go to the beach at an early stage to wait for him. He then appeared reliably every morning and did not make it comfortable on his beach towel. However, she could never raise the courage to go over and to speak to him.

Again and again she looked over to him hidden to find out if he was watching her in secret. “Or should he really not have recognized me and show no interest in me at all?«She went through her head. She had more and more often erotic fantasies With him and constantly stood the muscular body that he had presented on the beach naked. On the fourth day she finally got him out of the corner.

He had turned to her and pretended to read a book. But it quickly became clear to her that he could not have the reading pace of a first grader. Because during the ten minutes that she creamed with the sun lotion, he hadn’t overwritten a single page of his book. A faster and almost imperceptible side glance told her that her assumptions had been confirmed and that he seemed to take her off with his eyes.

She said that she literally felt his eyes on her skin and enjoyed the knowledge that he considered her all the time with his lustful looks. A pleasant tingling spread between her thighs. She briefly thought about whether she could dare to get rid of her bikiniobere and like many other beach visitors at the top without sunbathing. But suddenly her hustle and bustle was suddenly interrupted by her friends’ arrival. Several times she had to disappear into the changing rooms on the edge of the promenade several times in order to get relief with her hand, otherwise you could have seen a moist trace of her excitement through the bikinian panties.

And also a refreshing cooling in the sea seemed to be little relief from her pleasure. When it was finally evening, she wanted to search for a little distraction on a shopping spree on the beach promenade. In a shop, the swimwear from the Wickedweasel company excited the girlfriend’s attention. The briefs were examined under many sparrow. At the sight of this revealing swimwear, which had to show more than they could hide, Sarah flinched a daring thought.

Shortly, she hurried again to have forgotten something under the pretext, back into the business. There she finally bought the scarce existing panties with the associated top. In doing so, it was controlled by her subliminal excitement and only became clear outside of the business about the consequences of her purchase. When she opened up from the hotel to the beach the next day, her heart beat her under the chin.

Today she would dare to present herself with the sparse swimwear in front of him. She had dismissed all the concerns of what the other bathers had to think of her. After all, it was her last day here and she would ever see any of them again. So she peeled out of her clothes until she was only in her new bikini on the beach. She spread her beach towel quickly and lay down on it.

She knew that she could definitely grow her body. At the beginning of her studies she had finally lost a lot of weight. Her red and blond hair, her freckles and ice-blue eyes have always been an eye-catcher. Their well-shaped breasts corresponded to about a cup of c-cup and were just kept by the narrow bikinio report. A look down told her that the thin fabric just hid her column with the inner labia.

The panties were also cut so deep that the fabric only reached one centimeter over its already swollen clitoris and its smooth venus hill was visible to everyone. She was glad that she had shaved thoroughly the evening before. The emerging sea breeze gently played around its soft skin and caused goosebumps to spread over her body. Her nipples set up steeply and were treacherously recognizable under the bikinistoff.

Lying on the public beach in this sexy outfit had an excited tingling sensation through her abdomen. Finally, her crush also joined the beach. When he saw her in her new swimwear, his eyes almost fell out of his head. Sarah had difficulty suppressing a frugal grin. He had quickly laid himself on his towel, probably also to hide the beginning bump in his swimming shorts.

In order to lure him a little, she began to apply the sun lotion lasciviously. She was careful not to leave out a place in her body. Last but not least, she quickly pushed the fabric of her bikiniocaran and cremte slowly emphasizes her full breasts with the excited warts. In the meantime, he no longer made any secret of the fact that he watched her and she thought she could see how his eyes stroked her body.

Probably by the unpleasant pressing that his growing stand caused between his stomach and the sand, he had to slide around several times on his bath towel. To be sought -after so let her desire to rise immeasurably. In the meantime, she showed a stain on her tight panties that her juices also started to flow. If he did not take the initiative soon and came over to her, he would make her chance of getting to know each other closer.

But when he finally got up, he did not come to her, but kept a towel in front of his swollen. Sarah dropped her head disappointed and pushed out a curse. Now she had to go back to a locker room in order to be able to meet the satisfaction of her lust. Alone!- – – – -the view of her boarding passes, she continued to push past the aircraft seats.

She found a little more unnerving, which also on the plane the party of the holiday location was continued. A few more rows and she would finally be able to fall into her seat. Again she cursed the air conditioning and kept the cardigan closely wrapped. In addition, she could not sit the flight next to her friends. Since she had only decided on the vacation later, her place was booked separately.

And of all things in the penultimate series! Her request at the counter to maintain a different seat had come to deaf ears, although the plane still had almost half of the places. Maybe the staff was just annoyed because of the many party -prone students. When she looked up her eyes to examine her seat, she would have escaped almost a small cry. Right next to her assigned place, the swarm was sitting from her vintage at the window and leafing bored in the newspaper.

After erecting his eyes from the reading, he teared his eyes open and showed that he had also recognized her. Almost at the same time Sarah and her fellow student climbed the blush in the face. She quickly settled in her place and started to handle the security brochure nervously. “Sarah, right?“He asked and stretched out his hand to defuse the embarrassing situation. “He even knows my name!“, She thought with a joyful surprise.

With a long breath, she tried to play her excitement down. Then she shook his strong hand and looked at him in line. “True! And you’re? Do we know each other?“, She flew a little and pretended to be unknown to her. “I am ben! We visit a few lectures together!“, He explains her. “By the way, you keep the brochure wrong!“He continued with a charming smile. Due to his natural charisma, he quickly defused the embarrassing situation for both.

“I think I have to apologize for my buddies in advance. “He said to her and pointed towards his friends who had fun loudly fun. “A few of us have lost bets that we have to redeem here on the plane. So don’t be surprised if there are a few strange situations here. “He continued and grinning knowingly, without further details to go into details. – – – – -a short feeling of weightlessness showed that they had just flown through an air hole.

Ben’s head nodded forward in a further turbulence and he woke up rudely. The stroke signal promptly illuminated on board and announced a restless section of the flight. He had to be fell asleep briefly. His pretty fellow student also seemed to move in the land of dreams. Apparently she had gently fell asleep on his shoulder and had made it a little more comfortable in half asleep. In doing so, she had slipped further down with her head and was now cuddled into his lap with it.

At first Ben was happy about so much familiarity that she brought him towards it. But when she got a little more comfortable, he quickly noticed that she was also dangerously close to his best piece with her face. Due to the thin fabric of his pants, he could clearly feel the hands under her head on his genitals. There was a certain embarrassment in him when he now had to find that this position seemed to please his friend.

Slowly his penis woke up from his sleeping phase and seemed to be grogging and stretching with an increasing size. In addition, the constant turbulence transferred your hands and your head to be soothing friction on his limb. As the panic rises, he was looking for a plausible excuse for his predicament, which he could serve if she was to wake up now. At least he was lucky that the entire row of seats had remained free.

Therefore Sarah had taken the chance at the beginning of the flight and moved out her shoes. Her Legs Then she had bent and comfortably placed on the sitting next to him. Ben thought of the show that she had offered him on the beach. Lying in such a scarce clothing by the sea, it was more likely to be that she was not very prudish woman. This consideration calmed him down a little in turn.

Certainly she would be able to understand his current situation. A light sigh of her let him startle out of his thoughts. Again she slipped a bit on his lap and casually stroked his now crowded swollen erection. Somehow he had to get her away from this position. Because if it went on as before, he would soon spray a rich load in his pants. The treacherous stains would then be even more difficult to explain.

With a certain frustration he thought back to the day before. Already the sight of her body on the beach, dressed with just a few millimeter fabric, was enough to have an unwanted ejaculation in his swimming shorts injected. So he had to be embarrassed by Dannen. In front of his inner eye, he now called all the details of her oily shiny body in mind. Actually he thought that his limb couldn’t have grown further.

But the fact that it was so relentlessly tensioned in his pants, teaches him a better one. Finally he slowly took his arm down and tried to pull her up her shoulder. But a sudden air hole caused the opposite and she slipped off her hands with her head. Now she was lying directly on his stand with her face and he clearly noticed how she breathed regular breaths through the thin fabric.

The feeling of her cheek on his member almost let him lose his mind. A quick look at the cabin showed him that the rest of the guests either slept or were deeply deepened in on-board entertainment. Only his buddies talked a little louder and seemed courage to drink for the betting missions. Nobody seemed to be able to get away from the sweet agony that he had to suffer from. – – – –sarah slowly opened her eyes and tried to orientate himself.

The last one she could remember was that she was inaugurated on Ben’s shoulder. Now she was awakened with her head on his lap and noticed something hard on her cheek. “Should the rascal really have such an impressive erection?«She wondered cheerfully and noticed how his stand literally pulsed under her face. In addition, he wines an incredible heat. The fact that she produced such a reaction in him let the desire flare up again, which she had to carry around half the vacation with her unsatisfied.

A pleasant pull in her abdomen testified that her moisture began to collect. In this location she was ready for every wrist deed and switched to autopilot as controlled by her request. She slowly straightened her head and blew a gentle breath on his throbbing limb. “Stay as you are!“, She asked him quietly. “I’ll take care of your friend here a little bit.

After all, I’ve been waiting for you to see him for almost a week. “, She confessed to him with excited voice. With an experienced movement, she opened his zipper and freed his stand from the tight clasping of the pants. Fascinated she looked at the stately erection that now dangled in front of her nose. As in a trance, she stretched out her tongue and began to tenderly feel the veins on his shaft.

After wetting the entire length with saliva, she slowly put her lips formed into a ring over his glans. Here the first drops of pleasure seemed to swell out of the opening, because it could perceive a slightly salty taste. She picked up his stand in her mouth several times and then let him slide from her lips with a smacking sound. Ben seemed to enjoy this treatment very much, because he had leaned back his head and had a hoarse moan escaped.

Only sporadically he tried to explore by the shouting look whether the air was still in. Sarah had now passed to nibble on his testicles alternately. Her hand kept his shaft enclosed and moved up and down over the slurry surface of saliva, up and down. The scent of his excitement, which now got her nose, let her think even more about the painful throbbing in her own pleasure center.

If she couldn’t disappear with him in the toilet soon, she would literally melt here. – – – -sudden an outraged outcry on the plane. Sarah straightened up and saw how a stewardess moved through the corridor with a disturbed facial expression. Her heart was hammering against her chest, as she feared to be exposed to all passengers at that moment. But strangely in any way, the entire attention of the flight attendant seemed to be directed to a completely different matter.

A look at the in the middle of the monitors for the in-flight entertainment quickly showed her what was the reason for the general sensation. A sneaky love comedy was not played here. No! It was seen how a porn actress could be fucked through her partner with legs spread wide and at the same time a big one tail bare. “I told you that some of us had to pay betting debts. “, Ben tried to explain the situation to her.

With his head he pointed to his friends, who were sitting on their seats with a knowing grin and watching the stewardesses how they panicked to free the DVD from the player. Apparently they had managed to cause a small change in the entertainment program at an unobserved moment. “Come on let’s use the moment and disappear on the toilet inconspicuously. “Ben suggested her and grabbed his still stately erection back into his pants.

Sarah was not asked twice and quickly followed him on the free -standing toilet compartment, which was almost directly behind them in her luck. While he pushed Sarah into the small chamber, the other passengers still looked at the tumult with a mixture of interest and lack of understanding. Finally the door closed behind. Without losing a lot of time, Ben freed his stand again and waited until she pulled her pants down.

The small cabin really didn’t offer much space to let off steam. He kept his limb with one hand and led it between her buttocks. She kept them in a streaking. Slowly he approached her from behind and shared her wet labia with his glans. She stretched her back expectantly when she realized that he did not make any institutions to penetrate her. Instead, he pulled the tip of his cock through her open column several times and continued to distribute her juices there.

Finally he pressed his pelvis forward and pushed himself deeper and deeper into her. Sarah escaped a throaty moan when she noticed how her vaginal wall stretched and still kept closely surrounded by his stand. He pushed into her faster and faster. He greedily pushed a hand below her and looked for the approach of her breasts. Then he took a swollen nipple between his fingers and gently tricked.

This sweet pain seemed to only strengthen the fierce pulling in her pelvis. Her hand slid down and she tried to drive herself to her climax faster with circular movements on her pleasure pearl. He rammed his hard shaft into her warm cave faster and faster and faster. In the meantime he had buried his head on her neck and sucked her neck tenderly. A moment of weightlessness through an air hole, she briefly lost her stop.

Due to the unexpected movement of the plane, he even managed to penetrate it even deeper than before. That was too much for Sarah and she completely lost the ground under her feet. She noticed how her abdomen began to pull together rhythmically. An incredibly violent orgasm went through head to the tip of the toe and freed the pent -up lust of the summer vacation. Due to the milking contractions around his limb, Ben could no longer hold back and poured himself into her twitching column with a warm, thick beam.


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