Unexpected fuck in the sauna | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Like every Tuesday afternoon, I met Sven, a work colleague to do something for fitness after work. We have been playing badminton in the nearby sports center since training. So we packed our things in his automobile and drove together the 500m to the sports facility. A good 60 minutes later I was panting and sweaty on the edge of the field. Once again I had given everything and still lost. My heart hit me from the last rallies to my neck and I sat on the bench for the first time.

I looked around in the big hall for a little air. For the fact that it was only 17. 30 o’clock, many people played unusually. There was space in the hall for 26 badminton fields. Next to our court played 2 teenager. The two boys shed up quite a bit. Next to it on Court 3 an older couple played, estimated in their mid -40s. He could already play something while his partner hit every ball into the net or from (if she got one at all).

Two girls played one more place further. ‘Enough recovered?‘I heard Sven’s voice and only nodded without a word. Still looking at the two girls, I packed my things in the sports bag. The two were pretty sporty and obviously didn’t play for the first time. As usual with badminton and tennis, both had white T-shirts. But instead of a skirt, they only wore shorts. Still breathing violently I reached for my fighting bag and followed Sven to the exit.

We had to pass the other fields so that I could look two up close. The girl on the field at the exit was only a little smaller than me, had red -brown, smooth, long hair. Her figure was slim, almost a bit petite but still sporty. First drops of sweat ran through her face and a somewhat unruly strand had loosened from the ponytail and hung in the pretty face. Her partner was also quite sporty, even though she was smaller and also had somewhat swallow proportions.

The short blond hair and the pretty face also made them appear no less attractive. Unfortunately, the short moment did not allow more observations when passing it. Sven and I stowed our bags and rackets in the locker and went to drink a little something. For a quarter of an hour we recovered at the bar in the adjacent restaurant. Then our paths separated. Because Sven had a cold, he had no desire to get into the sauna.

The small sauna was free for all athletes and was used accordingly. Since I still had plenty of time, I wanted to spend the rest of the evening in the big sauna. While Sven showered I got my clothes out of the locker and paid at the cash register DM 21 for the big sauna. For the money you had the selection of 6 different sauna rooms and a steam bath. There was also a bigger one Swimming pool, Diving bath, massage rays, showers and a sleep or sleep.

Relaxation room. I entered the changing room and as expected there was less going on here. In addition to me, only a man in the collective dress. My bag landed on one of the many free benches. I opened a locker, threw in 5 DM deposit and stowed my stuff. When I took off, I did not waste too much time and pulled my clothes from the body after sweat, threw everything into the lower part of the locker, also stowed away the valuables in it and concluded it.

I quickly got the flip -flops out of the sports bag and then entered the shower. I put the bag on the bench from, picked out the towel and shower gel and finally let my cool water run over my body. The first beam was freezing cold and had me made a small set forward. The water quickly got warmer and I enjoyed the freshness of the water. I stood there with your eyes closed and left the two hands through the short, from Australia Vacation still light hair hiking.

Water ran over every stains skin and washed away all the signs of the badminton game away. After a while I opened my eyes again and reached for the shower gel. The cool gel ran into the open hand. I even distributed everything on the skin. It was only a few weeks ago that I had come back from Australia and so my skin was still deep brown. The wet -cold weather had initially done me properly. In the sauna However, I was able to recharge your warmth.

My hands slid down the body. Distributed the foam evenly on the upper body, stomach and legs. Although I with 1. 75 m is not exactly big, my body is somewhat well -trained. I don’t have a washboard belly, but I have strong shoulders, upper arms and fast legs, which is advantageous in the badminton. I showered again and the foam ran down in small streams. I was still completely alone here. I quickly rubbed myself dry again, wrapped myself in the fluffy bathrobe that I got out of my sports bag and entered the sauna system.

The cold ones were in the middle of the large room have a shower and massage rays installed. All around there were plenty of seats, chopping for towels and lockers for bags. There were also foot baths, a source of drinking water and a diving pool. Separated by a large glass pane you could look into the 8 x 16 m swimming pool. At certain times, fresh fruit was served otherwise this space was, the place in the man/woman met and entertained. I knew many of those present in advance, but so far I have always been alone and remained.

This time it should be different. I went over the relaxation room and put my bag next to a free couch, got me a second blanket and got a sauna towel out of my pocket. My first sauna session usually went to the eucalyptus sauna. I left the relaxation room directly towards the sauna. I put down the bathrobe and lattages beforehand and went naked with the sauna towel under my arm into the small room. As soon as I opened the door, the beneficial eucalyptus vapors.

,Good evening! ‘, I greeted the others, turned a hourglass and spread my towel on the top bench. Besides me there were 2 older men and a woman present. All three were already sweating and returned the greeting. This sauna was Max. 65 to 70 ° C warm, but the vapors hardly allowed their eyes to be kept open. I lay my back on my cloth and bent my legs slightly.

My eyes were closed and I easily do it in front of myself. After a few minutes I heard two guests stand up and left the sauna. I opened my eyes briefly and blinked towards the door. The woman and apparently her husband left the room, but the other man remained still. Again I closed my eyes. Pictures of vacation published in front of my eyes. White beaches, blue waves and green rainforest made me dream something and so I didn’t hear how the door opened again.

,Hello!‘I heard a female voice in a dream. But there was nobody there. Only now did I notice that someone had entered the sauna. Again I opened my eyes a gap wide. I perceived a slim figure blurry. I opened my eyes a little further and almost sat down. Much would not have been missing and I would have bumped my head on the blanket. But in front of me stood, splinter fiber sac, the girl I had previously observed at badminton.

I finally replied ‘hello’ and smiled at a little laying. I left my eyes open this time and watched her towel against me and above the other gentleman. I had a wonderful view of her crunchy little butt. The transition from her slim thighs to the bottom was gently rounded. Slightly bent and with one foot on the penultimate stage, she presented her back unashamedly and was given a lot of time to put her cloth before she lay on it with her back on it.

Smiling she looked over at me and I replied the smile before I looked at the little hourglass. I was just under 10 minutes here and gradually ran down small gutters of welding beads on my skin. All pores were open and it shouldn’t take long for me to really sweat. I gently stroked my hands over my arms and legs, thus distributed the moisture a little and finally lay down again.

2 minutes later the other man also left the room and I had to sit down. I sat there in the tailor seat and with a slight head and enjoyed the heat that flooded my body. Welding beads dripped me from the chin and landing ends on the towel. Again I looked over to the girl. With your eyes closed it was there. Her arms were next to the slim body. One leg stood slightly bent on the bench, while the other grew up slightly spread down.

At regular, slow intervals, the chest rose lightly and its small, round breasts rocked a little back and forth. Fascinated I watched her for a moment. I saw the sweat beads ran down on the delicate skin of her breasts and side and finally sucked up in the towel. Saw how drops poured over their flat belly to the navel while exhaling over their flat belly. Saw as drops in the skirmish hair on the venus hill and disappeared between her thighs.

When I saw it away from her again I noticed how her sight had excited me and blood had swelled my limb. I was embarrassed and so I tried to get other thoughts. I looked back at the hourglass. A good 15 minutes were already around and the last grains of sand fell through the narrow opening in the middle. I didn’t want to get up and I didn’t want to go around and therefore preferred to sit. The girl next to me it seemed slowly getting too warm and she sat down in the tailor’s seat like me.

‘Phew! What a heat!‘She groaned quietly. I looked up at her. ‘That’s right, but warmth is really good in the weather!‘I replied. Our eyes met and she smiled at me again. ‘Often here?‘She asked me. ‘If it goes once a week, otherwise in the athlete sauna. ’I gave back. ‘What about your badminton partner?’ ,Catches! And yours? You were also in pairs?‘She had to laugh. ‘Anja? … that does not tolerate the heat! Normally I always go to the little sauna briefly, but today it was just too full.

Too many men!‘Again she smiled at me. ‘I prefer to be here too! Here you have your peace, can relax and do not meet work colleagues. ‘She had to laugh again. ‘Well the nice colleagues’. I looked back at the hourglass. In the meantime, theirs had also expired. And it was time to release the sauna. I got up, picked up my towel and pointed to the door. ,I need to get out!‘And she too got up, but sat down.

‘I’ll come straight’ her words were when I closed the door. I slipped into the bathing shoes, hugged my bathrobe and went into the middle of the large hall to the cold showers. Except for shoes, I put everything off and reached for the red hose. Few revolutions on the tap were sufficient and a firm, cold water came out of the hose. I started my feet, let the water ripple down and then switched to my arms before I sprayed the upper body briefly.

Naked I went over to the diving pool. ‘Well … some cooling’ I heard her voice again. ‘Sure … what doesn’t kill, hardens!‘I replied and slowly slid into the ice -cold water of the diving pool. For a long time, however, I couldn’t stand it and got out after a few seconds, but repeated the process a second time. The cold closed all pores of the skin and left small hair on the arms and legs as with goose bumps.

I quickly rolled off with a dry towel and pulled the warm bathrobe over. She too had searched for a short time and now jumped into the diving pool. After a little outcry because of the cold, she quickly came out and repeated the whole thing a second time too. After the cooling, she quickly came over to me and grabbed the towel right next to me. Her body was very close in front of me and she slowly started to dry up from her feet.

The cold water had made her little nipples tough and now rocked back and forth when it dried out slightly bent. Her delicate hands dried bit by bit of the long, smooth legs. Wandered up over the stomach and removed the remaining water drops from the sweet breasts. She finally rubbed her back slightly sniffing and finally wrapped the towel around the body. We first went drinking and used the drinking water source.

My pulse had calmed down again and I took a second mug. ‘Fancy a round swimming?‘She asked me and pointed to the empty swimming pool with the cup in hand. ‘Always’ I joined her and put the cup aside. There were only a few people here and most of them were over 50. Almost all of them were regular guests. The little sauna was entirely the contrast. The athletes met there, mostly young people and mostly men.

I was able to understand why she preferred to be in peace here. We entered the swimming pool. Everyone hanged their bathrobe and jumped into the warm water. She sighed out loud when she appeared in front of me. ,Just lovely!‘I looked her in the face and our eyes met involuntarily. For a little moment there was silence. Nobody said what. But then she started laughing, threw herself on the back and dived again.

I swam afterwards. We swam a few rounds side by side and again none of us said anything. It was almost a little scary. Tabricated thoughts shot through my head. After 5 to 6 rounds we took some break and held up on the edge. ‘By the way, my name is Lars’ I started and grinned at her. ‘Ulrike’ before I was able to talk further, the underwater games in the pool started. Massage rays came from two large nozzles.

The rays changed every 10 minutes and stayed in between for 15 minutes. Right next to us the water bubbled out of the ground and Ulrike simply swam on it. I followed her and each of us could be massaged my feet. After a while, Ulrike lay on his back. The water pressed its butt out of the water and dark pubic hair drove on the surface. After all, the buoyancy was so strong that the pelvis was completely out of the water and she troubled her head over water.

She quickly turned to the side and finally on her stomach. She grinned at me cheekily and without saying what I did the same. I now understood her grin because the water jet massaged my limb and let it grow increasingly. I was about to turn away when she changed position again and now sat down directly over the water jet. With her legs spread, she dropped her abdomen onto the hard massage beam. She closed her eyes uninhibitedly and drove her hands over the little breasts.

Stroked himself and sighed quietly. I was perplex what should I do?I didn’t know and the water was still massaging my tough member now. But the sight was just too horny. With two short swimming trains I was with her. Gently stroked her back. No reaction. Her eyes were tightly closed. I got brave. I massaged her shoulders gently and let my hands hike to her breasts. It was a wonderful feeling to hold the two velvet -soft balls in their hands.

I tenderly stroked my fingertips over the hard breasts, finally took it between the thumb and index finger and twirled it slightly. A quiet moan made me safer to my cause and my lower body slowly pressed on theirs. Suddenly I felt her hand reached back and she found what she was looking for. My member pressed into her warm hand and finally against her buttocks. I now kept them firmly in my arms.

Put my head on her shoulder and wanted to say something. But I just didn’t find the right words. Instead, I sought tenderly on her earlobe, kissed her neck while our hot bodies rubbed each other. The time seemed to stop but at some point the water massage stopped and our movements also stopped. For a moment, Ulrike held up in my arms and looked deep into my eyes. Our mouths came close and I pulled them tightly to me.

It was a wonderful feeling to feel her soft breasts, which moved on my skin with every breath. We kissed gently and then more and more passionate until I suddenly lost the hold under my feet and fell backwards. We both appeared sniffing, laughed at ourselves and then looked at each other again in silence. ‘Come on let’s go,’ I said, ‘people are already looking!‘With strong trains I swam to the exit.

My excitement was still clearly recognizable and I quickly envied myself in my bathrobe. Ulrike had followed me and we left the swimming pool. I went outside and sat on a chair under the small canopy. It was raining as always. Normal space was intended for smokers, but today nobody was sitting here. Ulrike sat next to me. We talked for a long time. First about very irrelevant stuff and then about things that I would hardly tell my best friend, let alone a stranger.

The rain grew stronger and gradually became a bit cold. ‘Fancy a second gear?’ ,Clear! Before we get a runny nose here!’ Said and done. We stood on our sauna towels and I followed her into the small outdoor sauna. The small wooden hut was empty and you only heard the voices of the people from the athlete sauna, which, separated by a wooden fence. I immediately turned the hourglass when I got in and placed my towel on the top bench.

It was warmer in there and instead of eucalyptus it smelled of fresh mangoes or other tropical fruits. I looked at the thermometer 95 ° C. I wouldn’t stay here as long as before. Ulrike also put her sheets on the top bank. Almost at the same time we lay down and it became quiet. We closed our eyes, slowly breathed in and out. Again I saw beaches, waves and tropical rainforest, but this time I wasn’t alone.

She was here. Very close … with me. I held them firmly in my arms. Kissed her narrow, sensual lips. You can strain through your hair with both hands. Massified the neck and caress with your mouth. Wandered eagerly until I finally held two round breasts in my hands. I could feel it practical. I instinctively moved my real hands, but instead of air I suddenly had soft skin in my hand. I opened my eyes and looked into her face.

My hands rested on her little tits while bent over me. ,Let you go! Enjoy it! Ulrike whispered my ear and then licked along my neck with his tongue. Her abdomen slowly lowered my lap and sat down directly on my plump masculinity. I felt how her labia slid aside, but I didn’t penetrate her. She massaged my shaft gently with her column.

I could literally feel the heat in her and not because I was in the sauna. Ulrike slowly straightened up and thick sweat beads ran down her body everywhere. The sight was just beautiful. Her breasts shone damp in the dim yellow light of the sauna. Her flat stomach and then the narrow bush pubic hair, which covered her venus hill under which it was bubbling like in a volcano. Her pelvis rose carefully and my member is straightening up again.

This time I penetrated into her. Slowly my member passed her gate and pushed deeper and deeper. A soft sigh can be over your lips. She determined the pace herself and slowly let it go until I was completely in her. Then it broke out and she started riding me. I straightened up, pressed her body tightly to me. Kissed her breasts out of sheer gratitude. I never wanted to let her go again.

Slowly her pace got faster and faster. Every time I was in front of it, she paused, kissed me, stroked my sweaty. I didn’t endure the game for very long. So I walked back and closed my eyes. Again she increased her pace and her vaginal muscles massaged the shaft of my member again. I felt completely relaxed, I felt the warmth, as my seed slowly climbed out of the scrotum and poured out in several batches, deep in her warm vagina.

Ulrike rode me further and a few moments later I felt how her abdomen jerked off and pressed her muscles my stiff member again. With a quiet outcry it came and her body suddenly relaxed. Ulrike gently sagged me together and I closed her in my arms. Her head lay on my chest and I felt her violent breath on my skin. The hourglass had run for a long time and we had to get out of here.

I straightened up her dainty body and we both rose slowly. Our sauna towels were through and through wet. We went outside and astonishingly the rain had stopped. Our bodies steamed in the cold soul and the light of the swimming pool threw the long shadows of our bodies onto the paving stone. We first cooled down before we showered and snuggled up again in the bathrobes. For the moment we were both just too finished and first pulled back into the relaxation room.

Exhausted I sagged on the width. Unfortunately, the good thing did not offer enough space for two and so we snuggled up in warm blankets, everyone for themselves. For a little moment I managed to keep your eyes open and watch her lovely face before I fell asleep.

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