Strap-on fuck with my colleague | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

*************************************My colleague************And your strap-on ****************************************© Nadine T. ,13. 08. 2017 ******************************** Oh my god !“Shout my thoughts. “Everything really happens ?“I ask Michstill and realize how my nipples immediately stand up and my pussy juice flows out of my pussy. Bianca has opened a drawer of her nightrest and my gaze is not directed to the diet with sweets. But let’s start the story from the front 🙂: “Nadine ? You have to do me a favor !“The voice of my boss sounds urgent and I’m not sure if I really have the choice.

“Which ?“I ask back confidently. “Bianca, below from IT has registered sick. As far as I know, drive home anyway through your village. It would be nice if you would bring her the documents. “I almost laughed out loud,” would be nice “and” dignity “means with my boss as much as” is urgent “and” move your ass “. “Sure boss, no problem. “I try to reply seriously. I have been in the group for so long and in such a high position that I can assess the urgency.

In my head I briefly go through all the information that comes to Bianca. At 830 workers’ little undertaking, only good that only 12 people work in IT, 2 of them women. Bianca has to be around 35 years … slim, inconspicuous nature … brown, long hair … since about. 6-7 years here in Hamburg at the group employed. In the case of computer problems, a competent contact with high solution skills. In the past, quite open -minded, since about. 1 year noticeably reserved. In this context, my absenteeism that somehow are related to a disease of their man.

“House number 5” The words of my boss tear me out of the exploratory. With a stretched arm he holds a DIN A4 envelope against me. When I have the envelope in my hands, my boss is again on the next topic. “At 11:00 a.m. I have Telko with the top of the group, until then, I need the numbers from yesterday and the day before yesterday. In addition, you should make a meeting with the location management below and increase the pressure a little there.

And when someone comes stupid, let his head roll, my backing you have. They should know that the Jedervon can be replaced. “Somehow I love my boss. With each other, there are always, well, almost always, clear words. “Well, then I’ll go to the armchairs. “I laugh and with the outlet I still laugh:“ The numbers are on your desk in an hour. “What follows is a stressful, hard and yet normal working day for me.

Shortly before 4 p.m. I disappear into the toilet again and check my hairstyle and my blouse is still properly sitting. Then comes the “I wish you a nice weekend” tour through the management of the line and on time for Quitting time I stand in front of the group headquarters with the white envelope. I almost even drove through my work colleague’s village, only in the last moment did I remember the envelope. “Yes ?“A female voice from the intercom on the front door sounds.

“Hello Bianca, here is Nadine. The deputy management gave me an envelope for you. “The door number tells me that I should enter. On the second floor, then the one -time door opens. “Yes, she is. “I quietly give myself the confirmation of having recognized it. Bianca has put her brown hair together into a ponytail and barefoot only dressed with a white bathrobe is in the open door gap. Somehow you can see that she is not 100%fit.

Nevertheless, she smiles at me and opens the door. “That is nice of you. Come in calmly and I’m going to make us a beautiful tea first. “Actually, I wanted to continue. “Chamomile or Roibusch ?“Asks Bianca. “Roibusch. “If I answer and next to the courtesy, I imagine it as a reward for a day before. My friend is not there for the weekend anyway, mine Daughter If my cats are waiting for a friend and the only two, my cats are.

Bianca leads me to the small kitchen, right next to the front door and points to the small table with the two chairs. “How long have you been in the company ?“Bianca asks me and picks up 2 cups, tea, hot water and even a bowl of cookies. “In the position now for 2 years, before I was with the parent company for 18 years. “Response ichbrav. Actually, I want to go home now, I don’t feel like it on Smalltalk now.

Bianca now pulls her chair back a bit and also sits down at the table. Your slot from the bathrobe opens and falls off your right leg that you can not see your slim legs, but up to her hip. Any sign of a brief. Slightly irritated I look for the kitchen a little more precisely. Actually, I would have expected her bathrobe again. But either Esbianca didn’t notice it or it is not embarrassing.

She now leans forward and grabs after the envelope. In this way, your excerpt taps a little and in the depths of her bathrobe I see the light -hanging breasts from her. They are somewhat smaller than my udders and don’t hang as strong either. But they somehow remind me of my own, but about 20 years ago. Their nipples can only be recognized in the beginning and nestle on the terry of the fabric.

At first glance, Bianca seems to have just as large warts. “Crap … this dirt pig. “Bianca escapes it when she got several leaves out of the envelope. She starts crying and throws everything on the table. Half she bends and puts her head into her palms that lie on her knees. My gaze lands on the leaves. In front a cover letter with group print, apparently 3 photos, brought to A4 size.

“May I ?“I ask curiously now and put my hand on the leaves. Since I only get a sob in the answer, I interpret it as “yes” and take a closer look. “Termination … non -portable behavior … security concerns …” I boost the cover letter that is personally signed by my boss. Bianca can be seen in the 3 photos at a young age. On the first she sucks a man in the park tail, On the other two she lets herself fuck from the same guy.

“Did you know about it ?“Asks her reproachfully and indicates the envelope. I don’t miss the fact that she suddenly ended up with the “Du” and I notice that a world colliery for her. “No. “I answer and first have to swallow the thick dumpling in the throat so that my voice is back. “That was 10 years ago. I was 24 back then. “Bianca tries to justify himself. “I think I need something stronger. “She sighs and gets a champagne bottle from the closet with the fridge.

Without asking myself, I get a glass on the table right away and the IT expertine tank both glasses properly. Inside, I just curse my boss several times. “Pavian” and “Drecksau” are still the friendliest terms that I think. The least I like the final sentence under his signature: “The service statement and the magnet chip must be handed over to the bearer of this termination without notice.

“Bianca I’m endlessly sorry. “Where did he get them from ?“I ask and when Bianca looks at me, I notice that your bathrobe now is so tiled so far that I can see your blank -shaved venus hill and the breasts almost fall out of the neckline. A nipple even manages to smile at me. At the top between breast attachment and the shoulder I can see small scars on both sides, so if she had two small tattoos on the right and left, which she lasered into a limamered.

An hour later we not only have 2 bottles of sparkling wine, but I also know the whole story of life and suffering from Bianca. You and her husband Andreas have been a couple since the age of 18. It was love at first glance. Six years later, Andreas received a new hip joint due to a car accident. Apparently the doctors had done something wrong, Andreas was impotent after the, then complicated, interventions. When Bianca actually managed to do it, his excitement only lasted about 2 to 3 minutes.

Nevertheless, they both loved each other, still had fun with sex. But her sex was enormous. Andreas stood more and more on oral sex and often Bianca had to suck his limp cock for hours without having had him in her vagina. He was also scary on how she got herself and then he just jerked his limp dick. Later he found it horny to introduce any hard objects and to enjoy her moaning.

Then came the time when he thought he could only hold his girlfriend if he could get her foreign fuck. During this time the photos were also taken. It was only a few years later that she learned Vonandreas, which he found her for his own pleasure and to find possible external cups in Internet has spread. Somehow someone from the group must have found these photos. Then last year the next bad news for the two, Andreas has Krebs.

Before her next sip from the glass, she wipes off a wet tear that is dripped onto her thighs. Bianca’s story is already a hard lot and she has my full sympathy. Nevertheless, I find that everything feels moist between my legs. When she described as lively and in detail as she wanked his flap, slippery tail, my head cinema started. My nipples came out of their caves and are now pressing against the English blue fabric of my blouse.

“Now I also understand your many absent days. “I say compassionate about Bianca. “Yes, as long as I still have it, we try to spend as much time as possible together. At the moment he is inpatient in the hospital and my flu is not advisable to visit. ”Explains Bianca. “And you said he then realized that he is completely enough for you and you don’t need this external fucking to be happy with him ?“I ask again and catch myself that I am petting the fabric of my short, blue business rock as if by chance.

I briefly scare away when I realize that it is not a coincidence, but your own pent -up lust. I have already neglected myself all week and didn’t think about it once because of sheer work. “I think when I’m back home, I first push my vibrator into my hole. “I’m thinking right now. “Yes, he finally understood it some time ago and now there are also a lot of toys. “Bianca answers my question.

“I can also sing a song about that. “I laugh and I am immediately upgraded about me that I reveal something from my private life. “Should I show you something ?“Comes the rhetorical question from Bianca. Without a answer, she pulls on the sleeve of my blouse and leads me to your bedroom. You can already tell the sparkling wine, she fluctuates quite a bit while walking. The bad thing is just me too. It goes unerringly on her nightrest, which stands next to the 1.80m x 2m box spring bed.

When she opens the drawer, something seems to be clamped and she still pulls on it once or twice. The bathrobe slips off one shoulder and I can see your well -shaped smooth -shoulder blade. “Taadaaaa !“Calls up happily, takes a step to the side and shows the open drawer with both hands. My gaze immediately falls on the packaging of a strap -on dildo. Next to it is a pack of packs and even loud small stuff. “It’s as good as a tail.

“Bianca beams at me. When she moves her hands back to the body again, the bathrobe slides down completely from the right side and is only held by the sleeve and your shoulder on the left side. Her breasts look fantastic, only hang lightly despite their size and have steeply protruding large cherries on their farms. Your pelvis is narrow, your stomach is well trained and her column between the legs shiny delicious in sunlight, which falls through the bedroom windows.

My gaze is tied up by this perfect body and a bit of envy comes up in me. “Well, what do you say ?“Bianca snatches me my thoughts. My gaze wanders back onto the open drawer. “I’ve never used something like that, dildo and vibrator yes. “Somehow I stammered irritated. “Do you want to change it ?“Bianca openly displays her thoughts. Silence…. Speechlessness…. Blockade … Current instinct … Then 1000 thoughts at once in my head.

And finally one prevails. “I … I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. “I stutter and am here and rumored, just from the idea of what would be possible. I try to cover my nervousness by stem’s hands in my sides. “Or we take some of it …” explains Bianca almost flalled, but laughing as if Siesonst had no problems and would not have heard my objection. In doing so, she pulls up the box spring bed on the room side.

I suck the air sharply and just notice how I am a very red facial color. “This is how the goods of a sex shop must look like. “I think and I will definitely look up 70 vibrators, dildos and many things that I have never seen before. “Here is great !“Calls up and grabs a transparent dildomite of a diameter of around 6 centimeters. In doing so, she drops on her knees and crouches beaming next to her “treasure chest”.

The bathrobe also slips from your other arm and the piece of clothing gently behind your feet. In the knees she spreads her legs and before I even get a word out, she ripped through her labia quickly with the index finger of her right hand. The wings open and let my view of your pink hole. Biancaist Feucht. She greedily puts her finger in her mouth and sucks him.

With her left hand, she leads the rounded dildo head to her wet can and rubs it up and down. Your chest lifts and lowers through your movements and the tits goes out. My circular plug in my navel is now particularly noticeable to me. The piercing always disappears briefly in the navel due to its breathing and then came back. “It feels so cool. “She moans me. “That … you shouldn’t do … and not me either.

I think I prefer to go. “I stutter. I torn back and forth. On the one hand, my reason says “Go !“And on the other hand, my emerging lust and the light swips from the sparkling wine:“ Come on, have fun. “How banned I watch how she puts the 6cm of the dildo in her cunt. First only a little, then more and more of the length. My own cunt tingles. “Oh god, if I don’t go now, I can guarantee nothing more.

“I pray in silence. I still put my hands into my sides. Bianca groans, forms an “O” with her sweet pout and then bites your lower lip seductively. “No !“I say softly, but definitely. As in slow motion, first my upper body, then the hip and finally my legs, I turn around to leave the bedroom. “Stay !“Bianca groans, still sliding the tail replacement in itself.

On her knees she slips to me inch by centimeter. “Please …” she begs. I did half the turn when she stretches her free hand after me. It ends up in a way that ends up on the inside of my left knee. Without stopping, she wanders tenderly caressed, directly under my skirt. Your hands are warm and tender … promise me the desire for earth. For a moment I only stop my eyes and enjoy touch in my movement.

When I open my eyes again, she kneels in front of me and has the dildo so far in the pussy that he stays inside. “Please …” she repeats and slowly pushes my skirt up with both hands. She presses her upper body close to me and her breasts press on my thighs exactly. In the meantime, she has pushed my skirt up so far that my blue panties appear. The warmth of her breasts and, above all, their suppleness is tempting.

Their hard nipples are like exciting needles, which provide a tingling. I am petrified. Enjoy, although I don’t really want it. Bianca has now pushed my skirt up to my navel. Your mouth comes closer, her lips tenderly touch my stomach. “Please …” she breathes again and while I feel her breath, littered navel with kissing. Short, almost breathed kisses. I literally feel how your little nostrils always snap to air in between.

It is also clear to me that you soak up my wet pussy. “I don’t want to be alone now. “She breathes so quietly, think it is one -time conversation from her. Bianca keeps my skirt up with one hand. The other now feels my blouse that is already raised. It gets closer and closer to my right breast, which lurks in my blue bhdarauf. In anticipation, I notice that my nipples are not only hard, but rock hard.

Slowly Bianca opens the closure on my skirt, on the side of my right hip and while my blue part slips to the ground, Bianca rises and works kissingly higher. My body only seems to consist of a feeling of tingling. When she now pushes my blouse up with both hands and is in front of the supportive container of my quark bags with her kissattackenkurz, she rose so that the large plastic tail glides out of her cunt. With her pussy juice, he claps to the side falling on the ground.

Your tender touching continues. Carefully play around your fingers of my breasts. It is now the time when my petrification dissolves and is driven by lust, I also start to become active. My hands, which have so far hung on my sides, suddenly stroke hair on my head. Bianca her hands wander off my breasts on the side and dive through mine -lady -shaped armpits, which I willingly open a piece, skillfully and open my snap closure of the bra on my back.

Immediately your nimble fingers slide back to my front and faster than I can count up to 3, slide the bracket that my tits holds up at the top. My udders’ adipose tissue immediately gives in gravity and my tits almost clap against my ribs. Researchers, teasing fingers play around the edges of my quark bags. Bianca’s ribs suddenly seem to have skipped 10 cm and suck on my links nipple. Then a nibble, followed by a lick. While Bianca is upset her body more and more, her kisses are now hiking higher.

“Stay on my nipple, leak and suck them on. “Want to scream my thoughts. In the meantime she has arrived so high that my hands can no longer stroke her head and I hike down on the side, stroke yours and then her upper arms. “Ahh …” I don’t like a first enjoyable, albeit quieter, moaner. Her hands interrupt the gimmick on my tits and this time almost hectic she opens the top three buttons of my blouse.

She hastily stripes my blouse over my head and willingly stretches my arms up so that she can do it without any problems. When I let my arms slide down again, my bra automatically drops as if by ghost hand. For the fraction of a second we look at each other with a smile deep into the eyes. It is strange to stand in a foreign apartment, just a slip of slipcas and opposite stands a naked woman who is basically not known exactly.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the lust can influence you so that reason and the feeling of shame simply suppresses. “Kiss Me !“I hear myself breath. With a sly smile, Bianca also overcomes the last centimeters, which are between us. Only now does I notice that we are actually about the same size. “Ok, it is a little narrower than me. “I confess to their advantages. Shortly before I feel her lips on my my lips, she puts her head slightly crooked on her right shoulder and lightly opens her lips.

My hands wander on her shoulders and although I only gently caress them, I am still trying to pull my work colleague even more closely on me. I feel how our hard nipples meet. Your hard nipple slips really drill out and as our udders wrapped up, she pushes her tongue into my mouth. I reply the kiss and seconds later I feel your right hand in the damp place of my brief.

Bianca briefly interrupts our tongue game, gives way a little back with his head and smiled at me mischievously: “Well ? Becomes my former superior, wet between the legs ?”” I bet, it doesn’t look any other way with you. “I give back and try to copy your rescue facial expression. “Show it to me !“Then I ask and let my right hand hike to your pussy. When my fingers reached their arched venus mounds, we kiss again.

Your labia are a little bit larger than mine. They willingly open up and let two fingers easily dive into their wetland. After my fingers have passed their inner labia, I let an upward hiking towards their clit. Your hard gnubbel cannot be missed and when I tenderly contacted him with him, Bianca groan loudly. Immediately she presses her mouth even more on the mine. When my other finger penetrates into the opening of her hole and I feel the first partitions of her cunt, her breath and the tongue activity becomes huge.

“Ohhh … Yeah ….“Bianca groans out loudly. So loud that I am unsettled for a moment because I think she would live in an apartment building. Your moaning heats up the mood between us even further. Also your fingers on my panties become more hectic. While you pull my panties up and down on my column with a finger, she keeps pressing it into my cunt. My dexterity on your clitoris and the sliding in and out in your hole.

Suddenly she grabs my shoulders and scores me back. Gentle, collected from your bed, I end up on this. “Undress him ! Let me see your plum !“Asks her and her eyes only show horniness. Now it’s me that grins with relish. Slowly, very slowly, I open my legs and present Bianca my cunt … but still with the panties dressed. A stain of my pussy juice is clear, which is slowly but surely eating through the fabric.

“Oh, I think I’m actually a little wet. “I skillfully play and Tueso as if I’m really surprised. I let my hands slide from my knees to the wet area of my briefs, touch it and then go into my panties with a finger. I duk my finger deep into my pussy and I’m surprised how wet is down there. In order to put on the crown to the whole, I finger my cunt slowly now and if I random, I also put the edge of my briefs in.

Heated off the sight of my open thighs, Bianca can no longer stand it. She grabs the panties on both sides of the hip and pulls on it so much that my legs can automatically close and it can snatch it from me. As I open my legs again, she lets herself fall on my knees in front of me and more quickly as I can see, she presses her mouth with her warm lips on my juice gap. She licks my cunt so that I think she wants to absorb my moisture.

I feel your tongue everywhere on my pussy. Sometimes she sucks on my labia, then she licks my inner wings and then works up to my clit. “Ohhhh … “I moan and when they edited my little gnubel, I trees a bit with lust, so that my shoulder blades and my butt are alone on bed. I close my eyes and stroke my tits. My nipples are so wonderfully stiff and sensitive. “Yes….

“I moan loudly and knead my quark bags. Again and again come up with my nipples at the top, which I then wicked powerfully. “Ohhh, I come … I come …” I shout loudly, as I realize that theorbasm announces itself. A tingling floods through me and at that moment Bianca, still licking my clitoris, stuck a dildo in my cunt opening. The feeling of how my cunt is suddenly claimed and on the excellent one gives me the hottest climax of the year.

“Yeah … Yeah ….“I circle out and it is afraid of whether any nights could hear me. Arrived in the seventh heaven, I’m now trying to close my legs, so to speak signs that it is enough. My sensitivity is now at the top. My legs encounter resistance in the form of the shoulders of Bianca, which simply continues. She knows how a woman feels and reduces the pace of her treat. Suddenly she pulls the dildo out of my hole and immediately she stuffs my grotto for two fingers.

On the upper inner vaginal wall, she slides back and forth again and again. Biancaer even grows the pace. “Stop ! Please !“I scream and beyzed with lust. She continues unimpressed, grins at me with bright eyes. I try to get my legs together … without chance. “You witch …” I moan and her laughter shows me that she knows what she is doing. “Come on …” she just says. I relax for the fraction of a second and then my juice shoots out of my cunt.

I throw myself wildly to the right and left, try to reduce the feeling of pressure. “No … no …” I moan wildly and have long since given up my lust. The secretion injects Bianca wildly in the face and on her upper body. She continues to finger me and I notice how further liquid my urethra leaves uncontrolled. My piss shoots out in batches, with such a pressure that I am afraid of pissing the whole room. Bianca pulls her fingers out of my cunt and while individual splashes are shooting around, she claps with her palm against the fully sprayed inside of my thighs.

She then crawls backwards so that I could finally close my legs, which I can’t do before twitching. I just remain lying down and hope that I can get back to my body in control of my body right away. The sparkle in Bianca’s eyes is still there. On all fours she crawls to the side with downhill tits and gets something. Then she reappears between my legs. “If you fuck me, I want to feel your juice deep inside me.

“She explains to me. “What ?“I ask in concrete use. “N/a ! Now I want to get my money’s worth. “Laughs Bianca. It now holds a transparent strap -on dildo in her hand, to which a kind of belt is attached. It looks roughly as on the packaging in her nightrest, only bigger. I just tap on 22cm times 5cm. Bianca now lets the rubber hinge clap my opened pussy hole 3-4 times.

The dildo feels hard, but it doesn’t hurt with its material. Then she pushes him up and down vertically on my pussy. Every time the shaped illustration of a male glans looks over my venus hill, I have the feeling that it has become slippery. While I am still recovering, Bianca repeats her game again and again. Just upset me, when she pushes my cock into my cunt for the whole length. “No ! Not … “I am still calling and catching myself that I will moan more than call it.

A “eye” follows when I notice that the rubber hinge bumps into my cervix. “It’s too long !“Now I complete the sentence significantly now. “Well then, on … on .. !“Bianca beams at me and throws my belt together with the tail on my stomach. She crawls past me on all fours and stops when you get your knees at the level of my head as a siemit. “You don’t need sliding cream ?“I ask myself.

“Sharing, take a look at how wet I got through you. “My colleague laughs. To prove her words, she grabs her legs with one hand and skilfully folds her labia apart. “Wau !“I am amazed and to be honest, I miss the words. Long and large labia that have a slightly brownish discoloration now stick to your skin next to your cunt and give a view of your grotto. Your cunt hole looks huge.

The moist, pink shiny fuck meat shrugs with excitement. I do not know if it is my inner excitement or my inexperience, but I feel forever until I am over the belt. I have set it very closely and feel on my Venushügel, which for a weight it has the part. From my perspective, the dry rubber hinge looks huge. I have to admit that his sight arouses me as much as the wet cunt, which is just waiting to be fucked by me.

While I push myself closer to Bianca, I handle the cock with my right hand and make a few wanking movements for fun. “It has to feel like this when a guy gets you down. “I find out in my thoughts. Then the fat, shaped acorn already touches the gaping, eagerly waiting hole by Bianca. My colleague pulls her labia apart even further and gently, completely carefully, I push the cock into her pussy. “Ohhh … Yeah … “She groans and a deep sigh follows.

“Push him in completely !“Bianca begs. Due to the light back pressure that my venus hill has to do so that I can push the rubber part deeper into her cunt, I notice how he scrubbing the superficial dort, where my clit is sitting. I gently push, always a little bit deeper. I adapt the pace so that I also indirectly have some of it. I notice again how my cunt juice runs and the leather cover is smooth. I place my hands on Bianca’s hips.

“Do it, fuck me harder. “Bianca demands loudly. It excites me immensely how she is groaning with every shock. Each of my bumps becomes more violent and my fingers have long since clawed into their ass cheek. Whenever I have rammed the thing into her cunt so deeply, that I have the feeling that I can no longer put it in, I try to pull her ass cheeks a bit. My work colleague always bends half when the rubber hing has played its maximum length.

My pulse has increased and I follow my inner coercion of having to pinch my nipple again and again. Again and again I turn the nipple clockwise by a quarter and from the sweet pain that flows through me, I also have to groan up again and again. Even my second hand now leaves Bianca’s ass cheeks, slides over her back, where the first sweat beads collect and then slides on the side of her right titty depth until I not only feel the whole hanging weight of your udder, but also feel your tough, wide -out nuber.

I use my index finger and ring finger to squeeze your nipple. Then your nipple stimulating with my middle finger. The thumb and the little finger try to massage the tits. Again and again Bianca is throwing his head on the neck wildly groaning. “Yeah … Ohh … Yeah, that’s good … Keep it up. “She affirms me. Her left shoulder now lets her fall on the bed and continues to try to keep her right of law so high that her titting me, massaged, continues to be free in the air.

I continue to punch violently. With her left hand, my colleague now glides to Hirkitzler and rubs this additionally. Every time I sank the rubber hing in her cunt, she tries to stroke something from me even if it is only seconds. Mostly caught You my inner legs, but sometimes it finds the little leather hole, which allows access to a small part of my pussy and my hole. If they touch my labia, I seem to explode.

The feeling is simply indescribably beautiful. It is as if a tingling is explosively distributed in my whole body from the touched area. I enjoy it and now also feel how the hard leather of the belt is slightly on my hip and rubbing on the thigh thigh. Although it hurts slightly, it is a sweet pain. “Yeah … Ohhh … Yeah … I’ll be right there…. Come right … Make the same way !“Beautier Bianca violent. Your breath now has the speed of a Porsche on the highway and her whimper and moaning is now like a Heulboje on a stormy seas.

Exactly the moment I realize that you are yours orgasm has, I penetrate her again very deeply and feel her finger on my pussies again. I freeze, wait for you to penetrate deeper into my hole. In fact, I don’t have to wait long. Seconds later I notice how your delicate finger -sized through my juice between the labia bores inside. It only comes in about 2 cm, but it is enough that the idea of “what could be” is enough to let me come.

While I am overwhelmed by my orgasm, I tie my nipples like a stupid. In addition, I try to meet your finger, which does not work, because it is already in your cunt until the stop is already in your cunt. I hastily loosen the belt on both sides and then just slide out of it forward. I just let my upper body fold backwards. My plan goes up. The 10-20 centimeters won are enough that I can feel their fingers in my pussy.

She gently lets her finger explore the grote in my pussy. The sight of her ass, where the tail is still in her pussy and the belt loosely in the air is just horny. Only now does I notice that the rubber part is almost completely covered with white pussy juice. It takes about a minute for my orgasm to dash off and we lie still except for your finger movement. Then, when I get air again, I pull the strap -on dildo out of the cunt and take it to my mouth.

I want to taste your juice and slowly I lick the rubber part from behind afterwards. When I arrived at the pseudoichel, I put it in my mouth and suck on it as if it were my friend’s tail. Your juice tastes delicious, slightly sweet, a lane urine is included. He feels warm and slippery on my tongue. My gaze is directed at your still open cunting hole. Here, too, the white threads of their cunt juice can be clearly recognized by their labia.

On the hill, where your large exposed clit snaps to room air, two long crystal -clear threads are pussy juice that rish off her venus hill towards bed sheet. “Don’t move …” I try to say with my cock in my mouth and with a speed that I would never have dared to do, I turn 180 degrees, so that my head and especially my mouth is under her cunt. I eagerly wait for her pussy juice with a wide open mouth and I grin like a honey cake horse when I am on my lips and then on my tongue puree.

“Mhhhh …” slips out enthusiastically. Bianca laughs and only now do I see how she watches me with shining eyes. “Tastes good ! Or ?“Asks her confidently. “You horny bitch …” I grin her and hit her playfully with one hand on her inner leg. Bianca laughs again. “Well then, lick !“Ask her and now straighten up candlesticks. With her pussy hole she comes closer and closer to my mouth until her labia inevitably touch meibles.

Like small bells, their pussies swing to the right and left when I edit them with my tongue. Then Bianca is already sitting on my face with her horny, lush cunt. I suck on her labia, feel the moisture of your pussy juice and then slide deep into your hole with a derzene. “Yeah, suction and leak everything clean !“Bianca moans. An answer is not possible because your cunt not only covers my mouth, but also my nose now.

I tediously grab air and yet I bury myself with kissing and licking your inner one ever deeper. “Ohh … “I groan dull and dull when I realize that my colleague must have been bent to finger my cunt. Bianca always clits 4 to 5 times and then lets her finger slide out of my hole on my clitoris. Then she circles my pearl tenderly and then pushes hard again and feast my pussies.

“Oh, that’s horny !!!“I think and grunt wild. I notice how I unconsciously increased my licking pace. I try to get everything in my mouth that I catch with lips and tongue. I swallow your cunt juice and start again. It is a wild game and the juice of my work colleague, I even have everywhere in my nostrils. Suddenly Bianca gets down from me, lies next to me and catches me to kiss my part in.

Again and again she licks me on my face, so if she wants to have her own juice back. Then kiss again … Our nipples are at a height and the hard nipples touch. My hands slide down to her cunt and look for your clit. I see from the eye wrap briefly how she lifts her hand briefly and presses a small switch on a blue thing that is on her middle finger like a ring. Then I feel the thing on my clit.

At that moment I can’t even think about whether it is now called a hand vibrator, ring vibrator or whatever. “Ohhh … Ohhhh … “I moan as obsessed again and again. Instinctively I now put her 2 of my fingers in her cunt and push her hard. When I feel hardly any resistance, I also push my ring finger in and even my little one later. “Should I… ?“I wonder and before I thought it out, I also put my thumb in with it.

While I fist them, I quickly get through the vibrations on my clit. “Stop !“I scream at my climax and press my legs together. I know if she continues now, I piss her. “Stop !“I’ll moan again, pull my hand out of her cunt and turn half aside. Bianca laughs. “I need a break. “I sigh. “Well, a short break. “Bianca grins me lovingly at me.

She lies next to me and strokes me on the stomach, on the arms and on my breasts. It’s a nice feeling and actually I could stay that way forever. “And ? How is it at your home ? Do you have a boyfriend ?“Bianca suddenly asks. “I would tell you with a tea or coffee. “I grin and turn my head. “Well then go !“Laughs my colleague and while she rises, she tickles me with both hands on my sides.

It looks as familiar as if we were sisters and as if we have known each other for years. After we made a coffee in the kitchen naked, we go into the living room and sit on the sofa. We clap like two old friends who have not seen each other for a week. I notice that Bianca is trying to avoid the topic of work and so I don’t mention anything about it either. So we stay on the subject of the last end that connects us: Sex after around 20 minutes I am again a runner in my stories.

I don’t miss Bianca’s look, who keeps falling on my slightly opened legs. I follow her look and find that I have already become so moist that my labia shines from wet. “You’re all wet again. “Says Bianca in a whispering voice when she sees how I look at myself. “I think I too. “Complements and opens her legs. In fact, your cunt offers the same sight as mine.

We laugh heartily. Then Bianca begins to stroke himself. First over her breasts and then your walls slide deeper until she has reached her cunt. In unimportant she jerks her plum and after a few seconds I find that I also make my legs apart. My gaze is on her body and she looks at mine all the time. I also start spoiling my pussy with circular hand movements.

What follows is an orgasm that each of us gets concerns, in front of the other’s eyes. Bianca is the first and a short time later I also come. “And now we’re trying out other toys. “She says a short time later. “Oh my god, my colleague seems to be a nymphomaniac. “I think and but follow me willingly back into the bedroom. We still test some sex toys and about two hours later when I fuck Biancagerade in the missionary position with a strap -on dildo, my cell phone rings.

A look at the display that lies on the floor shows me my daughter’s picture. “Shit, Emma. Oh crap, I totally forgot them. “I curse myself loudly. Bianca grabs down and reaches my cell phone up. “Hi darling. “I get in touch and try to get my pulse down. “Mom, where are you going ? You wanted to bring me to Jana !“I get to hear allegedly. “Can’t you drive yourself ?“I try it and know inside that we had already discussed that yesterday.

When I realize that I keep sliding back and the rubber hing almost glides out of Bianca’s cunt, I push my lower body back to it again. “Of course I can drive myself, but as I said we wanted to drink something and if you forgot you, the zero profile applies to me. So I would have to go to Janaschlaf, which you didn’t want yesterday, because tomorrow we are invited to aunt Jule’s birthday for breakfast.

“Rums Emma Lot. “Ok darling. You sleep with Jana and I’ll get you there tomorrow morning and take care of the car then in the evening. “Somehow I don’t feel like discussing and certainly not with your eighteen-year-old daughter, who can sometimes be a bitch as yours Mother. I easily let the rubber hing slide back and forth. Bianca moans softly. “Emma ?“I ask in the cell phone. “Hung up.

“I find out. Now that I have the cell phone in my hand, I feel the urge that I would like to take a photo. “Do you have anything against it when I take a little souvenir photo ?“I ask carefully, since Bianca’s past know. At first it seems that my colleague thinks about how to pack the “no”, but she then extends her hand towards me. “Give here, I’m doing one. You look pretty chic with the belt.

“She grins Mikhan. “Put it a little deeper into my column, then we both fit on the photo. “Subsequently. Click after the photo, let’s take up speed again and it will take some time before we are ready. “I think I don’t even make it to the toilet anymore. “Says Bianca and I still find it recognizable that she tries to set up. She even manages to put herself down and then to dachshund.

“My legs … I can’t get my legs together anymore. I think you wound me. “She says and shakes her head. “I can’t either. “It comes over my lips. When Bianca is out of the bedroom, I realize that I now have a japp on sweet under the bag on the bag in her night closet. When I lift it up, I discover a homemade DVD under which there is only one word: Fucking groves think great, I grab it and put it in my handbag.

The temptation was just too big. I pack the bag with sweets again in place. When Bianca comes back from the bathroom, I have already dressed completely. Somehow I’m curious about what is on the DVD. “Oh you have to ?“My colleague is visibly disappointed. “Yes, Emma has reported again. She doesn’t drive and I have to bring her down. “I lie. But when I see how much Bianca is disappointed, I ask: “Let’s see each other again ?“Your face shines again immediately.

“Gladly. Next weekend ?“Joy and hope swings in her voice. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it. “I hurt back. After a farewell kiss on the door, I start driving home. I only think of the whole route over the DVD and the anticipation and my imagination of worrying door, which I will be very wet again between my legs. “Your tits are already permanently. “I joke in a soliloquy. Almost relieved, I find out at home that Emma is traveling with her car.

Hasty I slip out of my shoes, pull myself out naked as my PC starts and sit down with my bare butt in the leather armchair in front of the computer. The tingling between my legs is getting stronger and then I start the DVD. What I get to see are around 3 hours from her sex life and she was already a nice thing at the time and to my astonishment is entirely without taboos. I reach two highlights with myself on this evening and the idea of what will come next, I only make me hornier.

This day has enriched my life, at least for today that I had to write down these history. The experience was just too intense. © Nadine T. ,10. 12. In 2017 if my story liked, please be so fair and pressed on the “Like” button. If you then leave a comment there, you will get the password for my photo from me, where in the story “click”. From certain likes there are also for those who have participated, passwords, for up to 3 clips out of the video of my work colleague.

If you like my writing style, my experienced and my imagination, on my profile there are more stories from me. Do you always want to read my latest stories right away, without a delay or division ?Then off to my second profile, there are exclusive stories from me, for the most part with pictures. You can find out how you get to my second profile and what awaits you there in my blog at:.

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