The sex breakdown | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Breaking taboo

Heiko’s look was aimed at the short top of Britta. She had worn this umpteen times, but especially at this moment it practiced an enormous attraction on Heiko. In addition, there was the very short panties, which only slightly veiled the crisp butt of the wearer. That several centimeters of bare skin could be seen between the panties and the top made the sight even more attractive.

In any case, the slim body of his counterpart was intended to look at and he had the impression that he couldn’t really get enough of himself. If there was no small problem that this woman of all things Sister was.

Britta did not seem to notice what attraction she was on yours Brother practiced. She presented Heiko in this outfit and apparently expected that he only saw his little sister in her and not the attractive 20-year-old she was definitely.

Heiko was a year older and by chance they both started studying at the same university. Since this university was not close to their parents’ home they moved together and they thought they would understand each other so well that their coexistence could work.

In the meantime, two months had passed and they had actually not gone to each other because everyone respected the freedom of the other and you were not constantly hung on the pelle. But still you saw each other almost every day and Britta had apparently decided to feel at home and to move casually and freely in the shared apartment.

Although she never always paid attention to, she was hardly sufficient to keep a young man’s dirty fantasies in check, even if it was his own brother. As long as she had lived with her parents, Britta had walked around less freely. Her Mother would have known the right one to say if her daughter had run around in front of her brother or father. Here, however, Britta could move freely and didn’t seem to think about it.

Heiko had increasing difficulties not to be excited about the sight of his attractive sister. In the beginning he had forced himself to see the little sister in her that no sexual thoughts were wasted. But the more often the stimuli on him, the more faded his good resolutions. His gaze now rested on the two arches under the thin fabric of her upper part, under which you could even see the two nipples stand out.

Britta had quite lavish things and she was not wearing a bra again. Heiko didn’t even notice that she was talking to him.

“Tell me … you listen to me at all?“Asked Britta loudly. Heiko reacted and forced himself to look her in the face.

“What did you say?”

“I asked you if I should take the white or the black blouse.“, His sister clarified him.

“Uh, I don’t know.“He said to understand.

“Have you just stared on my tits?“Asked Britta directly. Britta always used to say what came to her. Her direct nature in the past came to her mother’s lack of understanding several times and regularly caused an infinitely long discussions. Even compared to her brother, Britta rarely took a leaf out of her mouth and finally hit the nail on the head.

Heiko, however, hit her question like a blow into the stomach pit and he looked at Britta unsafe. Then he started the escape and said “is no wonder … Just like you present yourself here.”

Britta looked down itself, but could not find any special abnormalities. “You crazy, I’m about to be naked or what.

And just because I have little on is no reason to see you full of me.”

“There can be no question of that,” said Heiko. Of course he knew how much his sister hated this statement. “But you run around here all the time, as if you were on men’s catch. I see you regularly in underwear, just dressed in a bath towel or just with clothes from which things almost threaten you to fall out.”

“And?“Britta said without understanding.

“And I see constant skin and the female curves of my own sister, which I shouldn’t see,” commented her brother.

Britta suddenly smiled and asked “you can’t cope with the fact that I behave very naturally?”

“Of course, you would behave if you were paying attention to what you are wearing in my presence.“, Said Heiko.

“Excuse me….

If I had known that you would be horny, I would have put on my winter jacket.“, Britta replied Schnippisch. Heiko twisted his eyes and replied “Maybe I should only run around in the apartment with a panties.”

“In any case, I wouldn’t get an uprising about it.“, Britta stated.

The two siblings looked at each other and then they had to laugh loudly. They always got on well with each other and a dispute rarely continued for a long time.

“What are we arguing about here?“Asked Britta after.

“About your tits that almost jump into my eyes.”Heiko replied Licht.

As if Britta had to convince herself, she looked down and suddenly put on a mischievous grin. Then she looked at her brother and asked provocatively “My brother is standing on the tits of his little sister?”

Britta grinned Heiko and went to her brother, who stood in front of her and considered whether he should soak back. Brittas then took it to the top and built up in front of him. Suddenly she took her top and pulled over her bust size so that the plump curves for Heiko became visible.

“Here you are…. Come on, get it ready.”

Heiko actually took a step back and stumbled across a carpet edge. He was just able to catch his weight and prevented the fall. Britta laughed and pulled her brother on “Now they have you caught.”

Heiko grabbed an overwhelming anger and he built himself up in front of Britta.

This had taken his hands from her top, but since this investment was closely positioned on the body and did not slip back on its own over Britta’s breasts. Heiko did not bother the bare facts and now moved to his sister. Heiko took her to her wrists and pushed his sister in front of him. Together they reached the couch Her community room and Britta fell back onto the seat.

Heiko followed her and was finally on her. Britta’s breasts remained uncovered and Heiko looked back and forth between Britta’s face and her breasts. Britta initially said nothing about the situation and Heiko also remained silent.

Britta’s view was not to be seen that she was afraid of Heiko.

Rather, she seemed curious about how he would react to this special situation. Of course, she was aware that Heiko could look at her breasts and that didn’t seem to make up much. “And now?“Then she asked. Heiko didn’t know what to say.

The first thought was up and forgotten the matter. On the other hand, he didn’t want to let Britta go through her bad joke so easily and thought about how he could react appropriately.

“Have you actually seen enough now?“Asked Britta suddenly and pointed to her bare breasts with a nod of her nod. Now it bothers you that I look at them?“Heiko asked her.

“Not really…. From me you can still see you on it for a while.“Britta claimed relaxed.

“I do not believe you.“, Said Heiko confidently. “But it’s true.“, His sister replied.

“Then I can let go of your wrists without you covering yourself up again.“Heiko suggested. “Just try it.“Britta demanded him out. Heiko thought about.

He was in the superior position anyway and was able to get Britta back into trouble at any time. He still crouched on her bare thighs and then let go of Britta’s wrists. Britta grinned at him and Heiko did not get rid of the impression that she enjoyed this situation. As announced, Britta did not try to fix her top again.

Heiko said nothing about this, which is why his sister said “You have already seen her anyway, what does it work now to cover her again.”

“If you think.“Heiko commented, who didn’t really know how it should go on.

“You like what you see?“Britta suddenly asked.

“The question is no longer necessary.“, Said her brother. “As your brother, I can hardly praise myself about your things.”And if you weren’t my brother?“Hakte Britta after. If I were not your brother I would say that I find your tits sharply.“Heiko indicated. “But you are yes.“, Britta stated.

“Yes it is.“Heiko agreed. Heiko noticed the special atmosphere at this moment. Britta and he just experienced something that had never happened in this form before. There was a special familiarity between them, which was not least due to the open -hearted presentation of Britta’s breasts.

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“It turns on when you see me that way?“Asked Britta directly.

Heiko wondered how honestly his answer could be. The truth could regret Britta bad. On the other hand, she seemed to feel that it didn’t leave him cold and she would not believe him a negative answer anyway.

“What do you think?”” You wouldn’t horny yourself on your sister, or?“, She provoked him. “What would you think if it were so?“Heiko asked, and Britta now hosted the next train. “Maybe I would be proud because I can even open my own brother.“, Britta specified without having made a real statement. “If something brings you, you can rightly be proud of yourself.“, Said Heiko Brave.

Britta put on a sly smile and asked “you actually have a stiffness?”

“What do you think?“Asked Heiko and found how stimulating he found the intimate discussion with Britta. Even if they entered the forbidden terrain, he was willing to move further forward.

“I have my hands free, I could feel.“Britta suggested. Heiko suddenly got hot and cold at the same time.

What Britta had in mind now definitely exceeded an imaginary border that they had so far respected. Apparently Britta appealed the situation as well as himself. Otherwise you could hardly explain why she wanted to tear down the barrier.

“Do you think it would be right?“Asked Heiko after. “It is right what we think is right.”She said clear.

“But you know that you are my sister, yes?“Asked Heiko with a smile. “Of course I know that.“Britta said to understand and the next moment she put her right hand on his jeans, behind which his penis had already established himself. Shortly afterwards she let off from him again and looked at Heiko expectantly. “And?“Asked this.

“I’m not sure.“, Said Britta. “Due to the heavy jeans, I couldn’t feel anything precisely.”” Do you have no guess?“, Heiko Hakte after.

“Why don’t you just say if you have a hard one tail In your pants? Then we don’t have to hold any advice games.“Britta suggested grinning. “If you are so curious you have to do something for it.“Heiko claimed and looked Britta deep in the eye. Britta reacted to this and suddenly led both hands to Heiko’s pants.

She opened the button of the jeans and then pulled down the zipper. Heiko didn’t wore a belt. Then she pushed her right hand into the opening and finally reached the hard muscle with her fingertips. Heiko winced and sighed briefly.

“What do we have here?“Asked Britta provocative. “You actually got horny.”

“Do you have a problem with it?“Heiko asked, who was at first glad that his sister had withdrawn her hand. “Why should I…? I’ve felt a hard penis more than once in my life.“, Britta clarified. “You have probably already seen some of them, or?“, Heiko now took it to the extreme.

, .Do you think I should rather check whether I am not mistaken either?“Britta whispered quietly. “If you want to be sure”, offered Heiko, who saw his sister’s hands back on his step in the next moment. Britta put on both sides of the jeans and pulled it down, which was not quite as easy because he was crouching over her wide -legged. Nevertheless, she managed to pull his leg dress down a bit.

Then she took to the covenant of his briefs and pulled it down a good bit so that the hard phallus rose and clearly visible from Heiko’s abdomen.

“Brothers, I’m shocked.“, Britta stated. “You can’t just be horny just because I show you my tits.”

“Like it?“Heiko wanted to know. “Perhaps.“, Explained Britta evasively. Take a closer look.

Maybe then you decide yes, Heiko suggested. His sister looked him in his eyes and her gaze revealed the absolute curiosity and adventure desire. Britta again led her right hand to his genital area and pulled his panties even further, so that his pole was almost completely free. And then she put her fingers on Heiko’s excitement, which surprised him so much that he was shocked back and rose from Britta’s thighs.

He stayed next to her on the couch and stared at Britta incredulously. “What was that now?“Asked Britta irritated. She straightened up and looked at her brother. Here the top slipped something over her bare breasts.

Heiko stayed with the pants open and replied her gaze. “I’m not sure if we should do that.”

“We just silling around.“Britta said to understand.

“Please don’t get me wrong, I think that’s incredibly exciting and exciting here.“, Said Heiko. “But we are brother and sister and I don’t want us to regret something afterwards.” “I understand what you mean.“, Britta replied. “But there is nothing to regret for me, because what I did here was absolutely ok for me and I would do it again.”

Heiko looked at her speechless.

How should he interpret this statement? He threw Britta a skeptical look and then said “I always wanted to see what it looks like with you below.”

“I won’t take that off you.“, Heiko replied, who was still unsure, but at least realized that Britta still saw the whole thing calm. He started to pull his pants up again. But Britta stopped him from it. “No, let.“Heiko paused in his movement and looked into the deep eyes of his younger sister.

She put on a cute smile and said “I want us to pull ourselves off now.”

Heiko suddenly was tired of weighing the moral aspects of history. It was undisputed that he was horny and at least two adults had to do here. If his sister was ready to take the risk, then he didn’t want to be the spoiler. Heiko got up from the couch and pulled out his pants together with the panties.

The socks followed and the last thing the T-shirt fell to the ground. Now completely naked he took a seat on the couch and gave his sister an encouraging look. Britta grinned over both ears and seemed a little impressed by his spontaneous reaction. But at least he had only reacted at her request, so that she couldn’t be too surprised.

Without saying a word, she reached to her top and then completely free her upper body. In no time she got out of her panties and turned in the direction of her brother. Since Britta kept her leg spread apart, Heiko was able to look directly at her female place. Britta was completely shaved and the sight of the bare pussy had Heiko’s tail twitching.

Britta noticed his reaction and joked “Apparently he is happy to see me like this.”

“Not only he.“, Commented Heiko.

He would never have expected that he would ever face his sister in this way. They had never come so close and the question arose where everything would end. Basically, not much had happened.

They had tackled and joked, they had undressed and he had demonstrated how horny it was. Apart from her short touch on his penis, nothing bad has happened so far. The question was whether this would still happen.

“And now?“, Britta asked her brother.

“I was hoping that you knew that.“Heiko admitted to which both laughed. “It’s an unusual situation in which we are here.“” What do you usually do when you are naked?“Asked Britta Schelmisch.

“Mostly put on or take a shower.“Heiko said.

“Nothing else?“Britta grinning after.

“And things that I actually hide from my little sister.“Heiko clarified her. “And if you consecrate me into your secrets today?“, Asked Britta. “Are you curious?“Asked Heiko. “Naturally.“Britta admitted.

“So often I don’t get the opportunity to do so.” “What about you?“Heiko wanted to know. “Are you also interested in my little secrets?“Britta inquired. “Why don’t we show each other what we do when we are alone,” asked Heiko.

Britta was silent for a moment and shortly afterwards had no need to answer him.

Instead, she led her right hand into her lap and laid up several fingers on her hole column. Heiko held his breath and then followed how Britta’s middle finger approached the crack and finally sank into it.

“Are you already wet?“, He wanted to know. “What do you think?“Asked Britta. “Tell me or should I look?“Asked Heiko Provocative.

“Do you dare because?“Britta was skeptical. “You dared to do it too, or?“Asked her brother. Coming an invitation right away, Britta pulled her hand out of her lap and spread her thighs further apart. She could hardly express more clearly that she expected Heiko’s reaction.

Heiko initially remained undecided on the spot. His gaze fixed the hairless column and he wanted nothing to get closer to Britta now. But his conscience still thought of falling on her.

“I’m waiting.“Britta asked him and finally Heiko was beaten. But when Britta had expected Heiko to put his finger in her pussy, she saw herself wrong.

Heiko rose from his place and knelt in front of the couch. Britta turned her body in his direction and then surprised that her brother transported his head between her thighs. Heiko was aware that he took a great risk and when Britta shaked together when he touched, he already believed that he had spanned the bow and that it would end now. But instead of protest, he heard cozy sigh from Britta’s mouth, which apparently liked to accept his tongue game.

“But you are pretty stormy, brother’s heart …

Mmmmmh.“Britta purred and leaned back into the couch. “Yes, lick me beautiful.”

Heiko was incredibly excited and experienced the most crazy thing he was able to experience in his life so far. He had already had a lot of adventures with women, but nothing was almost as horny and stimulating as this situation. Since he feared that Britta wanted to think about it differently, he hurried and wanted to succeed as long as we could enjoy the situation.

But Britta seemed to be far from being rejected him. Her expressions of pleasure were too clear and he seemed to drive his sister deeper into her ecstasy with every tongue strike. After a while she gave him to understand that he should let go of her. At first he feared that Britta had become too much, but then he saw the lustful look in her eyes and knew it better.

Shortly afterwards he was sitting on the couch and his sister got his mouth and hands on his eggs and on the hard cock. Heiko was not sure whether his sister blew him better than all other women before, but it felt the same way. He had never had such sensations in one Blowjob had and the longer britta worked him, the hornier he became.

Heiko was already able to fuck his sister in front of his inner eye, but in view of his advanced excitement, this seemed hardly to be practical.

Suddenly he felt that he could no longer master himself and groaned his climax. Britta reacted cool and continued undeterred, so that the whole cum was finally shot into her mouth. She got everything out of her brother and he enjoyed his departure as it hasn’t been for a long time. Finally she ended her Wind concert and looked at Heiko Hoch.

“What did we do?“He asked exhausted.

“Something pretty cool.“, Britta replied with a smile. We should have really done that, ”Heiko wanted to know about her. “You liked it, or not?“, Followed as a rhetorical question. “Sure.

It was probably the hottest in my life so far.“, Her brother confessed. “Then it was definitely right.“Britta noticed. She rose and sat on his thighs. Her eyes met and then Britta asked “How long do you actually need until you are ready for use again.

I would like to make your little friend in other use.“Heiko no longer surprised the question and instead of giving an answer he only smiled. Britta eyed him curiously and also put her arms around his neck. Her eyes met and when Britta leaned over to him, Heiko accepted the offer. Her lips met and after a delicate first kiss attempt, the second attempt was more intense.

Both tongues play around the other organ and both siblings enjoyed the experience with closed eyes. Britta then pulled her head back and said “You don’t even kiss so badly, brother heart.“” Wait until I have experienced fucking.“He promised full -bodied. “Are you ready again?“Asked, she asked and at the same time threw a look between his legs. “I could use a short break.“Heiko indicated.

“It’s a shame, how can we bridge the waiting time … Mmmmh?“Asked Britta. “You could blow me another bubble.“, Her brother suggested. “That could suit you that way.

No, I have a better idea.“Britta replied to us rose from him. She took a few steps back and then stood in the middle of the living room. She looked around and then went to her knees. A little later she was back on the soft in front and invited her brother to her with wide -spread thighs.

Heiko had followed the change of location and now gave Britta a questioning look. “What will it be when it is finished?“” You could come to me and show me if you can do a few hotter things with your tongue.“, His sister suggested.

“I thought I had done that just.“Heiko replied a little surprised.

“Yes, it wasn’t bad … But maybe you can make yourself a little more effort?“, She explained to him and grinned at him mischievously. So he knew his sister.

Always easy on it and a kessen saying on the lips. Especially when it came to pulling it up. But Heiko did not feel hurt. Maybe he hadn’t actually done his best yet and there was still room for improvement in terms of his leak.

He rose from his place and approached Britta, who stroked his fingers a little bit between his legs. He knelt in front of the wide -open lap and decided to impress his sister impressively that he could do it much better and that she would not be disappointed.

“Then show what you can do.“Britta asked him and smiled at her brother mischievously. Heiko’s penis was almost stiff again and for a moment he considered licking it and instead docking the spanking at Britta. But then he decided to stay with his original plan.

He wanted to make Britta really hot and if she were really cool, he would take her and show her what kind of man he was.

When he approached the lust grotto he perceived the typical smell of a woman. Britta had withdrawn her hand out of her own lap and left Heiko the field. Heiko did not think long and put his head into position.

But he wanted to have Britta fidgeted and initially saved the center of her lap. He slowly kissed the left inside of the thigh. From knees to the area where Britta would have loved to expect his care. But instead of working there, his mouth wandered down again on the inside of the right leg.

Britta trembled with excitement and he literally felt how she begged for more direct donations.

But she was silent and breathed a lot. Now Heiko repeated the procedure up the legs and on the other side again and when his sister realized that her pussy was being left out again. “Now finally put your tongue in. I need that now.”

“I always thought that women like it when you slowly spoil them.

Or don’t you like for prime?“Asked Heiko Süffisant.

“But not when I’m so horny.“, His sister clarified. “And now finally stop kissing your legs with your stupid and put something in me.”

“What did you think about?“Asked her brother after.

“Surprise me…. But quickly.“Britta suggested.

Heike realized that he now had Britta exactly where he wanted to have her. She was finally a prisoner of her lust and she would in all likelihood let him do everything.

She had already indicated on the couch that she wanted to do it right with him and thanks to her current excitement, she would not defend herself against his advances. Heiko decided on the most plausible possibility and straightened his body. He slipped very close to Brittas and put her under his thighs with both hands. Then he lifted this and pushed her on his chest.

Her feet were now left and right next to his head and in this way he could get very close to the inviting area of his sister.

He didn’t have to help with his best friend, because he was like a one. Since his cock in stiff clay was pretty hard, he could do it without becoming a palpable manner on Britta’s column and when his glans gently shared her labia, his sister groaned lustfully. He kept this position because he knew exactly that he was able to torture Britta to torture. Britta was actually too little that of the bar, which is why she was now trying to push her abdomen against that of her brother.

But Heiko had expected that and withdrew something.

“Hey, what’s that about?“Britta complained. “Now finally put it in. And properly.”

“I’m not sure if I can push my cock into my little sister.“, Heiko said in a child’s and innocent tone.

“Now stop to meal and do it and do it.“, Britta demanded in a trembling voice. “Or we leave that now and my pussy remains closed for you from now on forever and forever.”

Heiko didn’t know if she would make her warning true and since he no longer remained it himself.

“But on your responsibility.”

“Now fuck me finally.“, She shouted at him.

And then he did that too. He pushed his Schwengel into Britta, which led him to a deep lust. But this emotion was nothing compared to what his sister showed. Britta literally screamed as if she had really hurt herself.

Heiko knew, of course, that he had arose according to her unrestricted lust and it excited him that Britta reacted so uninhibitedly in her forbidden fuck.

He recorded a slow fuck rhythm, which Britta accompanied with steady sounds. Every now and then he inserted a sprint and hammered her swell into her vagina, which britta prompted to scream of lust. Heiko was glad that he had already hosed off a few minutes earlier, so he was able to draw out of the full in this second round and was certain that he was still able to stand his husband for a while.

In the event of a first attempt, he would have long since poured into his sister’s lap.

He had no idea how long Britta would need to be climax and whether she would even enjoy such a. He therefore decided to change a little change of position and initially withdrawn from his sister.

“No, don’t stop.“, Britta almost floated.

“It will go on soon. Come on….

turn around.“, He asked her. Britta could hardly wait and went into the dog position. She stretched her brother towards her brother and literally begged around the hard strap in her hole. Heiko wanted to do that and docked on the sisterly pussy shortly afterwards.

Like a knife by butter, his comrade came between the damp labia and Heiko briefly got into the thought that one had certainly not invented the lubricant for women like Britta. But her jar was simply too slippery and greasy and his cock could push deep into the column with smacking noises.

“Oh yes … fuck me ..

More quickly.“Britta said and pressed himself again and again against the pelvis of her in front and back brother. With every push, his step against Brittas ass clapped and it was obvious that his sister had found great favor of his efforts. From a sudden inspiration, Heiko suddenly remembered an alternative to this process. He himself no longer took too long and what spoke against being initiated with a last position? He pulled his stained cock out of Britta’s Ritze and put his right hand around him.

Then he positioned his best piece and pushed his pelvis.

Its tip hit against the anus, which was still untouched at least that day and when the first centimeter in the rectum was, Britta seemed fully realized, which was going behind her back. “What are you doing?”

“I’ll fuck you in the ass ..? Or is that a problem for you?“Asked Heiko Provocative. Without waiting for an answer, he pushed vigorously, so that his hard strap penetrated half in Britta’s tight cave.


Aaah. No, not.“Britta stammered, but she made no institutions to loosen from him. So now he started to punch regularly and thanks to the tight clasping through his sister’s inner walls, his cock felt pretty well served.

“Oh yeah…. Give me it … yes, firmer.“, Commented Britta.

Heiko assumed that his sister had either resigned himself to her fate or felt a real favor of his advance. He suspected the latter. Heiko had no idea whether Britta had already tried it anal, but that didn’t matter at all. He himself had done it a few times, but not every of his partners could be enthusiastic about it.

He was all the more pleased that his sister didn’t seem to complain.

He realized that he only needed a few bumps for his redemption and now pumped so deeply and firmly he could go into the woman kneeling in front of him. Britta had now put a hand in the lap and worked on her pussy in parallel. Her loud screams had Heiko assumed that she was also about a hot moment.

And then he felt his cargo ascended and he spontaneously didn’t know if he could escape or just pump Brittas ass. Then the time had passed when he could have decided, because in the next moment the first volley of his juice shot into his sister’s tight grotto.

He had no idea whether Britta could feel the sticky stuff, but it almost seemed as if it was a trigger for her or as if someone had pressed a button with her. Now she also came violently and groaned and screamed as loudly as she could.

For a moment, Heiko got in the thought of the neighbors who could hear their wild hustle and bustle. But then the concerns took a back seat, since his own orgasm was still not completely subsided.

He continued to pump and had the impression that Britta was still in the middle of her lust moment. She was still moaning and if he did not see her in front of him, he would certainly have assumed that she was deeply sad and fled to herself. But that was the noises of pure lust and both siblings cost them while they were still connected by Britta’s back door.

After an indefinite period, Heiko stopped fucking and carefully dropped on his sister. His penis was still stuck between Brittas and both breathed heavily and seemed completely exhausted to be exhausted.

Slowly but surely Heiko became aware of the scope of the last few minutes. He had scored with Britta and suddenly had become serious for fun. He would never have thought that something like that would take place between his sister and him. And even when it started to go beyond the usual sibling, he would never have expected that Britta would have it all done it with him.

Licking, blowing, fucking including ass fuck was not what you expected from your sister. But they had done it. And it was good. Heiko knew that they had to talk to each other right away, but first of all, the rest of the excitement had to be taken out of their bodies.

Afterwards you could plan your common future, including the topic of sex.

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