Lustful orgasm | Erotic sex stories

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Again and again I can torn good -looking and sexy dressed women while shopping in the city. I also like to take a look at a good -looking woman and her bottom. Certain women simply erotize me and I feel a tingling below my navel or. of my shame area. Which of course gives me a damp panties through my fantasies every now and then. The thought always came up with me, one or the other was intimate with another woman.

Do you feel so dear girls ..?Even my nightly erotic dreams were repeatedly shaped by the intimate erotic get -together with a woman. Bi should be in today or the motto a bit of bi never harms. Yes what do I do ..? A first date. Suddenly I found a woman who seems erotic to me. I found quite daring and absurd. I’m a little too submissive. In the circle of acquaintances with one of my friends, I also found a lot of daring even though some are quite dirty.

Whether these statements may only be empty word sleeves. In the Frivolen Fantasy Talks with my husband, he was not averse to my idea of having a bi-friend. He even stitched me on it. Of course these are typical men ideas to be third in the group. So I started to find out more and deal with it. I didn’t want to wait anymore until I found her that had it. I would probably have had a lot of luck.

I wanted to find out how I tender caress or. be fucked by a partner. How does a woman do it with my clitoris and my G-spot. So I googled again and came to a really cool solution. A yoni massage. I wondered why I didn’t get the idea earlier. Why do you neglect yourself and your body and are satisfied with what is there?Why do you lose the child’s urge to research when it comes to sex? Because it was forbidden to satisfy yourself at a young age because you think you already know everything? Because you think you have to be decent.

I guess I only got there so late because a lot of others in life simply stopped me to concentrate on myself. Too rarely you take time for yourself. Suddenly … I was now freed from a lot of these things. So I was bird -free and finally used the time. And also on this day when I ordered my Yoni massage in a professional studio, I felt great. The appointment was three days later.

I didn’t tell my loved one about this appointment. I didn’t want to wait for his reaction and decide myself. I took care of it for this day and was as excited as if I had a date with my clit and my G-spot. I read so many different reports from women who have a yoni massage had already experienced and read all the tips, looked at the Yoni massage videos on X-Hamster to inform me and when I saw that I became horny and felt how wet my mine pussy became.

The idea of feeling a more intensive ecstasy than with the previous orgasms was difficult for me to imagine. Yes, it just had to be good. In preparation for the appointment, I already bathed in the morning. The appointment was in the afternoon. I let hot water in the bathtub, and set up quietly relaxing music. The water felt really velvety today and I always dived my bathing sponge in the hot water and let it run over my cleavage.

My nipples became hard. I shaved incredibly thoroughly. No hair should cloud my pleasure. I wanted me to be completely smooth and smooth. I checked every angle of my body, especially all angles in my lap. I got insanely hot and I had to keep my body out of the water a little further to cool myself down a little. I lifted out one leg and put it on the tub edge. My breasts rose and sank out of the hot water by moving my pelvis.

I started to spoil myself in the bathtub as so often. It got almost unbearably hot in the tub. I started sweating. I just massaged myself very easily and gently, that was enough. I was so charged that it was only a little finger movement to get to the climax. So, I also knew the feeling when it felt particularly intense. It felt so good, so liberating. How may it feel when the G-spot takes action? I had one? I certainly had one, but some women don’t seem to work, but that also hit the clitoral orgasm not too to me either.

I could enjoy it in all variants. I just have to lie on my back at best – just like in the bathtub, then it was most beautiful and easiest. My head cinema song. Where will she touch me anywhere. How will it feel to be led to the climax by a woman “professionally”?The obtus and sinful my thoughts, all the more beautiful and more intense my orgasm. I skipped, I only imagined sex with a woman, the soft curves, the kisses, licked and fingered.

The more intense my head cinema, the more intense my orgasm. I then lay down on the bed, surfed with my tablet in the Internet and looked at some massage videos. How would it be for me this afternoon? I still roll back and forth in bed and couldn’t think of anything else. I didn’t want to be distracted by anything. My thoughts and this day were only intended for it and for nothing else. I stood on cream and styled, got dressed and set off.

My thoughts were definitely through the coming sex. I didn’t think of positions, other bodies or erotic situations, I only thought of the physical sense, the perceptions, the smell, the tones, the touches on the skin, the emerging heat, my pulsating lap, my swollen labia. I automatically became very moist by these thoughts and I was pleasantly warm. I arrived in the massage practice. A pretty petite friendly woman greeted me and led me to a room.

I waited a few moments there. And then she came, my masseuse. She looked nice. A little alternative, but nice. Hoppla no sexy chick. Well let’s see. My heart pounded and I was really excited. We looked into our eyes and I was reassured because I knew that I wouldn’t have a problem with touching and massaging me. She asked me if I already had a yoni massage or whether this was the first.

It’s my first. she smiled. She asked me if I had already had experience with the G-point. Yes I replied. She calmed me down by saying that nothing would happen in which I could feel uncomfortable. I should simply concentrate and enjoy, enjoy myself, enjoy … You would notice whether I like it or not and of course I would have the opportunity to say or. to express my wishes.

She said that I should go to the bathroom to get rid of my clothes and strip one of the bathrobes. Pantofolas would also be ready. In the bathroom, all hygiene items were lined up with which you can clean yourself again. A shower was ready with shower gel and shampoo in different versions, of course a lot of bathrobes, towels, wet wipes, toilet articles, even disposable and deodorant. Well I wondered if that would really be used by the “customers”. Here it felt somehow porn.

But I had prepared myself at home. I took off and actually just wanted to go back to the massage room. I took my things with me. When I arrived in the massage room, gentle meditative music ran, the curtain was completely drawn and darkened the room very much, the barren light was gently and smelled of warm oil and pleasant incense sticks. I immediately felt comfortable. She came in barefoot and dressed with a beautiful lungi.

May I imagine I am the Iris. She stood behind me and said that she would lose my bathrobe. I opened the loop and she pulled it away gently from behind. Iris pointed to the mattress provided with a beautiful cloth and told me that I should lie on my stomach. I did. She dealt with the warmed oil and told me that I should best close my eyes and now only enjoy.

It will start with the feet and hands and massage the whole body. She drizzled warm oil on my feet and began to massage my feet and calves with gentle but not tickling movements. It felt great. Every single toe was taken by her, pulled, stretched and massaged. At that moment I calmed down. It will definitely take a long time I thought, I had closed my eyes, breathed in and out and really began to enjoy.

I no longer thought of the music, no longer of the smell, no longer of Iris anymore. I only felt the touches that felt gently and kindly. So nobody had ever touched me before, let alone my husband. I felt that I didn’t have to give anything, didn’t have to give anything back like sex with my husband. This was only for me. I didn’t owe anyone anything. There was also no stress that I would have to get to the climax as quickly as possible.

Now I just didn’t have to do anything, I just had to stay. I enjoyed it. Toe for toe, touch for touch. It wasn’t sexual at all, it was just nice. I noticed how I really relaxed like never before. I didn’t even know this type of relaxation. I was completely with myself, forgot everything else. Only me and these touches. She went through the entire leg from bottom to top. When she arrived on the thigh, I noticed that the inside of the thigh was much more sensitive than the rest that the touch by the buttocks pulled into the crotch.

Then she devoted herself to my fingers. Here, too, she began to pull and stretch every finger, massaged every finger and then slowly went up my arms. God, it was just relaxing to lie there and feel these gentle touch. She came to my neck and that was also unusually good for me. But Iris touched me so pleasantly, it was just nice. She went down her back from the neck. Always slow, always nice and oily.

I felt immersed in the warm oil. From the back she went down to my butt and when she got there, approached the buttocks from top and bottom, then slid along the buttocks and pushed it up and down, I got really hot. Up to this point I did not even know that my upper and under Po approach as well as my entire buttocks is an insane pleasure center. I enjoyed every touch, every sliding in every direction.

Everything in this area was right and not only felt like an external touch. It was as if the warm feeling of touch reached deep into my body and gently hugged me gently but powerfully. She slid into the Poritze with her hands and massaged on both sides next to the anus With the thumb with light pressure and the other fingers followed easily. She took the buttocks on the inner leg and pulled it apart, raised her up, pressed, massaged and put everything in tension and then relaxation again.

I felt that I was slowly becoming moist, solely through these touches. And then I felt a peak, I thought she went over my body with a cloth, but she had put her lungi off. She had moved out because shortly afterwards I felt how she slid over me with her hands and then with her entire upper body. Wow, she was naked, it felt incredibly good. She started in her knees and went up to the neck and on to her arms.

Your breasts stroked the bottom and back. She drove down my bottom with her hands, walked over the inside of my labia and raised my pelvis. She pressed her breast against my buttocks and held me from below. That suddenly invited me to twice. I did not know if she felt that it was particularly important to me when my butt was the focus of the touch or whether it was the process of her massage, but I enjoyed it so extensively that she was so extensive to my buttocks.

Wow … I had become so horny … a naked woman nestled on my back. She changed and slid over me on the side. I clearly felt her breasts and her nipples slide over me. A wonderful feeling. Really pleasant, at the same time fully erotic. This full feeling of touch and skin contact was amazing. Quite different from being touched with your hands. So far I did not know this level of physical pampering by a woman.

Then she knelt over my head and went down to the bottom with her hands down and up again. Simply everything she did felt from tender, loving and erotic. I should turn around. This request triggered everything in me. Oh yes, please … I knew she would come to my breast soon and then the finale that I am awaited will soon take place. She started again with her toes and fingers, Legs and poor.

When she arrived at her arms and got up to her shoulders, my breasts were already moving with the movements of her hands. But she didn’t go that far yet. This tension and expectation made me crazy and I was slowly getting really cool. She stroked the cleavage and drove further back to the neck and stretched it lightly. Holded my neck in my hands and stroked it gently up. I was so relaxed that my head every little finger movement followed.

I felt incredibly well cared for. She put my head back and led her hands back to my cleavage. Iris massaged me so that my breasts went with the movement, she went down on the side of my breasts and stroked the breast approach from below. She dipped her forearm between my breasts and gently circled it with light pressure. Then she finally devoted herself to my breasts completely, stroked over it, kneaded her in a circle.

She kissed my two excited hard nipples. That made me crazy. I was expecting how she approached my breasts. She touched and massaged like my butt so that I got incredibly wet at that moment. Nobody had devoted themselves to my body like that, not even my breasts. I noticed that my breasts were swollen, my nipples hard and I also realized that I was completely opening in this feeling.

I was sexually charged now. Then she knelt between my legs, massaged them, came to her hips and massaged them as well, weighed my entire hip, pressed it into the mattress and leaned on it, circling with the arms from the outside and from bottom to top. She stroked the Venushügel, went back to her knees and led hands, arms and upper body from the thighs to my shoulders and arms and back again.

What a body feeling, I experienced something that I had never felt before. My body felt complete electrifying at. She invited me more and more. Her hands slid back onto the Venushügel when walking down and remained there for some time. I felt a stream by laying their palms, a warmth up to my pussy deep into my pussy. Then she started with movements that were broken in and outwards. My shame pound and literally pounded I was tried to move my pelvis, but I was too busy with enjoying.

Then finally she slid along the outside of my labia and devoted herself to the region in which all my body sensation now gathered and was only waiting to be touched. She stroked and down several times, pressed easier, then then a firmer. Went back to the thighs. I was a little disappointed at that moment that it did not go seamlessly, but arrived at the knees, she put my legs on one after the other, put cushions on and lowered them so that I did not have to bend them myself and slid back to hip, Venus mounds and labia.

She massaged my lower butt again approach to which she now ranked well and pressed it towards Lust Center. Oh yes, that was really a highly erotic zone from me. I started to moan, just because I couldn’t help it. With her thumb she went up the buttocks to the Venus hill and then went down completely wet, hot and swollen vagina with one hand from top to bottom into the completely wet, hot and swollen. Oh man – no, Oh Iris, I wanted more from that.

She massaged my clitoris with her thumb, holding my venus hill and pressing it. What a combination of correct touch. She left her thumb again and led her fingers into me with the other hand. She turned and walled her fingers – every movement filled me. And suddenly it was this feeling that I hadn’t known with a woman to date. I don’t start to get it, I weren’t twitching, I wasn’t surprised – instead I just thought that exactly this position can be felt like a hidden pea and it is just perfect now.

She couldn’t touch me more centrally and I knew that he was there. The G-spot that she fixed exactly. Welcome to my life. I don’t know exactly what she was doing, she didn’t move hectic, but this one center in me felt more and more intense, I felt that I almost finished, I heard it too. I got it as hot as ever before. Suddenly she moved a little faster and more intense, but not hectic or hard, I think she exerted a little more pressure, but no matter what she did or how she did it, the result was that I had a feeling in me that I was more warm, grateful, liberating, warmer and hotter, could not feel more intensely.

My extremely swollen Yoni pulsed, twitched, really insisted on the clitoral orgasm and I hadn’t even came out. Iris put the thumb back on the clitoris and completed her craft. I didn’t know if I imploded or exploded, probably both. It was incredible, my absolutely inner center of lust poured out and triggered an indescribably liberating feeling in me. I groaned out of myself so deeply, it wasn’t like a rocket that started, which was gone.

It was a feeling as if someone had solved a plug in me and came out all this sexual energy in a gush and with a giant wave. It wasn’t suddenly over, the wave dragged on and I felt how it was slowly decreasing, but that was also such a good relaxed feeling. Slowly my body calmed down. She covered me with a silk towel and kissed my lips and left the room. I stayed for a while until I was back in reality.

That was worth it. Finally I knew this feeling of being tender together with a woman, finally I knew that it was possible to love a woman. I think the tenderness between two women is very special, much more sensitive actually indescribable. I could come with the G-spot, I had one, he worked … and how!I was so happy about what I had experienced. I love my husband and will tell him about the Yoni Massage and at the same time an appointment for a lingam (tail) Order massage for him from Iris.

This is also part of the repertoire of Iris to give the male sex sensation of pleasure. Now the shyness and anxiety is intimate for me to love a woman.

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