The camping excursion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After a long summer day in the fresh air, the cozy campfire was really good. Not that the hike and the geocache Alex would not have been fun, but apparently it was simply not used to so much movement. Due to the radiant heat, tiredness has now spread in their limbs. Her friend Taylor sat next to her and kept her with his poor enclosure. He had short brown curls and a particularly mischievous smile.

As it was for a camping trip, he had left a three -day beard. Due to the warm weather, he had moved out his T-shirt for a large part of the hike and Alexandra was difficult to suppress her desire for his muscular body. The two have been a happy couple for a good four months now and were still in the period in which they could hardly leave their hands apart on the other side of the crackling wooden section Saorg, a work colleague from Taylor, with his wife Jennifer.

The couple was about ten years older than the rest of the camper, but had kept the pace up while hiking. They too sat in tender hug and kept long branches with stick bread in the flames. The last in the group was David, another colleague and good friend of Taylor. He was the youngest in the group and had started the trip without accompaniment. He too was built very sporty and occasionally had a pointed -beefic smile in his youthful face.

So they sat exhausted around the campfire and reviewed the events of the day. They had been able to solve some geocaches on their hiking route and now evaluated who the crucial information and ideas were contributed to solving the puzzles. A discussion had flared up with a particularly tricky task, who could claim the laurels of the solution. “Don’t let us argue about it!“Jennifer tried to appease.

In doing so, she had turned over and stuffed something out of her backpack. “What do you think of it when we smoke a peace pipe?“, She threw the question into the round and held a transparent plastic bag in the light of the fire. In it there were several output joints to be seen. A bit surprised, Alex looked at the bag and waited for the reaction of those present. Apparently everyone was very relaxed in terms of grass, because the proposal quickly found approval of smoking.

With a satisfied smile, Jennifer fished a joint out of the plastic bag and turned several times on the bike of her lighter to try out if there was still enough gas. Finally she had infected the bag and took a deep train. With a grimace, she tried to keep the steam in her lungs for as long as possible and passed the joint in the circle. When the joint had done the second round, there was hardly anything left and he was thrown into the fire.

Satisfied, Alex put her mates into her members and had the effect of the grass washed. For some time she listened to the entertainment. Finally, the radiating warmth, the fresh air and the effect of the drug did the rest and she noticed how it became increasingly tired. After nodding on the shoulder of Taylor briefly, she finally decided that it was time to crawl into her sleeping bag in the tent.

Fortunately, they had the last rays of the sun beforehand exploited and the two tents set up. Since David was traveling alone, the group had decided that he should stay in the tent of Taylor and Alex. Alex stood up and gave her boyfriend a fat smack on her mouth. “I’m going to bed. I hope you are not angry with me if I am already floppy!“, She said goodbye to the others.

Once at the tent, she opened the rice closure of the entrance and looked around again to the rest of the campers. Due to the grass, an infectious giggle spread around the campfire. With a grin she shook her head and crawled into the tent. After spreading her is mat, she slipped out of her clothes and only kept a close top and her string. After all, the air was not overly cold yet.

Then she spread her thin sleeping bag and slipped into it. As she had made it comfortable in her camp, she listened to the conversations in front of the tent again. After a few minutes her eyes became more and more difficult and she slid into the well -deserved, deep sleep. – – – – -she didn’t know how long she had slept when she let a noise startle. She tore her eyes open and around her it was stick darkness.

She was still foggy by the grass and had difficulties to orientate herself in her area. After a few moments she was aware that she was in the tent. It had become quiet outside. Only the chirp of the barbecues could still be heard and seemed to fulfill the night air. Apparently she had just slept on when Taylor and David came into the tent. When Alex listened more closely, she could hear a quiet snoring next to her.

Almost imperceptibly her right neighbor with a quiet, saw -like noise always sewed in the air. It was so typical for Taylor, Alex thought. In particular the noise he made when he blows the air against his closed lips again. But after a few months as a couple, she had got used to his quirks. In order to continue to orientate herself, she carefully felt her surrounding area and found that she seemed to be exactly between the two men.

Because on her left side she could feel David’s sleeping bag. After exploring her surroundings, she lay back on her night camp. When she stared into the darkness, she quickly realized what effect the grass still seemed to have to be exercised on her. With the perceived intensification of sensory perceptions, she had the impression that the grilling was organizing a regular concert. This statement made them grin slightly.

Slowly now also made a pleasant and her only known pull in her abdomen. With slight confusion she found that the joint consumed joint also seemed to have an aphrotizing effect on her. She had experienced this effect a few times and had always had incredibly hot sex afterwards. But here she was lying in the tent and could not easily fall over her boyfriend because a strange man was still next to her.

Undecided she bit on her lower lip and considered how she could do her desire. Because one thing was now certain for her: she quickly needed a satisfaction of her lust now!As possible, she let her hand slide down on her stomach and took her panties. Here she thought she felt how her shame exuded a real heat. Perhaps these were just an impressed of their nozzle condition? Slowly she pushed a finger under the fabric of her string and almost joined back when she realized how sensitive her shame reacted to the touch.

In doing so, she had frightened the air. Now she listened to make sure that her fellow lifers hadn’t noticed anything. Regular breaths on their left and the quiet snor to their right tested that their little adventure had remained undetected. To lie so excited between two unsuspecting men and to remedy the situation with her hand, she now made it all the more sharply. So she pushed the whole hand under the elastic band of her string and stroked the already swollen labia.

Since she regularly undergone an intimate shaving, there were no disturbing hair in the way. At her fingertips she found that she had already become incredibly moist. She rubbed her fingers slippery to measure the degree of her excitement. Slowly massaged her clit and enjoyed the lustful pull that she spread through her treatment in her abdomen. Her chest rose faster and faster and she struggled to suppress her moan.

However, she was still somewhat disturbing. With her hand, she had to fight against the elastic resistance of the federal government of her panties. In order to achieve better access, she decided to get rid of her underwear. Slowly and avoiding every sound she raised her pelvis and pulled out her panties. In the meantime she had become a little braver and quickly got rid of her top. Completely naked, she was now in her sleeping bag and began to caress her soft breasts with one hand.

Their steep residents revealed Nipple The more increasing pleasure. The pats on the goosebumps that are now spreading felt like small electric shocks. With the Finger The other hand fell her desire and continued to stroke her sensitive labia. In doing so, she distributed her love juices on her vagina with circular movements. When she gently spread her labia, she noticed how much her clitoris was already swollen. As in a trance, she finally sank two fingers in her wet gap and rubbed her palm over her lust pearl.

She pushed her fingers into her vagina ever more violently and slowly came towards her climax. In the meantime, she could not prevent her under her touch a quiet whimpering. – – – -sophisticated the monotonous snoring was suddenly interrupted by a semi -grabbing and half -coughing breathing noise. With a smack, her right neighbor turned and tried to fall asleep again. Alex had briefly interrupted her touches and was now undecided.

She had now got going so that her lustful mind had a funny idea mature in her. In short, she decided to include Taylor in her game. The thought of how he should be atomized in the presence of a non -crazy work colleague and the danger is possible caught to become almost immeasurable to become. So she started exploring her surroundings with her right hand. While she was slowly moving forward, she continued her pats on her vagina with her other hand.

Suddenly her fingertips bumped into the edge of the taylor sleeping bag. To her satisfaction, she noticed that he seemed to slumber with an open sleeping bag. She took advantage of this opportunity and pushed her hand under the warm fabric. First of all, she wanted to deal with fully awakened in order to avoid a terrible movement when waking it up. When she noticed his boxer shorts on her hand, she continued to work towards his best piece.

Finally she had arrived at his soft member and found how it clearly revealed by the fabric of his underpants. She gently stroked her fingertips on the outer edges of his shaft. Due to the thin fabric, she noticed how its masculinity gained in size under her care noticeably. She was a little curious when Taylor should wake up under her treatment. Maybe he didn’t do that either and just sprayed in his sleep.

Later he could even think he had a damp dream. She let this idea grin into herself. His limb had grown to the full glory. Taylor was actually quite well stocked. Limited to her sense of touch, but she had the impression that his erection today a small German larger than usual. Usually she made it to his tail Without troubling with the thumb and the index finger.

Now she had her problems with that. But that was certainly due to the changed sensory perception of the grass and the sparkling eroticism of the situation. To continue her explorations, she lifted the waistband of his underpants and pulled the boxer shorts down. So she had free access to his best piece. With her fingers she drove gently over his solid member. In the dark, the skin felt very soft here.

Slowly she worked up to the area where the small ribbon led to the glans. Here she knew that was one of the most sensitive places in the man. With the thumb she massaged this region with gentle pressure and was looking forward to the moment when he would finally introduce his big cock into her. Enjoying her anticipation, she finally enclosed his erection and slowly let her hand slide up and down.

Again she noticed that his limb seemed to be plump and wider somehow. However, she quickly let the thoughts go away because her own body asked more and more to satisfy the lust. In the meantime there were quiet snoring noises from him again. “The guy will not have fallen asleep under my caresses?«She wondered. How to take revenge for such ungrateful recognition of the donation made, she decided to tighten the treatment a bit.

Somehow she had to get him gently when she still wanted to enjoy his hard link. And at the moment she seemed to be able to really use it, because with her left hand she massaged her shame and kept moving towards her climax. So she straightened up quietly and continued to slip in his direction until her face came very close to his tail. With her tongue she first wet his glans with a little saliva.

Then she lifted his stand and slowly picked him up in her mouth. She gently played around his glans with her tongue and then let his erection slide out of her mouth again. With slow wanking movements, her hand drove up and down on his limb. There was still a quiet snoring from its direction. So she increased the frequency of her movements, enclosed his cock again with her lips and licked it more and more greedy.

Finally the snoring went into a quiet moan. One hand lay on her head and she understood that he had to be in a twilight state shortly before the right awakening. Almost imperceptible twitching of his limb claimed that he would come soon. So used Alex The favorable opportunity, Turned her back in his direction and conducted the tail of her sleepy friend to her expectantly wet column with a gentle reprint.

When she noticed his acorn on her labia, she would escape almost a small cry. She put her hand on his butt and emphasized him with emphasis what he had to do now. Slowly he fulfilled her wish and pressed his hips forward. His glans pushed her warm lips apart and he penetrated her without any effort with his entire length. His hands were not idle and gently enclosed her breasts from behind.

He pushed his plump cock into her and faster and faster. Their violent movements caused a barely audible, clapping noise. Alex was through the pleasant feeling of how his cock seemed to fill her completely, so that she no longer disturbed this sound. She almost shouted out: “Finally fuck me! I need your big beating!”, Because she knew how much Taylor on such” Dirty Talk “stood.

Hopefully David would not wake up, she thought. – – – – -but that was too late now. A quiet rustling testified that her left neighbor had turned. There were also no more regular breaths to be heard. With her hand on the thighs of Taylor, she interrupted him briefly to interrupt the sex adventure. This understood her immediately. To her satisfaction, however, he first kept his member in her warm cave.

Again she listened to whether David would fall asleep again. But suddenly a whisper came to her ear from the direction of the recently awakened left neighbors: “Alex I am pointed and wants to eat you! Do you think we can do it without waking up the David?”. And it was clearly the voice of her friend Taylor! Startled, she found the whole truth of the situation. When she was on the left of her Taylor, the logical consequence was that the astonishingly large cock had to belong to David.

For a brief moment, the time was quiet. She could still clearly feel the David stand. “How was this error?”She wondered now. She hadn’t noticed exactly that his member was a little bigger and wider than that of Talyor? And why did she now reveal the plump cock that was not her boyfriend that was not so reluctant to. “Just share him that he should disappear from you!«Screamed a voice in her.

But she was so horny at the moment that she just couldn’t let go. She literally enjoyed having sexual intercourse in front of her friend’s nose, even though she actually loved it idol. Made it a bitch?Alex tried to panicked what she should tell her boyfriend and how she could behave now. It was probably the aftermath of the smoked joint, but probably also her incredible excitement, which now gave her a spontaneous inspiration.

“Why shouldn’t she have both? To satisfy Taylor, there was surely a way found, «she thought and began to look for his member with her hand. “Then be very quiet, put you back and enjoy! We don’t want your colleague wake up. Just let me know when you’re ready!“She said, and at the same time to understand the colleague with his other hand, he should continue where he had stopped.

He immediately understood what was required by him and began to move back into it. Sufficiently, she again enjoyed the feeling of how he pushed into her and slowly withdrew back. In the meantime, she had freed the taylor limb out of the sleeping bag and enclosed with her hand. Since it was just before her face, she slowly opened her lips and caressed his glans. With her tongue she slowly spread her saliva on its tip with circular movements.

In the meantime, she had to try to hide the jerky movements through David’s increasingly harder bumps from Taylor. Practice she drove her tongue over the underside of Taylor’s stand and was able to hear a quiet groan from his side. If she made trouble, she would manage to let him come at about the same time as her. But David didn’t seem to be needed for long either, because with his pelvis rammed more and more vigorously against her back and penetrated her more deeper into her.

Knowing how it was stretched by David’s great stand and took care of Taylor’s erection at the same time, she had it fully spent at any moment. In the meantime, she had completely surrounded his hard shaft with her lips and sucked it tenderly on it. Since she knew it enjoyed Taylor when she also had a little bit of her excitement when blisters, she was finally able to let her own moan escaped. Slowly her excitement rose to be unbearable and she noticed that she was shortly before her climax.

To get Taylor further to the edge of his lust, she enclosed his plump erection with her hand and nibbled tenderly on his testicles. “I’ll be right there! Be careful not that we leave treacherous spots here. “, She warned Taylor quietly. After a few firm wanking movements the time had come and she noticed how his nuts started to contract rhythmically. Just in time, she put her mouth over his pulsating member to compensate for the first gush of his warm load.

Almost at the same time, David also began to pump his seed into her. Apparently a lot of sexual energy had thawed in it, since she could hardly find an end to his ejaculation. The feeling, as more and more sperm Spraying against her vaginal wall was too much for her and she noticed her own climax. With violent twitching she succumbed to her incredibly intensive orgasm and had difficulty having nothing to drop from Taylor’s salty effusion.

In a short hand, she swallowed his juice and could then comfortably let the waves of her ecstasy go away. With a little melancholy, after a short moment, she noticed how David pulled his slightly sleepy limb out of her dripping wet column. A quiet snoring, this time from her left side, testified that Taylor had quickly fallen into a satisfied sleep. Due to the sheer quantity of David’s cum that gradually ran out of her, she quickly had to get a handkerchief out of her luggage.

So that no treacherous spots could be created, she was preparing to disappear in a bush in front of the tent and dispose of the sperm there.

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