The intensive experience in the swimming pool | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The people were uncomfortable for her. Too many, too loud. Alexa felt uncomfortable and alone in the crowd, even if she wasn’t really alone. Chris was with her.

The only one from the clique that had come along. Actually it should be a Meet be the group, but one by one had canceled. So only they were only in two in that Swimming pool gone.

This was not a problem for Alexa because she liked Chris. At least as much as the girl was able to do with it.

It was difficult for them to love people because people injured, people got their world messed up and kept threw them off track. People weren’t necessarily angry, no, most people only managed to hurt the feelings of others with dreamwalking certainty without worrying about what they were doing.

Machines were very different. Machines had fixed logic. They did everything for a certain reason, and even if you don’t always understand it, the conflict with them was never anything personal.

At least not if you decrease from the printer at work, who had developed his own personality and Alexa five minutes before Quitting time let down when the printing order had to be done that day.

However, the printer was far away that day. The sun shone when Chris took her hand and put it into the thermal basin with her. Together they dipped into the warm water. It was wonderful.

The water rinsed their body took every weight to them. It was a previously unknown lightness that seduced it to feel completely freely in his arms to rain without this proximity.

Again and again his hand touched her body. He stroked the contours of her swimsuit and Alexa felt her body in a whole new way. No man had touched her in this way.

Here apart from all the technology, she learned something completely new on that day. She felt something in herself that until then she had only known in her secret dreams. And yet it was different. It was real and felt better about worlds than anything she had come up with in her dreams.

The man’s hand seemed like that of a witch master to keep her body without seeing her at that moment a chance to oppose him.

He pulled her with him, brought her to laugh and finally led her to the whirlpool, where she sat next to each other next to each other. Chris and they seemed to be alone. The other people around them dazzled them. This was one of their special skills.

He gently put his arm around her.

Nobody had done it so intimate. No friend, no girlfriend, not even the members of their own Family. Uncertainty came up in her. She suspected what he had plotted, suspected that there was more than just friendship between them.

But she wanted it? He said it seriously, or only played with her? she was afraid. Fear to get hurt. Fear to be rejected when she opened it. Still, she didn’t reject him.

The feeling of his closeness was too good while the warm water played around her body.

Alexa closed her eyes. She felt the massage jets that pressed the water against her body. She felt the man’s hand on her thigh. He went too far? A shower ran through her body.

A tingling sensation that hiked up to her abdomen up to her abdomen and triggered a strange feeling there. A feeling that she could not describe, but at that moment she gave away, away from her familiar world, her mangas and video games.

The bubbling water almost put them in a kind of intoxication. A sensual trance from which she no longer wanted to wake up. No word was changed between them.

Only the feelings that his touch triggered in her. His fingers tenderly stroked her shoulder. His fingers on her bare skin. His hot breath, which blew over her welding wet cheek.

The girl’s heart beat faster, while her otherwise so hard -working head dissolved from every thought.

She no longer thought about what would happen now. At that moment she was sucked in a whirlpool, which continued to Riss from her world and into another realm. Alexa felt his lips on her neck. The first kiss of a man she received in her life as a woman.

A second followed, and then a third party.

Soon Alexa could no longer count her. She didn’t want it at all. Enjoyingly, she wrote in his strong arms and allowed his fingers to stroke her bosom covered by the swimsuit. The buds of the Virgo tensioned so that he could feel it under the fabric.

His lips wandered over her face until they finally found theirs.

It was a delicate kiss on her mouth that followed more. Your body vomited before you ask without really organizing it. Curiosity, pleasure, fear and shame mingled with her spirit. Time lost all meaning.

At some point Alexa felt his tip of the tongue and opened her lips slightly.

He penetrated into her. He felt soulful after hers Tongue and asked them to dance. The girl hesitated, but he didn’t let go. Tenderly and yet determining it he took possession of it.

The kisses became more and more passionate and soon she too did her arms around him.

The world around her turned on. The other people hardly noticed the couple. For everyone else it may have been a few kisses. But for Alexa it was the beginning of a great love.

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