The K-Motel [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She was not surprised that Steve’s penis still stiffly distinguished despite the fainting. At first she thought of using the medicine that she had received from the receptionis-in to wake him up again, but then she decided to take a look at the closet again, whether she would not find any other things,that she could use.

She found a long board with two holes in it. There were 5 small cords over every hole. On the sides of the board she found small metal locks.

Searching to look around, she saw similar closures to the bed post. Now she knew how to use this board ..
After she made sure that Steve was still unconscious, she tied his Feet Lot and put them through the holes of the board, which she had previously attached accordingly. While she fixed every single toe on the board with such a small line, Steve woke up. Immediately he started giggling again and reared up a little because the vibrator was still active in his navel.

However, the vibrator fell out by being reared down, rolled down and was still vibrant on its left side of the waist.

He still noticed what Laura was doing with his feet. “Laura!!! Hihihiii… laura, well come!!!… N-not meiheiheine Fuhüssseheü ..

not my feet!!! If you hit me, please listen to Damihihitü “She took the small vibrator away and said with enthusiastically shining eyes:” Steve, my darling … you know that I love you and I see that you somehow like this situation here …Your erection shows me your real opinion about the whole here. It makes me see to see him ..

I want nothing more to ride you and ..!”” Oh yes! COME ON!!! DO IT!!! … and stop tickling!!! Revenge me from the pulsating Pains down there!!! come on!!! Laurie … my favorite Lau-Rie … please … help me!!!!”” Steve ..

You interrupted me … I wanted to say: I want nothing more to ride you while I tickle you to the edge of the madness!”” Neeeiiiin!!!! B-Biiittenteee Niiicht!!!! Laurie!!!! T-TU not me that!!!! If you really love me, show it to me and listen to all of this … I will love you so well, satisfy you, fuck you how you have never experienced it before … or I do something else that you want..

But please stop with all of this!!! I really can’t stand anymore!!!!“” “I really believe that you will fuck me, as you have never done before, but I want to achieve my way … You want to prove that I love you? … well, I’ll show you how much I love you. I will write it 100 times on each of your soles ..

With this beautiful felt pen.

He also writes nice and thin … after that I will also wash it off so that you don’t have to run around with such dirty soles. I will then wash it off with the electrical toothbrushes, the same water splashes of water.““ Naaaaaaaiiiiiiin! Please Neeiiiin!!!! L-Lauriiii not!!! Biiittteeeeeoph.. Mmmm mmmpf …

Mmmmpfü!““ Sorry … I just had to give you this gag, you just beg too much for me. You should accept that today is my day and we do today what * I want *, okay?““ MMMMPF, MMMMPF!“He replied desperately shaking his head while Laurie took a chair, sat down in front of his helplessly her feet and started the words“ I love you!“To write 100 times on each of his soles.

His screams were kept deep in his throat through the gag and his laughter sounded steamed and quiet. Where she found particularly sensitive areas, she wrote it more often than in other places.

If he hadn’t been tied, he would have jumped to the blanket whenever she wrote the words there. When she started washing and rubbing off his feet with the electric toothbrush afterwards, he thought that he would explode, but could not let it out anywhere. In the meantime he passed out twice.

His soles were still not clean when she noticed a strange button on a bed post. She had always been very curious and couldn’t resist press it.

A long box, as long as the bed itself, moved down from above. The bottom of this box opened by itself and a rod, on which centimeters were attached to centimeters of all peacock feathers, came out and started to swing the feathers from right to left. The first of the feathers stroked his armpits, the next over his chest area and so on to the last spring that stroked over his shin legs.

In enthusiastic her eyes flashed when she watched what was happening there. The tips of all springs hardly touched his skin, but she knew he would feel it ..

When she pressed the button again, the springs stopped and were pulled back into the long box with the pole. She would use her as soon as he woke up. Best while she continued to clean his soles. Again, she literally burned to see his reaction.

This time the waiting time lasted too long, so she decided to use the medicine she had previously received.
The bottle opened she went to Steve’s head and held it under his nose. Soon he groaned what showed her that he was slowly coming back. Since she wanted to see how he reacted when he saw this strange box coming down with his feathers, she took away his blindfold.

With his eyes he borrowed her for grace, but adamant as she was, she went back to his feet. A tremor went through his whole body.

He never thought that his wife could be so cruel. Why could she not understand that he was too sensitive to such a torture? He didn’t know … then he saw her pressing a button.
Shortly afterwards he heard a strange sound and saw a long strange box that was as long as the bed itself, drove down … a flap opened and with horror he saw a long bar with a lot of peacock feathers, which from the heighthis shoulders ranged to his shin legs.

His body tensioned himself and a subdued outcry was heard when the absolute sled tips touched his skin along his body incredibly easily. Suddenly the rod started to move right to the left and made the feathers vibrate, while they still hardly touched his skin.

If he hadn’t been gagged, he would have screamed as loud as he could only have skillfully. The feathers to feel almost everywhere was really too much. His throat was already hurt by the useless shrill screams, which could not through the gag and which, just like his laughter, got stuck in the throat.
He reared up and reared up as far as his Tie up allowed.

Losing his energy, his whole body began to tremble and his upper body twitched every time the feathers touched, in the other direction in the hope of escaping them, but he could not escape, so he had to continue to be unbearable about him.Leave spring tips.

When Laura also dealt with the cleaning soles with the electric toothbrushes, it was too much. He even managed to stay loudly into the gag. His now watery eyes bend to stop, but she didn’t seem to have a look for it. He quickly felt the dizziness caused by the lack of oxygen, but he was unable to breathe properly or do anything for it.

The world around him seemed to be turning again, in his agony he didn’t even notice that just before he passed out again, his bladder emptied.

After his hypersensitive soles were cleaned, she stopped her feathers and let her drive back into the box. When she had woken up again, she said: “Well, I think your bad little friend should be punished. He actually dared to pee into bed … I already have a nice idea how I could punish him ..!“Steve’s eyes widened with fear.

No … Oh no, not his cock … he fidgeted nervously in his bonds … it was useless.

Laura took the narrow vibrator with the fringes, fixed it with the adhesive tape so that the fringes lay across his glans. Then she switched on the vibrator.
Usually that would not have felt badly … but strapped absolutely helplessly … In this situation, teased to the go-no more, so that his nerve endings were still overwritten, it felt terrible and unbearable.

His body stiffened and he reared up again, but he couldn’t get rid of the feeling and the vibration went on and on and on ..

In the meantime, Laura had already put on the gloves with the Q-Tips. His eyes widened when he saw her coming and also made tickling movements with her hands. He couldn’t believe what he saw and hectically shook his head in despair, but Laura was still merciless and put on the absolute tips of the Q tips on his chest and started very slightly different patterns with all 10 Finger to trace everywhere on his twitching and trembling upper body. She once again delighted her twitching skin and muscle strands.

For a short time she continued before she stopped to connect his eyes again.

She exchanged a glove against another glove prepared with toothpicks and went back to him. A sudden scratch with one of the toothpick tips on his side elicited a new outcry into his gag. Both hands on both hands and licking his navel, she sent him to the next hysteria until she noticed that he was back shortly before the next fainting. She immediately stopped her activity and removed all objects that she had previously used.

Only the wig and the gloves with the metal bolts for his ribs still kept them with itself. She also whispered the gag nend: “Now I have something very special ..!“” L-Laurie… B-Bitten… L-Laurie…!“He japied.

“Please stop … D-you kill me … If my whole body would not tingle so terribly, I would say. You have already killed me!”

Laura briefly pinched him into his side that he twitched together and shouted briefly.

Smiling, she said to him: “No, Steve, it seems as if you are still alive, so prepare for the next round!““ No, Laurie, please!!!“Unaffected, she put on the wig again, gave him a kiss on his mouth, and moved further down to overuse it everywhere from his chest to his stomach with kissing. Again she caressed his belly button for a while, while he also felt almost around the mind by the wig hairs.

In his laughter, however, he made it desperate to beg again: “N-naahahainü! Nihi-hihihihiich sch-schon! Ihihihihihich hahahahalt the not lowhähähähähähähähhahahahahahahaus!!!!!“After that, however, it was impossible for him to form further words and his laughter took him back for himself. Again, he rearranged what Laura, who was now more than hot on him, prompted himself to slide a little deeper to his excited penis, which caused him even more to rear up when he was terribly itchy and tickling wig hair in thisArea felt.

She noticed his cock for a short time that he would explode very soon.

She put on her bolt gloves and sat on his penis, so she let him slide into her vagina that was already overwhelmed with longing. This feeling was just wonderful! But, of course, it wasn’t enough … Movement was missing … was clear ..

So she said: “Well, Steve … movement is necessary!“And began to push her fingers back into his hypersensitive ribs while she presented her upper body a little, so that the tips of the stake of the wig touched its hypersensitive skin, so that his abdominal muscles twitched and his laughter climbed back to the helpless hysteria.

He brought himself closer to Laura with all efforts to open up and closer to shortly before the orgasm, But he didn’t get rid of the tickling, because he could do what he wanted, it went on and on and on. When Laura said that the time had come, she dug her fingers again into his hypersensitive ribs, so that the bolts on the gloves there began to vibrate deeply there. He cried up and reared up all the more wilder, but Laura did not give up until both of them in her orgasms, who were further shaken, exploded.
Then she put the gloves and the wig to the side and gave it the rest by ticking it all out with her fingertips and nails until he almost passed out again.

However, she stopped before he totally lost consciousness.

Then she jumped from his bed, covered him with the duvet, freed him from his bonds and said: “Rest a little, I think we should go out to dinner tonight ..!”Beginning
The K-Motel [2]
Author: Sabine 0 Steve Rächt Certainly could not forget it … Especially not forgiving, although it had been 18 years since his wife Laura had tasted him so terribly on her wedding day together. In the following years, however, he first delighted her anxious expectations when it was to determine what would be done on the wedding days. She was sure that at some point he would take revenge ..

But no … he wanted to wait … wait for a time when she didn’t seem to be prepared that he would take revenge. The past few years had been pretty harmless to their wedding anniversary.

They visited Disneyland, Zoos, a magic show with Siegfried and Roy and such things. Now she seemed to be sure … This time he would get her up … today! ..

He smiled in thought.

“Steve! Do you dream?“Laura shouted from above into the inside of the boat, where he was sitting at a table, smiled and stared into the air with dreamy. “What’s going on, darling?” asked he. She came down to him and said: “I am telling you how much I love this boat and that I find your idea of renting it and diving a little, just find it awesome.“Oh yes, it is actually a great boat. Soon she will feel it ..

especially in the evening or maybe earlier?“He thought with a broad inner grin. You had planned to stay outside all weekend. She noticed anything at all and continued to talk: “The weather is so great to dive and then to rest in the sun. Come on…

Let us prepare to pay the fishing a visit to your home, yes?“Again he smiled:“ Yes, I come!“And got up.

Now his time had come. This trip was really a good idea. What Laura didn’t know had prepared her diving suit with a special itching powder, which only worked after about 10 minutes or longer after the skin came into contact with the skin.

Sadistically rubbing his hands, he too opened to prepare himself for appearance.
Happy they jumped into the water and dived down. The sunny day allowed a clear view under water. For a while they admired the great, apparently peaceful underwater world and took some photos here and there. Steve watched his wife out of his corners of the eyes full of expectation.

When would she notice the itch powder? Inside he had to giggle happily.

Laura dipped a little deeper to admire a naval estate that had sat down on a small rock. Her eyes shone enthusiastically and she waved Steve, he should quickly come to her, to admire and take a few photos with her camera.
Suddenly he saw her eyes widened. Uncomfortable she walled in her diving suit, scratched herself here and there, only slower, then a little more hasty. That was his sign.

He quickly swam over to her, grabbed her waist with both hands and started tickling her additionally through the diving suit.

Surprised Laura squeaked into her mouthpiece. She had to be careful not to lose it if she didn’t want to drown. So bite it very tightly, of fear of losing it … but how long could she endure that?The itch powder and the additional tickling felt like hell.

She had never told him that she was also incredibly ticklers at certain points and Steve had never tested it big before … Especially not that long -lasting. Usually she only had to endure a few short quick petting units with a few fingertips that made it easy for her to hide her fawn … but this time ..

She was just not prepared for it ..

Steve had to be crazy to tickle her in this situation. She tried to get around wildly to escape his tickling fingers, but he was too strong for her and held his tingling and boring fingers in her most sensitive areas. She squeaked, giggled, fidgeted, struggled and tried to tease him back or to interrupt his oxygen intake, which would certainly have prevented him from teasing her further, but she had no chance.

When he reached into her ribs on the left and went into the armpit with his right hand, she pushed out a louder outcry and actually lost her mouthpiece. Steve did not notice at first that his wife was in danger because he tickled her from behind and continued for a short time.

She swallowed too much water that she passed out and slackened in front of him.
He quickly looked at what was going on and noticed that she had lost her mouthpiece. Panically, he quickly put it back into her mouth, grabbed her and began to show up with her again to the boat.

However, he had to be careful not to show up too quickly, although he was in a hurry to save his wife’s life, but he could kill her and himself if he appeared too quickly with her, as that is a pulmonary embolismwould lead. So he still heard the diving instructor’s warning words that a diver should never appear faster than his own air bubbles, otherwise there would be too much nitrogen in the lungs, which would be life -threatening.

In panic it was hardly possible to show up as it was necessary for both of them, but somehow he did it.

He hurried to get her back on board, felt after her pulse and started with mouth-to-mouth ventilation. Fortunately, he had always watched very well in the first aid courses and now knew exactly what he was doing. Very soon she coughed and spat out the swallowed water reflexively. Overjoyed to have saved you, hug you.

Laura was still too weak from tickling and what had happened and asked to take a shower to get rid of the annoying itching and to recover from the shock. He honestly apologized for what he had done to her and swore high and holy, never to tickle her again. This experience was a great lesson for him, as much as he was looking forward to ..

During the shower, Laura considered how she could pay him this meanness. She planned to wait until he fell asleep later, then she would captivate him back to the bed.

This time she was not interested in the fact that he was actually tuned to determine what should happen on her wedding anniversary … this time really not … she smiled back in devilish. She still knew where his hypersensitive places were ..

Each of these places ..
Laura could not know his further plans and that he had already prepared for both drinks … Of course he had added a sleeping pantry to her drink ..
He patiently waited for his hands rubbing and in common grinning that she was finished with the shower ..

A few minutes later she came out. They sat together, drank the prepared drinks and talked until Laura suddenly fell asleep. Steve had to hurry again.

He hadn’t used very much sleeping pills because he wanted her to wake up very soon.
He removed her bathing towel and put her bare, unconscious body on his stomach, stretched out a little and tied her to the bed so. Her hands were fixed to the head end well above her head and her feet were tied together with a rope on the joints and thus to the foot end tied up, that their vulnerable tender soles of the feet towered over the board at the foot end. Completely helpless and motionless they were now fixed there and seemed to beg for begging to be tickled.

Very soon he would lie in front of the bed and to her helpless Toes suck and lick, While he would spoil her entire soles of the feet with his fingernails … he dreamed and sighed pretty impatiently that she would awaken again.
He looked over her bare body, saw her beautiful, long light brown hair and got a new idea.

He in a hurry he jumped on the bed, made her a ponytail and attached a cord to it, which he snake over a rod above the head end and attracted her, then loosened again and pulled them again, so that her hairpoints only easilyGenick and the shoulder blades touched, which caused him to be a big grin.

He then played around a little until he heard the first moaning sounds of her. He continued grinning, she turned a little and got goose bumps everywhere. When she noticed her hopeless situation and felt the unbearable tickling, she bites her lips to suppress her giggle, threatened to break out of her.
“S-Steeevü! You do W-what there???? … H-Horn Aaha-Hauf Damihihittü “finally broke out here to panicked to have to admit their own sensitivity.
“Don’t you notice it, my darling?“He asked her and let his fingertips on the left hand spider -like and very lightly tingling along and down along and down, which she drained and her giggles let out of her while trying to rear up, which was hardly possible due to the bondage.

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