Universal lust | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She had sat in the seminar for an hour and a half. It was boring – this chatterer talked to Thomas Morus in a tour of basics of utopian ideas in a tour of basics of utopian ideas.
But Conny couldn’t concentrate.

Firstly, she didn’t feel like it anyway, and secondly, this dream type was sitting under this dream type with the long, black hair and the brown eyes, the body didn’t seem to be from bad parents either – under the shirt there were clearly muscle packages. How it had to feel when ..
Conny has now been more unconcentrated. She couldn’t really decide whether to dream of doing something else with the guy, or whether she should rather think about how she could actually “get it”.

In the former performance she became increasingly restless.

She had heard from a friend that he sailed a lot. So probably the muscles – maybe he’ll take me on a boat tour.
The idea of how they drove together in a boat together on the Havel, while his strong hands first stroked them tenderly and later gripped stronger in the right places, drove the tingling in the body. Especially in the certain place between the thighs, where she now clearly felt the seam of her leg.

She started to slide restlessly on her chair. Imagined to stroke it, feel it and sink into his brown eyes ..

If he would just look over it! Her tables formed a right angle, but he seemed so enthusiastic about Thomas Morus that he never looked aside. Damn! Maybe she should also register for the university sailing course? Then she could possibly do him this afternoon ..?! But he probably went more regatta sailing than in the university course. The way he looked .. tanned and really weathered.

The somewhat brittle lips felt really great while kissing! She imagined how these lips stroked her skin, the goose bumps that were left behind the rough touch on her cleavage and the feeling when these lips were closed around her breast tips ..

She pressed the thighs together to press the hosen seam deeper between the thighs, where it not only tingled even more violently, but was also noticeably moist.
Then she tore general unrest from her dream – apparently Thomas Morus had done, the seminar was over and people started packing. She looked at her friend next to her and said “Well, you were restless – what you thought of … let’s go?“Of course they went food. They stroll happily giggling across the campus towards the cafeteria.

Last but not least, the cheerful giggle overhertened that her friend Susi raised her freshly heart.

She was obviously very fond of Marc. Sure, he already looks fantastic. Apparently she knew a lot of him. Not only that with sailing was from her, also the name and also ..

She even offered to arrange a date.
Conny came into real temptation, but then she was too proud and said no. Strictly speaking, she said: “You are stupid, I don’t want to hear anything anymore”, Susi’s book bag grabbed and stormed away from her after her. Susi Conny only caught up. A quick look at the menu – Hmm, the vegetarian food should be the only tolerable again.

And on the crowd ..

Apparently (like every day) several thousand students had decided to go food right now. There was an incredible crowd. When Conny had identified the right snake, she almost stopped her heart: the guy in front of her -that was not?? Sure, the white shirt, long hair and butt. Conny’s knees were literally weak.

There wasn’t much missing and she would have gone up immediately.
Marc was relatively small, but strong and the back baking were quite pronounced in the faded black jeans. Conny knew that she wasn’t unattractive either, but was now annoyed that they were to wear these somewhat old -fashioned cord pants today.

The crowd pushed her closer and closer to him anyway. She already touched him on her hips (Hmmm -as his backbake against her venus hill ..) and shortly afterwards her breasts drilled into his back.
Conny drove through an electric blow. A pulling went from her breasts into her whole body, it was like expanding.

At the moment the nipples became stiff, he had to feel that.
At least now he turned grinning now. “Quite tight here?“His eyes flashed mischievously, at least that looked like this for Conny’s brilliant brain.

“Oh you are – from the Utopia Seminar – Hello, I’m Marc”. “Con .. Conny ”she stammered.

This almost insolent grin robbed her of the last mind. Let’s say something, she thought. But what? Whether he was on technical discussions?She decided that this was not the case, otherwise she could tick it off right away. So she decided to grin back as cheeky and said: “Much too bad, the seminar ..

In the weather “.
Damn what a sowing saying, she was never a word about a word. But he went into it, told about sailing, which he actually intends and the upcoming two -hour break, which could certainly offer compensation. Conny could hardly believe her luck, they chatted happily. It did not notice that they already had a tray in their hands and were looking for a place.

And they were already sitting together while eating and joking. And teased each other, at least she had the impressions of the sailing quickly on the beautiful weather, swimming, burning brown and applying cream. He was already complimental to her her cute figure. His pleasant voice of talking about joint activities to hear and about what could be done to do Conny pleasant shower over his back.

When he put his hand on her forearm confidentially, she said to feel sparks spark.

The touch spread over her whole body. When he told that about the mutual oiling of sunbathing, she hadn’t missed that he literally devoured her with his eyes.
Hopefully her punched nipples did not notice too much. She still didn’t really dare to fall into the house with the door. And she didn’t know what he would think of her if she was too obviously horny for him.

She didn’t even have a bra ..

But fortunately it was not too much under the tightly striped and structured shirt. But this place shirt prepared the most wonderful feelings on the very extremely sensitive warts. A pulling went from her teats directly through the body between her thighs.
The feeling united with that of his hand on her arm.

“Tell me, don’t like it?” I’m sorry, what? Oops, so she had probably come into dreaming a little. In fact, hunger had now been replaced by another feeling in her stomach.
“No, actually I’m no longer hungry. Do you have to go to the next event right away, or do you have 2 hours free?”.

He also had free. They went to the exit, still past the cash register for the concert tickets. Conny wanted to go to Sonic Youth next week. She stood in front of the poster and studied the data when he discovered a particularly original notice inside the store.

He put his arm around her shoulder and came very close to her with his face so that she could show the direction better.

“Look, that’s not your favorite band?“The slightly mocking undertone didn’t bother her at all because his hair tickled so beautifully her neck.
But the concert was only next week, so they strolled towards Campuswiese. He left his hand on her shoulder, whereupon she put her arm around his hip. That was an extremely favorable position, because so she could feel the upper half of his rear cheek with her fingertips and too inconspicuously.

Hmmm, crunchy! And how they moved up and down while walking. She wondered if he felt her fingers and imagined how it would be his fingers to feel now at the point. You had already reached the lawn.

He threw his bag into the grass and lay down, head on his pocket. She did it to him, but lay down pretty close to him, which would not have been necessary in the many space.
They lay quietly side by side for a while, then they both started talking about the clouds in the sky at the same time. They had to laugh because both had the same idea at the same time. And then the figure rates began.

Marc turned out to be extremely imaginative. He interpreted the most adventurous figures in the cumulus clouds.
She didn’t want to stand behind and finally claimed stiff and firmly to have discovered a ramming rabbit couple in the sky. That she could hardly think of anything other than ramming.
He stood out and claimed not to be able to discover anything of the kind. She said “You have to look at it in the transverse direction”!He did that too.

He even swung around completely, after which his head came to lie on her stomach. She almost got one blow again. During deploying her shirt had slipped out of her pants and the belly button was practically free. And now there was his head.

“Ahja, now I see it too – very cute”.

They now started a discussion about the love seven of the rabbits and its certain monotony, because a lot of teasing games would be missing from these animals.
In addition, there is much more to discover on the human body than with rabbits. “What for example?“Conny asked Schelmisch, in the hope and with anticipation that he should demonstrate it right away.
Marc said that rabbit bodies made anticipation for a nice roast. A female body, on the other hand, makes you want to touch, pats … but maybe also on food.

He laughed, turned blows and bit her playfully in her bare belly … she screamed softly and winc.

Then he put his hand on her thighs and supports himself to rise. She noticed how his view of her waistband fell, where you could punch a little because of her flat stomach and recognize the hem of her panties.
Aha, apparently he likes that. Then she had to suppress a sigh when he supported and reinforced the pressure on her thigh.

It literally burned in her meat and from the point the feeling radiated into the whole area. And in this environment there were very sensitive parts of Conny!He stood above her now and offered her both hands to get up – gratefully accepted her. She deliberately pulled herself up a little too lively so that she was pressed closely to him before she found the balance. Her legs were noticeably weak.

She had been horny for three hours now, her breasts burned (especially when they were now pressed against his chest) and hers pussy Tingling tremendously in the tight trousers.

In her stomach, a pull made itself felt as she otherwise knew it from just before the climax. “Hmm, male bodies also make you want more”. “What exactly?“Was the not necessarily intelligent counter question, with which he bent into his pockets. The sight of the male butter that was stretched out was too much.
She drove her hand between his legs and stroked his tail, Tickled the Egg With the fingernails through the trouser.

He screamed, almost like a girl, and shrugged with the pool.
She imagined the feeling of a comparable action on his part, which gave way to the tingling sensation no less.

“Oh, you mean something like that,” was his comment. “Yes, that’s always fascinating.“With these words he took her to his arm and pulled her towards the main building. Oh God. She could hardly walk, the moisture between her legs made her very slippery and the tickling feeling when rubbing on her pants almost brought her to the mind.
Her head swam in the feelings and now he also put his hand on her buttocks and pressed too.

He literally kneaded her rear cheek while running. She giggled silly (“Heyyy …”) and tried to suppress the feeling by pressing the thighs together. This gave her a somewhat strange look, besides, it did not reduce the feeling in the slightest. Although she was not wearing a bra, her breasts seemed to want to blow up her shirt’s prison.

Again his strong hand pressed her butt. She screamed quietly and pressed her pelvis forward and against his.

They had reached the entrance to the lecture hall and studied the timetable. His hand stroked her two back baking alternately. Whenever she drove on the way from one to the other over the gap between them, Conny’s heart stopped for a moment.
She was looking forward to these moments, literally waited for him to stroke there again to further increase the feeling.

Now he was there again – and pressed right there. His fingers dig into the inside of their backing. The long middle finger drilled directly into the sensitive area between her pussy and the buttock. She squeaked out loud.

The feeling was suddenly shot through her entire pool, she literally felt her clit against her pants. She pushed herself forward, the hot -cold stinging shot through her stomach and back and the thighs, she wouldn’t .. . Once she started, she almost came to her with this one -fold touch.

That could be cheerful!“Don’t do something again, you hear?“Already she had her hand on his soft tissues and in turn pressed vigorously. Ui, very hard obvious.

The many people around it bothered a little, so they went into the lecture hall and sat in one of the last rows. They couldn’t leave their fingers. As soon as they sat and had folded the tables, Conny’s hand drove in the middle of Marcs Schenkel.
It was really crazy, they hadn’t even kissed and hardly caressed.

Kneading the stiff thing in her hand through the jeans made her very crazy. When she pushed around and kneaded, she got very strange feelings herself. On the one hand, pressing the hard rubber -like part of her mink muscles, where was the chewing gum? On the other hand, she imagined how it had to feel for Marc.
This idea was heated by the fact that she saw him forgotten the face when he had a side glance as if he had pain.

She scratched her fingernails over his sack and the tail and his hips and legs flinched hard. Then she pushed her thumb into the waistband from above – she wanted to feel his part naked.
From the outside, her long fingers kept kneading the shaft, while her thumb was pushing into his lower -hoses and felt the tip of the tail.

Ui, it was very wet – aha, he was not circumcised. She gently pushed the foreskin On the glans back and forth. Apparently it was almost too much for him. He literally grabbed air, his muscles stretched out.

She imagined his feelings.

The rubbing of the glans should be as similar as if someone was slowly working with circular fingers shortly before the climax. If you did that with her, a tingling of her body would now spread infinitely slowly and then – ups, apparently with him too: his hand clawed tightly in her thighs, she felt like his cock reared up in her hand and itWet past her thumb.

His abdominal muscles winced lythmically, he was sitting next to her with his eyes crazy and laboriously suppressed a groaning ohgott, what had to romp in this dream type for wonderful sensations.
Conny was convinced at that moment that there had to be a very special connection between them. Because she clearly felt all the perceptions that apparently shook him.
When it was hot over her thumb, she noticed that she too almost expired. When his stomach twitched that she was about to contract at the climax.

She felt the goosebumps all over the body, her pelvis involuntarily made slight shock movements.
His handcrede in her thigh did not exactly contribute to reducing the feeling.
Then he had caught himself so far that he could think again reasonably clearly.

His hand drove into her cordhose without wague. No tender, preparatory touch, his hand slid directly below her panties to her shame.

He hesitated briefly and considered whether he should spoil her clit or try to fuck her with his fingers. In the absence of a decision, he tried both at the same time. It only took 2 seconds anyway.
As two fingers slid through her labia and pushed into her during the thumb hardly even briefly circled her compliant, Conny tore it away.

Her hands reached into the void and her fingers clawed on an invisible rod, while her head sank back with your eyes closed and the mouth wide open to silently cry.
It was so far.

The goosebumps had grasped from the toes to the tips of the hair. Conny lost that Contact To the outside world. The auditorium lights were colored and then replaced by stars, she only heard a big noise. Once she returned briefly to reality (when her head hit the row of seats behind her) and she clung to Marc, pressed her head to his shoulder to suppress the inevitable outcry.

Then her body began to twitch and shake.

She felt the Rythmic pulsation in her furniture, very quickly and tingling at first, then it slower – but also stronger and finally her whole body contracted each other, pressed against Marc again and again.
Oh God. Conny slowly wakes up from her trance. She looked up at Marc, saw his incredulously amazed look.“Let’s go somewhere else, I want to feel you!!”. They left the lecture hall closely, only accompanied by a few smile.

Her escapade was probably not completely unnoticed. “That was very big, but I want to go more,” Whispered Conny and at the same time stroked his chest and back – although her hands kept getting lost in deeper regions.

“Well, you’re going – wait, I know where we can go!”. Marc couldn’t let his fingers from her either. He kept her slogging buttocks when walking, a finger kept straying into the column of her butt.

“So I expect it from a man who wants to become my lover!”Laughed Conny.
“Soso, you are probably not at all what? Whoever says I want that?”. They stay in front of a door to a seminar room and Marc took them in their arms and started kissing them – the first kiss! At first her mouths touched tender and shy, stroked the other lips and opened only tentatively. But very quickly the kiss became more violent and soon turned out in violent knuckle.

Conny and Marc sucked together almost desperately. Their tongues whirled around, played fan genes while clinging to each other, grabbed one after the other, grabbed what they could achieve.

Conny felt his hands everywhere on her body, she could hardly distinguish whether he was tenderly abused her breasts, stroked her neck, scratched her back or stroked her legs.
Only when his hand slid between her thighs and massaged her gender vigorously through the tight trousers did the tingling become so strong that her knees became soft and she knew exactly what he was doing!His tongue seemed to know the sensitive areas in her mouth carefully and tickled it unbearably. She loosened from him and answered his insolent question. “Well, that says that!“Her hand massaged his rock -hard swollen tail.

“Well, it’s cheeky – uuii!“Marc almost screamed when her fingernails snatch his eggs through the pants. “But now quickly there,” Marc pulled a key out of his pocket and opened the door to the seminar room in front of which they were standing.

“Such a tutor job also has advantages,” he murmured and pushed it into the room. He held her on his hip while Conny’s hands drove behind her to catch his legs and, above all, the part in between. “Soso, tutor you are also, which subject do you teach, Lord Teacher?“Conny had turned around and just started to button up his shirt and kissing his chest. She stroked his strong muscles on the stomach, amateur and also on the arms.

The shirt could conveniently be stripped off.
He was also not inactive. Under a murmur about something like interactions of social systems, he had pulled her shirt over her head with a short grip.
For the first time he saw her breasts. They jumped out under the shirt, plump and firm, the warts stiffly erected by the long friction on the riffel fabric and its constant lust. He looked at her briefly, then he leaned to kiss her.

Conny’s breasts had already swelled the undressing of the shirt itself.

She felt this itching and burning in her breast and the cold draft increased the desire for one massage In the infinite.
When Marc’s mouth closed around her left teat without warning, he began to lick her damp and stuck to her, Conny almost believed to pass. The feeling ran through her whole body. “Uuuuuuhh”, she made when it reached her pussy and almost started to run out again.
She clawed in his back, but then thought that it was finally time to free him from the rest of his clothes. She opened his pants with driving hands, grabbed briefly, whereupon a grunting groaning from Marc could be heard.

But who continued to suck her breasts blessed, licked and massaged.

Then she pulled him down with Dens shorts. His rock -hard member jumped out and rubbed his thigh.
Conny tried to let his eyes open so that she could graze on the divine figure of this Adonis, but it wasn’t easy for her. She could hardly believe it, she had never experienced anything like that: she was almost completely dressed (apart from the shirt hanging around her neck) and this divine man was completely naked in front of her and sucked on her tits.

And how well he did that. Now he pushed her to a table, pressing it against it.

His thigh pressed between her legs and his hard cock rubbed his thigh. She reached for it because the feeling in her pelvis she forced her to do so. Her buttocks were maltreated by the table edge against which he pressed them.
Her pussy was pressed and rubbed by his thigh, she felt infinitely sensitive, tickled and ran out increasingly.

“Come on, we already had the games, now I want to fuck!!“Pressed them out and Adonis immediately understood. He opened her pants and pulled her down.

Then he put her gently on the table. The sight of the girl in front of him was almost too much for Marc, his cock stood steeply up.
He stroked her throat over her throat and belly to her thighs. Conny Bente under the touch of his fingers, he left a trace of goosebumps. “Hey, the table really has a practical height,” said Marc.

“Allerdiiiiiings”, answeredeconny, as one of his fingers drove through her pussy from bottom to top.
Then he replaces the fingertip through that of his swollen tail and stimulated her labia with it. Her pelvis began to perform involuntary rolling movements, Conny was close to a fainting.

She sucked on his finger, who somehow got into her mouth and finally felt how he penetrated infinitely slowly into her. Finally. This first penetration was always the best thing about it.
It was clearly stretched like every inch of her Mösenwande and was put in flames.

He was already on the way out and put on the second shock. Conny groaned and fired him “Oh yes, guuut, uuuuii”. He now fucked her with deep, slow strokes and Conny turned like an eel on the table. The feeling between her legs began to spread towards the stomach and thigh and she didn’t know if she should try to avoid him or to oppose him.

“Oh god you look cute,” stammered Marc.

He stroked her whole body while he was evenly and only slowly becoming faster into her. Conny hovered in higher spheres, she reached for him, clawed into his chest muscles. The familiar pull began to flow through her. She knew that she was promoted to orgasm Had started.
“If you continue like this – uuuaaa – then I’ll come” oh yes? And if I don’t go on like this?“Marc grabbed her hips and stopped movements.

He had his cock deep in Conny and let him twitch a couple of times. “You are mean,” gasped the horny girl. She felt his rearing up in her cave and it went through it every time it was done like an electric shock.

“But if I maybe do that?“He rammed them quickly and hard for a few seconds like a carnickel. In front of Conny’s eyes danced bright colors, she pushed out a shrill cry.
Then he stuck in her again, her cunt was on fire.

Her pelvis started your own business, threw himself against him. She stammered words incomprehensibly and he saw that there was no point in letting her hang further.

He rammed off again, quickly, even faster he in Conny. She lifted her head to look after it. Wanted to see from where these incredible feelings went out.

Of course that didn’t work, she only saw her vibrating abdominal blanket. It almost looked like she could see his cock from the inside. Certainly but she could feel that.
Then it was about her. Her head fell back onto the table top (which strangely seemed to be butter -soft), the goosebumps grasped her whole body.

From the toes to the tips of the hair, the tingling was incredibly violent and Conny cried out again.

Her thighs clutched him, her fingernails scratched his chest. She felt her muscles twitch and pulsate her pussy .. .Conny awakened from a dream, clearly felt the pull in the pussy and was shaken by twitching her stomach.
“Come on, turn around – I want to fuck you from behind,” she heard Mark say Mark. He grabbed her with his hips, pulled them up and turned them against the table top.

Oi-Joijoi, he could be very different from what she thought.Actually, she didn’t stand on Doggy Style, but when she was just starting, he wanted to tell him (“I actually wanted to …aaaaahhhhhh “) shot his hand between her thighs and he began to stroke, tickle and massage with his fingertips.

Conny felt his fingers on her column and horny as she was still, who immediately transformed into the well -known ant flocks that rose to a point of her cunt. A point from the streams through her stomach to her breasts and ran through her backbone on the neck, spread out and … then he took his hand away again.
Instead, she felt his hard cock plowed through her gap seconds later. Every time he joined her Klitti, Conny cried out.

Then he drilled into her and already at the second thrust her pussy exploded in a silent radio rain.

Conny’s head flew into his neck, the mouth opened to a silent cry, with a distorted face she stood in front of him and let it come. Mark held her on the hips and rammed the gun like a carnickel. Then her head fell on the table and she stood trembling in front of him not to use anything anymore.
Conny was so finished … and yet she didn’t know that the orgasm of her life was just imminent.

Mark withdrew from her and took her in her arms. He kissed her neck, her cheeks and finally her mouth and asked her soothingly. She stood trembling in his arms, could hardly keep on her feet. After all, she noticed: “You didn’t even come ..

wait”. She gently pressed him on the floor until he lay on his back. She reached for his rock -hard tail and massaged him gently. She saw him flinched in her hand and felt his rearing when she gently licked her tongue on his shaft.

Conny imagined what he felt and she felt the familiar pulling again in her cunt.

The twitching of his gift when she snatched his eggs with her fingernails transferred to her. And that where they still went through their previous highlights.
Conny no longer endured it and swung over him. She stroked his chest, kissed him and rubbed her cock with her pussy. She heard his suffocated moan and felt his abdominal muscles pulling together.

It was hardly different, and so she straightened up, grabbed his rock hard and led him to her entrance. Conny hit the first touch with her cunt like an electric blow. She didn’t know if she would last until he was completely in.

Already began to tremble and lightly twitch their thighs. Although her pussy was soaking wet, she felt every millimeter he penetrated her.

A tickling feeling spread out in her pelvis and rose. Another centimeter deeper. The feeling reached her stomach. Another piece, it reached to their breasts.

Then she let himself sink completely on him and it completely overwhelmed her.
She tried to delay it, tried to move no millimeter as possible. Many readers may know the feeling shortly before a deeply satisfactory orgasm when you seem to hang on the cliff for minutes and then, like a viewer, fall over.

Conny turned into this viewer. She was completely next to her when she felt the hot tingling and tickling in the toes, fingers and even in the hair tips. She heard her shrill cry and the last functioning angle of her brain saw her wildly twitching pelvis pressed her on his tail and the feeling was increasing.

She saw her hands at the ends of her poor winged up arms trying to climb in the air.

Saw as she was thrown by the twitching of her abdomen on the marks of chest and finally heard his primal cry and felt how his juice shot into her.
When Conny woke up, she was lying on him. Schauer ran through them and she felt his lick-of-one twitching and running out the juice out of itself.
“Wow” she could only whisper. “When will you have free tomorrow?”

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