Fick-WG with a horny titty leader | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

To anticipate it, I like big breasts. Or rather on real huge tits. Maybe that has something to do with it – my own Mother was equipped with a really large bust size. … and when I remember today when I was still completely sexually uninterested as a little boy – without wanting to be confronted with the sight every now and then I have to admit that exactly these big, heavy suspension brows with the oval dark wartsThe role model for my idea of a perfect breast.

When I started to be interested in the opposite sex at the age of 12-13 years old and how every normal boy was slowly understood for what my sniff could be good, I found my big one by chance Brother Sex books in which all women could be seen naked with really huge breasts. All with cup sizes beyond double D. My fetish manifested and will probably be preserved forever. All of this has affected the following story a bit, but it contains just as elements from my real life.

Well..How do I best start. So I was just 26 when I had to change my place of residence for professional reasons. That didn’t matter to me because I already had friends in the new city … who have been living in the new city for a long time for various reasons. When I looked around for an apartment at the time … one of my friends came up to me and said that he knows someone who gives up his room in a 2er flat share and looking for a subsequent tenant.

When I confirmed my interest, my friend got me the landlord’s contact details. I signed up with this and we agreed a viewing date. Finally the time had come and I could the first time look at the room. Of course I was excited and looked forward to it. I stayed with one of my friends the night before and was in front of the apartment on time. I waited for the landlord in front of the house and was right on the doorstep.

I had headphones on and therefore didn’t get someone out of the house. Only when I was put from behind did I turn around halfway quickly and almost did not come to take a closer look at me because of briefly apologizing me. What remained I was a sugar -sweet fragrance and a look at the person’s fire -red hair of the person. It was already past me so quickly. I should only find out who that was some time later.

At least the landlord came and we quickly agreed that I would take the room. He briefly mentioned that in the other room a woman lives, but who would not be in the apartment because of her work was not often in the apartment. “No problem. I already know it. ”I said and moved to the new room a week later. I set myself up and was actually always alone in the apartment for the first few weeks. At least I hadn’t noticed anything if my “roommate” was there.

Without worrying about it or too much thoughts, I continued to live alone and started to feel like this too. That means I was showering with an open door, then showered completely naked in my room and at some point I didn’t even pay attention to whether my room door was closed when I looked at a porn to jerk off. ..And so it came as it had to come … it was 6 weeks and I almost forgot that someone else had the key to “my” apartment.

It was already a little later in the evening and I felt the desire to give me and my eggs relief again. As always, I searched that Internet After the porn who agreed to me. It can happen that I am looking for some time for the perfect film. Because films in which women with tits can be fucked horny according to my ideas or it is sometimes so rare for my terms horny that 1-2 hours can easily pass when looking for it.

Sometimes even more. As I said, I felt like “alone” in the apartment and did not pay attention to the volume or whether my room door was closed. I was lying on my bed and finally found the right film for the moment. It was a video that made itself a pretty young cam girl itself. Her tits had liked her tits best that day and also how to fuck her pussy with a thick dildo and then jerk her clit with a vibro egg until she finally had to cumshot.

She underlined her actions with hot moan and damn horny dirty talk that I always find very exciting to be honest. In any case, I was in the middle of my hard tail horny to jerk off and noticed how my juice slowly began to cook in my eggs. Then I heard a noise from the hallway, but I thought nothing of it, but wanked my cock calmly or more and more hard. The horny titty mouse in the video already came.

However, since I find it horny when I come at the same moment as my wank template I skip the video back again. I jerked more and more violently and enjoyed the sight of her big tits that dangled back and forth so horny while you are lively again orgasm approached. I was ready now and when the first beam was unloaded out of her pussy, I quickly grabbed the right handkerchief.

A short shot, exactly on the handkerchief. However, the second and third rays were much more powerful and came out so that I could not place them on the handkerchief. They inject much further than I thought and clapped my laminate. I werked further and there was another boost that “only” made it onto the handkerchief. I needed that now and was briefly out of breath.

Then I heard a noise from the hallway. This time it was clear. The door of the other room fell into the castle and I shouted up. I actually heard that right? I pulled my pants up and approached my room door. Got a look into the hallway and knew that it hadn’t interrogated me. Because there was suddenly there was a large black roller case in the hallway that certainly didn’t belong to me.

I closed my door and set out to remove the little mess on my floor. From then on I wondered if the still completely unknown to me had already heard more of me or even seen when I would probably ever hear or see from her. It was already late and then at some point I lay down to sleep. The next morning I got up and went to the toilet. I entered the hallway and saw that the suitcase was gone.

So one thing was certain that my roommate actually came the evening before and I could only hope that she hadn’t noticed too much of my tuen. I went to the toilet and back on the way, I heard a voice from the other room. She seemed to make calls, at least it sounded like that. In my room I got dressed, cleaned up a little and then went into the kitchen to have a bit of breakfast.

I made a toast and wondered how I would best do it to get to know the new one in the apartment. I somehow put my concerns about what was happening from the previous evening and went to her room door. Without further considering it, I knocked on the door that, like me, did not fall into the castle. My knock then opened the door wide and I immediately heard a female voice “Moment please.

It will start soon. “A short moment later a woman opened the door for me and how should I say it, well let’s say that I was blown away by the sight of the first moment. “Naa … hello. You have to be the new roommate. Lord V. (the landlord) already wrote to me that I have a new roommate. I am Sophie. And what is your name?“Were their first words. I had to swallow briefly first, because Sophie stood in the door-just a T-shirt clamped over her breasts and only held up with the chin.

Below she only had a string tanga. Otherwise completely undressed. A look in her face immediately told me that your youth days should have been a little longer, but that was absolutely not called it I would not like it. On the contrary. “Wooow”… I only thought to myself and then only brought “I am Robert. Nice to get to know you … Sophie. “I looked at her further and shortly afterwards I was sure that she was who had started me from behind when I first toured my apartment.

I recognized the fire notes hair and the sweet fragrance from back then pushed towards me. But what made a lot more impression on me was what she tried to hide under her T-shirt. Of course I could only guess it, but what was hidden behind it was so abundant that she could hardly hide it. I tried not to show myself and ended the first encounter with the words: “We can talk again later … We would be both at home now …” She smiled, agreed to me and said she just came laterbeat.

I disappeared into my room and had to shake myself briefly … I hadn’t expected such a hot roommate in life. I put on a fresh shorts and noticed that my point already reported happily after this first short meeting. However, I wanted to stay cool first and see how the whole situation would develop. I turned music on and wrote with a friend at WhatsApp. Then it knocked on my door and before I could even say “Mr.” … the door opened a small gap.

“I disturb you!?“Asked Sophie before opening the door a little further. I didn’t even look up … when I said: “No. No problem. Come in!“I wrote the message briefly and now looked at her for the first time. She stood next to me and asked if she could sit next to me. I looked up and had to have made a pretty amazed face when I wanted to look her in the face … but which due to her two mega breasts was almost covered at that moment and I first had to lean back a bit to really see her face.

I jumped up almost hectically and said: “Sure. Sit down. If you want to drink something, ”I brought over my lips before my eyes were briefly lost in their neckline. “What do you have to offer ..?”Wanted to know and sat right next to the place where I was just sitting. “No idea. What do you like?”“ If you ask me so that a sparkling wine or a glass of wine would be fantastic. “Since I knew I had a bottle of sparkling wine in the fridge, I said:“ Klaro.

For a moment please … I have to get briefly. “I ran into the kitchen and stopped just before I entered my room again. I could hardly believe what kind of floor was on my bed and looked at Sophie briefly through the door gap. She was wearing a white top, with a large neckline and so ruffles on the arms and around her neckline. In any case, her breasts looked really hollow and I knew immediately that I found her mega hot.

She was just looking around a little in my room and stopped with her eyes at once when she discovered the screen saver on my laptop. Since I was single and I was on big breasts … there were also some really thick -breasted women to see whom their slit willingly held up in the camera. Since it was a little embarrassing … I entered my room again shortly afterwards and held the bottle of sparkling wine in the air.

She turned around, saw the bottle and looked at me with a smile. “Little Red Riding Hood – lovely!! My favorite sect! Class. ”While I opened the bottle, Sophie started telling or asking me:“ You have done it here. Really cozy. Now tell me … how old are you, Robert!?“I then:“ Guest time?”You:” mmhh … I guess 26-28!“I smile at her and say:“ Very good. 26 years. And you?”” “Well, you guess … We women don’t actually say that ..!!“I look her in the face as she turns to me with her upper body and maybe unintentionally presses her two mega breasts together … which thereby press a bit through her neckline.

This puts my gaze like magnetically dressed and I briefly stutter … before I finally bring something over my lips. “I-I would … let’s say … 38 … appreciate ..?!“She starts laughing, which makes her meat mountains wobble a bit. Which of course immediately captivates my gaze. “Honest!? So I say it so the 3 you can exchange a 4 … then we almost come nearby. “I look at her in astonishment and can actually not believe that she was already about 21 years older than I should be.

“Wooow. I wouldn’t have thought that. You will definitely look VIIIIIL disciples. ”We talked for a while and I learned that she was a personnel officer in a large company and, due to several locations of this company, would always commute between her hometown and the other city. She told me that she had a house and therefore the second home would not be a problem. I also learned that she had a daughter, who would be very independent with her 12 years and that the time of her absence can almost cope with it alone..And since the grandma lives in the house, everything would fit.

However, she didn’t tell anything about a man or friend, which is why I asked her about it without further ado. Her husband would have died after 2 years of cancer a year ago. She told me how she had maintained him and had completely taken back during this time. How she does everything to make him as pleasant as possible for the last few days. Then she interrupted her explanations and said “Oh why do I pay you all that you are so young … you don’t want to hear anything about it, or!?“I tried to keep from her powerful decol tea all the time … but every now and then my will was too weak and could not deny this awesome sight.

She pretended that she was not noticing this lustful look. Also to get this wonderful sight for me for a while, I say to her: “No, I am very interested … Tell up” “Well … if you are really interested … well …” Sophie told this and that about her husbandApparently she had loved very much. Before she suddenly increased the clarity in one point … and she also told me that she hadn’t had anything since then, but was also not desperately looking for.

That it would be really a while now … a modern woman but also knew how she could help herself!“I listened to her and was really amazed at how openly Sophie told himself. However, due to their lush bust size, my eyes spent one floor from time to time, I thought secretly that I would not have stuck too strikingly on it. A mistake. But more about that. “Well, we don’t even want to toast our shared apartment?”She finally asks me.

“Klaro. “I take the bottle in my hand and with a bang the cork hisses through my room. When he comes to the lying right in front of her feet … she bends off and I can’t help but squint into the neckline. As I look at her, I almost forget the bottle of sparkling wine and the glass of what starts to run over once. She sees that and therefore almost jumps over to me to go on hand or to prevent it from being overwhelmed.

But too late … she touches my hand exactly at that moment and the sparkling wine also runs over her fingers. We face each other directly and start laughing. She has made beautiful, seductive blue eyes, a damn sweet face and her lips of fire red made up. Then she puts her fingers in her mouth and sucks the sparkling wine from it … without losing my eyes from her eyes. The whole thing has almost something like real eroticism … When she pulls her fingers out of her mouth, it leads to the borderful glass and, together with my handI can’t believe it for the first time.

Then she comes with her mouth next to my head and suddenly whispers in my ear: ”“ Naaa…. Robert … don’t you want to help me to remove the little painter here?”In doing so, she pushes my massive stem so close to my face that in addition to the tip of her bra, I could also guess her nipples with the now slightly transparent top. “I can still hardly believe what happens there at once, when she takes the bottle of sparkling wine from mine with her other hand, put them off and reaches for my hand around her right on her right breast.

“Face it … you seem to like you!!?“Something surprised I say to her:“ Who would they not like?“She indicates me with her hand, I should really grab it. “Get off … make it right or you don’t dare!?“I am so overwhelmed by the whole situation that it spends my language for a moment and lets me hesitate for just as long. Then she breathes into my ear: “Don’t worry my good … they stop something.

“Then she presses my hand again … so that I finally woke up from my lethargy and finally take her tits into my hand. I spread my fingers as far as possible to cope with this mass … which I do not mean, however,. “Wooow. They are really big. Craziness. “She breathes into my ear …” Pack her or I should be here in the wet top all the time!?“Then I kiss her neck and say” don’t worry, senorita.

I’ll take care of it. ”Pull down your neckline and use it to free your right breast. But still caught in the bra. She stretches her upper body to me a bit … which means that I can get her chest on the top with ease for the first time. I can hardly believe it … The slot between her hills is definitely big enough to bury my full face in it. She smells wonderful and in my pants I clearly notice the increasing tension.

“And further … the bra is also very damp. “She hisses into my ear with a greedy expression. I don’t let myself be asked twice and slowly free your right mega tits. I pull the cup down and slowly push the tissue over her dark, oval warts and shortly afterwards lay her fat nipple … which almost pops out by his hardness. I push the fabric down and finally put your first melon completely outdoors.

Slide the fabric under your chest column. Hold briefly and look at this male dream … Because so far I actually only knew such a mega bell from my brother’s tits books, from back when I was still a teenager and my passion was just forming. “Well, you like it..?”Asks Sophie just before she releases her left breast in the same way as number 1. “Can you do something with it … You have grown well..or!?“Want to know Sophie ironically smiling while she still grabs herself under her bells and almost already presented me.

“Believe me you have fantastic breasts. A dream. Absolutely cool … ”Then I can’t and do not want to keep myself back and start licking your warts courtyard. Her nipple appears visibly and and I bring my lips over the almost thumbnail nipple and start to suckle and nibble. Only delicate. Then and stronger. Milla acknowledges this with a short groan. “Yes … suck on it. That makes me hot. Come on the suction calm … ”I am in the sky and do it as she specifies it to me.

I feel her hand on my pants … which seems to be checked whether I would find it really nice. She doesn’t have to feel long and feel my hard bolt through her pants. “So you like them … Really … or what kind of flashlight do you have ..!?”Asks Kess and caresses my trunk. “Very even … I find her awesome. “Sophie kisses me on my neck and skilfully opens the first three buttons of my pants. Then our lips meet and our tongues begin to play around wildly.

Your fingers slide into my pants and my tail shows my excitement more than clearly. It slides down on the shaft, down to my heavy, hanging eggs. Her lips come loose from mine and at the same moment she pulls me up a bit to herself. She sits on the edge of my bed, pulls my pants down completely and my lance almost jumps towards it. She looks at me, scratch my eggs and before she puts my spanking in her mouth … she says to my amazement: “I saw yesterday and belong to what you take to jerk off … you didn’t hear me last night and you didn’t hear meI couldn’t let it take a look through the door.

Because I was attracted by this moaning and the little one had on your screen but almost as big as mine. “She leans back a bit and presents her full splendor again. Pulls her nipples into the long and sucks on it shortly afterwards. Before she adds: “And I also saw the pictures on your laptop. You like big tits, that’s right, Robert?”I have no reason to hide this and confirm your question:” Jupp … and to be honest … are your two the real hammer for me “afterwards:” How about if I bubble and you yoursLongest porn set up..!?“I don’t know if she is actually serious.

Look at her briefly … ”you really mean!?”“ Yeah … really … it makes me horny to see … to what you jerk off!!””OK. As you want … although I have the hottest thick tits in front of me at the moment!!”I say to give her to give it again. I lean briefly over her shoulder to get to my computer mouse … I feel how my pipe pushes into her open mouth at the same time and she immediately sucks on it. Without problems she picks up my Schwengel completely and only releases it again when I stand up again.

I look down and see how thick spitting threads pull between your lips and my trunk … What a horny sight. But it does not let go long but immediately pushes her mouth back over my bolt with relish. I enjoy it and let my head fall back and close my eyes. She sucks and blows better than I have ever experienced. Suddenly she stops her tongue game … folds me on the buttocks and only says: “You should look for the film … you can still enjoy later.

Let’s go now … ”I am surprised by her demanding way and yet she also makes me mega. “To command you horny piece. I’m already doing it … “” It falls to me that the hard drive with my porn collection is not on the laptop … I tell her that. “No problem … then put them on. I can wait too. ”Comes from Sophie as an answer. She sits down on my bed a little further and watches me how to make everything.

When I was finally ready, I looked back at her again and was more than pleased when I saw how she led one of her melons to her mouth and sucked herself on the nipple. With the other hand she played between her legs. The short jeans still on … but the pants leg was so short that she could finger past the side. I would have preferred to end the porn search and would have been immersed in full pleasure with her … But her again requested you want to see what makes me really horny followed.

I had no problems finding my favorite porn but before I came to press Play … she asked me if I couldn’t give her the open sparkling wine bottle … I turned around there I got to hear: “Oh, I take care of myself. Do the film. “I looked at her and for me it was better how every porn watched her how to get up from the bed and her mighty tits dangerously back and forth.

She took the bottle and only interpreted me with my eyes on my job. I turned back and finally pressed Play. “From the beginning?”I asked briefly. “Well, if there is no long chat …” I got the answer. “Well, a little …” skipped a few minutes and he was finally there. My favorite spur or one of them. I turned back to the bed where Sophie had put back with sprayed legs.

However, she had now pulled out her pants and I could already see the shimmering of her wet fud. She just took a sip from the champagne bottle and piled me with her index finger. I could hardly stand it so horny Sophie made me with all of this. She looked at the screen and came towards me on all fours on the bed. Their udders almost dangled up to the mattress and her head was looking for my mast again purposefully.

When I stepped onto the edge of the bed, I didn’t go for a second because my spear disappeared back into her mouth. She looked at me and blew and sucked again like a goddess. From time to time her view of the screen fell. I only had eyes for her and how she took care of my best piece. I finally wanted to cost her wet can and leaned a bit forward to get her pussy over her butt.

My cock was rock hard and I was almost worried I would come for the first time. Then she ended as if she had guessed her wind concert And said: “Come on … and now lick me the way the guy moves it …” She lay downwards stretched her sprayed legs in the air and offered me her glossy wet pussy more than. With her fingers with the sexy artificial nails she spread her pussies hole for me and I dived between her legs.

A greedy horny pussies fragrance came towards me and I slowly started to approach her flange. She was getting hotter and because she seemed to be quick enough … she just wanted to start playing her clearly visible clit. What I stopped and she said: “This is my job. Better play on your horny tits. ”She threw her head back and prevailed…:“ But then start my good ”I winked at her and immediately began to devote me to her slot and clit.

First only gentle kisses … then I first sucked on her shaggy slide wet labia and finally put my lips over her fire, hard clit. She groaned more and a look up let my fuck bolt greedily shout after entry. She sucked on her left tits and twirled the nipple of the right to a good length. Before she exchanged the pages. “So now it is fucked … your pussy literally screams for it,” I said to her.

Whereupon she just nodded totally horny. First I sank her one finger … then two … I lifted the third. Because I was just as horny as her and so she clapped her briefly with my strap on her wet slot before I could push him between her lips without much effort. She groaned and I started to fuck her with slow rhythmic bumps. She lay there and pulled on her nipple as if there was no tomorrow.

“Yes. Come … fuck me horny. ”She hissed at me while I was keeping my sword in her and sank into her. “Oaaar … you do that horny … yes, concern my horny wet pussy. … Just asooooooo!!”My eggs now clap with a rough sound on her dam and I enjoyed the sight that was offered under me. Your monster tits wabbed back and forth and I bravely picked up to push one of her Maxi nipples in my mouth. “Yes.

So I need it. ”Grunts and continues“ bite a little in. “The whole thing was better than any porn, which, incidentally, was still in the background and in which the woman was now also fucked according to all the rules of art and sounds similar to Milla under me. I noticed how the fuck juice started to cook slowly in my eggs and therefore had to reduce the pace and hardness of my bumps.

But Sophie replied to me: “No. Don’t stop. Fuck me until it comes to you. Do you hear … fuck nicely!!“Nothing easier than that … I thought briefly … if she wants it. I just needed to raise the pace again for a short time … I already noticed how the juice rose in me. “Where?”I gasped her hastily. “Where you want …” I got the answer. And sow I injected her the first thrust a moment later directly into her greedy Fotzenschlund.

Pulled out my pumping spear and inject two more fat seeds across the body up to her face. The load on her tits massaged them or suck them away with relish. *Continued if you like it.

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