With the Greek | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Sitting at home all day and seen far. Nothing was going.. Suddenly the phone rings: Hi! Here is Werner.. Say Hans, what do you think of it when I come to you with Ute tonight? Because she has that automobile get from daddy …;Well, why not!…: Oki…

Then we come to you around 8 p.m!Actually, I’m not at all in the mood. But now where my girlfriend Angela is traveling, a change is good for me.

In addition, a conversation with the two is always quite interesting. Especially with Ute, because she can speak so openly about her wishes and fantasies in terms of sex. At 8 p.m. the doorbell rings the door..

When I open, I’m really glad that my boring evening seems to be interesting. When we arrived in my room, I ask if you might want to drink a coffee. Clear. , Werner wants a coffee..

It’s just as addicted to coffee as I do. Ute prefer mineral water. I still remember our last phone call, where Ute talked about her fantasies about sex with two boys.

I am always surprised how openly she talks about it. Not that Angela wouldn’t do that.

But Ute is “from a good house” and at first glance you would never suspect that. Oh well. First discusses about relatively irrelevant topics.. What is your studies, the weather, the political situation and then as usually about sex.

All the time I have to think about what Ute had told on the phone. We discuss clitorals orgasm And about why Ute doesn’t get a vaginal orgasm. Such topics are quite normal for us, since Werner is my best friend and we talk about everything, our friends have already got used to the fact that we also exchange our sexual experiences and “tricks”.

After a while you have enjoyed it yourself and are now really keen to tell us your fantasies. Only now does I notice that Ute constantly fixes me and has such a sensual expression on the face that I will be very tingling.

I don’t know why (or yet!?) But I speak to her on your fantasies with the 2 men and explain why I now travel where my girlfriend is afraid is afraid without gaining new experience without Angela’s consent. On the other hand, she emphasizes that she would like to try out what it is like to be caressed by two men at the same time.

Nevertheless, she realizes that I am not ready to do so today. I’m not trying to think about what possibility Ute indicates there. But I’m pretty sharp.

In order to escape the situation, I suggest that we could eat something in the Greek. This proposal is approved and we go to the car and jet. During the trip I see like Werner Ute between the Legs gap. It is difficult to maintain its good resolutions under such circumstances.

When we arrived at the Greek, my reservations have dissolved in air and I regret not being discussed.

When we found a nice table in a corner, I sat next to Werner. Ute cannot let her body touch how randomly. It is clear to me that Werner you in the car quite fueled and she is now hanging in the air. At this sight I throw my last doubts overboard.

It’s just too horny to say no. I can’t allow this nice girl to disappoint this nice girl. The way it looks like the two of them just came over so late. As chance, Werner goes the order.

I take the opportunity to change my place.

Now I’m sitting on the left and Werner on the right of Ute. Before Werner comes back, I whisper Ute in the ear that I would like to go into her proposal. To my astonishment, she looks at me very happily and says I shouldn’t Obligation do. I tell her a little unsettled, she should let me know if she didn’t like it.

She assures me that she would do that. When Werner comes back, he immediately sees that I implemented myself. He grins at me as if he wanted to say: Hey, you smashed fussy?For a long time I don’t do anything but to sit there and feel the rising heat in my body.

I start to tremble. Should I really? I summarize all courage and put my hand under the table on utes leg … nothing happens, except that I almost get bad with excitement.

But it’s also incredibly horny! Slowly, very slowly I start stroking her leg.. Then keep going up until I arrive at your triangle in a breathless moment. Ute was still quite quiet so far, so she now pushes her pelvis towards me. My body reacts immediately ..

Man is hot.. I pack my best friend’s girlfriend on the pussy and she still pushes her pelvis towards me.

And all of this happens in a restaurant. I start systematically driving up and down on your pants. I want to do it well for her! Always with light pressure.

, but still nice tender. I try to look as normal above the table. But have problems (because of the trembling) Beer to drink. Ute is getting hotter ..

Even the people sitting removed in the restaurant should see that apparently someone is very “hurt” under the table. Suddenly I feel my friend’s hand … I drive back frightened.. But he was only looking for Denweg under her sweater.

When he was really gathering, the waiter comes with our food.

Nobody is hungry … We poking around in the meal and trying not to show what happens under our table. Then I feel your hand for my stiff cock search. When she found him, she starts to push and stroke him through his pants.

With her jeans I can feel the moist of your shell. And my pants also start to soften. I think she is no longer aware of her surroundings. In any case, she moans so loudly that people are already more than “normal” over to us.

I particularly notice a woman. She always looks over and winks at us in a friendly way.

Whether the knows what is going on here.. Clearo.. Everyone in the restaurant now knows that.

Only this woman does not confess to look over, just as if she had already experienced and enjoyed something similar. Ute has really stepped away.. Werner caresses her firm breasts hidden her firm breasts half over half of the table and I get to create on the inside of her thighs. She rears up properly and moves her whole body to my petting in rhythm.

Werner tries to make the whole thing look a little more harmless by kissing it for a long time. Now it goes on for a while. Ute is absolutely no longer under control and we both boys are probably no longer fully accountable with lust.

Nevertheless, I suggest – when the waiter comes over for the third time and asks us whether we still want to drink – that we should slowly leave this place. When we arrive outside, we are undecided what we should do.

Continue the whole thing (at my home) or decide the evening. When we walk past the car next to the car, the woman actually waved to Ute and shows her an ok sign. Ute, somewhat confused, waves back. Apparently strengthened by this gesture she asks us to continue somewhere else.

We decide to drive to me and end what we started.

Ute has serious problems to concentrate on traffic (road traffic). She is still very excited and I’m looking forward to seeing her naked for the first time and caressing her whole body.

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