Domi – The condom | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

What does a condom think of Anal intercourse?

I have investigated this highly important question and have gained amazing knowledge about the short life of the pre -Servative that I present here and now!

Domi – the condom

From the short life of a contraceptive

Short story


Hi everyone, I’m Conni Dom – but my friends can call me Domi. Although, I haven’t had a lot of friends yet. Sure, in this house, which your humans refer to as a pharmacy, I was lying with many other peers – closely on a shelf together. But you can’t really make friendships like that either.

Every night I dreamed of being bought at some point and finally experiencing something.

Although I was hardly in the factory at the time, as soon as I saw the neon light of this world, all hope for a long and beautiful life, as you know and have known as humans. Because my existence as an extrastarkes, perplenous, emotional, emotional brand condom is actually only geared towards the moment when I dragged out of my clothing cover, over a stiffness penis Rolled, either pressed into a cunt or a tight buttock. Basically, I don’t care about it because it is dark, damp and hot in both body openings. In any case, this was told us before we packed individually, but sorted in groups, our first big trip started.


I am exactly four months old for the day today and have had my own one -room apartment in a young man’s wallet, with blond hair and steel -blue eyes for two weeks, which has recently become eighteen years old.

Life with him is not so bad, every evening he takes me out briefly and tells me what we will do when he has finally convinced his buddy Rudi to take around with him. So I already know that I should be used in the back entrance of another young man. So other rubbers were much less luck.


Outside, it poured out of buckets and as always we had completed before the company started bets who would be sold next and would escape the boring life on the sales shelf. Strangely enough, no one had set the door to the sales room on Berry, who had been living here for almost seven months and had become mayor of our small shelf., which was strongly reminiscent of methusalem.

If it were possible and we as condoms had some, shower of the horror would have run over our backs. However, as always, we were side by side on our shelf and could only pray and hope not to get into the hands of this man of all places.

“The guy was there three months ago, at that time he took my buddy Nani (a condom with a banana taste) with him. I never heard from him again.“Nani and Berry had just made friends and dreamed of joint use as a ‘fruit cocktail’. Although it is complete nonsense as a condom condemned to death in a single fight of such an illusion.

In any case, Berry’s voice was anxious with this memory and he would have loved to crawl into the back corner, but tried that without arms and Legs – it’s not working. As hard as it may sound, nobody can escape their destiny. As condoms, we are the lone fighter of the contraceptive industry. Born to die in the heroic, lustful commitment.

Despite everything that the horrific wires out of the Berry, when the pharmacist had pulled him out of the shelf and left the white -haired methusalem for 2.99 euros, I would go through marks if possible.

I would have preferred to jump out of the shelf and had thrown myself in between, Berry’s fate had taken me so much with me. But because of course I couldn’t rush to help him without arms and legs, I had lost my only and best friend in this way.


Well – my path is certainly prescribed and sooner or later I will go the last way of all used pre -Servatives, but until then it will make Basti, my owner is called in whose wallet apartment I have moved into my apartment, comparatively really easy. I mean which Frommi can already say of being prepared as sensitive and with a lot of patience for his melee use as I do by his future carrier as sensitively and with a lot of patience.

For a few days, Sebastian now shows and explains to me again and again the way of working his limb again and again.

In the meantime I even know what happens when the young man rubs up and down for a long time. Wow, I’ll tell you – when I the first time I was afraid of drowning this viscous, milk -like liquid from the rosy tip. But then I remembered that it will be part of my job, i.e. the collection of this body fluid and was immediately calmed down again.


Well friends, what can I say – today the time has come. After two weeks in your own two walls, the end of a wonderful friendship will be heralded in a few hours. Because I hardly believe that, as usual, I can return to my apartment after my job is done.

From where I know this? Quite simply when Basti and I were back at home after school again, he did not pick me up from my apartment as usual to present the functionality of his best piece, but he placed me together with a tube lubricant on his night handling.

So I really don’t know who of us is now nervous, Sebastian or I.

I am something like that of the wind that I even doubt whether I will fit over his Puller. On my super -concrete protective suit, it is even clearly printed as a size of XL and if I remember this correctly, my owner even had to do it again with a ruler and compared the value with a table. So why do I worry like that, we are well prepared.

If I think about it, I had a nice life in the four months since my production. Well, apart from the matter with Berry. Whether he had to suffer for a very long time after he was sold?


Oh man, time doesn’t want to go around today. Otherwise Sebastian had long played around twice, stroked me tenderly afterwards and backed back to my apartment, where I was allowed to chill out in peace.

Today he runs around like counterfeit money, has already dressed and dressed three times and constantly looks at this stupidly ticking thing that he has hanging on the wall. Too stupid that there is no one that I could now ask if that’s always the case. Because unfortunately the life’s work of us condoms is a kind of Ascension Command that is no longer available as soon as you are on willingness. If you think carefully about it, that’s totally unfair.

After all, we protect our carriers from dangerous diseases. Others are awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for special services. And what do we get to thank? We are knotted and thrown away!

Finally – something seems to be done. Basti has just left the room.

Funny – this lubricant tube doesn’t look a bit nervous, which seems to have a little more experience with our owner, as routinely as it is. So next time I will be born as a lubricant tube.

Well, at least today I will have more fun in life than ever before.


Oh man. Now Sebastian and Rudi have been sitting next to each other on the sofa for an hour and nobody dares to start.

If this continues, my expiry date is exceeded before they even got down. So I know exactly what I would do now if I had hands. Finally – as if the two could read my thoughts. Yes, it starts, Basti massages Rudi in the crotch – but why does he turn his eyes now and make so strange noises?

“Um Tubi, you know what’s going on there?“Oh, that’s right, she can’t understand me at all, it has no ears and besides, I only speak latex.

Ah, they take each other. Guys are not relapsing now. Comes over to Heia, Tubi and I are already waiting for you there.


Well what is it going on now, Rudi wants to bite down the basti Dingsda? Couldn’t have eaten beforehand? Ah – now Sebastian does that with Rudi’s Duller, well they really go away. That also makes me very tingling.

Ui – ui – ui, now it is probably time, my big hour has beaten. Ah – it feels good how the Rudi opens my coat and helps me out. But why does he put me in my mouth. “Hey, leave that – I’m not a gummy bear!”

Boah, Sebastian’s rosy head looks much larger than from the nightside cutting.

Uuuh – I feel how I slowly rolling out and the hard trunk is nice. Oh man is’ cool. I always imagined it in my dreams. Jaaaa – I completely rolled up and fit like a glove.

Thank you dear God, that I can experience something like that.


Now the matter is getting serious, Basti is in position with me behind Rudi. So if I had my own heart, it would knock me like crazy now. Boah, the half monds are tall and we should fit in in this tiny höchlein exactly in front of my tip of my nose?

“Um Sebastian, you are sure that this is possible?“Hui, slowly it gets dark around me, but it’s nice in here.

I could put up with that for hours. And it feels great. Really great. Hey what we do now, I don’t want to go out “Baaaaaaaassstiiii!”Boah, it’s suddenly again bright again.

Ui, it goes in again. Hi, hi.

Dark, light, dark, light, dark, light and dark again. Oh man I really get sweating, now it will be faster and faster. Dark, light, dark, light, dark and light again.

Dark, wait a minute what’s going on now, I suddenly feel very sticky and full from the inside. Again light and dark.


Well guys, that’s probably it. Sebastian stripped me off, made a knot in me and threw me into the trash.

But it was still a nice time I had with him, even if it was all pretty quickly.

“Thanks for the nice time we were friends, basti.”

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